public static function handleSettingsPost() { if (isset($_POST['submit'])) { $userExtension = MainWPDB::Instance()->getUserExtension(); $userExtension->user_email = $_POST['mainwp_options_email']; $userExtension->site_view = !isset($_POST['mainwp_options_siteview']) ? 0 : 1; $userExtension->heatMap = !isset($_POST['mainwp_options_footprint_heatmap']) ? 1 : 0; $userExtension->pluginDir = isset($_POST['mainwp_options_footprint_plugin_folder']) ? $_POST['mainwp_options_footprint_plugin_folder'] : 'default'; MainWPDB::Instance()->updateUserExtension($userExtension); if (MainWPUtility::isAdmin()) { MainWPUtility::update_option('mainwp_optimize', !isset($_POST['mainwp_optimize']) ? 0 : 1); MainWPUtility::update_option('mainwp_seo', !isset($_POST['mainwp_seo']) ? 0 : 1); $val = !isset($_POST['mainwp_automaticDailyUpdate']) ? 2 : $_POST['mainwp_automaticDailyUpdate']; MainWPUtility::update_option('mainwp_automaticDailyUpdate', $val); $val = !isset($_POST['mainwp_backup_before_upgrade']) ? 0 : 1; MainWPUtility::update_option('mainwp_backup_before_upgrade', $val); MainWPUtility::update_option('mainwp_maximumPosts', $_POST['mainwp_maximumPosts']); MainWPUtility::update_option('mainwp_maximumComments', $_POST['mainwp_maximumComments']); MainWPUtility::update_option('mainwp_cron_jobs', !isset($_POST['mainwp_options_cron_jobs']) ? 0 : 1); MainWPUtility::update_option('mainwp_wp_cron', !isset($_POST['mainwp_options_wp_cron']) ? 0 : 1); MainWPUtility::update_option('mainwp_use_favicon', !isset($_POST['mainwp_use_favicon']) ? 0 : 1); } return true; } return false; }
public static function renderActionLogs() { self::renderHeader('Action logs'); if (isset($_REQUEST['actionlogs_status'])) { if ($_REQUEST['actionlogs_status'] != MainWPLogger::DISABLED) { MainWPLogger::Instance()->setLogPriority($_REQUEST['actionlogs_status']); } MainWPLogger::Instance()->log('Action logs set to: ' . MainWPLogger::Instance()->getLogText($_REQUEST['actionlogs_status']), MainWPLogger::LOG); if ($_REQUEST['actionlogs_status'] == MainWPLogger::DISABLED) { MainWPLogger::Instance()->setLogPriority($_REQUEST['actionlogs_status']); } MainWPUtility::update_option('mainwp_actionlogs', $_REQUEST['actionlogs_status']); } $enabled = get_option('mainwp_actionlogs'); if ($enabled === false) { $enabled = MainWPLogger::DISABLED; } ?> <div class="postbox" id="mainwp-code-display"> <h3 class="hndle" style="padding: 8px 12px; font-size: 14px;"><span>Action logs</span></h3> <div style="padding: 1em;"><form method="POST" action=""> Status: <select name="actionlogs_status"> <option value="<?php echo MainWPLogger::DISABLED; ?> " <?php if (MainWPLogger::DISABLED == $enabled) { echo 'selected'; } ?> >Disabled</option> <option value="<?php echo MainWPLogger::WARNING; ?> " <?php if (MainWPLogger::WARNING == $enabled) { echo 'selected'; } ?> >Warning</option> <option value="<?php echo MainWPLogger::INFO; ?> " <?php if (MainWPLogger::INFO == $enabled) { echo 'selected'; } ?> >Info</option> <option value="<?php echo MainWPLogger::DEBUG; ?> " <?php if (MainWPLogger::DEBUG == $enabled) { echo 'selected'; } ?> >Debug</option> </select> <input type="submit" class="button button-primary" value="Save" /> </form></div> <div style="padding: 1em;"><?php MainWPLogger::showLog(); ?> </div> </div> <?php self::renderFooter('Action logs'); }
function secure_request($action = '', $query_arg = 'security') { if (!MainWPUtility::isAdmin()) { die(0); } if ($action == '') { return; } if (!$this->check_security($action, $query_arg)) { die(json_encode(array('error' => 'Invalid request'))); } if (isset($_POST['dts'])) { $ajaxPosts = get_option('mainwp_ajaxposts'); if (!is_array($ajaxPosts)) { $ajaxPosts = array(); } //If already processed, just quit! if (isset($ajaxPosts[$action]) && $ajaxPosts[$action] == $_POST['dts']) { die(json_encode(array('error' => 'Double request'))); } $ajaxPosts[$action] = $_POST['dts']; MainWPUtility::update_option('mainwp_ajaxposts', $ajaxPosts); } }
