Esempio n. 1
  * Builds a system db for the test environment
  * @todo This replicates some code in Command/System/Build - needs to be much more DRY
 protected function buildTestSystemDatabase()
     // Load the Meshing_Test_Paths class
     $projectRoot = Meshing_Utils::getProjectRoot();
     require_once $projectRoot . '/tests/unit/Meshing_Test_Paths.php';
     Meshing_Utils::reinitialise(new Meshing_Test_Paths());
     $paths = Meshing_Utils::getPaths();
     // Build a system connection file
     $task = new Meshing_Propel_ConfBuilder();
     $task->addSchemas($projectRoot . $paths->getPathDbConfig(), $paths->getLeafStandardSchema());
     $task->setXmlFile($projectRoot . $paths->getFileRuntimeXml());
     $task->setOutputDir($projectRoot . $paths->getPathConnsSystem());
     // Build the SQL for a test system database
     $task = new Meshing_Propel_SqlBuilder();
     $task->addSchemas($projectRoot . $paths->getPathDbConfig(), $paths->getLeafStandardSchema());
     $task->setOutputDir($projectRoot . $paths->getPathSqlSystem());
     // Run the sql
     $task = new Meshing_Propel_SqlRunner();
     $task->setSqlDir($projectRoot . $paths->getPathSqlSystem());
     $task->setMapFile($projectRoot . $paths->getFileDbMap());
Esempio n. 2
  * Runs the already-built SQL for the system db (deletes the existing system tables)
  * @todo Move the paths to the file
  * @param boolean $verbose 
 protected function runSql($verbose)
     $sqlDir = $this->projectRoot . Meshing_Utils::getPaths()->getPathSqlSystem();
     $mapFile = $this->projectRoot . Meshing_Utils::getPaths()->getFileDbMap();
     $task = new Meshing_Propel_SqlRunner();
Esempio n. 3
  * Runs generated SQL against the configured db
 protected function _testSqlRunner($runTests = true, $conName = Meshing_Utils::CONN_NODE_TEST_1)
     $mapFile = $this->projectRoot . $this->paths->getFileDbMap();
     $task = new Meshing_Propel_SqlRunner();
     try {
     } catch (BuildException $e) {
         echo "Error running SQL file, check build properties (map: " . $this->paths->getFileDbMap() . ")\n";
     // No tests here at the moment - we'll connect to test db later
     if ($runTests) {