public function authenticate()
     if ($this->data->datasource == '') {
         $this->data->datasource = 'fnapolo';
         //$this->renderPrompt('error', 'Inform database name.');
     Manager::setConf('fnbr20.db', $this->data->datasource);
     Manager::getSession()->fnbr20db = $this->data->datasource;
     $auth = Manager::getAuth();
     $this->data->result = $auth->authenticate($this->data->user, $this->data->challenge, $this->data->response);
     if ($this->data->result) {
         $user = Manager::getLogin()->getUser();
         $this->data->idLanguage = $user->getConfigData('fnbr20IdLanguage');
         if ($this->data->idLanguage == '') {
             $this->data->idLanguage = 1;
             $user->setConfigData('fnbr20IdLanguage', $this->data->idLanguage);
         if ($this->data->ifLanguage == '') {
             $this->data->ifLanguage = 'en';
             //$this->renderPrompt('error', 'Inform language.');
         Manager::getSession()->idLanguage = $this->data->idLanguage;
         Manager::getSession()->lang = $this->data->ifLanguage;
         Manager::getSession()->fnbr20Level = $user->getUserLevel();
     } else {
         $this->renderPrompt('error', 'Login or password not valid.');
 public function save()
     $layers = $this->data->gridManager->data->checked;
     Manager::getSession()->fnbr20Layers = $layers;
     $user = Manager::getLogin()->getUser();
     $user->setConfigData('fnbr20Layers', $layers);
     $this->renderPrompt('information', 'OK');
Esempio n. 3
 public function listForConstraint($array)
     $idLanguage = \Manager::getSession()->idLanguage;
     $criteria = $this->getCriteria()->select("idLU as del, idLU, concat(,'.',name) as fullname")->orderBy(',name');
     $criteria->where("idLU", "IN", $array);
     Base::relation($criteria, 'lu', 'frame', 'rel_evokes');
     Base::entryLanguage($criteria, 'frame');
     $criteria->where("lemma.idLanguage = {$idLanguage}");
     return $criteria;
 public function listLabelType($filter)
     $idLanguage = \Manager::getSession()->idLanguage;
     $criteria = $this->getCriteria()->select('idLayerType, entry, as labelType, genericlabel.idEntity as idLabelType')->orderBy('entry,');
     Base::relation($criteria, 'layertype', 'genericlabel', 'rel_haslabeltype');
     $criteria->where("genericlabel.idLanguage = {$idLanguage}");
     if ($filter->entry) {
         $criteria->where("entry = '{$filter->entry}'");
     return $criteria;
Esempio n. 5
 public function preProcess()
     $frontController = $this->frontController;
     // exemplo de alteração da configuração dependendo do controller sendo executado
     $context = $frontController->getContext();
     $controller = $context->getController();
     if ($controller == 'controls') {
         Manager::setConf('session.check', false);
     // é necessário validar a sessão?
