Esempio n. 1
function add_layer_definition_to_map($layerDefinition, $layerName, $layerLegendLabel, $sessionId, $resourceService, &$map)
    global $schemaDirectory;
    // Validate the XML.
    $domDocument = new DOMDocument();
    if (!$domDocument->schemaValidate($schemaDirectory . "LayerDefinition-1.3.0.xsd")) {
        echo "ERROR: The new XML document is invalid.<BR>\n.";
        return NULL;
    // Save the new layer definition to the session repository
    $byteSource = new MgByteSource($layerDefinition, strlen($layerDefinition));
    $resourceID = new MgResourceIdentifier("Session:{$sessionId}//{$layerName}.LayerDefinition");
    $resourceService->SetResource($resourceID, $byteSource->GetReader(), null);
    $newLayer = add_layer_resource_to_map($resourceID, $resourceService, $layerName, $layerLegendLabel, $map);
    return $newLayer;
Esempio n. 2
 function SetResourceData($paramSet)
     try {
         $arrayParam = array();
         $repId = null;
         if (SQLITE_ROW == $this->unitTestParamVm->Execute("Select ParamValue from Params WHERE ParamSet={$paramSet} AND ParamName=\"RESOURCEID\"")) {
             $arrayParam["RESOURCEID"] = $this->unitTestParamVm->GetString("ParamValue");
         if (array_key_exists("RESOURCEID", $arrayParam)) {
             $repId = new MgResourceIdentifier($arrayParam["RESOURCEID"]);
         $this->unitTestParamVm->Execute("Select ParamValue from Params WHERE ParamSet={$paramSet} AND ParamName=\"DATANAME\"");
         $arrayParam["DATANAME"] = $this->unitTestParamVm->GetString("ParamValue");
         $this->unitTestParamVm->Execute("Select ParamValue from Params WHERE ParamSet={$paramSet} AND ParamName=\"DATATYPE\"");
         $arrayParam["DATATYPE"] = $this->unitTestParamVm->GetString("ParamValue");
         $this->unitTestParamVm->Execute("Select ParamValue from Params WHERE ParamSet={$paramSet} AND ParamName=\"DATA\"");
         $arrayParam["DATA"] = $this->unitTestParamVm->GetString("ParamValue");
         $arrayParam["DATA"] = Utils::GetPath($arrayParam["DATA"]);
         $extension = self::GetExtension($arrayParam["DATANAME"]);
         $mimeType = self::GetMimeType($extension);
         $dataSource = new MgByteSource($arrayParam["DATA"]);
         $dataReader = $dataSource->GetReader();
         $byteReader = $this->resourceSrvc->SetResourceData($repId, $arrayParam["DATANAME"], $arrayParam["DATATYPE"], $dataReader);
         $result = Utils::GetResponse($byteReader);
         return $result;
     } catch (MgException $e) {
         return new Result(get_class($e), "text/plain");
     } catch (SqliteException $s) {
         return new Result($s->GetExceptionMessage(), "text/plain");
 public function SelectAggregates($resId, $schemaName, $className, $type, $format)
     //Check for unsupported representations
     $fmt = $this->ValidateRepresentation($format, array("xml", "json"));
     $mimeType = $this->GetMimeTypeForFormat($fmt);
     try {
         $aggType = $this->ValidateValueInDomain($type, array("count", "bbox", "distinctvalues"), $this->GetMimeTypeForFormat($format));
         $distinctPropName = $this->GetRequestParameter("property", "");
         if ($aggType === "distinctvalues" && $distinctPropName === "") {
             $this->BadRequest($this->app->localizer->getText("E_MISSING_REQUIRED_PARAMETER", "property"), $this->GetMimeTypeForFormat($format));
         $sessionId = "";
         if ($resId->GetRepositoryType() == MgRepositoryType::Session) {
             $sessionId = $resId->GetRepositoryName();
         $this->EnsureAuthenticationForSite($sessionId, true, $mimeType);
         $siteConn = new MgSiteConnection();
         $site = $siteConn->GetSite();
         $this->VerifyWhitelist($resId->ToString(), $mimeType, "SELECTAGGREGATES", $fmt, $site, $this->userName);
         $resSvc = $siteConn->CreateService(MgServiceType::ResourceService);
         $featSvc = $siteConn->CreateService(MgServiceType::FeatureService);
         $query = new MgFeatureAggregateOptions();
