Esempio n. 1
 public function action_create()
     try {
         if (!Valid::email(core::request('email'))) {
             $this->_error(__('Invalid email'), 501);
         } elseif (!is_numeric(core::request('id_product'))) {
             $this->_error(__('Invalid product'), 501);
         } else {
             $product = new Model_Product(core::request('id_product'));
             if ($product->loaded()) {
                 $user = Model_User::create_email(core::request('email'), core::request('name'));
                 $order = Model_Order::new_order($user, $product);
                 $order->confirm_payment(core::request('paymethod', 'API'), core::request('txn_id'), core::request('pay_date'), core::request('amount'), core::request('currency'), core::request('fee'));
                 //adding the notes
                 $order->notes = core::request('notes');
                 $this->rest_output(array('order' => self::get_order_array($order)));
             } else {
                 $this->_error(__('Something went wrong'), 501);
     } catch (Kohana_HTTP_Exception $khe) {
Esempio n. 2
 public function action_index()
     $email = Core::post('email_subscribe');
     if (Valid::email($email, TRUE)) {
         /* find user and compare emails */
         $obj_user = new Model_User();
         $user = $obj_user->where('email', '=', $email)->limit(1)->find();
         // case when user is not logged in.
         // We create new user if he doesn't exists in DB
         // and send him mail for ad created + new profile created
         if (!$user->loaded()) {
             $user = Model_User::create_email($email);
         /* save this user to data base as subscriber */
         $arr_cat = Core::post('category_subscribe');
         // string in this case is returned as "int,int" so we need to format min/max price
         $price = Core::post('price_subscribe');
         if ($price = Core::post('price_subscribe')) {
             $min_price = substr($price, '0', stripos($price, ','));
             $max_price = substr($price, strrpos($price, ',') + 1);
         } else {
             //in case of mobile version
             // jquery mobile have different slider, so we need to get data differently
             $min_price = Core::post('price_subscribe-1');
             $max_price = Core::post('price_subscribe-2');
         //if categry is not selected, subscribe them for al, set category to 0 thats all...
         if ($arr_cat === NULL) {
             $arr_cat[] = 0;
         // create entry table subscriber for each category selected
         foreach ($arr_cat as $c => $id_value) {
             $obj_subscribe = new Model_Subscribe();
             $obj_subscribe->id_user = $user->id_user;
             $obj_subscribe->id_category = $id_value;
             $obj_subscribe->id_location = Core::post('location_subscribe');
             $obj_subscribe->min_price = $min_price;
             $obj_subscribe->max_price = $max_price;
             try {
             } catch (Exception $e) {
                 throw HTTP_Exception::factory(500, $e->getMessage());
         Alert::set(Alert::SUCCESS, __('Thank you for subscribing'));
     } else {
         Alert::set(Alert::ALERT, __('Invalid Email'));
Esempio n. 3
 public function action_create()
     $validation = Validation::factory($this->request->post())->rule('name', 'not_empty')->rule('email', 'not_empty')->rule('email', 'email');
     if ($validation->check()) {
         $email = $this->_post_params['email'];
         //check we have this email in the DB
         $user = new Model_User();
         $user = $user->where('email', '=', $email)->limit(1)->find();
         if ($user->loaded()) {
             $this->_error(__('User already exists'));
         } else {
             //creating the user
             $user = Model_User::create_email($this->_post_params['email'], $this->_post_params['name'], isset($this->_post_params['password']) ? $this->_post_params['password'] : NULL);
             //add custom fields
             $save_cf = FALSE;
             foreach ($this->_post_params as $custom_field => $value) {
                 if (strpos($custom_field, 'cf_') !== FALSE) {
                     $user->{$custom_field} = $value;
                     $save_cf = TRUE;
             //saves the user only if there was CF
             if ($save_cf === TRUE) {