     if (Manager::getConf('login.check') || Manager::getConf('session.check')) {
         $timeout = Manager::getSession()->checkTimeout(Manager::getConf('session.exception'));
     if ($timeout) {
         $url = Manager::getURL(Manager::getApp() . '/main');
         $frontController->setResult(new MRedirect(NULL, $url));
Esempio n. 6
 public function formSession()
     // O gerenciamento de sessão do Maestro utiliza o Zend
     // Usando o container global do Maestro
     $teste = Manager::getSession()->teste + 1;
     Manager::getSession()->teste = $teste;
     $this->data->teste = "Contador (refresh na página para incrementar): " . $teste;
     // Usando containers
     $container = Manager::getSession()->container('exemplo');
     $container->integer = $container->integer + 1;
     $container->string = "String";
     $object = new StdClass();
     $object->name = 'name';
     $object->value = 10;
     $container->object = $object;
     $this->data->integer = "Contador em container (refresh na página para incrementar): " . $container->integer;
     // Usando containers expiration
     $limited = Manager::getSession()->container('limited');
     $limited->contador = $limited->contador + 1;
     $this->data->limited = "Contador com prazo de expiração (15 seg): " . $limited->contador;
Esempio n. 7
 public function logout($forced = '')
     if (Manager::getOptions('dbsession')) {
         //$session = $this->manager->getBusinessMAD('session');
Esempio n. 8
 public function getTokenId()
     Manager::getSession()->set('__MAESTROTOKENID', md5(uniqid()));
     $tokenId = Manager::useToken ? Manager::getSession()->get('__MAESTROTOKENID') : '';
     //mdump('getting token id = ' . $tokenId);
     return " = '{$tokenId}';";
    public function getLayersData($idSentence)
        if (!\Manager::checkAccess('MASTER', A_EXECUTE)) {
            $condition = "AND (AnnotationSet.idAnnotationSet = {$this->getId()})";
        $idLanguage = \Manager::getSession()->idLanguage;
        $cmd = <<<HERE

        SELECT AnnotationSet.idAnnotationSet,
   AS layer,
            ifnull(lb.startChar,-1) AS startChar,
            ifnull(lb.endChar,-1) AS endChar,
            ifnull(gl.idEntity, ifnull(fe.idEntity, ce.idEntity)) AS idLabelType,
            lt.entry as layerTypeEntry
        FROM AnnotationSet
            INNER JOIN Layer l
                ON (AnnotationSet.idAnnotationSet = l.idAnnotationSet)
            LEFT JOIN Label lb
                ON (l.idLayer=lb.idLayer)
            LEFT JOIN GenericLabel gl
                ON (lb.idLabelType=gl.idEntity)
            LEFT JOIN FrameElement fe
                ON (lb.idLabelType=fe.idEntity)
            LEFT JOIN Entry entry_fe
                ON (fe.entry = entry_fe.entry)
            LEFT JOIN ConstructionElement ce
                ON (lb.idLabelType=ce.idEntity)
            LEFT JOIN Entry entry_ce
                ON (ce.entry = entry_ce.entry)
            INNER JOIN LayerType lt
                ON (l.idLayerType=lt.idLayerType)
            INNER JOIN Entry entry_lt
                ON (lt.entry = entry_lt.entry)
        WHERE ((entry_lt.idLanguage = {$idLanguage} )
            AND ((gl.idLanguage = {$idLanguage}) or (gl.idLanguage is null))
            AND ((entry_fe.idLanguage = {$idLanguage}) or (entry_fe.idLanguage is null))
            {$condition} AND (AnnotationSet.idSentence       = {$idSentence} ))
        ORDER BY AnnotationSet.idAnnotationSet, lt.order,, l.idLayer, ifnull(lb.startChar,-1)
        $query = $this->getDb()->getQueryCommand($cmd);
        return $query;
Esempio n. 10
 public function generate()
     $this->errors = array();
     $this->ini = parse_ini_file($this->fileScript, true);
     $tab = '    ';
     $dbName = $this->ini['globals']['database'];
     $appName = $this->ini['globals']['app'];
     $moduleName = $this->ini['globals']['module'] ?: $appName;
     $actions[] = $tab . "'{$moduleName}' => array('{$moduleName}', '{$moduleName}/main/main', '{$moduleName}IconForm', '', A_ACCESS, array(";
     foreach ($this->ini as $className => $node) {