public static function changeDefaultView() { if (!isset($_POST['view'])) { throw new Exception(__('Invalid Request')); } if ($_POST['view'] == 'list') { MainWPUtility::update_option('mainwp_extension_widget_view', 'list'); } else { MainWPUtility::update_option('mainwp_extension_widget_view', 'grid'); } return array('result' => 'SUCCESS'); }
function activation() { delete_option('mainwp_requests'); MainWPDB::Instance()->update(); MainWPDB::Instance()->install(); //Redirect to settings page MainWPUtility::update_option('mainwp_activated', 'yes'); }
public static function handleSettingsPost() { if (MainWPUtility::isAdmin()) { if (isset($_POST['submit'])) { if (MainWPUtility::ctype_digit($_POST['mainwp_options_backupOnServer']) && $_POST['mainwp_options_backupOnServer'] > 0) { MainWPUtility::update_option('mainwp_backupsOnServer', $_POST['mainwp_options_backupOnServer']); } if (MainWPUtility::ctype_digit($_POST['mainwp_options_maximumFileDescriptors']) && $_POST['mainwp_options_maximumFileDescriptors'] > -1) { MainWPUtility::update_option('mainwp_maximumFileDescriptors', $_POST['mainwp_options_maximumFileDescriptors']); } MainWPUtility::update_option('mainwp_maximumFileDescriptorsAuto', !isset($_POST['mainwp_maximumFileDescriptorsAuto']) ? 0 : 1); if (MainWPUtility::ctype_digit($_POST['mainwp_options_backupOnExternalSources']) && $_POST['mainwp_options_backupOnExternalSources'] >= 0) { MainWPUtility::update_option('mainwp_backupOnExternalSources', $_POST['mainwp_options_backupOnExternalSources']); } MainWPUtility::update_option('mainwp_archiveFormat', $_POST['mainwp_archiveFormat']); MainWPUtility::update_option('mainwp_options_loadFilesBeforeZip', !isset($_POST['mainwp_options_loadFilesBeforeZip']) ? 0 : 1); MainWPUtility::update_option('mainwp_notificationOnBackupFail', !isset($_POST['mainwp_options_notificationOnBackupFail']) ? 0 : 1); MainWPUtility::update_option('mainwp_notificationOnBackupStart', !isset($_POST['mainwp_options_notificationOnBackupStart']) ? 0 : 1); MainWPUtility::update_option('mainwp_chunkedBackupTasks', !isset($_POST['mainwp_options_chunkedBackupTasks']) ? 0 : 1); return true; } } return false; }
function post_update() { $currentVersion = get_site_option('mainwp_db_version'); if ($currentVersion === false) { return; } if (version_compare($currentVersion, '2.5', '<')) { $requests = array('lastRequest' => time(), 'requests' => base64_encode(serialize(array('main' => MainWPSystem::Instance()->getAPIStatus())))); MainWPUtility::update_option('mainwp_requests', $requests); } if (version_compare($currentVersion, '2.8', '<')) { $this->wpdb->update($this->tableName('wp_backup'), array('subfolder' => 'MainWP Backups/%url%/%type%/%date%'), array('template' => '0')); } if (version_compare($currentVersion, '4.3', '<')) { $row = $this->wpdb->get_row('SELECT * FROM ' . $this->tableName('users'), OBJECT); if ($row != null) { $row->userid = 0; $this->updateUserExtension($row); } } if (version_compare($currentVersion, '5.3', '<')) { if (MainWPSystem::Instance()->isSingleUser()) { $row = $this->wpdb->get_row('SELECT * FROM ' . $this->tableName('ga'), OBJECT); $this->wpdb->update($this->tableName('ga'), array('userid' => 0), array('userid' => $row->userid)); } } if (version_compare($currentVersion, '6.0', '=')) { $this->wpdb->query('ALTER TABLE ' . $this->tableName('request_log') . ' CHANGE