             //create the API token since he registered int he app
             $res = $user->as_array();
             $res['user_token'] = $user->api_token();
             $this->rest_output(array('user' => $res));
     } else {
         $errors = '';
         $e = $validation->errors('auth');
         foreach ($e as $error) {
             $errors .= $error . ' - ';
Esempio n. 4
  * Simple register for user
 public function action_register()
     $this->template->content = View::factory('pages/auth/register');
     $this->template->content->msg = '';
     //if user loged in redirect home
     if (Auth::instance()->logged_in()) {
     } elseif ($this->request->post()) {
         $validation = Validation::factory($this->request->post())->rule('name', 'not_empty')->rule('email', 'not_empty')->rule('email', 'email')->rule('password1', 'not_empty')->rule('password2', 'not_empty')->rule('password1', 'matches', array(':validation', 'password1', 'password2'));
         if ($validation->check()) {
             //posting data so try to remember password
             if (CSRF::valid('register')) {
                 $email = core::post('email');
                 //check we have this email in the DB
                 $user = new Model_User();
                 $user = $user->where('email', '=', $email)->limit(1)->find();
                 if ($user->loaded()) {
                     Form::set_errors(array(__('User already exists')));
                 } else {
                     //creating the user
                     $user = Model_User::create_email($email, core::post('name'), core::post('password1'));
                     //login the user
                     Auth::instance()->login(core::post('email'), core::post('password1'));
                     Alert::set(Alert::SUCCESS, __('Welcome!'));
                     //login the user
                     $this->redirect(Core::post('auth_redirect', Route::url('oc-panel')));
         } else {
             $errors = $validation->errors('auth');
             foreach ($errors as $error) {
                 Alert::set(Alert::ALERT, $error);
     //template header
     $this->template->title = __('Register new user');
     $this->template->meta_description = __('Create a new profile at') . ' ' . Core::config('general.site_name');
Esempio n. 5
  * Simple register for user
 public function action_register()
     //validates captcha
     if (Core::post('ajaxValidateCaptcha')) {
         $this->auto_render = FALSE;
         $this->template = View::factory('js');
         if (captcha::check('register', TRUE)) {
             $this->template->content = 'true';
         } else {
             $this->template->content = 'false';
     $this->template->meta_description = __('Create a new profile at') . ' ' . core::config('general.site_name');
     $this->template->content = View::factory('pages/auth/register');
     $this->template->content->msg = '';
     //if user loged in redirect home
     if (Auth::instance()->logged_in()) {
     } elseif ($this->request->post()) {
         if (captcha::check('register')) {
             $validation = Validation::factory($this->request->post())->rule('name', 'not_empty')->rule('email', 'not_empty')->rule('email', 'email')->rule('email', 'email_domain')->rule('password1', 'not_empty')->rule('password2', 'not_empty')->rule('password1', 'matches', array(':validation', 'password1', 'password2'));
             if (core::post('cf_vatnumber') and core::post('cf_vatcountry')) {
                 if (!euvat::verify_vies(core::post('cf_vatnumber'), core::post('cf_vatcountry'))) {
                     Alert::set(Alert::ERROR, __('Invalid EU Vat Number, please verify number and country match'));
                     $this->redirect(Route::url('oc-panel', array('controller' => 'auth', 'action' => 'register')));
             if ($validation->check()) {
                 //posting data so try to remember password
                 if (CSRF::valid('register')) {
                     $email = core::post('email');
                     //check we have this email in the DB
                     $user = new Model_User();
                     $user = $user->where('email', '=', $email)->limit(1)->find();
                     if ($user->loaded()) {
                         Form::set_errors(array(__('User already exists')));
                     } else {
                         //creating the user
