echo "<P>";
// Ceate new statements and add them to the model
$statement1 = new Statement(new Resource(""), new Resource(""), new Literal("Lassila's personal Homepage", "en"));
$statement2 = new Statement(new Resource(""), new Resource(""), new Literal("Lassilas persönliche Homepage ", "de"));
echo "<P>";
// Search model 1
$homepage = new Resource("");
$res = $model->find($homepage, NULL, NULL);
echo "<P>";
// Search model 2
$description = new Resource("");
$statement = $model->findFirstMatchingStatement($homepage, $description, NULL);
// Check if something was found and output result
if ($statement) {
    echo $statement->toString();
} else {
    echo "Sorry, I didn't find anything.";
echo "<P>";
// Search model 3
$res3 = $model->findVocabulary("");
echo "<P>";
// Write model as RDF
// Save model to file