micro_timestamp_stop micro_timestamp_stop DECIMAL( 12, 2 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0'); $this->wpdb->query('ALTER TABLE ' . $this->tableName('request_log') . ' CHANGE micro_timestamp_start micro_timestamp_start DECIMAL( 12, 2 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0'); $this->wpdb->query('DELETE FROM ' . $this->tableName('request_log') . ' WHERE 1 '); } if (version_compare($currentVersion, '6.2', '<')) { $options = array('mainwp_db_version', 'mainwp_requests', 'mainwp_plugin_version', 'mainwp_upgradeVersionInfo', 'mainwp_cron_last_offlinecheck', 'mainwp_cron_last_updatescheck', 'mainwp_automaticUpdate_backupChecks', 'mainwp_updatescheck_mail_update_core_new', 'mainwp_updatescheck_mail_update_plugins_new', 'mainwp_updatescheck_mail_update_themes_new', 'mainwp_updatescheck_mail_update_core', 'mainwp_updatescheck_mail_update_plugins', 'mainwp_updatescheck_mail_update_themes', 'mainwp_updatescheck_mail_ignore_core', 'mainwp_updatescheck_mail_ignore_plugins', 'mainwp_updatescheck_mail_ignore_themes', 'mainwp_updatescheck_mail_ignore_core_new', 'mainwp_updatescheck_mail_ignore_plugins_new', 'mainwp_updatescheck_mail_ignore_themes_new', 'mainwp_updatescheck_mail_pluginconflicts', 'mainwp_updatescheck_mail_themeconflicts', 'mainwp_updatescheck_last', 'mainwp_updatescheck_mail_email', 'mainwp_cron_last_ping', 'mainwp_cron_last_cronconflicts', 'mainwp_pluginConflicts', 'mainwp_themeConflicts', 'mainwp_cron_last_backups_continue', 'mainwp_cron_last_backups', 'mainwp_cron_last_stats', 'mainwp_backupsOnServer', 'mainwp_maximumFileDescriptors', 'mainwp_backupOnExternalSources', 'mainwp_notificationOnBackupFail', 'mainwp_notificationOnBackupStart', 'mainwp_chunkedBackupTasks', 'mainwp_maximumRequests', 'mainwp_minimumDelay', 'mainwp_maximumIPRequests', 'mainwp_minimumIPDelay', 'mainwp_extensions', 'mainwp_extloaded', 'mainwp_api_username', 'mainwp_api_password', 'mainwp_extension_widget_view', 'mainwp_news', 'mainwp_news_timestamp', 'mainwp_optimize', 'mainwp_seo', 'mainwp_automaticDailyUpdate', 'mainwp_backup_before_upgrade', 'mainwp_maximumPosts', 'mainwp_maximumComments', 'mainwp_cron_jobs', 'mainwp_wp_cron'); foreach ($options as $option) { MainWPUtility::fix_option($option); } } if (version_compare($currentVersion, '7.3', '<')) { //get all sites $sites = $this->wpdb->get_results('SELECT id FROM ' . $this->tableName('wp')); if (!empty($sites)) { foreach ($sites as $site) { $this->wpdb->insert($this->tableName('wp_settings_backup'), array('wpid' => $site->id, 'archiveFormat' => 'global')); } } } if (version_compare($currentVersion, '8', '<')) { $apiPass = get_option('mainwp_api_password'); MainWPUtility::update_option('mainwp_api_password', MainWPUtility::encrypt($apiPass, 'MainWPAPI')); } if (version_compare($currentVersion, '8.1', '<')) { //We can't split up here! $wpSyncColumns = array('version', 'totalsize', 'dbsize', 'extauth', 'last_post_gmt', 'uptodate', 'sync_errors', 'dtsSync', 'dtsSyncStart', 'dtsAutomaticSync', 'dtsAutomaticSyncStart'); foreach ($wpSyncColumns as $wpSyncColumn) { $rslts = $this->wpdb->get_results('SELECT id,' . $wpSyncColumn . ' FROM ' . $this->tableName('wp'), ARRAY_A); if (empty($rslts)) { continue; } foreach ($rslts as $rslt) { $exists = $this->wpdb->get_results('SELECT wpid FROM ' . $this->tableName('wp_sync') . ' WHERE wpid = ' . $rslt['id'], ARRAY_A); if (empty($exists)) { $this->wpdb->insert($this->tableName('wp_sync'), array('wpid' => $rslt['id'], $wpSyncColumn => $rslt[$wpSyncColumn])); } else { $this->wpdb->update($this->tableName('wp_sync'), array($wpSyncColumn => $rslt[$wpSyncColumn]), array('wpid' => $rslt['id'])); } } $suppress = $this->wpdb->suppress_errors(); $this->wpdb->query('ALTER TABLE ' . $this->tableName('wp') . ' DROP COLUMN ' . $wpSyncColumn); $this->wpdb->suppress_errors($suppress); } $optionColumns = array('last_wp_upgrades', 'last_plugin_upgrades', 'last_theme_upgrades', 'wp_upgrades', 'recent_comments', 'recent_posts', 'recent_pages'); foreach ($optionColumns as $optionColumn) { $rslts = $this->wpdb->get_results('SELECT id,' . $optionColumn . ' FROM ' . $this->tableName('wp'), ARRAY_A); if (empty($rslts)) { continue; } foreach ($rslts as $rslt) { MainWPDB::updateWebsiteOption((object) $rslt, $optionColumn, $rslt[$optionColumn]); } $suppress = $this->wpdb->suppress_errors(); $this->wpdb->query('ALTER TABLE ' . $this->tableName('wp') . ' DROP COLUMN ' . $optionColumn); $this->wpdb->suppress_errors($suppress); } } }
public static function renderAdvanced() { if (!mainwp_current_user_can("dashboard", "manage_dashboard_settings")) { mainwp_do_not_have_permissions("manage dashboard settings"); return; } if (isset($_POST['submit'])) { MainWPUtility::update_option('mainwp_maximumRequests', $_POST['mainwp_maximumRequests']); MainWPUtility::update_option('mainwp_minimumDelay', $_POST['mainwp_minimumDelay']); MainWPUtility::update_option('mainwp_maximumIPRequests', $_POST['mainwp_maximumIPRequests']); MainWPUtility::update_option('mainwp_minimumIPDelay', $_POST['mainwp_minimumIPDelay']); MainWPUtility::update_option('mainwp_sslVerifyCertificate', isset($_POST['mainwp_sslVerifyCertificate']) ? 1 : 0); } self::renderHeader('Advanced'); ?> <form method="POST" action="" id="mainwp-settings-page-form"> <div class="postbox" id="mainwp-advanced-options"> <h3 class="mainwp_box_title"><span><i class="fa fa-cog"></i> <?php _e('Cross IP Settings', 'mainwp'); ?> </span></h3> <div class="inside"> <table class="form-table"> <tbody> <tr> <th scope="row"><?php _e('Maximum simultaneous requests', 'mainwp'); ?> <?php MainWPUtility::renderToolTip(__('Maximum simultaneous requests. When too many requests are sent out, they will begin to time out. This will cause child sites to be shown as offline while they are online. With a typical shared host you should set this at 4, set to 0 for unlimited.', 'mainwp')); ?> </th> <td> <input type="text" name="mainwp_maximumRequests" class="mainwp-field mainwp-settings-icon" id="mainwp_maximumRequests" value="<?php echo get_option('mainwp_maximumRequests') === false ? 4 : get_option('mainwp_maximumRequests'); ?> "/> <i>Default: 4</i> </td> </tr> <tr> <th scope="row"><?php _e('Minimum delay between requests (milliseconds)', 'mainwp'); ?> <?php MainWPUtility::renderToolTip(__('Minimum delay between requests (milliseconds). With a typical shared host you should set this at 200.', 'mainwp')); ?> </th> <td> <input type="text" name="mainwp_minimumDelay" class="mainwp-field mainwp-settings-icon" id="mainwp_minimumDelay" value="<?php echo get_option('mainwp_minimumDelay') === false ? 200 : get_option('mainwp_minimumDelay'); ?> "/> <i>Default: 200</i> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </div> <div class="postbox" id="mainwp-advanced-options"> <h3 class="mainwp_box_title"><span><i class="fa fa-cog"></i> <?php _e('IP Settings', 'mainwp'); ?> </span></h3> <div class="inside"> <table class="form-table"> <tbody> <tr> <th scope="row"><?php _e('Maximum simultaneous requests per ip', 'mainwp'); ?> <?php MainWPUtility::renderToolTip(__('Maximum simultaneous requests per IP. When too many requests are sent out, they will begin to time out. This will cause child sites to be shown as offline while they are online. With a typical shared host you should set this at 1, set to 0 for unlimited.', 'mainwp')); ?