         $originalClassName = $className;
         $className = strtolower($className);
         if ($className == 'globals') {
         $properties = $methods = $validators = '';
         mdump('handleClass = ' . $className);
         $extends = $node['extends'];
         $log = $node['log'];
         if ($node['type'] == 'enumeration') {
             $consts = $modelName = $tableName = $properties = '';
             $attributes = $node['attributes'];
             foreach ($attributes as $attributeName => $attributeData) {
                 if ($attributeName == 'model') {
                     $modelName = $attributeData;
                 if ($attributeName == 'table') {
                     $tableName = $attributeData;
                 if ($attributeName == 'model' || $attributeName == 'table') {
                     $attributeData = "\"{$attributeData}\"";
                 $properties .= "\n    protected static \$" . $attributeName . " = " . $attributeData . ";";
             if ($tableName) {
                 $sessionId = Manager::getSession()->getId();
                 $url = Manager::getAppURL($appName, $moduleName . '/tabelageral/getenumeration/' . $tableName . "?ajaxResponseType=JSON", true);
                 if ($stream = fopen($url, 'r')) {
                     $result = MJSON::decode(stream_get_contents($stream));
                     $constants = $result['data']['result']['items'];
                     foreach ($constants as $value) {
                         $consts .= "\n    const " . str_replace(' ', '_', $value['name']) . " = " . $value['idTable'] . ";";
             } else {
                 $constants = $node['constants'];
                 foreach ($constants as $constantName => $constantData) {
                     $consts .= "\n    const " . $constantName . " = " . $constantData . ";";
             $var = array();
             $var['class'] = $originalClassName;
             $var['model'] = $originalClassName;
             $var['module'] = $moduleName ?: $appName;
             $var['moduleName'] = $moduleName;
             $var['default'] = $node['default'] ?: 'DEFAULT';
             $var['constants'] = $consts;
             $var['properties'] = $properties;
             $var['comment'] = $comment;
             $var['package'] = $appName;
             $var['extends'] = $extends ?: '\\MEnumBase';
             $var['description'] = $description;
             $this->generateEnumeration($className, $var);
         $document = $ormmap = $docassoc = $docattr = $attributes = array();
         $document[] = '';
         $document[] = $tab . 'public static function ORMMap() {';
         $document[] = '';
         $ormmap[] = $tab . $tab . 'return array(';
         $ormmap[] = $tab . $tab . $tab . "'class' => \\get_called_class(),";
         $ormmap[] = $tab . $tab . $tab . "'database' => " . (substr($dbName, 0, 1) == "\\" ? $dbName . ',' : "'{$dbName}',");
         $tableName = $node['table'];
         $ormmap[] = $tab . $tab . $tab . "'table' => '{$tableName}',";
         if ($extends) {
             $ormmap[] = $tab . $tab . $tab . "'extends' => '{$extends}',";
         $pk = '';
         $getterSetter = "\n\n    /**\n     * Getters/Setters\n     */";
         $attributes = $node['attributes'];
         foreach ($attributes as $attributeName => $attributeData) {
             $isPK = false;
             $at = explode(',', $attributeData);
             // atData:
             // 0 - column
             // 1 - type
             // 2 - null or not null
             // 3 - key type
             // 4 - generator
             $attribute = $tab . $tab . $tab . "'{$attributeName}' => array(";
             $attribute .= "'column' => '{$at[0]}'";
             if ($at[3]) {
                 $attribute .= ",'key' => '{$at[3]}'";
                 $isPK = $at[3] == 'primary';
                 if ($isPK) {
                     $pk = $attributeName;
                     if ($at[4]) {
                         $attribute .= ",'idgenerator' => '{$at[4]}'";
                     } else {
                         $attribute .= ",'idgenerator' => 'identity'";
