Esempio n. 1
    if ($pageType == PAGE_MENU && IsAdmin() && !isMobile()) {
        $xt->assign("adminarea_link", true);
} else {
    //Admin Area menu items
    $xt->assign("adminAreaTypeMenu", true);
// need to predefine vars
$nullParent = NULL;
$rootInfoArr = array("id" => 0, "href" => "");
// create treeMenu instance
$menuRoot = new MenuItem($rootInfoArr, $pageObject->menuNodes, $nullParent);
// call xtempl assign, set session params
//	$menuRoot->clearMenuSession();
$xt->assign("mainmenu_block", true);
$rOrder = $xt->getReadingOrder();
$mainmenu = array();
if (isEnableSection508()) {
    $mainmenu["begin"] = "<a name=\"skipmenu\"></a>";
$mainmenu["end"] = '';
//$mainmenu["end"]='<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript" src="include/jquery.dropshadow.js"></script>';
$countLinks = 0;
$countGroups = 0;
foreach ($menuRoot->children as $ind => $val) {
    if ($val->showAsLink) {
Esempio n. 2
 function xt_displaymenu($params)
     global $strTableName, $pageName;
     $menuparams = array();
     foreach ($params as $p) {
         $menuparams[] = $p;
     $menuId = $menuparams[0];
     $ProjectSettings = new ProjectSettings();
     $menuName = $ProjectSettings->getMenuName($this->template_file, $menuId, $menuparams[1]);
     $menuStyle = $ProjectSettings->getMenuStyle($this->template_file, $menuId, $menuparams[1]);
     $isMobyleLayout = isMobile();
     global $pageObject;
     $pageType = "";
     $pageMode = 0;
     $menuNodes = array();
     $isAdminTable = false;
     if (isset($pageObject)) {
         $pageType = $pageObject->pageType;
         $pageMode = $pageObject->mode;
         $isAdminTable = $pageObject->isAdminTable();
         if ($isAdminTable) {
             $menuName = "adminarea";
         $menuNodes = $pageObject->getMenuNodes($menuName);
     $xt = new Xtempl();
     $xt->assign("menuName", $menuName);
     $xt->assign("menustyle", $menuStyle ? "second" : "main");
     $quickjump = false;
     $horizontal = false;
     if (count($menuparams)) {
         if ($menuparams[0] == "horizontal") {
             $horizontal = true;
         } elseif ($menuparams[0] == "quickjump") {
             $quickjump = true;
     if (!$isAdminTable) {
         if (!$quickjump) {
             if (!$isMobyleLayout) {
                 $xt->assign("simpleTypeMenu", true);
             } else {
                 $xt->assign("treeLikeTypeMenu", true);
         if ($pageType == PAGE_MENU && IsAdmin() && !$isMobyleLayout) {
             $xt->assign("adminarea_link", true);
     } else {
         //Admin Area menu items
         $xt->assign("adminAreaTypeMenu", true);
     // need to predefine vars
     $nullParent = NULL;
     $rootInfoArr = array("id" => 0, "href" => "");
     // create treeMenu instance
     $menuNodesIndex = 0;
     $menuMap = array();
     $menuRoot = new MenuItem($rootInfoArr, $menuNodes, $nullParent, $menuMap);
     // call xtempl assign, set session params
     $xt->assign("mainmenu_block", true);
     $mainmenu = array();
     if (isEnableSection508()) {
         $mainmenu["begin"] = "<a name=\"skipmenu\"></a>";
     $mainmenu["end"] = '';
     $countLinks = 0;
     $countGroups = 0;
     $showMenuCollapseExpandAll = false;
     foreach ($menuRoot->children as $ind => $val) {
         if ($val->showAsLink) {
         if ($val->showAsGroup) {
             if (count($val->children)) {
                 $showMenuCollapseExpandAll = true;
     $xt->assign("menu_collapse_expand_all", $showMenuCollapseExpandAll);
     if ($pageType == PAGE_MENU || $countLinks > 1 || $countGroups > 0) {
         $xt->assignbyref("mainmenu_block", $mainmenu);
         if ($this->layout->version == 1) {
             $menuName = "old" . $menuName;
         if ($quickjump) {
             $xt->display($menuName . "_" . "mainmenu_quickjump.htm");
         } else {
             if ($horizontal) {
                 $xt->display($menuName . "_" . "mainmenu_horiz.htm");
             } else {
                 if ($isMobyleLayout && $this->layout->version != 1) {
                     $xt->display($menuName . "_" . "mainmenu_m.htm");
                 } else {
                     $xt->display($menuName . "_" . "mainmenu.htm");