Esempio n. 1
 public function obMultipleAction()
     $identity = (array) Zend_Auth::getInstance()->getIdentity();
     $params = $this->getRequest()->getParams();
     $this->view->assign('type', $params['type']);
     $center = $this->getCenters()->getById($identity['center_id']);
     $center = !is_null($center) ? $center->toArray() : array();
     $company = $this->getCompanies()->getById($identity['company_id']);
     $company = !is_null($company) ? $company->toArray() : array();
     $toEmailCenter = $center['email'];
     $toEmailCompany = $company['email'];
     // Submited request
     if (isset($params['process_ob'])) {
         $uid = mt_rand(100000, 999999);
         $date_created = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
         $date_delivery = isset($params['date_delivery']) ? $params['date_delivery'] : date('d/m/Y');
         $date_delivery = convertUKtoUSdate($date_delivery);
         $company_id = $identity['company_id'];
         $center_id = $identity['center_id'];
         $customer_id = $identity['customer_id'];
         $amount = null;
         $uk_amount = $params['total'];
         $created_user_id = $identity['id'];
         $payment_type = $params['payment_type'];
         $traveller_name = $params['traveller_name'];
         $comment = $params['comment'];
         $type = $params['type'];
         $is_multiple = 1;
         $status = $company['with_check'] ? Table_Abstract::STATUS_PENDING : Table_Abstract::STATUS_UNPROCESSED;
         $ob = $this->getOrders()->createRow();
         $ob_id = $ob->setUid($uid)->setDateCreated($date_created)->setDateDelivery($date_delivery)->setCompanyId($company_id)->setCenterId($center_id)->setCustomerId($customer_id)->setAmount($amount)->setUkAmount($uk_amount)->setCreatedUserId($created_user_id)->setPaymentType($payment_type)->setTravellerName($traveller_name)->setComment($comment)->setType($type)->setIsMultiple($is_multiple)->setStatus($status)->save();
         // add to ob multiple
         foreach ($params['rate_id'] as $k => $rate_id) {
             $rate = $params['rate'][$k];
             $amount = $params['amount'][$k];
             $uk_amount = $params['uk_amount'][$k];
             $ob_multiple = $this->getObMultiple()->createRow();
          * Get order by uid
          * @var mixed
         $ob = $this->getOrders()->getByUid($uid);
         $join_in = array(array('customers', 'customer_id'), array('companies', 'company_id'), array('centers', 'center_id'), array('rates', 'rate_id'), array('users', 'created_user_id'), array('users', 'response_user_id'));
         $ob = $this->_buildJoinTbl(array($ob), $join_in);
         $ob = $ob[0];
         $ob['company'] = $company;
         // Ob multiple
         $ob_multiple = array();
         $_ob_multiple = $this->getObMultiple()->geByOrderId($ob['id'])->toArray();
         foreach ($_ob_multiple as $obm) {
             $ob_multiple[$obm['id']] = $obm;
             $ob_multiple[$obm['id']]['rate_detail'] = $this->getRates()->getById($obm['rate_id'])->toArray();
         $ob['multiple'] = $ob_multiple;
          * Send mail to processing center with order
          * @var NL_HtmlMailer
         $is_error = false;
         $email = new NL_HtmlMailer();
         $email->sendOb($ob, $toEmailCenter);
         /** @var Send mail to approvers $approversTable */
         $approversTable = new Table_Approvers();
         $approvers = $approversTable->getByCompanyId($company['id']);
         foreach ($approvers->toArray() as $approver) {
             if (!is_null($approver['email']) && !empty($approver['email'])) {
                 $email->sendOb($ob, $approver['email']);
         /** send to company if with approve */
         if ($company['with_check']) {
             $email->sendOb($ob, $toEmailCompany);
         // MESSAGE
         if (!$is_error) {
             // Success promotional message
             include APPLICATION_PATH . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'controllers' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'AjaxObController.php';
             $out = AjaxObController::renderSuccessMessage($type, $uid, $payment_type, $is_multiple = true);
         } else {
             // error message
             $out = NL_Render::renderErrorMessage();
         echo $out;
         $this->view->assign('show_view', false);
     } else {
         $this->view->assign('show_view', true);
Esempio n. 2
  * Render CRUD Table
  * @param mixed $table
  * @param mixed $s_text
  * @param mixed $icon_class
  * @param mixed $del_in_value
  * @param mixed $array_in
  * @param mixed $array_nv
 public static function renderCrudTable($thisss, $table = '', $s_text = '', $icon_class = '', $del_in_value = '', $array_in = array(), $array_nv = array(), $other_status = false, $extra_text = '', $show_add = true, $show_edit = true, $show_delete = true, $inFront = false, $extra_html = '', $extra_columns = array(), $withApproveReject = false)
     include APPLICATION_PATH . '/views/helpers/ShowStatusChange.php';
     $sscHelper = new Zend_View_Helper_ShowStatusChange();