             if ($at[2] == 'not null' && !$isPK) {
                 $validators .= "\n    " . $tab . $tab . $tab . "'{$attributeName}' => array('notnull'),";
             $attrType = $at[1];
             $attribute .= ",'type' => '{$attrType}'),";
             $properties .= "\n    /**\n     * {$attrComment}\n     * @var {$attrType} \n     */";
             $properties .= "\n    protected " . "\$" . $attributeName . ";";
             $getterSetter .= "\n    public function get" . ucfirst($attributeName) . "() {\n        return \$this->{$attributeName};\n    }\n";
             $setterBody = '';
             $lowerAttrType = strtolower($attrType);
             if ($lowerAttrType == 'currency') {
                 $setterBody = "if (!(\$value instanceof \\MCurrency)) {\n            \$value = new \\MCurrency((float) \$value);\n        }\n        ";
             } elseif ($lowerAttrType == 'date') {
                 $setterBody = "if (!(\$value instanceof \\MDate)) {\n            \$value = new \\MDate(\$value);\n        }\n        ";
             } elseif ($lowerAttrType == 'timestamp') {
                 $setterBody = "if (!(\$value instanceof \\MTimeStamp)) {\n            \$value = new \\MTimeStamp(\$value);\n        }\n        ";
             } elseif ($lowerAttrType == 'cpf') {
                 $setterBody = "if (!(\$value instanceof \\MCPF)) {\n            \$value = new \\MCPF(\$value);\n        }\n        ";
             } elseif ($lowerAttrType == 'cnpj') {
                 $setterBody = "if (!(\$value instanceof \\MCNPJ)) {\n            \$value = new \\MCNPJ(\$value);\n        }\n        ";
             } elseif ($lowerAttrType == 'boolean') {
                 $setterBody = "\$value = ((\$value != '0') && (\$value != 0) && (\$value != '')) ? '1' : '0';\n        ";
             } elseif (strpos($lowerAttrType, 'enum') !== false) {
                 $setterBody = "\$valid = false;\n" . "        if (empty(\$value)) {\n" . "            \$config = \$this->config();\n" . "            \$valid = !array_search('notnull',\$config['validators']['{$attributeName}']);\n" . "        }\n" . "        if (!(\$valid || {$attrType}Map::isValid(\$value))) {\n" . "            throw new \\EModelException('Valor inválido para a Enumeração {$attrType}');\n" . "        }\n        ";
             if ($isPK) {
                 //$setterBody .= "\$this->{$attributeName} = (\$value ? : NULL);";
                 $setterBody .= "\$this->{$attributeName} = \$value;";
             } else {
                 $setterBody .= "\$this->{$attributeName} = \$value;";
             $getterSetter .= "\n    public function set" . ucfirst($attributeName) . "(\$value) {\n        {$setterBody}\n    }\n";
             $docattr[] = $tab . $attribute;
         $description = $node['description'] ?: $pk;
         $properties .= "\n\n    /**\n     * Associations\n     */";
         $docassoc = array();
         $associations = $node['associations'];
         if (is_array($associations)) {
             foreach ($associations as $associationName => $associationData) {
                 $assoc = explode(',', $associationData);
                 // assoc:
                 // 0 - toClass
                 // 1 - cardinality
                 // 2 - keys or associative
                 $association = $tab . $tab . $tab . "'{$associationName}' => array(";
                 $association .= "'toClass' => '{$assoc[0]}'";
                 $association .= ", 'cardinality' => '{$assoc[1]}' ";
                 if ($assoc[1] == 'manyToMany') {
                     $association .= ", 'associative' => '{$assoc[2]}'), ";
                 } else {
                     $association .= ", 'keys' => '{$assoc[2]}'), ";
                 $properties .= "\n    protected " . "\$" . $associationName . ";";
                 $type = $params['cardinality'] == 'oneToOne' ? $params['toClass'] : 'Association';
                 $methods .= "    /**\n     *\n     * @return {$type}\n     */\n    public function get" . ucfirst($associationName) . "() {\n        if (is_null(\$this->{$associationName})){\n            \$this->retrieveAssociation(\"{$associationName}\");\n        }\n        return  \$this->{$associationName};\n    }\n";
