Esempio n. 1
  * Print an article as PDF and stream it to the browser
  * @param object $objArticle An article object
 protected function printArticleAsPdf($objArticle)
     $objArticle->headline = $objArticle->title;
     $objArticle->printable = false;
     // Generate article
     $objArticle = new \ModuleArticle($objArticle);
     $strArticle = $this->replaceInsertTags($objArticle->generate());
     $strArticle = html_entity_decode($strArticle, ENT_QUOTES, $GLOBALS['TL_CONFIG']['characterSet']);
     $strArticle = $this->convertRelativeUrls($strArticle, '', true);
     // Remove form elements and JavaScript links
     $arrSearch = array('@<form.*</form>@Us', '@<a [^>]*href="[^"]*javascript:[^>]+>.*</a>@Us');
     $strArticle = preg_replace($arrSearch, '', $strArticle);
     // HOOK: allow individual PDF routines
     if (isset($GLOBALS['TL_HOOKS']['printArticleAsPdf']) && is_array($GLOBALS['TL_HOOKS']['printArticleAsPdf'])) {
         foreach ($GLOBALS['TL_HOOKS']['printArticleAsPdf'] as $callback) {
             $this->{$callback}[0]->{$callback}[1]($strArticle, $objArticle);
     // Handle line breaks in preformatted text
     $strArticle = preg_replace_callback('@(<pre.*</pre>)@Us', 'nl2br_callback', $strArticle);
     // Default PDF export using TCPDF
     $arrSearch = array('@<span style="text-decoration: ?underline;?">(.*)</span>@Us', '@(<img[^>]+>)@', '@(<div[^>]+block[^>]+>)@', '@[\\n\\r\\t]+@', '@<br( /)?><div class="mod_article@', '@href="([^"]+)(pdf=[0-9]*(&|&amp;)?)([^"]*)"@');
     $arrReplace = array('<u>$1</u>', '<br>$1', '<br>$1', ' ', '<div class="mod_article', 'href="$1$4"');
     $strArticle = preg_replace($arrSearch, $arrReplace, $strArticle);
     // TCPDF configuration
     $l['a_meta_dir'] = 'ltr';
     $l['a_meta_charset'] = $GLOBALS['TL_CONFIG']['characterSet'];
     $l['a_meta_language'] = $GLOBALS['TL_LANGUAGE'];
     $l['w_page'] = 'page';
     // Include library
     require_once TL_ROOT . '/system/config/tcpdf.php';
     require_once TL_ROOT . '/system/library/TCPDF/tcpdf.php';
     // Create new PDF document
     // Set document information
     // Prevent font subsetting (huge speed improvement)
     // Remove default header/footer
     // Set margins
     // Set auto page breaks
     $pdf->SetAutoPageBreak(true, PDF_MARGIN_BOTTOM);
     // Set image scale factor
     // Set some language-dependent strings
     // Initialize document and add a page
     // Set font
     // Write the HTML content
     $pdf->writeHTML($strArticle, true, 0, true, 0);
     // Close and output PDF document
     $pdf->Output(standardize(ampersand($objArticle->title, false)) . '.pdf', 'D');
     // Stop script execution
Esempio n. 2
  * Get articles on pages and return as array with page id as key
  * @param array
  * @return array
 public function getArticles($arrPages, $strColumn = '')
     if (!is_array($arrPages)) {
         $arrPages = array($arrPages);
     $objDatabase = \Database::getInstance();
     $time = time();
     $strWhere = "published=1 AND (start='' OR start<" . $time . ") AND (stop='' OR stop>" . $time . ")" . ($strColumn ? " AND inColumn='" . $strColumn . "'" : "");
     $objArticles = $objDatabase->execute("SELECT * FROM tl_article WHERE pid IN(" . implode(',', $arrPages) . ") AND " . $strWhere . " ORDER BY sorting");
     if ($objArticles->numRows < 1) {
         return array();
     $arrReturn = array();
     while ($objArticles->next()) {
         // fix 2: generate the whole article section. The inserttag only generates the content.
