Esempio n. 1
 public function afterSave(Model $model, $created, $options = array())
     foreach ($this->options[$model->alias]['fields'] as $field => $path) {
         if (isset($model->data[$model->alias][$field . '_file'])) {
             $file = $model->data[$model->alias][$field . '_file'];
             $extension = strtolower(pathinfo($file['name'], PATHINFO_EXTENSION));
             if (!empty($file['tmp_name'])) {
                 $path = $model->getUploadPath($path, $extension);
                 // Let's remove the previously uploaded file
                 //$old_extension = $model->field('avatar');
                 //$old_file = WWW_ROOT . 'assets'. DS .'users'. DS .'profiles'. DS . $model->id . '.' . $old_extension;
                 //if( file_exists($old_file)) unlink($old_file);
                 // Create the folders if necessary
                 $dirname = dirname($path);
                 if (!file_exists(WWW_ROOT . $dirname)) {
                     mkdir(WWW_ROOT . $dirname, 0777, true);
                 // Move the new file
                 move_uploaded_file($file['tmp_name'], WWW_ROOT . $path);
                 // Ensuring the file will accessible via FTP on certain servers
                 chmod(WWW_ROOT . $path, 0777);
                 $model->savefield('avatar', $path);