/** * Prints the page */ public static function printPage() { // Get all pages self::$indexPages = self::getPages(); // render page self::renderPage(); }
/** * Initiates index action */ public static function indexAction() { switch (isset($_REQUEST["action"]) ? $_REQUEST["action"] : "") { case "build": // Builds the page require_once "modulaise-build.php"; ModulaiseBuild::build(); break; case "getAntProperties": // Get ant properties require_once "modulaise-get-ant-properties.php"; AntPropertiesWriter::getAntProperties(); break; case "printPane": $debug = false; // If we are going to show export pane if (isset($_REQUEST["buildMode"]) && $_REQUEST["buildMode"] == "SHOW_EXPORT") { self::$buildMode = SHOW_EXPORT; } // create a dummy page self::createPage("nullstring", "nullstring"); $paneName = $_REQUEST["pane"]; if ($debug) { $panes = self::getPaneNames(); foreach ($panes as $key => $value) { echo $key . "=" . $value . "\n"; } $paneHasContent = self::paneHasContent($paneName); echo "pane has content = '" . (true === $paneHasContent) . "'\n"; } // if the requested pane has content print it - otherwise print a no content comment self::printPane($_REQUEST["pane"]); break; default: // Prints the index page require_once "modulaise-index-page.php"; ModulaiseIndexPage::printPage(); break; } }