Esempio n. 1
	function perform($config_path) {
	* check ghostscript capabilities of convert
	* render formula for test purpose
	* check pages of given pdf file
		$result = true;
		$result = $result && file_exists($config_path);
		<td>Configuration present</td>
		<td class="<?php echo $result ? 'green' : 'red'; ?>"><?php echo $result ? "Yes":"No"; ?></td>
		<?php if(!$result): ?>
		Run <a href="../setup/index.php">setup</a> first.
		<?php endif; ?>
	<?php if ($result): ?>
		$result = (!empty(MediabirdConfig::$pdftk_path) && MediabirdUtility::execExists(MediabirdConfig::$pdftk_path)) || (!empty(MediabirdConfig::$pdfinfo_path) && MediabirdUtility::execExists(MediabirdConfig::$pdfinfo_path));
		<td>PdfTk or pdfinfo accessible</td>
		<td class="<?php echo $result ? 'green' : 'red'; ?>"><?php echo $result ? "Yes":"No"; ?></td>
		<?php if(!$result): ?>
		Install pdftk or pdfinfo. You might have to specify the path to pdftk or pdfinfo in the module options or config file.
		<?php endif; ?>
		$result = MediabirdUtility::execExists(MediabirdConfig::$latex_path);
		<td>LaTeX accessible</td>
		<td class="<?php echo $result ? 'green' : 'red'; ?>"><?php echo $result ? "Yes":"No"; ?></td>
		<?php if(!$result): ?>
		Install LaTeX and specify the path to the latex executable in the module options or config file.
		<?php endif; ?>
		$result = MediabirdUtility::execExists(MediabirdConfig::$convert_path);
		<td>LaTeX helper DVIPNG accessible</td>
		<td class="<?php echo $result ? 'green' : 'red'; ?>"><?php echo $result ? "Yes":"No"; ?></td>
		<?php if(!$result): ?>
		Install dvipng and specify the path to the dvipng executable in the module options or config file.
		<?php endif; ?>
		$result = MediabirdUtility::execExists(MediabirdConfig::$magic_path);
		<td>ImageMagick accessible</td>
		<td class="<?php echo $result ? 'green' : 'red'; ?>"><?php echo $result ? "Yes":"No"; ?></td>
		<?php if(!$result): ?>
		Install ImageMagick and specify the path to the convert executable in the module options or config file.
		<?php endif; ?>
	<?php endif; ?>
Esempio n. 2
	 * Returns the PDF header info
	 * @param $filename File name
	 * @param [$password] Password, optional
	 * @return object
	function getPdfInfo($filename,$password=null) {
		$pdfInfoPath = MediabirdConfig::$pdfinfo_path;
		$pdfTkPath = MediabirdConfig::$pdftk_path;

		if(!file_exists($filename)) {
			return null;

		$encInfo = '';

		$info = (object)null;

		$info->encrypted = false;

		if(!empty($pdfInfoPath) && MediabirdUtility::execExists($pdfInfoPath)) {
			if(isset($password) && strlen($password)>0) {
				$info->encrypted = true;
				$encInfo = "-upw $password";
			$cmd=sprintf('%s -enc UTF-8 %s %s',escapeshellarg($pdfInfoPath),$encInfo,escapeshellarg($filename));
		else if(!empty($pdfTkPath) && MediabirdUtility::execExists($pdfTkPath)){
			if(isset($password) && strlen($password)>0) {
				$info->encrypted = true;
				$encInfo = "input_pw $password";
			$cmd=sprintf('%s %s %s dump_data',escapeshellarg($pdfTkPath),escapeshellarg($filename),$encInfo);
		else {
			return null;

		$infoCachePath = MediabirdConfig::$cache_folder.md5($cmd);

		if(file_exists($infoCachePath) && is_readable($infoCachePath)) {
			$contents = file_get_contents($infoCachePath);
			$code = strlen($contents)>0 ? 0 : 1;

			$output = explode("\n",$contents);
			$lastLine = $output[count($output)-1];
		else {

			$lastLine = exec($cmd,$output,$code);

			if($code == 0 && empty($lastLine)) {
				return null;
			else {

		if($code == 0) {
			$info->pageCount = 0;
			$info->title = basename($filename);
			$nextTitle = false;
			foreach($output as $line) {
				if(preg_match("/(\w+)\s*\:\s*(.+)\s*$/",$line,$matches)) {
					if($matches[1]=="Pages" || $matches[1]=="NumberOfPages") {
						$info->pageCount = intval($matches[2]);
					if($matches[1]=="Title" || $nextTitle) {
						$info->title = $matches[2];
					if($matches[1]=="Encrypted") {
						$info->encrypted = strpos($matches[2], "yes") === 0;
					$nextTitle = $matches[1]=="InfoKey" && $matches[2]=="Title";
		else {
			$info->encrypted = true;
		return $info;