                         $user = Model_User::create_email($email, core::post('name'), core::post('password1'));
                         //add custom fields
                         $save_cf = FALSE;
                         foreach ($this->request->post() as $custom_field => $value) {
                             if (strpos($custom_field, 'cf_') !== FALSE) {
                                 $user->{$custom_field} = $value;
                                 $save_cf = TRUE;
                         //saves the user only if there was CF
                         if ($save_cf === TRUE) {
                         //login the user
                         Auth::instance()->login(core::post('email'), core::post('password1'));
                         Alert::set(Alert::SUCCESS, __('Welcome!'));
                         //login the user
                         $this->redirect(Core::post('auth_redirect', Route::url('oc-panel')));
             } else {
                 $errors = $validation->errors('auth');
                 foreach ($errors as $error) {
                     Alert::set(Alert::ALERT, $error);
         } else {
             Alert::set(Alert::ALERT, __('Captcha is not correct'));
     //template header
     $this->template->title = __('Register new user');
Esempio n. 6
 public function action_index()
     //Detect early spam users, show him alert
     if (core::config('general.black_list') == TRUE and Model_User::is_spam(Core::post('email')) === TRUE) {
         Alert::set(Alert::ALERT, __('Your profile has been disable for posting, due to recent spam content! If you think this is a mistake please contact us.'));
     if (Core::config('advertisement.only_admin_post') == 1 and (!Auth::instance()->logged_in() or Auth::instance()->logged_in() and Auth::instance()->get_user()->id_role != Model_Role::ROLE_ADMIN)) {
     if (Core::post('ajaxValidateCaptcha')) {
         $this->auto_render = FALSE;
         $this->template = View::factory('js');
         if (captcha::check('publish_new', TRUE)) {
             $this->template->content = 'true';
         } else {
             $this->template->content = 'false';
     //template header
     $this->template->title = __('Publish new advertisement');
     $this->template->meta_description = __('Publish new advertisement');
     $this->template->styles = array('css/jquery.sceditor.default.theme.min.css' => 'screen', 'css/jasny-bootstrap.min.css' => 'screen', '//' => 'screen');
     $this->template->scripts['footer'][] = 'js/jquery.sceditor.bbcode.min.js';
     $this->template->scripts['footer'][] = 'js/jasny-bootstrap.min.js';
     $this->template->scripts['footer'][] = 'js/jquery.chained.min.js';
     $this->template->scripts['footer'][] = '//';
     $this->template->scripts['footer'][] = '//';
     if (core::config('advertisement.map_pub_new')) {
         $this->template->scripts['footer'][] = '//';
         $this->template->scripts['footer'][] = '//';
     $this->template->scripts['footer'][] = 'js/new.js?v=' . Core::VERSION;
     // redirect to login, if conditions are met
     if (core::config('advertisement.login_to_post') == TRUE and !Auth::instance()->logged_in()) {
         Alert::set(Alert::INFO, __('Please, login before posting advertisement!'));
         HTTP::redirect(Route::url('oc-panel', array('controller' => 'auth', 'action' => 'login')));
     //find all, for populating form select fields
     $categories = Model_Category::get_as_array();
     $order_categories = Model_Category::get_multidimensional();
     $order_parent_deep = Model_Category::get_by_deep();
     // NO categories redirect ADMIN to categories panel
     if (count($order_categories) == 0) {
         if (Auth::instance()->logged_in() and Auth::instance()->get_user()->id_role == Model_Role::ROLE_ADMIN) {
             Alert::set(Alert::INFO, __('Please, first create some categories.'));
             $this->redirect(Route::url('oc-panel', array('controller' => 'category', 'action' => 'index')));
         } else {
             Alert::set(Alert::INFO, __('Posting advertisements is not yet available.'));
     //get locations
     $locations = Model_Location::get_as_array();
     $order_locations = Model_Location::get_multidimensional();
     $loc_parent_deep = Model_Location::get_by_deep();
     // bool values from DB, to show or hide this fields in view