                 $methods .= "    /**\n     *\n     * @param {$type} \$value\n     */\n    public function set" . ucfirst($associationName) . "(\$value) {\n        \$this->{$associationName} = \$value;\n    }\n";
                 $methods .= "    /**\n     *\n     * @return {$type}\n     */\n    public function getAssociation" . ucfirst($associationName) . "() {\n        \$this->retrieveAssociation(\"{$associationName}\");\n    }\n";
                 $docassoc[] = $tab . $association;
         $ormmap[] = $tab . $tab . $tab . "'attributes' => array(";
         foreach ($docattr as $attr) {
             $ormmap[] = $attr;
         $ormmap[] = $tab . $tab . $tab . "),";
         $ormmap[] = $tab . $tab . $tab . "'associations' => array(";
         foreach ($docassoc as $assoc) {
             $ormmap[] = $assoc;
         $ormmap[] = $tab . $tab . $tab . ")";
         $ormmap[] = $tab . $tab . ");";
         $ormmapdef = implode("\n", $ormmap);
         $document[] = $ormmapdef;
         $document[] = $tab . "}";
         $map = implode("\n", $document);
         $configLog = "array( " . $log . " ),";
         $configValidators = "array(" . $validators . "\n            ),";
         $configConverters = "array()";
         // generate PHP class
         $var = array();
         $var['class'] = $className;
         $var['model'] = $className;
         $var['module'] = $moduleName ?: $appName;
         $var['properties'] = $properties;
         $var['methods'] = $getterSetter . $methods;
         $var['comment'] = $comment;
         $var['package'] = $appName;
         $var['ormmap'] = $map;
         $var['extends'] = $extends;
         $var['description'] = $description;
         $var['lookup'] = $description;
         $var['configLog'] = $configLog;
         $var['configValidators'] = $configValidators;
         $var['configConverters'] = $configConverters;
         // Create Model & Map
         $template = new MWizardTemplate();
         $template->saveResult("{$moduleName}/models/map/{$className}map.php", $this->baseDir);
         $template = new MWizardTemplate();
         $template->saveResult("{$moduleName}/models/{$className}.php", $this->baseDir);
         // Create CRUD
         $fileName = array();
         $fileName[] = array('public/files/templates/formBase.xml', "{$moduleName}/views/{$className}/formBase.xml");
         $fileName[] = array('public/files/templates/formFind.xml', "{$moduleName}/views/{$className}/formFind.xml");
         $fileName[] = array('public/files/templates/formNew.xml', "{$moduleName}/views/{$className}/formNew.xml");
         $fileName[] = array('public/files/templates/formObject.xml', "{$moduleName}/views/{$className}/formObject.xml");
         $fileName[] = array('public/files/templates/formUpdate.xml', "{$moduleName}/views/{$className}/formUpdate.xml");
         $fileName[] = array('public/files/templates/lookup.xml', "{$moduleName}/views/{$className}/lookup.xml");
         $fileName[] = array('public/files/templates/fields.xml', "{$moduleName}/views/{$className}/fields.xml");
         $fileName[] = array('public/files/templates/controller.php', "{$moduleName}/controllers/{$className}Controller.php");
         $template = new MWizardTemplate();
         $var = array();
         $var['model'] = $className;
         $var['lookup'] = $description;
         $var['module'] = $moduleName ?: $appName;
         foreach ($fileName as $f) {
             $template->saveResult($f[1], $this->baseDir);
         // define actions
         $upperClass = ucFirst($className);
         $actions[] = $tab . $tab . "'{$className}' => array('{$upperClass}', '{$moduleName}/{$className}/main', '{$moduleName}IconForm', '', A_ACCESS, array()),";
     $actions[] = $tab . "))\n";
     $var['module'] = $moduleName ?: $appName;
     // create Actions
     $var['actions'] = implode("\n", $actions);
     $template = new MWizardTemplate();
     $template->saveResult("{$moduleName}/conf/actions.php", $this->baseDir);