         $capsXml = MgUtils::GetProviderCapabilties($featSvc, $resSvc, $resId);
         $supportsDistinct = !(strstr($capsXml, "<SupportsSelectDistinct>true</SupportsSelectDistinct>") === false);
         $supportsCount = !(strstr($capsXml, "<Name>Count</Name>") === false);
         $supportsSpatialExtents = !(strstr($capsXml, "<Name>SpatialExtents</Name>") === false);
         switch ($type) {
             case "count":
                 $count = MgUtils::GetFeatureCount($featSvc, $resId, $schemaName, $className, $supportsCount);
                 $output = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?><AggregateResult>";
                 $output .= "<Type>count</Type>";
                 $output .= "<Total>{$count}</Total>";
                 $output .= "</AggregateResult>";
                 $bs = new MgByteSource($output, strlen($output));
                 $br = $bs->GetReader();
                 if ($fmt === "json") {
                 } else {
             case "bbox":
                 $geomName = $this->app->request->get("property");
                 $txTo = $this->app->request->get("transformto");
                 $bounds = MgUtils::GetFeatureClassMBR($this->app, $featSvc, $resId, $schemaName, $className, $geomName, $txTo);
                 $iterator = $bounds->extentGeometry->GetCoordinates();
                 $csCode = $bounds->csCode;
                 $csWkt = $bounds->coordinateSystem;
                 $epsg = $bounds->epsg;
                 $firstTime = true;
                 $minX = null;
                 $minY = null;
                 $maxX = null;
                 $maxY = null;
                 while ($iterator->MoveNext()) {
                     $x = $iterator->GetCurrent()->GetX();
                     $y = $iterator->GetCurrent()->GetY();
                     if ($firstTime) {
                         $maxX = $x;
                         $minX = $x;
                         $maxY = $y;
                         $minY = $y;
                         $firstTime = false;
                     if ($maxX < $x) {
                         $maxX = $x;
                     if ($minX > $x || $minX == 0) {
                         $minX = $x;
                     if ($maxY < $y) {
                         $maxY = $y;
                     if ($minY > $y || $minY == 0) {
                         $minY = $y;
                 $output = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?><AggregateResult>";
                 $output .= "<Type>bbox</Type>";
                 $output .= "<BoundingBox>";
                 $output .= "<CoordinateSystem>";
                 $output .= "<Code>{$csCode}</Code><EPSG>{$epsg}</EPSG>";
                 $output .= "</CoordinateSystem>";
                 $output .= "<LowerLeft><X>{$minX}</X><Y>{$minY}</Y></LowerLeft>";
                 $output .= "<UpperRight><X>{$maxX}</X><Y>{$maxY}</Y></UpperRight>";
                 $output .= "</BoundingBox>";
                 $output .= "</AggregateResult>";
                 $bs = new MgByteSource($output, strlen($output));
                 $br = $bs->GetReader();
                 if ($fmt === "json") {
                 } else {
             case "distinctvalues":
                 $values = MgUtils::GetDistinctValues($featSvc, $resId, $schemaName, $className, $distinctPropName);
                 $output = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?><AggregateResult>";
                 $output .= "<Type>distinctvalues</Type>";
                 $output .= "<ValueList>";
                 foreach ($values as $val) {
                     $output .= "<Value>" . MgUtils::EscapeXmlChars($val) . "</Value>";
                 $output .= "</ValueList>";
                 $output .= "</AggregateResult>";
                 $bs = new MgByteSource($output, strlen($output));
                 $br = $bs->GetReader();
                 if ($fmt === "json") {
                 } else {
     } catch (MgException $ex) {
         $this->OnException($ex, $mimeType);