     $form_show = array('captcha' => core::config('advertisement.captcha'), 'website' => core::config(''), 'phone' => core::config(''), 'location' => core::config('advertisement.location'), 'address' => core::config('advertisement.address'), 'price' => core::config('advertisement.price'));
     $id_category = NULL;
     $selected_category = new Model_Category();
     //if theres a category by post or by get
     if (Core::request('category') !== NULL) {
         if (is_numeric(Core::request('category'))) {
             $selected_category->where('id_category', '=', core::request('category'))->limit(1)->find();
         } else {
             $selected_category->where('seoname', '=', core::request('category'))->limit(1)->find();
         if ($selected_category->loaded()) {
             $id_category = $selected_category->id_category;
     $id_location = NULL;
     $selected_location = new Model_Location();
     //if theres a location by post or by get
     if (Core::request('location') !== NULL) {
         if (is_numeric(Core::request('location'))) {
             $selected_location->where('id_location', '=', core::request('location'))->limit(1)->find();
         } else {
             $selected_location->where('seoname', '=', core::request('location'))->limit(1)->find();
         if ($selected_location->loaded()) {
             $id_location = $selected_location->id_location;
     //render view publish new
     $this->template->content = View::factory('pages/ad/new', array('categories' => $categories, 'order_categories' => $order_categories, 'order_parent_deep' => $order_parent_deep, 'locations' => $locations, 'order_locations' => $order_locations, 'loc_parent_deep' => $loc_parent_deep, 'form_show' => $form_show, 'id_category' => $id_category, 'selected_category' => $selected_category, 'id_location' => $id_location, 'selected_location' => $selected_location, 'fields' => Model_Field::get_all()));
     if ($this->request->post()) {
         if (captcha::check('publish_new')) {
             $data = $this->request->post();
             $validation = Validation::factory($data);
             //validate location since its optional
             if (core::config('advertisement.location')) {
                 if (count($locations) > 1) {
                     $validation = $validation->rule('location', 'not_empty')->rule('location', 'digit');
             //user is not logged in validate input
             if (!Auth::instance()->logged_in()) {
                 $validation = $validation->rule('email', 'not_empty')->rule('email', 'email')->rule('name', 'not_empty')->rule('name', 'min_length', array(':value', 2))->rule('name', 'max_length', array(':value', 145));
             if ($validation->check()) {
                 // User detection, if doesnt exists create
                 if (!Auth::instance()->logged_in()) {
                     $user = Model_User::create_email(core::post('email'), core::post('name'));
                 } else {
                     $user = Auth::instance()->get_user();
                 //to make it backward compatible with older themes: UGLY!!
                 if (isset($data['category']) and is_numeric($data['category'])) {
                     $data['id_category'] = $data['category'];
                 if (isset($data['location']) and is_numeric($data['location'])) {
                     $data['id_location'] = $data['location'];
                 //lets create!!
                 $return = Model_Ad::new_ad($data, $user);
                 //there was an error on the validation
                 if (isset($return['validation_errors']) and is_array($return['validation_errors'])) {
                     foreach ($return['validation_errors'] as $f => $err) {
                         Alert::set(Alert::ALERT, $err);
                 } elseif (isset($return['error'])) {
                     Alert::set($return['error_type'], $return['error']);
                 } elseif (isset($return['message']) and isset($return['ad'])) {
                     $new_ad = $return['ad'];
                     // IMAGE UPLOAD
                     $filename = NULL;
                     for ($i = 0; $i < core::config('advertisement.num_images'); $i++) {
                         if (isset($_FILES['image' . $i])) {
                             $filename = $new_ad->save_image($_FILES['image' . $i]);
                         if ($filename) {
                     //since theres images save the ad again...