         #$strHtml = $this->replaceInsertTags('{{insert_article::'.$objArticles->id.'}}');
         $objRow = $objDatabase->prepare("SELECT * FROM tl_article WHERE id=?")->limit(1)->execute($objArticles->id);
         // handle teasers
         if ($objRow->showTeaser) {
             $objRow->multiMode = 1;
         // mimic module article
         $tmp = new \ModuleArticle($objRow);
         $strHtml = $tmp->generate(false);
         // handle empty articles
         if (!strlen($strHtml)) {
             // generate an empty article
             $objArticleTpl = new \FrontendTemplate('mod_article');
             $objArticleTpl->class = 'mod_article';
             $objArticleTpl->elements = array();
             $strHtml = $objArticleTpl->parse();
         $arrReturn[] = array('id' => $objArticles->id, 'pid' => $objArticles->pid, 'col' => $objArticles->inColumn, 'html' => $strHtml);
     return $arrReturn;
  * Generate an article and return it as string
  * @param mixed   $varId          The article ID or a Model object
  * @param boolean $blnMultiMode   If true, only teasers will be shown
  * @param boolean $blnIsInsertTag If true, there will be no page relation
  * @param string  $strColumn      The name of the column
  * @return string|boolean The article HTML markup or false
 public static function getArticle($varId, $blnMultiMode = false, $blnIsInsertTag = false, $strColumn = 'main')
     /** @var \PageModel $objPage */
     global $objPage;
     if (is_object($varId)) {
         $objRow = $varId;
     } else {
         if (!$varId) {
             return '';
         $objRow = \ArticleModel::findByIdOrAliasAndPid($varId, !$blnIsInsertTag ? $objPage->id : null);
         if ($objRow === null) {
             return false;
     // Check the visibility (see #6311)
     if (!static::isVisibleElement($objRow)) {
         return '';
     // Print the article as PDF
     if (isset($_GET['pdf']) && \Input::get('pdf') == $objRow->id) {
         // Backwards compatibility
         if ($objRow->printable == 1) {
             $objArticle = new \ModuleArticle($objRow);
         } elseif ($objRow->printable != '') {
             $options = deserialize($objRow->printable);
             if (is_array($options) && in_array('pdf', $options)) {
                 $objArticle = new \ModuleArticle($objRow);
     $objRow->headline = $objRow->title;
     $objRow->multiMode = $blnMultiMode;
     // HOOK: add custom logic
     if (isset($GLOBALS['TL_HOOKS']['getArticle']) && is_array($GLOBALS['TL_HOOKS']['getArticle'])) {
         foreach ($GLOBALS['TL_HOOKS']['getArticle'] as $callback) {
     $objArticle = new \ModuleArticle($objRow, $strColumn);
     $strBuffer = $objArticle->generate($blnIsInsertTag);
     // Disable indexing if protected
     if ($objArticle->protected && !preg_match('/^\\s*<!-- indexer::stop/', $strBuffer)) {
         $strBuffer = "\n<!-- indexer::stop -->" . $strBuffer . "<!-- indexer::continue -->\n";
     return $strBuffer;
Esempio n. 4
 protected function getContentFromArticle($id, $type = "")
     $tmpContent = "";
     $thumb = "";
     $sharelink = "";
     $retArr = array();
     $time = time();
     $base = \Environment::get('base');
     $table = "";
     if ($type == 'news') {
         $table = "tl_news";
     } else {
         if ($table == 'event') {
             $table = "tl_calendar_events";
         } else {
             $table = "tl_article";
     $openComment = $type == 'news' ? "open" : "closed";
     $commentCount = 0;
     $result = "";
     $query = "SELECT * FROM `{$table}` WHERE `id` = '" . $id . "' ";
     $articleRes = \Database::getInstance()->query($query)->fetchAssoc();
     if ($type == "news") {
         switch ($articleRes['source']) {
             case 'external':
                 $sharelink = $articleRes['url'];
             case 'article':
                 $sharelink = $base . \Controller::replaceInsertTags("{{article_url::" . $articleRes['articleId'] . "}}");