 private function DescribeRuntimeMapXml($mapDefinition, $map, $sessionId, $mapName, $iconFormat, $iconWidth, $iconHeight, $reqFeatures, $iconsPerScaleRange, $resSvc, $mappingSvc)
     //TODO: Caching opportunity here
     $admin = new MgServerAdmin();
     $siteVersion = $admin->GetSiteVersion();
     $xml = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n";
     $xml .= "<RuntimeMap xmlns:xsi=\"\" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation=\"RuntimeMap-2.6.0.xsd\">\n";
     // ---------------------- Site Version  --------------------------- //
     $xml .= "<SiteVersion>{$siteVersion}</SiteVersion>\n";
     // ---------------------- Session ID --------------------------- //
     $xml .= "<SessionId>{$sessionId}</SessionId>\n";
     // ---------------------- Map Name --------------------------- //
     $xml .= "<Name>{$mapName}</Name>\n";
     // ---------------------- Map Definition --------------------------- //
     $xml .= "<MapDefinition>{$mapDefinition}</MapDefinition>\n";
     // ---------------------- Background Color --------------------------- //
     $bgColor = $map->GetBackgroundColor();
     $xml .= "<BackgroundColor>{$bgColor}</BackgroundColor>\n";
     // ---------------------- Display DPI --------------------------- //
     $dpi = $map->GetDisplayDpi();
     $xml .= "<DisplayDpi>{$dpi}</DisplayDpi>";
     // ---------------------- Icon MIME Type --------------------------- //
     if (($reqFeatures & self::REQUEST_LAYER_ICONS) == self::REQUEST_LAYER_ICONS) {
         switch ($iconFormat) {
             case "JPG":
                 $xml .= "<IconMimeType>" . MgMimeType::Jpeg . "</IconMimeType>\n";
             case "GIF":
                 $xml .= "<IconMimeType>" . MgMimeType::Gif . "</IconMimeType>\n";
             case "PNG8":
                 $xml .= "<IconMimeType>" . MgMimeType::Png . "</IconMimeType>\n";
                 $xml .= "<IconMimeType>" . MgMimeType::Png . "</IconMimeType>\n";
     // ---------------------- Coordinate System --------------------------- //
     $csFactory = new MgCoordinateSystemFactory();
     $metersPerUnit = 1.0;
     $wkt = $map->GetMapSRS();
     $csCode = "";
     $epsg = "";
     try {
         $cs = $csFactory->Create($wkt);
         $metersPerUnit = $cs->ConvertCoordinateSystemUnitsToMeters(1.0);
         $epsg = $cs->GetEpsgCode();
         $csCode = $cs->GetCsCode();
     } catch (MgException $ex) {
     $xml .= "<CoordinateSystem>\n<Wkt>{$wkt}</Wkt>\n<MentorCode>{$csCode}</MentorCode>\n<EpsgCode>{$epsg}</EpsgCode>\n<MetersPerUnit>{$metersPerUnit}</MetersPerUnit>\n</CoordinateSystem>";
     // ---------------------- Map Extents--------------------------- //
     $extents = $map->GetMapExtent();
     $ll = $extents->GetLowerLeftCoordinate();
     $ur = $extents->GetUpperRightCoordinate();
     $minX = $ll->GetX();
     $minY = $ll->GetY();
     $maxX = $ur->GetX();
     $maxY = $ur->GetY();
     $xml .= "<Extents>\n<LowerLeftCoordinate><X>{$minX}</X><Y>{$minY}</Y></LowerLeftCoordinate>\n<UpperRightCoordinate><X>{$maxX}</X><Y>{$maxY}</Y></UpperRightCoordinate></Extents>\n";
     $layerDefinitionMap = array();
     // ---------------------- Optional things if requested --------------------------- //
     if (($reqFeatures & self::REQUEST_LAYER_STRUCTURE) == self::REQUEST_LAYER_STRUCTURE) {
         $layers = $map->GetLayers();
         $layerCount = $layers->GetCount();
         //Build our LayerDefinition map for code below that requires it
         if (($reqFeatures & self::REQUEST_LAYER_ICONS) == self::REQUEST_LAYER_ICONS) {
             $layerIds = new MgStringCollection();
             for ($i = 0; $i < $layerCount; $i++) {
                 $layer = $layers->GetItem($i);
                 $ldfId = $layer->GetLayerDefinition();
             $layerContents = $resSvc->GetResourceContents($layerIds, null);
             $layerIdCount = $layerIds->GetCount();
             for ($i = 0; $i < $layerIdCount; $i++) {
