Esempio n. 1
function add_layer_to_group($layer, $layerGroupName, $layerGroupLegendLabel, &$map)
    // Get the layer group
    $layerGroupCollection = $map->GetLayerGroups();
    if ($layerGroupCollection->Contains($layerGroupName)) {
        $layerGroup = $layerGroupCollection->GetItem($layerGroupName);
    } else {
        // It does not exist, so create it
        $layerGroup = new MgLayerGroup($layerGroupName);
    // Add the layer to the group
Esempio n. 2
 function OpenMarkup()
     $resourceService = $this->site->CreateService(MgServiceType::ResourceService);
     $map = new MgMap();
     $map->Open($resourceService, $this->args['MAPNAME']);
     // Create the Layer Groups
     $markupGroup = null;
     $layerGroups = $map->GetLayerGroups();
     if ($layerGroups->Contains('_Markup')) {
         $markupGroup = $layerGroups->GetItem('_Markup');
     } else {
         $markupGroup = new MgLayerGroup('_Markup');
     // Add the Markup Layer
     $markupLayerResId = new MgResourceIdentifier($this->args['MARKUPLAYER']);
     $markupLayer = new MgLayer($markupLayerResId, $resourceService);
     $markupLayer->SetName('_' . $markupLayerResId->GetName());
     $map->GetLayers()->Insert(0, $markupLayer);