     $_table = $s_text == 'order' || $s_text == 'buyback' ? $table . '?type=' . $s_text : $table;
     $_title = $s_text == 'order' || $s_text == 'buyback' ? $s_text : $table;
     $out = '<header>';
     if ($show_add) {
         $out .= '<a href="#" class="btn btn-primary pull-right ajax-add-item" data-table="' . $_table . '" data-title="' . $_title . '">
                                                                 <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-plus"></span> Add ' . ucfirst($s_text) . '</a>';
     $out .= '<h2><span class="' . $icon_class . '"></span> ' . (!empty($extra_text) ? $extra_text : ucfirst($table)) . '</h2>';
     $out .= !empty($extra_html) ? $extra_html : '';
     $out .= '<hr />
     if (!empty($array_in)) {
         if ($withApproveReject) {
             $out .= '<form enctype="multipart/form-data" method="post" action="' . $thisss->baseUrl('approve-reject-ob') . '" class="pullLeft" id="arObForm">
                             <div class="pull-left">
                                  <button type="submit" name="' . $s_text . '_approved" class="btn btn-primary mr10">
                                                 <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-ok"></span> Approve selected</button>
                                  <button type="submit" name="' . $s_text . '_rejected" class="btn btn-primary mr10 reject-selected">
                                                             <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-remove"></span> Reject selected</button>
                                  <a href="#" class="btn btn-primary mr10 check-all">Check all</a>
                                  <a href="#" class="btn btn-primary mr10 uncheck-all">Uncheck all</a>
                             <div class="clearfix">&nbsp;</div>
         $out .= '
                 <table class="table table-striped">
         if ($inFront) {
             if (!empty($extra_columns)) {
                 foreach ($extra_columns as $column) {
                     $out .= '<th>' . $column['column_name'] . '</th>';
             if ($withApproveReject) {
                 $out .= '<th style="text-align: center;">Check</th>';
                 $out .= '<th style="text-align: center;">Approve</th>';
                 $out .= '<th style="text-align: center;">Reject</th>';
             if ($show_delete) {
                 $out .= '<th style="text-align: center;">Delete</th>';
             if ($show_edit) {
                 $out .= '<th style="text-align: center;">Edit</th>';
             if (!$other_status) {
                 $out .= '<th style="text-align: center;">Status</th>';
         foreach ($array_nv as $i) {
             $text = $i[0];
             $name = $i[1];
             $type = $i[2];
             $out .= '<th>' . $text . '</th>';
         if (!$inFront) {
             if (!empty($extra_columns)) {
                 foreach ($extra_columns as $column) {
                     $out .= '<th>' . $column['column_name'] . '</th>';
             if ($withApproveReject) {
                 $out .= '<th style="text-align: center;">Check</th>';
                 $out .= '<th style="text-align: center;">Approve</th>';
                 $out .= '<th style="text-align: center;">Reject</th>';
             if (!$other_status) {
                 $out .= '<th style="text-align: center;">Status</th>';
             if ($show_edit) {
                 $out .= '<th style="text-align: center;">Edit</th>';
             if ($show_delete) {
                 $out .= '<th style="text-align: center;">Delete</th>';
         $out .= '</thead>
         foreach ($array_in as $a) {
             $out .= '<tr>';
             if ($inFront) {
                 if (!empty($extra_columns)) {
                     foreach ($extra_columns as $column) {
                         $out .= '<td style="text-align: center;">' . $column['column_content'] . '</td>';
                 if ($withApproveReject) {
                     $out .= '<td style="text-align: center;">
                                             <input type="checkbox" name="uid[' . $a['uid'] . ']" class="uid-checkbox" />
                                           <td style="text-align: center;">
                                             <a href="' . $thisss->baseUrl('approve-reject-ob?type=' . $s_text . '&uid=' . $a['uid'] . '&status=approved&single_uid=true') . '">
                                                 <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-ok">&nbsp;</span>
                     $out .= '<td style="text-align: center;">
                                             <a href="' . $thisss->baseUrl('approve-reject-ob?type=' . $s_text . '&uid=' . $a['uid'] . '&status=rejected&single_uid=true') . '">
                                                 <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-remove">&nbsp;</span>
                 if ($show_delete) {
                     $out .= '<td style="text-align: center;">' . $sscHelper->showStatusChange($thisss, $a['id'], $table, 'deleted', $a[$del_in_value]) . '</td>';