                 $ldfId = $layerIds->GetItem($i);
                 $content = $layerContents->GetItem($i);
                 $layerDefinitionMap[$ldfId] = $content;
         // ----------- Some pre-processing before we do groups/layers ------------- //
         $groups = $map->GetLayerGroups();
         $groupCount = $groups->GetCount();
         for ($i = 0; $i < $groupCount; $i++) {
             $group = $groups->GetItem($i);
             $parent = $group->GetGroup();
             $xml .= self::CreateGroupItem($group, $parent);
         $doc = new DOMDocument();
         for ($i = 0; $i < $layerCount; $i++) {
             $layer = $layers->GetItem($i);
             $parent = $layer->GetGroup();
             $ldf = $layer->GetLayerDefinition();
             $layerId = $ldf->ToString();
             $layerDoc = null;
             if (array_key_exists($layerId, $layerDefinitionMap)) {
                 $layerDoc = $doc;
             $xml .= self::CreateLayerItem($reqFeatures, $iconsPerScaleRange, $iconFormat, $iconWidth, $iconHeight, $layer, $parent, $layerDoc, $mappingSvc);
     } else {
         //Base Layer Groups need to be outputted regardless, otherwise a client application doesn't have enough information to build GETTILEIMAGE requests
         $groups = $map->GetLayerGroups();
         $groupCount = $groups->GetCount();
         for ($i = 0; $i < $groupCount; $i++) {
             $group = $groups->GetItem($i);
             if ($group->GetLayerGroupType() != MgLayerGroupType::BaseMap) {
             $parent = $group->GetGroup();
             $xml .= self::CreateGroupItem($group, $parent);
     // ------------------------ Finite Display Scales (if any) ------------------------- //
     $fsCount = $map->GetFiniteDisplayScaleCount();
     if ($fsCount > 0) {
         for ($i = 0; $i < $fsCount; $i++) {
             $xml .= "<FiniteDisplayScale>";
             $xml .= $map->GetFiniteDisplayScaleAt($i);
             $xml .= "</FiniteDisplayScale>";
     $xml .= "</RuntimeMap>";
     $bs = new MgByteSource($xml, strlen($xml));
     $br = $bs->GetReader();
     return $br;
Esempio n. 5
    // Create a map definition
    $mapfactory = new MapDefinitionFactory();
    $mapDefinition = CreateMapDef($mapfactory, $className, $resName, $mbr->coordinateSystem, $minX, $maxX, $minY, $maxY);
    // Save the map definition to a resource stored in the session repository
    $byteSource = new MgByteSource($mapDefinition, strlen($mapDefinition));
    $resName = 'Session:' . $sessionId . '//' . $className . '.MapDefinition';
    $resId = new MgResourceIdentifier($resName);
    $resourceSrvc->SetResource($resId, $byteSource->GetReader(), null);
    // Create a web layout
    $webfactory = new WebLayoutFactory();
    $webLayout = CreateWebLay($webfactory, $resName, $useBasicViewer);
    // Save the web layout to a resource stored in the session repository
    $byteSource = new MgByteSource($webLayout, strlen($webLayout));
    if ($useBasicViewer) {
        $resName = 'Session:' . $sessionId . '//' . $className . '.WebLayout';
        $viewerRequest = '../mapviewerajax/?SESSION=' . $sessionId . '&WEBLAYOUT=' . $resName;
    } else {
        $resName = 'Session:' . $sessionId . '//' . $className . '.ApplicationDefinition';
        $viewerRequest = '../fusion/templates/mapguide/preview/indexNoLegend.html?SESSION=' . $sessionId . '&APPLICATIONDEFINITION=' . $resName;
    $resId = new MgResourceIdentifier($resName);
    $resourceSrvc->SetResource($resId, $byteSource->GetReader(), null);
} catch (MgSessionExpiredException $s) {
    $validSession = 0;
    echo ErrorMessages::SessionExpired;
} catch (MgException $mge) {
    $validSession = 0;
    echo $mge->GetExceptionMessage();
Esempio n. 6
function CreateParcelMarkerLayer($resourceService, $parcelMarkerDataResId, $sessionId)
    // Load the ParcelMarker layer definition template into
    // a PHP DOM object, find the "ResourceId" element, and
    // modify its content to reference the temporary
    // feature source.
