Esempio n. 1
function display_page_content()
    $post_action = "";
    if (isset($_POST['submit'])) {
        $post_action = $_POST['submit'];

	<div id="mail_blaster">
    if (!$post_action) {
        $_SESSION['blaster'] = array();
        $lists = NLLists::FindAll();
		<div id="edit-header" class="blaster">
    		<div class="nav-left column">
        		<h1>Email Blast Setup: Follow these Steps</h1>
    		<div class="nav-right column">
                <a href="<?php 
        echo get_link("admin/list_lists");
" class="hcd_button">Manage Mailing Lists</a> 
    		<div class="clearleft"></div>
		<script type="text/javascript">
			$().ready(function() {
				$('.selectList').click(function() {
				$('.blast_options').click(function() {
					var value = "";
					$('#select_list .selectList').each(function() {
						if ($(this).attr('checked'))
							value += $(this).val()+",";
        echo BASEHREF;
blaster/session_add/lists/'+value, function() { 
        echo BASEHREF;
blaster/blast_options/', function() {
					return false;
				$('#step-one').click(function() {
		<form id="select_list_form" method="POST">
		    <div id="select_list">
		        <h2><big>Step 1:</big> Choose a list to send an email to</h2>
        foreach ($lists as $list) {
            echo '<p><label for="' . $list->name . '"><input class="selectList" name="list[]" type="checkbox" value="' . $list->name . '" id="' . $list->name . '"/> &nbsp; ' . $list->display_name . '</p>';
                <a href="#" id="step-one" class="blast_options submitbutton" style="display:none;">Send a newsletter to selected list(s)</a>
			<div id="blast_options" style="display: none;"></div>
		<div id="session_add"></div>
    } else {
        if ($post_action == "Submit All Options and Preview") {
            include_once mailPath('snippets/mail_config_parse');
        <div id="edit-header" class="blaster">
    		<h1>Preview Your E-Newsletter Blast</h1>
    		<p><span class="hint">If you use your browser&rsquo;s &ldquo;Back&rdquo; button, you may lose any text or options you have configured here.</span></p>
            // ! Creates previews in Templates
            $templates_generated = array();
            $lists = "";
            foreach ($list_names as $slug) {
                $list = NLLists::FindBySlug($slug);
                $lists .= "<strong>{$list->display_name}</strong>";
                if (!in_array($list->template, $templates_generated)) {
                    echo "<p><strong>Template: {$list->template}</strong> (Please note: Things may look a little funky, as this is meant to be viewed in a mail browser)</p>\n";
                $templates_generated[] = $list->template;
            echo "<p>Your selected lists are: {$lists} </p>\n";
            echo "<p>Your email subject is: ";
            if ($_POST['subject_line']) {
                $subject = $_POST['subject_line'];
            } else {
                $subject = $list->display_name . " News: " . date("F j\\, Y");
            echo "<strong>{$subject}</strong></p>";
            echo "<div class=\"mail_template\">\n";
            include_once mailPath("mail_layouts/" . $list->template . "_preview");
            echo "</div>\n";

			<form id="send_list_form" method="POST">
            hiddenField("description", $_POST['description']);
            hiddenField("subject_line", $subject);
				<div id="edit-footer" class="blaster clearfix">
            		<div class="column half">
            			<p><input type="submit" class="submitbutton" name="submit" value="Send To Your Lists" /></p>
            		<div class="column half last">
            			<p>Be patient... depending on the number of addresses, this may take awhile.</p>
        } else {
            // Send the Mail
            include_once mailPath('snippets/mail_config_parse');
            // ! Creates previews in Templates
            $success = "";
            $failure = "";
            $subject = $_POST['subject_line'];
            foreach ($list_names as $slug) {
                $list = NLLists::FindBySlug($slug);
                // Include Template
                include_once mailPath("mail_layouts/" . $list->template);
                // stupid bug fix
                $mailed_content = str_replace(array("\\\\'", '\\\\"'), array("'", '"'), $mailed_content);
                $blast = MyActiveRecord::Create("MailBlast");
                $blast->email_subject = $subject;
                $blast->date_sent = date("Y-m-d");
                $blast->hash = md5(date('r', time()));
                $blast->content = $mailed_content;
                $blast->list_id = $list->id;
                $failure_num = 0;
                $success_num = 0;
                foreach ($list->findEmails() as $email) {
                    // To send HTML mail, the Content-type header must be set
                    $headers = 'MIME-Version: 1.0' . "\r\n";
                    $headers .= 'Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1' . "\r\n";
                    // Additional headers
                    $headers .= 'From: ' . $list->display_name . ' <' . SENDMAIL_FROM . '>' . "\r\n";
                    // Mail it
                    if (!mail($email->email, $subject, str_replace("{{-email-}}", $email->email, $blast->content), $headers)) {
                        $failure .= $list->display_name . ": " . $email->email . "<br />\n";
                    } else {
                        $success .= $list->display_name . ": " . $email->email . "<br />\n";
            echo '<div id="edit-header" class="blaster"><h1>Success!</h1></div>';
            if ($failure_num != 0) {
                echo "<h2>{$failure_num} Email(s) failed:</h2>\n<p>" . $failure . "</p>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\n";
            echo "<h2>{$success_num} Emails got sent</h2>\n<p>" . $success . "</p>\n";