             case 'internal':
                 $sharelink = $base . \Controller::replaceInsertTags("{{link_url::" . $articleRes['jumpTo'] . "}}");
                 $sharelink = $base . \Controller::replaceInsertTags("{{news_url::" . $articleRes['id'] . "}}");
         $newsModel = \NewsModel::findPublishedByParentAndIdOrAlias($id, array(0 => $articleRes['pid']));
         $result = $this->parseNews($newsModel);
     } else {
         if ($type == "event") {
             $objEvent = \CalendarEventsModel::findPublishedByParentAndIdOrAlias($id, array($this->settings['calendar']));
             $objTemplate = new \FrontendTemplate("event_full");
             $objTemplate->date = $date;
             $objTemplate->start = $intStartTime;
             $objTemplate->end = $intEndTime;
             $objTemplate->class = $objEvent->cssClass != '' ? ' ' . $objEvent->cssClass : '';
             $objTemplate->recurring = $recurring;
             $objTemplate->until = $until;
             $objTemplate->locationLabel = $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MSC']['location'];
             $objTemplate->details = '';
             $objElement = \ContentModel::findPublishedByPidAndTable($objEvent->id, 'tl_calendar_events');
             if ($objElement !== null) {
                 while ($objElement->next()) {
                     $objTemplate->details .= $this->getContentElement($objElement->id);
             $objTemplate->addImage = false;
             if ($objEvent->addImage && $objEvent->singleSRC != '') {
                 $objModel = \FilesModel::findByUuid($objEvent->singleSRC);
                 if (is_file(TL_ROOT . '/' . $objModel->path)) {
                     $arrEvent = $objEvent->row();
                     $arrEvent['singleSRC'] = $objModel->path;
                     $this->addImageToTemplate($objTemplate, $arrEvent);
             $objTemplate->enclosure = array();
             if ($objEvent->addEnclosure) {
                 $this->addEnclosuresToTemplate($objTemplate, $objEvent->row());
             $result = $objTemplate->parse();
         } else {
             $result = \ArticleModel::findByIdOrAliasAndPid($id, $articleRes['pid']);
     $sharelink = $sharelink == "" ? $base . \Controller::replaceInsertTags("{{link_url::" . $articleRes['pid'] . "}}") : $sharelink;
     if ($result != "") {
         if ($type != "news" && $type != "event") {
             $pageTitleRes = \Controller::getPageDetails($articleRes['pid']);
             $objArticle = new \ModuleArticle($result);
             $tmpContent = $objArticle->generate(true);
         } else {
             $tmpContent = $result;
         $tmpContent = \Controller::replaceInsertTags($tmpContent);
         $tmpContent = str_replace('src="files/', 'src="' . $base . 'files/', $tmpContent);
         $tmpContent = str_replace('src="assets/', 'src="' . $base . 'assets/', $tmpContent);
         $tmpContent = str_replace('href="index.php/', 'href="' . $base . 'index.php/', $tmpContent);
         if ($pageTitleRes->thumb) {
             $thumb = $this->getFilePath($pageTitleRes->thumb);
         if ($openComment == "open") {
             $commentCount = \CommentsModel::countPublishedBySourceAndParent("tl_news", $id);
         $retArr['tstamp'] = time();
         $retArr['img']['src'] = "";
         $retArr['img']['thumb'] = $thumb;
         $retArr['pid'] = $id;
         $retArr['title'] = $type != "news" ? $pageTitleRes->title : $articleRes['headline'];
         $retArr['commentStatus'] = $openComment;
         $retArr['commentCount'] = $commentCount;
         $retArr['sharelink'] = $sharelink;
         $tmpContent = str_replace(']]>', ']]&gt;', $tmpContent);
         $tmpContent = str_replace("\r\n", '\\n', $tmpContent);
         $retArr['content'] = preg_replace('/[\\x00-\\x1F\\x80-\\x9F]/u', '', $tmpContent);
     } else {
         $retArr = false;
     return $retArr;