    $doc = DOMDocument::load('parcelmarker.xml');
    $featureSourceNode = $doc->getElementsByTagName('ResourceId')->item(0);
    $featureSourceNode->nodeValue = $parcelMarkerDataResId->ToString();
    // Get the updated layer definition from the DOM object
    // and save it to the session repository using the
    // ResourceService object.
    $layerDefinition = $doc->saveXML();
    $byteSource = new MgByteSource($layerDefinition, strlen($layerDefinition));
    $tempLayerResId = new MgResourceIdentifier("Session:" . $sessionId . "//ParcelMarker.LayerDefinition");
    $resourceService->SetResource($tempLayerResId, $byteSource->GetReader(), null);
    // Create an MgLayer object based on the new layer definition
    // and return it to the caller.
    $parcelMarkerLayer = new MgLayer($tempLayerResId, $resourceService);
    return $parcelMarkerLayer;
Esempio n. 7
 public function UpdateMapLayersAndGroups($sessionId, $mapName, $format)
     //Check for unsupported representations
     $fmt = $this->ValidateRepresentation($format, array("xml", "json"));
     try {
         $siteConn = new MgSiteConnection();
         $resSvc = $siteConn->CreateService(MgServiceType::ResourceService);
         $map = new MgMap($siteConn);
         if ($fmt == "json") {
             $body = $this->app->request->getBody();
             $json = json_decode($body);
             if ($json == NULL) {
                 throw new Exception($this->app->localizer->getText("E_MALFORMED_JSON_BODY"));
         } else {
             $body = $this->app->request->getBody();
             $jsonStr = MgUtils::Xml2Json($body);
             $json = json_decode($jsonStr);
         if (!isset($json->UpdateMap)) {
             throw new Exception($this->app->localizer->getText("E_MALFORMED_JSON_BODY"));
         Expected structure
             /Operation [1...n]
                 /Type - [AddLayer|UpdateLayer|RemoveLayer|AddGroup|UpdateGroup|RemoveGroup]
         $layers = $map->GetLayers();
         $groups = $map->GetLayerGroups();
         $um = $json->UpdateMap;
         $updateStats = new stdClass();
         $updateStats->AddedLayers = 0;
         $updateStats->UpdatedLayers = 0;
         $updateStats->RemovedLayers = 0;
         $updateStats->AddedGroups = 0;
         $updateStats->UpdatedGroups = 0;
         $updateStats->RemovedGroups = 0;
         $this->app->log->debug("Operations found: " . count($um->Operation));
         for ($i = 0; $i < count($um->Operation); $i++) {
             $op = $um->Operation[$i];
             switch ($op->Type) {
                 case "AddLayer":
                     $resId = new MgResourceIdentifier($op->ResourceId);
                     $layer = new MgLayer($resId, $resSvc);
                     self::ApplyCommonLayerProperties($layer, $op, $groups);
                     if (isset($op->InsertAt)) {
                         $layers->Insert(intval($op->InsertAt), $layer);
                     } else {
                     $this->app->log->debug("Add Layer: " . $op->Name);
                 case "UpdateLayer":
                     $layer = $layers->GetItem($op->Name);
                     if (self::ApplyCommonLayerProperties($layer, $op, $groups)) {
                         $this->app->log->debug("Updated Layer: " . $op->Name);
                 case "RemoveLayer":
                     $layer = $layers->GetItem($op->Name);
                     if ($layers->Remove($layer)) {
                         $this->app->log->debug("Removed Layer: " . $op->Name);
                 case "AddGroup":
                     $group = new MgLayerGroup($op->Name);
                     self::ApplyCommonGroupProperties($group, $op, $groups);
                     if (isset($op->InsertAt)) {
                         $groups->Insert(intval($op->InsertAt), $group);
                     } else {
                     $this->app->log->debug("Add Group: " . $op->Name);
                 case "UpdateGroup":