     // create Conf
     $template = new MWizardTemplate();
     $template->saveResult("{$moduleName}/conf/conf.php", $this->baseDir);
     // create Main
     $template = new MWizardTemplate();
     $template->saveResult("{$moduleName}/views/main/main.xml", $this->baseDir);
     $template->saveResult("{$moduleName}/controllers/mainController.php", $this->baseDir);
Esempio n. 11
 public function init()
     $this->idLanguage = Manager::getSession()->idLanguage;
 public function listCEFERelations($idEntityCxn, $idEntityFrame, $relationEntry)
     $idLanguage = \Manager::getSession()->idLanguage;
     $cxnElement = new ConstructionElement();
     $criteria1 = $cxnElement->getCriteria()->select('idEntity');
     Base::relation($criteria1, 'constructionelement', 'construction', 'rel_elementof');
     $criteria1->where("construction.idEntity = {$idEntityCxn}");
     $ce = $criteria1->asQuery()->chunkResult('idEntity', 'idEntity');
     $frameElement = new FrameElement();
     $criteria2 = $frameElement->getCriteria()->select('idEntity');
     Base::relation($criteria2, 'frameelement', 'frame', 'rel_elementof');
     $criteria2->where("frame.idEntity = {$idEntityFrame}");
     $fe = $criteria2->asQuery()->chunkResult('idEntity', 'idEntity');
     $criteria = $this->getCriteria()->select('idEntity1, relationtype.entry as idType, idEntity2');
     $criteria->where("relationtype.entry = '{$relationEntry}'");
     $criteria->where("idEntity1", "in", $ce);
     $criteria->where("idEntity2", "in", $fe);
     return $criteria;
Esempio n. 13
 public function invokeHandler($m, $handler)
     global $context, $module, $action, $item, $session, $page, $auth, $perms, $navbar, $theme, $history, $self, $url;
     if ($handler == '') {
         return false;
     //$this->data = $data;
     $this->action = $handler;
     $app = Manager::getApp();
     if ($m == '' || $m == $app) {
         $module = $app;
         $path = Manager::getAppPath() . '/controllers/';
     } else {
         $module = $m;
         $path = Manager::getModulePath($module, 'controllers/');
     //mdump("Handler:invokeHandler: [$module][$handler]");
     $context = Manager::getContext();
     $action = $context->getAction();
     $self = $context->getAction();
     $item = mrequest('item');
     $session = Manager::getSession();
     $navbar = new MNavigationBar();
     //$view = Manager::getView($module, 'handler', $action);
     $page = $this->theme;
     $url = Manager::getCurrentURL();
     $auth = Manager::getAuth();
     $perms = Manager::getPerms();
     $theme = $this->theme;
     $file = $path . $handler . '.inc.php';
     //mdump('Handler:invokeHandler: file : ' . $file);
     if ($return = file_exists($file)) {
         include $file;
     return $return;
    public function listEvokesRelations()
        $idLanguage = \Manager::getSession()->idLanguage;
        $cmd = <<<HERE

        SELECT RelationType.entry,, relatedFrame.idEntity, relatedFrame.idFrame
        FROM Construction
            INNER JOIN Entity entity1
                ON (Construction.idEntity = entity1.idEntity)
            INNER JOIN EntityRelation
                ON (entity1.idEntity = EntityRelation.idEntity1)
            INNER JOIN RelationType 
                ON (EntityRelation.idRelationType = RelationType.idRelationType)
            INNER JOIN Entity entity2
                ON (EntityRelation.idEntity2 = entity2.idEntity)
            INNER JOIN Frame relatedFrame
                ON (entity2.idEntity = relatedFrame.idEntity)
            INNER JOIN Entry entry_relatedFrame
                ON (relatedFrame.entry = entry_relatedFrame.entry)
        WHERE (Construction.idConstruction = {$this->getId()})
            AND (RelationType.entry in (
           AND (entry_relatedFrame.idLanguage = {$idLanguage} )
        ORDER BY RelationType.entry,
        $result = $this->getDb()->getQueryCommand($cmd)->treeResult('entry', 'name,idEntity,idFrame');
        return $result;
Esempio n. 15
 public function handlerResponse($return = false)
     return $this->response->sendResponse($this->result, $return);