> </th> <td> <input type="text" name="mainwp_maximumIPRequests" class="mainwp-field mainwp-settings-icon" id="mainwp_maximumIPRequests" value="<?php echo get_option('mainwp_maximumIPRequests') === false ? 1 : get_option('mainwp_maximumIPRequests'); ?> "/> <i>Default: 1</i> </td> </tr> <tr> <th scope="row"><?php _e('Minimum delay between requests to the same ip (milliseconds)', 'mainwp'); ?> <?php MainWPUtility::renderToolTip(__('Minimum delay between requests (milliseconds) per IP. With a typical shared host you should set this at 1000.', 'mainwp')); ?> </th> <td> <input type="text" name="mainwp_minimumIPDelay" class="mainwp-field mainwp-settings-icon" id="mainwp_minimumIPDelay" value="<?php echo get_option('mainwp_minimumIPDelay') === false ? 1000 : get_option('mainwp_minimumIPDelay'); ?> "/> <i>Default: 1000</i> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </div> <div class="postbox" id="mainwp-advanced-options"> <h3 class="mainwp_box_title"><span><i class="fa fa-cog"></i> <?php _e('SSL Settings', 'mainwp'); ?> </span></h3> <div class="inside"> <table class="form-table"> </tbody> <tr><th scope="row"><?php _e('Verify certificate', 'mainwp'); ?> <?php MainWPUtility::renderToolTip(__('Verify the childs SSL certificate. This should be disabled if you are using out of date or self signed certificates.', 'mainwp')); ?> </th> <td style="width: 100px;"> <div class="mainwp-checkbox"> <input type="checkbox" name="mainwp_sslVerifyCertificate" id="mainwp_sslVerifyCertificate" value="checked" <?php echo get_option('mainwp_sslVerifyCertificate') === false || get_option('mainwp_sslVerifyCertificate') == 1 ? 'checked="checked"' : ''; ?> /><label for="mainwp_sslVerifyCertificate"></label> </div> </td> <td><em><?php _e('Default: YES', 'mainwp'); ?> </em></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </div> <p class="submit"><input type="submit" name="submit" id="submit" class="button-primary" value="<?php _e('Save Settings', 'mainwp'); ?> "/></p> </form> <?php self::renderFooter('Advanced'); }
public static function disableExtension() { $snEnabledExtensions = get_option('mainwp_extloaded'); if (!is_array($snEnabledExtensions)) { $snEnabledExtensions = array(); } $key = array_search($_POST['slug'], $snEnabledExtensions); if ($key !== false) { unset($snEnabledExtensions[$key]); } MainWPUtility::update_option('mainwp_extloaded', $snEnabledExtensions); die(json_encode(array('result' => 'SUCCESS'))); }
public function testloginapi($args) { $defaults = array('request' => 'testloginapi'); $args = wp_parse_args($defaults, $args); $target_url = self::create_software_api_url($args); $request = wp_remote_get($target_url, array('timeout' => 50, 'sslverify' => self::$apisslverify)); // $request = wp_remote_post( MainWPApiManager::instance()->upgrade_url . 'wc-api/am-software-api/', array('body' => $args) ); if (is_wp_error($request)) { if (self::$apisslverify == 1) { MainWPUtility::update_option("mainwp_api_sslVerifyCertificate", 0); return array('retry_action' => 1); } throw new Exception($request->get_error_message()); return false; } $code = wp_remote_retrieve_response_code($request); if ($code != 200) { throw new Exception("Error: code " . $code); return false; } $response = wp_remote_retrieve_body($request); return $response; }
