/** * @see ItemParameterManipulation::doManipulation * * @since 0.7.5 */ public function doManipulation(&$value, Parameter $parameter, array &$parameters) { global $egMapsDefaultGeoService; static $validatedDefault = false; if (!MapsGeocoders::canGeocode()) { throw new MWException('There are no geocoders registered, so no geocoding can happen.'); } // Get rid of any aliases. $value = $this->getMainIndentifier($value); // Override the defaulting. if ($parameter->wasSetToDefault() && is_string($this->mappingServiceParam) && array_key_exists($this->mappingServiceParam, $parameters)) { $value = self::resolveOverrides($value, $parameters[$this->mappingServiceParam]->getValue()); } if ($value === '' || !array_key_exists($value, MapsGeocoders::$registeredGeocoders)) { if (!$validatedDefault) { if (!array_key_exists($egMapsDefaultGeoService, MapsGeocoders::$registeredGeocoders)) { $geoServices = array_keys(MapsGeocoders::$registeredGeocoders); $egMapsDefaultGeoService = array_shift($geoServices); if (is_null($egMapsDefaultGeoService)) { throw new MWException('Tried to geocode while there are no geocoders available at ' . __METHOD__); } } } if (array_key_exists($egMapsDefaultGeoService, MapsGeocoders::$registeredGeocoders)) { $value = $egMapsDefaultGeoService; } else { throw new MWException('Attempt to use the default geocoder while it does not exist.'); } } }
/** * Returns true if the parameter value contains atleast 1 comma * meaning that there are atleast two enpoints on which to draw a line. * * @param string $value * @param Parameter $parameter * @param array $parameters * * @since 0.4 * * @return boolean */ protected function doValidation($value, Parameter $parameter, array $parameters) { //fetch locations $value = explode($this->metaDataSeparator, $value); $value = $value[0]; //need atleast two points to create a line $valid = strpos($value, ':') != false; if (!$valid) { return $valid; } //setup geocode deps $canGeoCode = MapsGeocoders::canGeocode(); if ($canGeoCode) { $geoService = $parameter->hasDependency('geoservice') ? $parameters['geoservice']->getValue() : ''; $mappingService = $parameter->hasDependency('mappingservice') ? $parameters['mappingservice']->getValue() : false; } //strip away line parameters and check for valid locations $parts = explode(':', $value); foreach ($parts as $part) { $toIndex = strpos($part, $this->metaDataSeparator); if ($toIndex != false) { $part = substr($part, 0, $toIndex); } if ($canGeoCode) { $valid = MapsGeocoders::isLocation($part, $geoService, $mappingService); } else { $valid = MapsCoordinateParser::areCoordinates($part); } if (!$valid) { break; } } return $valid; }
/** * @see ItemParameterCriterion::validate */ protected function doValidation($value, Parameter $parameter, array $parameters) { if ($this->metaDataSeparator !== false) { $parts = explode($this->metaDataSeparator, $value); $value = $parts[0]; } if (MapsGeocoders::canGeocode()) { $geoService = $parameter->hasDependency('geoservice') ? $parameters['geoservice']->getValue() : ''; $mappingService = $parameter->hasDependency('mappingservice') ? $parameters['mappingservice']->getValue() : false; return MapsGeocoders::isLocation($value, $geoService, $mappingService); } else { return MapsCoordinateParser::areCoordinates($value); } }
/** * Initiate the geocoding functionality. * * @since 1.0.3 * * @return boolean Indicates if init happened */ public static function init() { static $initiated = false; if ($initiated) { return false; } $initiated = true; // Register the geocoders. wfRunHooks('GeocoderFirstCallInit'); // Determine if there are any geocoders. self::$canGeocode = count(self::$registeredGeocoders) > 0; return true; }
/** * Renders and returns the output. * @see ParserHook::render * * @since 0.7 * * @param array $parameters * * @return string */ public function render(array $parameters) { if (MapsGeocoders::canGeocode()) { $geovalues = MapsGeocoders::attemptToGeocodeToString($parameters['location'], $parameters['geoservice'], $parameters['mappingservice'], $parameters['allowcoordinates'], $parameters['format'], $parameters['directional']); $output = $geovalues ? $geovalues : ''; } else { $output = htmlspecialchars(wfMsg('maps-geocoder-not-available')); } return $output; }
/** * Renders and returns the output. * @see ParserHook::render * * @since 0.7 * * @param array $parameters * * @return string */ public function render(array $parameters) { $canGeocode = MapsGeocoders::canGeocode(); if ($canGeocode) { $location = MapsGeocoders::attemptToGeocode($parameters['location'], $parameters['geoservice'], $parameters['mappingservice']); } else { $location = MapsCoordinateParser::parseCoordinates($parameters['location']); } // TODO if ($location) { $destination = MapsGeoFunctions::findDestination($location, $parameters['bearing'], MapsDistanceParser::parseDistance($parameters['distance'])); $output = MapsCoordinateParser::formatCoordinates($destination, $parameters['format'], $parameters['directional']); } else { // The location should be valid when this method gets called. throw new MWException('Attempt to find a destination from an invalid location'); } return $output; }
/** * Renders and returns the output. * @see ParserHook::render * * @since 0.7 * * @param array $parameters * * @return string */ public function render(array $parameters) { if (MapsGeocoders::canGeocode()) { $start = MapsGeocoders::attemptToGeocode($parameters['location1'], $parameters['geoservice'], $parameters['mappingservice']); $end = MapsGeocoders::attemptToGeocode($parameters['location2'], $parameters['geoservice'], $parameters['mappingservice']); } else { $start = MapsCoordinateParser::parseCoordinates($parameters['location1']); $end = MapsCoordinateParser::parseCoordinates($parameters['location2']); } if ($start && $end) { $output = MapsDistanceParser::formatDistance(MapsGeoFunctions::calculateDistance($start, $end), $parameters['unit'], $parameters['decimals']); } else { // The locations should be valid when this method gets called. throw new Exception('Attempt to find the distance between locations of at least one is invalid'); } return $output; }