                     if ($new_ad->has_images > 0) {
                         try {
                         } catch (Exception $e) {
                             throw HTTP_Exception::factory(500, $e->getMessage());
                     Alert::set(Alert::SUCCESS, $return['message']);
                     //redirect user
                     if (isset($return['checkout_url']) and !empty($return['checkout_url'])) {
                     } else {
                         $this->redirect(Route::url('default', array('action' => 'thanks', 'controller' => 'ad', 'id' => $new_ad->id_ad)));
             } else {
                 $errors = $validation->errors('ad');
                 foreach ($errors as $f => $err) {
                     Alert::set(Alert::ALERT, $err);
         } else {
             Alert::set(Alert::ALERT, __('Captcha is not correct'));
Esempio n. 7
  * does the DB migration
  * @param  pointer $db 
  * @param  string $pf db_prefix
 private function migrate($db, $pf)
     $db_config = core::config('database.default');
     $prefix = $db_config['table_prefix'];
     //connect DB original/to where we migrate
     $dbo = Database::instance('default');
     //oc_accounts --> oc_users
     $users_map = array();
     $accounts = $db->query(Database::SELECT, 'SELECT * FROM `' . $pf . 'accounts`');
     foreach ($accounts as $account) {
         $user = new Model_User();
         $user->where('email', '=', $account['email'])->limit(1)->find();
         if (!$user->loaded()) {
             $user->name = $account['name'];
             $user->email = $account['email'];
             $user->password = $account['password'];
             $user->created = $account['createdDate'];
             $user->last_modified = $account['lastModifiedDate'];
             $user->last_login = $account['lastSigninDate'];
             $user->status = $account['active'];
             $user->id_role = 1;
             $user->seoname = $user->gen_seo_title($user->name);
         $users_map[$account['email']] = $user->id_user;
     //categories --> categories
     $categories_map = array(0 => 1);
     $categories = $db->query(Database::SELECT, 'SELECT * FROM `' . $pf . 'categories` ORDER BY `idCategoryParent` ASC');
     foreach ($categories as $category) {
         $cat = new Model_Category();
         $cat->name = $category['name'];
         $cat->order = $category['order'];
         $cat->created = $category['created'];
         $cat->seoname = $category['friendlyName'];
         $cat->price = $category['price'];
         $cat->description = substr($category['description'], 0, 250);
         $cat->parent_deep = $category['idCategoryParent'] > 0 ? 1 : 0;
         //there's only 1 deep
         $cat->id_category_parent = isset($categories_map[$category['idCategoryParent']]) ? $categories_map[$category['idCategoryParent']] : 1;
         //we save old_id stores the new ID, so later we know the category parent, and to changes the ADS category id
         $categories_map[$category['idCategory']] = $cat->id_category;
     //locations --> locations
     $locations_map = array(0 => 1);
     $locations = $db->query(Database::SELECT, 'SELECT * FROM `' . $pf . 'locations` ORDER BY `idLocationParent` ASC');
     foreach ($locations as $location) {
         $loc = new Model_Location();
         $loc->name = $location['name'];
         $loc->seoname = $location['friendlyName'];
         $loc->parent_deep = $location['idLocationParent'] > 0 ? 1 : 0;
         //there's only 1 deep
         $loc->id_location_parent = isset($locations_map[$location['idLocationParent']]) ? $locations_map[$location['idLocationParent']] : 1;
         //we save old_id stores the new ID, so later we know the location parent, and to changes the ADS location id
         $locations_map[$location['idLocation']] = $loc->id_location;
     //posts --> ads
     $ads_map = array();
     $ads = $db->query(Database::SELECT, 'SELECT * FROM `' . $pf . 'posts`');
     foreach ($ads as $a) {
         if (Valid::email($a['email'])) {
             //gettin the id_user
             if (isset($users_map[$a['email']])) {
                 $id_user = $users_map[$a['email']];
             } else {
                 $user = Model_User::create_email($a['email'], $a['name']);
                 $id_user = $user->id_user;
             $ad = new Model_Ad();
             $ad->id_ad = $a['idPost'];
             //so images still work
             $ad->id_user = $id_user;
             $ad->id_category = isset($categories_map[$a['idCategory']]) ? $categories_map[$a['idCategory']] : 1;
             $ad->id_location = isset($locations_map[$a['idLocation']]) ? $locations_map[$a['idLocation']] : 1;
             $ad->title = $a['title'];
             $ad->seotitle = $ad->gen_seo_title($a['title']);
             $ad->description = !empty($a['description']) ? Text::html2bb($a['description']) : $a['title'];
             $ad->address = $a['place'];
             $ad->price = $a['price'];
             $ad->phone = $a['phone'];
             $ad->has_images = $a['hasImages'];
             $ad->ip_address = ip2long($a['ip']);
             $ad->created = $a['insertDate'];
             $ad->published = $ad->created;
             //Status migration...big mess!
