public function build_end($town, $type, $subtype, $count, $start, $end) { //pobierz dane obiektu $object = get_row("\n\t\t\tselect * from game_objects_param \n\t\t\tleft join game_objects \n\t\t\ton go_t_id = " . $town . "\n\t\t\tand go_gop_id = gop_id\n\t\t\twhere gop_type = " . $type . " and gop_subtype = " . $subtype . "\n\t\t\tlimit 1\n\t\t"); //jeżeli obiektu nie ma na liście obiektów wybudowanych, to bierz pod uwagę parametry startowe if (empty($object->go_id)) { $object->go_lvl = 0; } switch ($type) { case 1: switch ($subtype) { case 1: //tartak if ($object->go_lvl == 0) { call("\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tinsert into game_objects (go_t_id, go_type, go_subtype, go_gop_id, go_wood, go_stone, go_iron, go_pop, go_time)\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tvalue( {$town}, {$type}, {$subtype}, {$object->gop_id}, {$object->gop_wood} * ((100 + {$object->gop_res_inc})/100), {$object->gop_stone} * ((100 + {$object->gop_res_inc})/100), {$object->gop_iron} * ((100 + {$object->gop_res_inc})/100), {$object->gop_pop} * ((100 + {$object->gop_res_inc})/100), {$object->gop_time} * ((100 + {$object->gop_time_inc})/100))"); call("update towns set t_wood_inc = t_wood_inc + 50 where t_id = {$town}"); } else { call("update towns set t_wood_inc = t_wood_inc * 1.2 where t_id = {$town}"); call("\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tupdate game_objects \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tset go_lvl = go_lvl + 1, go_wood = go_wood * ((100 + {$object->gop_res_inc})/100), go_stone = go_stone * ((100 + {$object->gop_res_inc})/100), go_iron = go_iron * ((100 + {$object->gop_res_inc})/100), go_pop= go_pop * ((100 + {$object->gop_res_inc})/100), go_time = go_time * ((100 + {$object->gop_time_inc})/100)\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\twhere go_t_id = {$town} and go_type = {$type} and go_subtype = {$subtype}"); } break; case 2: //cegielnia if ($object->go_lvl == 0) { call("\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tinsert into game_objects (go_t_id, go_type, go_subtype, go_gop_id, go_wood, go_stone, go_iron, go_pop, go_time)\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tvalue( {$town}, {$type}, {$subtype}, {$object->gop_id}, {$object->gop_wood} * ((100 + {$object->gop_res_inc})/100), {$object->gop_stone} * ((100 + {$object->gop_res_inc})/100), {$object->gop_iron} * ((100 + {$object->gop_res_inc})/100), {$object->gop_pop} * ((100 + {$object->gop_res_inc})/100), {$object->gop_time} * ((100 + {$object->gop_time_inc})/100))"); call("update towns set t_stone_inc = t_stone_inc + 50 where t_id = {$town}"); } else { call("update towns set t_stone_inc = t_stone_inc * 1.2 where t_id = {$town}"); call("\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tupdate game_objects \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tset go_lvl = go_lvl + 1, go_wood = go_wood * ((100 + {$object->gop_res_inc})/100), go_stone = go_stone * ((100 + {$object->gop_res_inc})/100), go_iron = go_iron * ((100 + {$object->gop_res_inc})/100), go_pop= go_pop * ((100 + {$object->gop_res_inc})/100), go_time = go_time * ((100 + {$object->gop_time_inc})/100)\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\twhere go_t_id = {$town} and go_type = {$type} and go_subtype = {$subtype}"); } break; case 3: //Kopalnia złota if ($object->go_lvl == 0) { call("\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tinsert into game_objects (go_t_id, go_type, go_subtype, go_gop_id, go_wood, go_stone, go_iron, go_pop, go_time)\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tvalue( {$town}, {$type}, {$subtype}, {$object->gop_id}, {$object->gop_wood} * ((100 + {$object->gop_res_inc})/100), {$object->gop_stone} * ((100 + {$object->gop_res_inc})/100), {$object->gop_iron} * ((100 + {$object->gop_res_inc})/100), {$object->gop_pop} * ((100 + {$object->gop_res_inc})/100), {$object->gop_time} * ((100 + {$object->gop_time_inc})/100))"); call("update towns set t_iron_inc = t_iron_inc + 50 where t_id = {$town}"); } else { call("update towns set t_iron_inc = t_iron_inc * 1.2 where t_id = {$town}"); call("\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tupdate game_objects \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tset go_lvl = go_lvl + 1, go_wood = go_wood * ((100 + {$object->gop_res_inc})/100), go_stone = go_stone * ((100 + {$object->gop_res_inc})/100), go_iron = go_iron * ((100 + {$object->gop_res_inc})/100), go_pop= go_pop * ((100 + {$object->gop_res_inc})/100), go_time = go_time * ((100 + {$object->gop_time_inc})/100)\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\twhere go_t_id = {$town} and go_type = {$type} and go_subtype = {$subtype}"); } break; case 4: //młyn if ($object->go_lvl == 0) { call("\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tinsert into game_objects (go_t_id, go_type, go_subtype, go_gop_id, go_wood, go_stone, go_iron, go_pop, go_time)\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tvalue( {$town}, {$type}, {$subtype}, {$object->gop_id}, {$object->gop_wood} * ((100 + {$object->gop_res_inc})/100), {$object->gop_stone} * ((100 + {$object->gop_res_inc})/100), {$object->gop_iron} * ((100 + {$object->gop_res_inc})/100), {$object->gop_pop} * ((100 + {$object->gop_res_inc})/100), {$object->gop_time} * ((100 + {$object->gop_time_inc})/100))"); call("update towns set t_pop_max = t_pop_max * 1.3 where t_id = {$town}"); } else { call("\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tupdate game_objects \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tset go_lvl = go_lvl + 1, go_wood = go_wood * ((100 + {$object->gop_res_inc})/100), go_stone = go_stone * ((100 + {$object->gop_res_inc})/100), go_iron = go_iron * ((100 + {$object->gop_res_inc})/100), go_pop= go_pop * ((100 + {$object->gop_res_inc})/100), go_time = go_time * ((100 + {$object->gop_time_inc})/100)\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\twhere go_t_id = {$town} and go_type = {$type} and go_subtype = {$subtype}"); call("update towns set t_pop_max = t_pop_max * 1.3 where t_id = {$town}"); if ($object->go_lvl == 2) { call("update town_objects set to_can = 1 where to_gop_id = 7 and to_t_id = {$town}"); } } break; case 5: //koszary if ($object->go_lvl == 0) { call("\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tinsert into game_objects (go_t_id, go_type, go_subtype, go_gop_id, go_wood, go_stone, go_iron, go_pop, go_time)\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tvalue( {$town}, {$type}, {$subtype}, {$object->gop_id}, {$object->gop_wood} * ((100 + {$object->gop_res_inc})/100), {$object->gop_stone} * ((100 + {$object->gop_res_inc})/100), {$object->gop_iron} * ((100 + {$object->gop_res_inc})/100), {$object->gop_pop} * ((100 + {$object->gop_res_inc})/100), {$object->gop_time} * ((100 + {$object->gop_time_inc})/100))"); call("update town_objects set to_can = 1 where to_t_id = {$town} and to_gop_id = 9 or to_gop_id = 21"); } else { call("\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tupdate game_objects \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tset go_lvl = go_lvl + 1, go_wood = go_wood * ((100 + {$object->gop_res_inc})/100), go_stone = go_stone * ((100 + {$object->gop_res_inc})/100), go_iron = go_iron * ((100 + {$object->gop_res_inc})/100), go_pop= go_pop * ((100 + {$object->gop_res_inc})/100), go_time = go_time * ((100 + {$object->gop_time_inc})/100)\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\twhere go_t_id = {$town} and go_type = {$type} and go_subtype = {$subtype}"); switch ($object->go_lvl) { case 2: call("update town_objects set to_can = 1 where to_t_id = {$town} and to_gop_id = 10"); break; case 4: call("update town_objects