                     $gidx = $groups->IndexOf($op->Name);
                     if ($gidx < 0) {
                         if ($op->AddIfNotExists) {
                             $group = new MgLayerGroup($op->Name);
                             self::ApplyCommonGroupProperties($group, $op, $groups);
                             if (isset($op->InsertAt)) {
                                 $groups->Insert(intval($op->InsertAt), $group);
                             } else {
                             $this->app->log->debug("Add Group: " . $op->Name);
                         } else {
                             throw new Exception($this->app->localizer->getText("E_GROUP_NOT_FOUND", $op->Name));
                     } else {
                         $group = $groups->GetItem($gidx);
                         if (self::ApplyCommonGroupProperties($group, $op, $groups)) {
                             $this->app->log->debug("Updated Group: " . $op->Name);
                 case "RemoveGroup":
                     $group = $groups->GetItem($op->Name);
                     if ($groups->Remove($group)) {
                         $this->app->log->debug("Removed Group: " . $op->Name);
         if ($updateStats->AddedLayers > 0 || $updateStats->UpdatedLayers > 0 || $updateStats->RemovedLayers > 0 || $updateStats->AddedGroups > 0 || $updateStats->UpdatedGroups > 0 || $updateStats->RemovedGroups > 0) {
         $response = "<UpdateMapResult>";
         $response .= "<AddedLayers>";
         $response .= $updateStats->AddedLayers;
         $response .= "</AddedLayers>";
         $response .= "<UpdatedLayers>";
         $response .= $updateStats->UpdatedLayers;
         $response .= "</UpdatedLayers>";
         $response .= "<RemovedLayers>";
         $response .= $updateStats->RemovedLayers;
         $response .= "</RemovedLayers>";
         $response .= "<AddedGroups>";
         $response .= $updateStats->AddedGroups;
         $response .= "</AddedGroups>";
         $response .= "<UpdatedGroups>";
         $response .= $updateStats->UpdatedGroups;
         $response .= "</UpdatedGroups>";
         $response .= "<RemovedGroups>";
         $response .= $updateStats->RemovedGroups;
         $response .= "</RemovedGroups>";
         $response .= "</UpdateMapResult>";
         $bs = new MgByteSource($response, strlen($response));
         $br = $bs->GetReader();
         if ($format == "json") {
         } else {
     } catch (MgException $ex) {
         $this->OnException($ex, $this->GetMimeTypeForFormat($format));
Esempio n. 8
 function SetProps()
     global $site;
     global $userInfo;
     global $errInvalidWFSFile;
     // Get WFS reader
     $serverAdmin = new MgServerAdmin();
     $wfsReader = $serverAdmin->GetDocument('Wfs:OgcWfsService.config');
     // Set WFS metadata
     $wfsData = "";
     $chunk = "";
     do {
         $chunkSize = $wfsReader->Read($chunk, 4096);
         $wfsData = $wfsData . $chunk;
     } while ($chunkSize != 0);
     $keywordsStr = "";
     foreach ($this->keywords as $keyword) {
         $keywordsStr = $keywordsStr . '<item>' . $keyword . '</item>';
     $this->serviceMetadata[WFS_KEYWORDS_ITEM] = $keywordsStr;
     foreach ($this->serviceMetadata as $serviceItem => $serviceVal) {
         $itemPos = strpos($wfsData, $serviceItem);
         if ($itemPos === false) {
             throw new Exception($errInvalidWFSFile);
         $valStartPos = strpos($wfsData, '>', $itemPos);
         $valEndPos = strpos($wfsData, '</Define>', $itemPos);
         if ($valStartPos === false || $valEndPos === false || $valStartPos >= $valEndPos) {
             throw new Exception($errInvalidWFSFile);
         $wfsData = substr_replace($wfsData, $serviceVal, $valStartPos + 1, $valEndPos - $valStartPos - 1);
     // Save wfs config
     $wfsByteSource = new MgByteSource($wfsData, strlen($wfsData));
     $serverAdmin->SetDocument('Wfs:OgcWfsService.config', $wfsByteSource->GetReader());