             if ($a['isAvailable'] == 0 and $a['isConfirmed'] == 0) {
                 $ad->status = Model_Ad::STATUS_NOPUBLISHED;
             } elseif ($a['isAvailable'] == 1 and $a['isConfirmed'] == 0) {
                 $ad->status = Model_Ad::STATUS_NOPUBLISHED;
             } elseif ($a['isAvailable'] == 1 and $a['isConfirmed'] == 1) {
                 $ad->status = Model_Ad::STATUS_PUBLISHED;
             } elseif ($a['isAvailable'] == 0 and $a['isConfirmed'] == 1) {
                 $ad->status = Model_Ad::STATUS_UNAVAILABLE;
             } elseif ($a['isAvailable'] == 2) {
                 $ad->status = Model_Ad::STATUS_SPAM;
             } else {
                 $ad->status = Model_Ad::STATUS_UNAVAILABLE;
             try {
             } catch (ORM_Validation_Exception $e) {
                 // d($e->errors(''));
             $ads_map[$a['idPost']] = $ad->id_ad;
     //posthits --> visits, mass migration
     $insert = 'INSERT INTO `' . $prefix . 'visits` ( `id_ad`, `created`, `ip_address`) VALUES';
     $step = 5000;
     $total = $db->query(Database::SELECT, 'SELECT count(*) cont FROM `' . $pf . 'postshits`')->as_array();
     $total = $total[0]['cont'];
     for ($i = 0; $i < $total; $i += $step) {
         $hits = $db->query(Database::SELECT, 'SELECT * FROM `' . $pf . 'postshits` LIMIT ' . $i . ', ' . $step);
         $values = '';
         foreach ($hits as $hit) {
             //build insert query
             $values .= '(' . $hit['idPost'] . ',  \'' . $hit['hitTime'] . '\', \'' . ip2long($hit['ip']) . '\'),';
         $dbo->query(Database::INSERT, $insert . substr($values, 0, -1));
     //old way of migrating
     // $hits = $db->query(Database::SELECT, 'SELECT * FROM `'.$pf.'postshits` ');
     // foreach ($hits as $hit)
     // {
     //     //build insert query
     //     $visit = new Model_Visit();
     //     $visit->id_ad       = (isset($ads_map[$hit['idPost']]))?$ads_map[$hit['idPost']]:NULL;
     //     $visit->created     = $hit['hitTime'];
     //     $visit->ip_address  = ip2long($hit['ip']);
     //     $visit->save();
     // }
Esempio n. 8
 public function action_index()
     if (Core::config('advertisement.only_admin_post') == TRUE and (!Auth::instance()->logged_in() or Auth::instance()->logged_in() and !$this->user->is_admin())) {
     } elseif ((Core::config('advertisement.login_to_post') == TRUE or Core::config('payment.stripe_connect') == TRUE or Core::config('general.subscriptions') == TRUE) and !Auth::instance()->logged_in()) {
         Alert::set(Alert::INFO, __('Please, login before posting advertisement!'));
         HTTP::redirect(Route::url('oc-panel', array('controller' => 'auth', 'action' => 'login')) . '?auth_redirect=' . URL::current());
     } elseif (core::config('general.black_list') == TRUE and Model_User::is_spam(Core::post('email')) === TRUE) {
         Alert::set(Alert::ALERT, __('Your profile has been disable for posting, due to recent spam content! If you think this is a mistake please contact us.'));
     } elseif (Core::config('payment.stripe_connect') == TRUE and empty($this->user->stripe_user_id)) {
         Alert::set(Alert::INFO, __('Please, connect with Stripe'));
         $this->redirect(Route::url('oc-panel', array('controller' => 'profile', 'action' => 'edit')));
     } elseif (Core::config('general.subscriptions') == TRUE and Theme::get('premium') == TRUE) {
         $subscription = $this->user->subscription();
         //if theres no subscription or expired or without free ads
         if (!$subscription->loaded() or $subscription->loaded() and (Date::mysql2unix($subscription->expire_date) < time() or $subscription->amount_ads_left == 0)) {
             Alert::set(Alert::INFO, __('Please, choose a plan first'));
     //validates captcha
     if (Core::post('ajaxValidateCaptcha')) {
         $this->auto_render = FALSE;
         $this->template = View::factory('js');
         if (captcha::check('publish_new', TRUE)) {
             $this->template->content = 'true';
         } else {
             $this->template->content = 'false';
     Controller::$full_width = TRUE;
     //template header
     $this->template->title = __('Publish new advertisement');
     $this->template->meta_description = __('Publish new advertisement');
     $this->template->styles = array('css/jquery.sceditor.default.theme.min.css' => 'screen', 'css/jasny-bootstrap.min.css' => 'screen', '//' => 'screen', '//' => 'screen');
     $this->template->scripts['footer'][] = 'js/jquery.sceditor.bbcode.min.js';
     $this->template->scripts['footer'][] = 'js/jasny-bootstrap.min.js';