Esempio n. 16
    public function listInverseRelations()
        $idLanguage = \Manager::getSession()->idLanguage;
        $cmd = <<<HERE

        SELECT RelationType.entry,, relatedFrame.idEntity, relatedFrame.idFrame
        FROM Frame
            INNER JOIN Entity entity2
                ON (Frame.idEntity = entity2.idEntity)
            INNER JOIN EntityRelation
                ON (entity2.idEntity = EntityRelation.idEntity2)
            INNER JOIN RelationType 
                ON (EntityRelation.idRelationType = RelationType.idRelationType)
            INNER JOIN Entity entity1
                ON (EntityRelation.idEntity1 = entity1.idEntity)
            INNER JOIN Frame relatedFrame
                ON (entity1.idEntity = relatedFrame.idEntity)
            INNER JOIN Entry entry_relatedFrame
                ON (relatedFrame.entry = entry_relatedFrame.entry)
        WHERE (Frame.idFrame = {$this->getId()})
            AND (RelationType.entry in (
           AND (entry_relatedFrame.idLanguage = {$idLanguage} )
        ORDER BY RelationType.entry,
        $result = $this->getDb()->getQueryCommand($cmd)->treeResult('entry', 'name,idEntity,idFrame');
        return $result;
    public function listElement2ElementRelation($elements1, $elements2, $type)
        mdump('--' . $type);
        $idLanguage = \Manager::getSession()->idLanguage;
        $el1 = implode(',', $elements1);
        $el2 = implode(',', $elements2);
        $cmd = <<<HERE
        SELECT as name1, er.idEntity1, model1.type as model1, as name2, er.idEntity2, model2.type as model2
        FROM EntityRelation er
            INNER JOIN Entity e1
                ON (er.idEntity1 = e1.idEntity)
            INNER JOIN RelationType 
                ON (er.idRelationType = RelationType.idRelationType)
            INNER JOIN Entity e2
                ON (er.idEntity2 = e2.idEntity)
            INNER JOIN (
\t\t   select entry, idEntity, 'fe' as type from FrameElement
\t\t   UNION select entry, idEntity, 'ce' as type from ConstructionElement
\t\t) model1 on (e1.idEntity = model1.idEntity)
            INNER JOIN (
\t\t   select entry, idEntity, 'fe' as type from FrameElement
\t\t   UNION select entry, idEntity, 'ce' as type from ConstructionElement
\t\t) model2 on (e2.idEntity = model2.idEntity)
            INNER JOIN Entry entry1
                ON (model1.entry = entry1.entry)
            INNER JOIN Entry entry2
                ON (model2.entry = entry2.entry)
        WHERE (e1.idEntity IN ({$el1}))
            AND (e2.idEntity IN ({$el2}))
            AND (RelationType.entry = '{$type}')
            AND (entry1.idLanguage = {$idLanguage}  )
            AND (entry2.idLanguage = {$idLanguage}  )
        ORDER BY er.idEntity1, er.idEntity2
        $result = $this->getDb()->getQueryCommand($cmd)->getResult();
        return $result;
Esempio n. 18
 public static function getAnnotationStatus($approvement = false, $validation = '1')
     $level = \Manager::getSession()->fnbr20Level;
     if ($approvement) {
         if ($validation == '1') {
             $entries = ['SENIOR' => 'ast_sr_app', 'MASTER' => 'ast_ms_app'];
         } else {
             if ($validation == '0') {
                 $entries = ['SENIOR' => 'ast_disapp', 'MASTER' => 'ast_disapp'];
             } else {
                 if ($validation == '-1') {
                     $entries = ['BEGINNER' => 'ast_doubt', 'JUNIOR' => 'ast_doubt'];
                 } else {
                     if ($validation == '-2') {
                         $entries = ['BEGINNER' => 'ast_ignore', 'JUNIOR' => 'ast_ignore', 'SENIOR' => 'ast_ignore', 'MASTER' => 'ast_ignore'];
                     } else {
                         if ($validation == '-3') {
                             $entries = ['BEGINNER' => 'ast_rel', 'JUNIOR' => 'ast_rel', 'SENIOR' => 'ast_rel', 'MASTER' => 'ast_rel'];
     } else {
         $entries = ['BEGINNER' => 'ast_bg_ann', 'JUNIOR' => 'ast_jr_ann', 'SENIOR' => 'ast_sr_ann', 'MASTER' => 'ast_ms_app', 'ADMIN' => 'ast_ms_app'];
     $entry = $entries[$level];
     return $entry;