set to_can = 1 where to_t_id = {$town} and to_gop_id = 11 or to_gop_id = 22"); break; case 5: call("update town_objects set to_can = 1 where to_t_id = {$town} and to_gop_id = 15"); break; case 6: call("update town_objects set to_can = 1 where to_t_id = {$town} and to_gop_id = 12"); break; case 9: call("update town_objects set to_can = 1 where to_t_id = {$town} and to_gop_id = 13 or to_gop_id = 23"); break; case 14: call("update town_objects set to_can = 1 where to_t_id = {$town} and to_gop_id = 14"); break; default: break; } } break; case 7: //ratusz if ($object->go_lvl == 0) { call("\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tinsert into game_objects (go_t_id, go_type, go_subtype, go_gop_id, go_wood, go_stone, go_iron, go_pop, go_time)\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tvalue( {$town}, {$type}, {$subtype}, {$object->gop_id}, {$object->gop_wood} * ((100 + {$object->gop_res_inc})/100), {$object->gop_stone} * ((100 + {$object->gop_res_inc})/100), {$object->gop_iron} * ((100 + {$object->gop_res_inc})/100), {$object->gop_pop} * ((100 + {$object->gop_res_inc})/100), {$object->gop_time} * ((100 + {$object->gop_time_inc})/100))"); call("update town_objects set to_can = 1 where to_t_id = {$town} and to_gop_id >= 16 and to_gop_id <= 20"); } else { call("\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tupdate game_objects \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tset go_lvl = go_lvl + 1, go_wood = go_wood * ((100 + {$object->gop_res_inc})/100), go_stone = go_stone * ((100 + {$object->gop_res_inc})/100), go_iron = go_iron * ((100 + {$object->gop_res_inc})/100), go_pop= go_pop * ((100 + {$object->gop_res_inc})/100), go_time = go_time * ((100 + {$object->gop_time_inc})/100)\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\twhere go_t_id = {$town} and go_type = {$type} and go_subtype = {$subtype}"); if ($object->go_lvl == 2) { call("update town_objects set to_can = 1 where to_gop_id = 6 and to_t_id = {$town}"); } elseif ($object->go_lvl == 1) { call("update town_objects set to_can = 1 where to_gop_id = 5 and to_t_id = {$town}"); } } break; case 8: //magazyn if ($object->go_lvl == 0) { call("\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tinsert into game_objects (go_t_id, go_type, go_subtype, go_gop_id, go_wood, go_stone, go_iron, go_pop, go_time)\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tvalue( {$town}, {$type}, {$subtype}, {$object->gop_id}, {$object->gop_wood} * ((100 + {$object->gop_res_inc})/100), {$object->gop_stone} * ((100 + {$object->gop_res_inc})/100), {$object->gop_iron} * ((100 + {$object->gop_res_inc})/100), {$object->gop_pop} * ((100 + {$object->gop_res_inc})/100), {$object->gop_time} * ((100 + {$object->gop_time_inc})/100))"); call("update towns set t_res_max = t_res_max * 1.3 where t_id = {$town}"); } else { call("update towns set t_res_max = t_res_max * 1.3 where t_id = {$town}"); call("\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tupdate game_objects \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tset go_lvl = go_lvl + 1, go_wood = go_wood * ((100 + {$object->gop_res_inc})/100), go_stone = go_stone * ((100 + {$object->gop_res_inc})/100), go_iron = go_iron * ((100 + {$object->gop_res_inc})/100), go_pop= go_pop * ((100 + {$object->gop_res_inc})/100), go_time = go_time * ((100 + {$object->gop_time_inc})/100)\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\twhere go_t_id = {$town} and go_type = {$type} and go_subtype = {$subtype}"); } break; default: //inne if ($object->go_lvl == 0) { call("\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tinsert into game_objects (go_t_id, go_type, go_subtype, go_gop_id, go_wood, go_stone, go_iron, go_pop, go_time)\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tvalue( {$town}, {$type}, {$subtype}, {$object->gop_id}, {$object->gop_wood} * ((100 + {$object->gop_res_inc})/100), {$object->gop_stone} * ((100 + {$object->gop_res_inc})/100), {$object->gop_iron} * ((100 + {$object->gop_res_inc})/100), {$object->gop_pop} * ((100 + {$object->gop_res_inc})/100), {$object->gop_time} * ((100 + {$object->gop_time_inc})/100))"); } else { call("\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tupdate game_objects \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tset go_lvl = go_lvl + 1, go_wood = go_wood * ((100 + {$object->gop_res_inc})/100), go_stone = go_stone * ((100 + {$object->gop_res_inc})/100), go_iron = go_iron * ((100 + {$object->gop_res_inc})/100), go_pop= go_pop * ((100 + {$object->gop_res_inc})/100), go_time = go_time * ((100 + {$object->gop_time_inc})/100)\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\twhere go_t_id = {$town} and go_type = {$type} and go_subtype = {$subtype}"); } break; } break; case 2: switch ($subtype) { case 1: //Wycinka Drzew if ($object->go_lvl == 0) { call("\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tinsert into game_objects (go_t_id, go_type, go_subtype, go_gop_id, go_wood, go_stone, go_iron, go_pop, go_time)\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tvalue( {$town}, {$type}, {$subtype}, {$object->gop_id}, {$object->gop_wood} * ((100 + {$object->gop_res_inc})/100), {$object->gop_stone} * ((100 + {$object->gop_res_inc})/100), {$object->gop_iron} * ((100 + {$object->gop_res_inc})/100), {$object->gop_pop} * ((100 + {$object->gop_res_inc})/100), {$object->gop_time} * ((100 + {$object->gop_time_inc})/100))"); call("update towns set t_wood_inc = t_wood_inc * 1.1 where t_id = {$town}"); } else { call("update towns set t_wood_inc = t_wood_inc * 1.1 where t_id = {$town}"); call("\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tupdate game_objects \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tset go_lvl = go_lvl + 1, go_wood = go_wood * ((100 + {$object->gop_res_inc})/100), go_stone = go_stone * ((100 + {$object->gop_res_inc})/100), go_iron = go_iron * ((100 + {$object->gop_res_inc})/100), go_pop= go_pop * ((100 + {$object->gop_res_inc})/100), go_time = go_time * ((100 + {$object->gop_time_inc})/100)\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\twhere go_t_id = {$town} and go_type = {$type} and go_subtype = {$subtype}"); } break; case 2: //Wiedza o glebie if ($object->go_lvl == 0) { call("\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tinsert into game_objects (go_t_id, go_type, go_subtype, go_gop_id, go_wood, go_stone, go_iron, go_pop, go_time)\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tvalue( {$town}, {$type}, {$subtype}, {$object->gop_id}, {$object->gop_wood} * ((100 + {$object->gop_res_inc})/100), {$object->gop_stone} * ((100 + {$object->gop_res_inc})/100), {$object->gop_iron} * ((100 + {$object->gop_res_inc})/100), {$object->gop_pop} * ((100 + {$object->gop_res_inc})/100), {$object->gop_time} * ((100 + {$object->gop_time_inc})/100))"); call("update towns set t_stone_inc = t_stone_inc * 1.1 where t_id = {$town}"); } else { call("update towns set t_stone_inc = t_stone_inc * 1.1where t_id = {$town}"); call("\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tupdate game_objects \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tset go_lvl = go_lvl + 1, go_wood = go_wood * ((100 + {$object->gop_res_inc})/100), go_stone = go_stone * ((100 + {$object->gop_res_inc})/100), go_iron = go_iron * ((100 + {$object->gop_res_inc})/100), go_pop= go_pop * ((100 + {$object->gop_res_inc})/100), go_time = go_time * ((100 + {$object->gop_time_inc})/100)\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\twhere go_t_id = {$town} and go_type = {$type} and go_subtype = {$subtype}"); } break; case 3: //Wiedza o skałach if ($object->go_lvl == 0) { call("\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tinsert into game_objects (go_t_id, go_type, go_subtype, go_gop_id, go_wood, go_stone, go_iron, go_pop, go_time)\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tvalue( {$town}, {$type}, {$subtype}, {$object->gop_id}, {$object->gop_wood} * ((100 + {$object->gop_res_inc})/100), {$object->gop_stone} * ((100 + {$object->gop_res_inc})/100), {$object->gop_iron} * ((100 + {$object->gop_res_inc})/100), {$object->gop_pop} * ((100 + {$object->gop_res_inc})/100), {$object->gop_time} * ((100 + {$object->gop_time_inc})/100))"); call("update towns set t_iron_inc = t_iron_inc * 1.1 where t_id = {$town}"); } else { call("update towns set t_iron_inc = t_iron_inc * 1.1 where t_id = {$town}"); call("\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tupdate game_objects \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tset go_lvl = go_lvl + 1, go_wood = go_wood * ((100 + {$object->gop_res_inc})/100), go_stone = go_stone * ((100 + {$object->gop_res_inc})/100), go_iron = go_iron * ((100 + {$object->gop_res_inc})/100), go_pop= go_pop * ((100 + {$object->gop_res_inc})/100), go_time = go_time * ((100 + {$object->gop_time_inc})/100)\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\twhere go_t_id = {$town} and go_type = {$type} and go_subtype = {$subtype}"); } break; case 4: //higiena if ($object->go_lvl == 0) { call("\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tinsert into game_objects (go_t_id, go_type, go_subtype, go_gop_id, go_wood, go_stone, go_iron, go_pop, go_time)\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tvalue( {$town}, {$type}, {$subtype}, {$object->gop_id}, {$object->gop_wood} * ((100 + {$object->gop_res_inc})/100), {$object->gop_stone} * ((100 + {$object->gop_res_inc})/100), {$object->gop_iron} * ((100 + {$object->gop_res_inc})/100), {$object->gop_pop} * ((100 + {$object->gop_res_inc})/100), {$object->gop_time} * ((100 + {$object->gop_time_inc})/100))"); call("update towns set t_pop_max = t_pop_max * 1.1 where t_id = {$town}"); } else { call("\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tupdate game_objects \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tset go_lvl = go_lvl + 1, go_wood = go_wood * ((100 + {$object->gop_res_inc})/100), go_stone = go_stone * ((100 + {$object->gop_res_inc})/100), go_iron = go_iron * ((100 + {$object->gop_res_inc})/100), go_pop= go_pop * ((100 + {$object->gop_res_inc})/100), go_time = go_time * ((100 + {$object->gop_time_inc})/100)\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\twhere go_t_id = {$town} and go_type = {$type} and go_subtype = {$subtype}"); call("update towns set t_pop_max = t_pop_max * 1.1 where t_id = {$town}"); } break; case 5: //magazynynowanie if ($object->go_lvl == 0) { call("\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tinsert into game_objects (go_t_id, go_type, go_subtype, go_gop_id, go_wood, go_stone, go_iron, go_pop, go_time)\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tvalue( {$town}, {$type}, {$subtype}, {$object->gop_id}, {$object->gop_wood} * ((100 + {$object->gop_res_inc})/100), {$object->gop_stone} * ((100 + {$object->gop_res_inc})/100), {$object->gop_iron} * ((100 + {$object->gop_res_inc})/100), {$object->gop_pop} * ((100 + {$object->gop_res_inc})/100), {$object->gop_time} * ((100 + {$object->gop_time_inc})/100))"); call("update towns set t_res_max = t_res_max * 1.2 where t_id = {$town}"); } else { call("update towns set t_res_max = t_res_max * 1.2 where t_id = {$town}"); call("\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tupdate game_objects \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tset go_lvl = go_lvl + 1, go_wood = go_wood * ((100 + {$object->gop_res_inc})/100), go_stone = go_stone * ((100 + {$object->gop_res_inc})/100), go_iron = go_iron * ((100 + {$object->gop_res_inc})/100), go_pop= go_pop * ((100 + {$object->gop_res_inc})/100), go_time = go_time * ((100 + {$object->gop_time_inc})/100)\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\twhere go_t_id = {$town} and go_type = {$type} and go_subtype = {$subtype}"); } break; } break; case 3: //units $is_unit = get_one("select go_id from game_objects where go_t_id = {$town} and go_type = {$type} and go_subtype = {$subtype} limit 1"); if (empty($is_unit)) { call("\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tinsert into game_objects (go_t_id, go_type, go_subtype, go_gop_id, go_wood, go_stone, go_iron, go_pop, go_time, go_attack, go_defence, go_life, go_range, go_lvl)\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tvalue( {$town}, {$type}, {$subtype}, {$object->gop_id}, {$object->gop_wood} , {$object->gop_stone} , {$object->gop_iron}, {$object->gop_pop}, {$object->gop_time},{$object->gop_attack}, {$object->gop_defence}, {$object->gop_life}, {$object->gop_range}, {$count})"); } else { call("\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tupdate game_objects \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tset go_lvl = go_lvl + {$count}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\twhere go_t_id = {$town} and go_type = {$type} and go_subtype = {$subtype}"); } break; case 10: require_once 'functions/SpyMgr.php'; $SpyMgr = new SpyMgr(); $newevent->e_t_id = $town; $newevent->e_type = $type; $newevent->e_subtype = $subtype; $newevent->e_count = $count; $newevent->e_start = $start; $newevent->e_end = $end; $SpyMgr->spy_battle($config, $newevent); break; case 11: require_once 'functions/SpyMgr.php'; $SpyMgr = new SpyMgr(); $SpyMgr->spy_dismis($config, $town, $count); break; case 20: require_once 'functions/MarketMgr.php'; $MarketMgr = new MarketMgr(); $MarketMgr->caravan_unload($config, $subtype, $count); $back = $MarketMgr->caravan_back($config, $town, $count); break; case 21: require_once 'functions/MarketMgr.php'; $MarketMgr = new MarketMgr(); $MarketMgr->caravan_unload($config, $town, $count); $back = $MarketMgr->caravan_dismis($config, $count); break; case 30: require_once 'functions/ArmyMgr.php'; $ArmyMgr = new ArmyMgr(); $newevent->e_t_id = $town; $newevent->e_type = $type; $newevent->e_subtype = $subtype; $newevent->e_count = $count; $newevent->e_start = $start; $newevent->e_end = $end; $ArmyMgr->army_battle($config, $newevent); break; case 31: require_once 'functions/ArmyMgr.php'; $ArmyMgr = new ArmyMgr(); $ArmyMgr->army_dismis($config, $town, $count); break; case 70: require_once 'functions/ColectorsMgr.php'; $ColectorsMgr = new ColectorsMgr(); $newevent->e_t_id = $town; $newevent->e_type = $type; $newevent->e_subtype = $subtype; $newevent->e_count = $count; $newevent->e_start = $start; $newevent->e_end = $end; $ColectorsMgr->colectors_work($config, $newevent); break; case 71: require_once 'functions/ColectorsMgr.php'; $ColectorsMgr = new ColectorsMgr(); $back = $ColectorsMgr->colectors_dismis($config, $town, $count); break; case 80: require_once 'functions/ThiefsMgr.php'; $ThiefsMgr = new ThiefsMgr(); $newevent->e_t_id = $town; $newevent->e_type = $type; $newevent->e_subtype = $subtype; $newevent->e_count = $count; $newevent->e_start = $start; $newevent->e_end = $end; $ThiefsMgr->thiefs_work($config, $newevent); break; case 81: require_once 'functions/ThiefsMgr.php'; $ThiefsMgr = new ThiefsMgr(); $back = $ThiefsMgr->thiefs_dismis($config, $town, $count); break; case 90: require_once 'functions/AssasinsMgr.php'; $AssasinsMgr = new AssasinsMgr(); $newevent->e_t_id = $town; $newevent->e_type = $type; $newevent->e_subtype = $subtype; $newevent->e_count = $count; $newevent->e_start = $start; $newevent->e_end = $end; $AssasinsMgr->assasins_battle($config, $newevent); break; case 91: require_once 'functions/AssasinsMgr.php'; $AssasinsMgr = new AssasinsMgr(); $AssasinsMgr->assasins_dismis($config, $town, $count); break; default: break; } }