     $this->template->scripts['footer'][] = '//';
     $this->template->scripts['footer'][] = '//';
     $this->template->scripts['footer'][] = '//';
     $this->template->scripts['footer'][] = 'js/canvasResize.js';
     if (core::config('advertisement.map_pub_new')) {
         $this->template->scripts['async_defer'][] = '//' . core::config("advertisement.gm_api_key") . '&callback=initLocationsGMap';
     $this->template->scripts['footer'][] = 'js/new.js?v=' . Core::VERSION;
     $categories = new Model_Category();
     $categories = $categories->where('id_category_parent', '=', '1');
     // NO categories redirect ADMIN to categories panel
     if ($categories->count_all() == 0) {
         if (Auth::instance()->logged_in() and Auth::instance()->get_user()->is_admin()) {
             Alert::set(Alert::INFO, __('Please, first create some categories.'));
             $this->redirect(Route::url('oc-panel', array('controller' => 'category', 'action' => 'index')));
         } else {
             Alert::set(Alert::INFO, __('Posting advertisements is not yet available.'));
     //get locations
     $locations = new Model_Location();
     $locations = $locations->where('id_location', '!=', '1');
     // bool values from DB, to show or hide this fields in view
     $form_show = array('captcha' => core::config('advertisement.captcha'), 'website' => core::config(''), 'phone' => core::config(''), 'location' => core::config('advertisement.location'), 'description' => core::config('advertisement.description'), 'address' => core::config('advertisement.address'), 'price' => core::config('advertisement.price'));
     $id_category = NULL;
     $selected_category = new Model_Category();
     //if theres a category by post or by get
     if (Core::request('category') !== NULL) {
         if (is_numeric(Core::request('category'))) {
             $selected_category->where('id_category', '=', core::request('category'))->limit(1)->find();
         } else {
             $selected_category->where('seoname', '=', core::request('category'))->limit(1)->find();
         if ($selected_category->loaded()) {
             $id_category = $selected_category->id_category;
     $id_location = NULL;
     $selected_location = new Model_Location();
     //if theres a location by post or by get
     if (Core::request('location') !== NULL) {
         if (is_numeric(Core::request('location'))) {
             $selected_location->where('id_location', '=', core::request('location'))->limit(1)->find();
         } else {
             $selected_location->where('seoname', '=', core::request('location'))->limit(1)->find();
         if ($selected_location->loaded()) {
             $id_location = $selected_location->id_location;
     //render view publish new
     $this->template->content = View::factory('pages/ad/new', array('form_show' => $form_show, 'id_category' => $id_category, 'selected_category' => $selected_category, 'id_location' => $id_location, 'selected_location' => $selected_location, 'fields' => Model_Field::get_all()));
     if ($this->request->post()) {
         if (captcha::check('publish_new')) {
             $data = $this->request->post();
             $validation = Validation::factory($data);
             //validate location since its optional
             if (core::config('advertisement.location')) {
                 if ($locations->count_all() > 1) {
                     $validation = $validation->rule('location', 'not_empty')->rule('location', 'digit');
             //user is not logged in validate input
             if (!Auth::instance()->logged_in()) {
                 $validation = $validation->rule('email', 'not_empty')->rule('email', 'email')->rule('email', 'email_domain')->rule('name', 'not_empty')->rule('name', 'min_length', array(':value', 2))->rule('name', 'max_length', array(':value', 145));
             // Optional banned words validation
             if (core::config('advertisement.validate_banned_words')) {
                 $validation = $validation->rule('title', 'no_banned_words');
                 $validation = $validation->rule('description', 'no_banned_words');
             if ($validation->check()) {
                 // User detection, if doesnt exists create
                 if (!Auth::instance()->logged_in()) {
                     $user = Model_User::create_email(core::post('email'), core::post('name'));
                 } else {
                     $user = Auth::instance()->get_user();
                 //to make it backward compatible with older themes: UGLY!!