                 if ($show_edit) {
                     $out .= '<td style="text-align: center;"><a data-table="' . $_table . '" data-title="' . $_title . '" data-id="' . $a['id'] . '" class="ajax ajax-edit-item"><img src="img/edit.png" class="img-30" /></a></td>';
                 if (!$other_status) {
                     $out .= '<td style="text-align: center;">' . $sscHelper->showStatusChange($thisss, $a['id'], $table, $a['status']) . '</td>';
             foreach ($array_nv as $i) {
                 $text = $i[0];
                 $name = $i[1];
                 $type = $i[2];
                 switch ($type) {
                     case 'text':
                         $out .= '<td' . (!empty($a[$name]) && !is_null($a[$name]) ? '>' . $a[$name] : ' style="text-align: center;">-') . '</td>';
                     case 'round':
                         $out .= '<td' . (!empty($a[$name]) && !is_null($a[$name]) ? '>' . round2Nr($a[$name]) : ' style="text-align: center;">-') . '</td>';
                     case 'check':
                         $out .= '<td>' . ($a[$name] == 1 ? '<b>Yes</b>' : 'No') . '</td>';
                     case 'date':
                         $out .= '<td' . (!empty($a[$name]) && !is_null($a[$name]) ? '>' . convertUStoUKdate($a[$name]) : ' style="text-align: center;">-') . '</td>';
                     case 'image':
                         $out .= '<td>' . NL_Render::renderImageInTbl($a[$name]) . '</td>';
                     case 'bg_color':
                         $out .= '<td style="background-color: ' . $a[$name] . '"></td>';
                     case 'array':
                         $out .= '<td' . (!empty($a[$name][$i[3]]) && !is_null($a[$name][$i[3]]) ? '>' . $a[$name][$i[3]] : ' style="text-align: center;">-') . '</td>';
                     case 'link':
                         $out .= '<td' . (!empty($a[$name]) && !is_null($a[$name]) ? '>' . '<a href="' . $i[3] . $a[$name] . '" target="_blank">
                                                 <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-print"></span> ' . $a[$name] . '</a>' : ' style="text-align: center;">-') . '</td>';
             if (!$inFront) {
                 if (!empty($extra_columns)) {
                     foreach ($extra_columns as $column) {
                         $out .= '<td style="text-align: center;">' . $column['column_content'] . '</td>';
                 if (!$other_status) {
                     $out .= '<td style="text-align: center;">' . $sscHelper->showStatusChange($thisss, $a['id'], $table, $a['status']) . '</td>';
                 if ($show_edit) {
                     $out .= '<td style="text-align: center;"><a data-table="' . $_table . '" data-title="' . $_title . '" data-id="' . $a['id'] . '" class="ajax ajax-edit-item"><img src="img/edit.png" class="img-30" /></a></td>';
                 if ($show_delete) {
                     $out .= '<td style="text-align: center;">' . $sscHelper->showStatusChange($thisss, $a['id'], $table, 'deleted', $a[$del_in_value]) . '</td>';
             $out .= '</tr>';
         $out .= '</tbody>
     } else {
         $out .= '<div class="panel">
                         <h4 style="margin-left: 10px;">No ' . (!empty($extra_text) ? strtolower($extra_text) : $table) . ' listed</h5>
     if ($withApproveReject) {
         $out .= "</form>\n                <script>\n                 \$(document).ready(function(){\n                    \$('.check-all').on('click', function(){\n                        \$('.uid-checkbox').prop('checked', true);\n                    });\n\n                    \$('.uncheck-all').on('click', function(){\n                        \$('.uid-checkbox').prop('checked', false);\n                    });\n                 });\n              </script>";
     return $out;
Esempio n. 3
     * Multiple tr
    public function loadObMultipleTrAction()
        include APPLICATION_PATH . '/views/helpers/GetTableSelect.php';
        $tsHelper = new Zend_View_Helper_GetTableSelect();
        $view = new Zend_View();
        // Rates according to payment type
        $params = $this->getRequest()->getParams();
        $rate = array();
        // Cash
        if (isset($params['payment_type']) && $params['payment_type'] == 'cash') {
            $rates = $tsHelper->getTableSelect('rates', 'country', true);
            // TC
        } elseif ($params['payment_type'] == 'tc') {
            $rates_array = $this->getRates()->getTcRates();
            $rates[''] = '-';
            foreach ($rates_array as $r) {
                $rates[$r['id']] = $r['country'];
        $out = '<tr>
                    <td>' . NL_Render::renderSelect('select', 'Foreign Currency', 'rate_id', array(), $rates, $view, 'rate_id', 'required', '', true) . '</td>
                    <td>' . NL_Render::renderInputText('number', 'Rate', 'rate', array(), '', 'readonly', '', false, true) . '</td>
                    <td>' . NL_Render::renderInputText('number', 'Foreign Amount', 'amount', array(), '', 'readonly', '', false, true) . '</td>  