                 if (isset($data['category']) and is_numeric($data['category'])) {
                     $data['id_category'] = $data['category'];
                 if (isset($data['location']) and is_numeric($data['location'])) {
                     $data['id_location'] = $data['location'];
                 //lets create!!
                 $return = Model_Ad::new_ad($data, $user);
                 //there was an error on the validation
                 if (isset($return['validation_errors']) and is_array($return['validation_errors'])) {
                     foreach ($return['validation_errors'] as $f => $err) {
                         Alert::set(Alert::ALERT, $err);
                 } elseif (isset($return['error'])) {
                     Alert::set($return['error_type'], $return['error']);
                 } elseif (isset($return['message']) and isset($return['ad'])) {
                     $new_ad = $return['ad'];
                     // IMAGE UPLOAD
                     $filename = NULL;
                     for ($i = 0; $i < core::config('advertisement.num_images'); $i++) {
                         if (Core::post('base64_image' . $i)) {
                             $filename = $new_ad->save_base64_image(Core::post('base64_image' . $i));
                         } elseif (isset($_FILES['image' . $i])) {
                             $filename = $new_ad->save_image($_FILES['image' . $i]);
                     Alert::set(Alert::SUCCESS, $return['message']);
                     //redirect user
                     if (isset($return['checkout_url']) and !empty($return['checkout_url'])) {
                     } else {
                         $this->redirect(Route::url('default', array('action' => 'thanks', 'controller' => 'ad', 'id' => $new_ad->id_ad)));
             } else {
                 $errors = $validation->errors('ad');
                 foreach ($errors as $f => $err) {
                     Alert::set(Alert::ALERT, $err);
         } else {
             Alert::set(Alert::ALERT, __('Captcha is not correct'));
Esempio n. 9
 public function action_import()
     if ($this->request->post()) {
         ini_set('auto_detect_line_endings', true);
         $csv = $_FILES['file_source']['tmp_name'];
         if (($handle = fopen($csv, "r")) !== FALSE) {
             $i = 0;
             while (($data = fgetcsv($handle, 0, ";")) !== false) {
                 //avoid first line
                 if ($i != 0) {
                     list($email, $pay_date, $product_seotitle, $amount, $currency) = $data;
                     $pay_date = Date::from_format($pay_date, 'd/m/yy', 'Y-m-d H:i:s');
                     $user = Model_User::create_email($email, substr($email, 0, strpos($email, '@')));
                     $product = new Model_Product();
                     $product->where('seotitle', '=', $product_seotitle)->limit(1)->find();
                     if ($product->loaded()) {
                         $order = Model_Order::new_order($user, $product);
                         $order->confirm_payment('import', NULL, $pay_date, $amount, $currency);
         //redirect to orders
         Alert::set(Alert::SUCCESS, __('Import correct'));
         $this->redirect(Route::url('oc-panel', array('controller' => 'order', 'action' => 'index')));
     //template header
     $this->template->title = __('Import Orders');
     Breadcrumbs::add(Breadcrumb::factory()->set_title(__('Import Orders')));
     $this->template->content = View::factory('oc-panel/pages/order/import');