                    <td>' . NL_Render::renderInputText('number', 'UK Equivalent', 'uk_amount', array(), '', 'readonly', '', false, true) . '</td>
                    ' . ($params['with_delete_option'] == 'true' ? '<td><button class="removeCurrency">X</button>' : '') . '
                        // Calculate uk total
                        function calculateUkTotal() {
                          var new_val = 0;
                                new_val = parseFloat(new_val) + parseFloat($(this).val());
                          if (!isNaN(new_val)) {
                          // Remove currency
                          $(".removeCurrency").on("click", function(e){

                              uk_amount =  $(this).parents("tr:first").find(".uk_amount");
                              if (uk_amount.val() != "") {
                                var new_val = parseFloat($("#total").val()) - parseFloat(uk_amount.val());
                              if ($(".ob tr").length == 1) {
                                $("#addCurrency").prop("disabled", false);
                          // Calculate rate
                          $(".rate_id").on("change", function(e){
                              var self = $(this);
                              var rate = self.parents("tr:first").find(".rate");
                              var amount = self.parents("tr:first").find(".amount");
                              var uk_amount = self.parents("tr:first").find(".uk_amount");
                              var payment_type = "";
                              var pt_cash = $("#payment_type-cash").prop("checked");
                              var pt_tc = $("#payment_type-tc").prop("checked");
                              if (pt_cash == true)      payment_type = "cash";
                              else if (pt_tc == true)   payment_type = "tc";
                              if (self.val() != "") {
                                      url: "ajax-ob/calculate-rate-ajax",
                                      method: "GET",
                                      dataType: "html",
                                      data: {
                                        type: "' . $params['type'] . '",
                                        payment_type: payment_type,
                                        rate_id: self.val()
                                      beforeSend: function(){
                                      complete: function(result) {
                                          amount.prop("readonly", false);
                                          uk_amount.prop("readonly", false);
                                          $("#addCurrency").prop("disabled", true); 
                                          if (uk_amount.val() != "") {
                                            var new_val = parseFloat($("#total").val()) - parseFloat(uk_amount.val());
                          // Restore
                          $(".amount, .uk_amount").on("click", function(e) {
                                var self = $(this);
                                var amount = self.parents("tr:first").find(".amount");
                                var uk_amount = self.parents("tr:first").find(".uk_amount");
                                $("#addCurrency").prop("disabled", true); 
                                if (uk_amount.val() != "") {
                                    var new_val = parseFloat($("#total").val()) - parseFloat(uk_amount.val());
                          // Calculate totals
                          var totals_timer = null;
                          $(".amount, .uk_amount").on("keyup", function(e){

                              if(totals_timer) {

                              var self = $(this);
                              $("#addCurrency").prop("disabled", false);

                              var amount = self.parents("tr:first").find(".amount");;
                              var uk_amount = self.parents("tr:first").find(".uk_amount");
                              var rate = self.parents("tr:first").find(".rate");

                              totals_timer = setTimeout(function(){
                                      url: "ajax-ob/calculate-totals",
                                      method: "GET",
                                      dataType: "json",
                                      data: {
                                        type: "' . $params['type'] . '",
                                        amount: amount.val(),
                                        uk_amount: uk_amount.val(),
                                        rate: rate.val(),
                                        active_el: $(document.activeElement).attr("id")
                                      beforeSend: function(){
                                      complete: function(result) {
                                          var r = result.responseJSON;
                              }, 500);
        echo $out;