function prepare_items($globalIgnoredPluginConflicts = array(), $globalIgnoredThemeConflicts = array()) { $this->globalIgnoredPluginConflicts = $globalIgnoredPluginConflicts; $this->globalIgnoredThemeConflicts = $globalIgnoredThemeConflicts; $orderby = 'wp.url'; if (!isset($_GET['orderby'])) { $_order_by = get_option('mainwp_managesites_orderby'); $_order = get_option('mainwp_managesites_order'); if (!empty($_order_by)) { $_GET['orderby'] = $_order_by; $_GET['order'] = $_order; } } else { MainWPUtility::update_option('mainwp_managesites_orderby', $_GET['orderby']); MainWPUtility::update_option('mainwp_managesites_order', $_GET['order']); } if (isset($_GET['orderby'])) { if ($_GET['orderby'] == 'site') { $orderby = ' ' . ($_GET['order'] == 'asc' ? 'asc' : 'desc'); } else { if ($_GET['orderby'] == 'url') { $orderby = 'wp.url ' . ($_GET['order'] == 'asc' ? 'asc' : 'desc'); } else { if ($_GET['orderby'] == 'group') { $orderby = 'GROUP_CONCAT( ORDER BY SEPARATOR ", ") ' . ($_GET['order'] == 'asc' ? 'asc' : 'desc'); } else { if ($_GET['orderby'] == 'status') { $orderby = 'CASE true WHEN ((pluginConflicts <> "[]") AND (pluginConflicts IS NOT NULL) AND (pluginConflicts <> "")) THEN 1 WHEN (offline_check_result = -1) THEN 2 WHEN (wp_sync.sync_errors IS NOT NULL) AND (wp_sync.sync_errors <> "") THEN 3 ELSE 4 + (CASE plugin_upgrades WHEN "[]" THEN 0 ELSE 1 + LENGTH(plugin_upgrades) - LENGTH(REPLACE(plugin_upgrades, "\\"Name\\":", "\\"Name\\"")) END) + (CASE theme_upgrades WHEN "[]" THEN 0 ELSE 1 + LENGTH(theme_upgrades) - LENGTH(REPLACE(theme_upgrades, "\\"Name\\":", "\\"Name\\"")) END) + (CASE wp_upgrades WHEN "[]" THEN 0 ELSE 1 END) END ' . ($_GET['order'] == 'asc' ? 'asc' : 'desc'); } else { if ($_REQUEST['orderby'] == 'last_post') { $orderby = 'wp_sync.last_post_gmt ' . ($_GET['order'] == 'asc' ? 'asc' : 'desc'); } } } } } } $perPage = $this->get_items_per_page('mainwp_managesites_per_page'); $currentPage = $this->get_pagenum(); $no_request = !isset($_REQUEST['s']) && !isset($_REQUEST['g']) && !isset($_REQUEST['status']); if (!isset($_REQUEST['status'])) { if ($no_request) { $_status = get_option('mainwp_managesites_filter_status'); if (!empty($_status)) { $_REQUEST['status'] = $_status; } } else { MainWPUtility::update_option('mainwp_managesites_filter_status', ''); } } else { MainWPUtility::update_option('mainwp_managesites_filter_status', $_REQUEST['status']); } if (!isset($_REQUEST['g'])) { if ($no_request) { $_g = get_option('mainwp_managesites_filter_group'); if (!empty($_g)) { $_REQUEST['g'] = $_g; } } else { MainWPUtility::update_option('mainwp_managesites_filter_group', ''); } } else { MainWPUtility::update_option('mainwp_managesites_filter_group', $_REQUEST['g']); } $where = null; if (isset($_REQUEST['status']) && $_REQUEST['status'] != '') { if ($_REQUEST['status'] == 'online') { $where = 'wp.offline_check_result = 1'; } else { if ($_REQUEST['status'] == 'offline') { $where = 'wp.offline_check_result = -1'; } else { if ($_REQUEST['status'] == 'disconnected') { $where = 'wp_sync.sync_errors != ""'; } else { if ($_REQUEST['status'] == 'update') { $where = '(wp_optionview.wp_upgrades != "[]" OR wp.plugin_upgrades != "[]" OR wp.theme_upgrades != "[]")'; } } } } } if (isset($_REQUEST['g']) && $_REQUEST['g'] != '') { $websites = MainWPDB::Instance()->query(MainWPDB::Instance()->getSQLWebsitesByGroupId($_REQUEST['g'], true)); $totalRecords = $websites ? MainWPDB::num_rows($websites) : 0; if ($websites) { @MainWPDB::free_result($websites); } if (isset($_GET['orderby']) && $_GET['orderby'] == 'group') { $orderby = 'wp.url'; } $websites = MainWPDB::Instance()->query(MainWPDB::Instance()->getSQLWebsitesByGroupId($_REQUEST['g'], true, $orderby, ($currentPage - 1) * $perPage, $perPage, $where)); } else { if (isset($_REQUEST['status']) && $_REQUEST['status'] != '') { $websites = MainWPDB::Instance()->query(MainWPDB::Instance()->getSQLWebsitesForCurrentUser(true, null, $orderby, false, false, $where)); $totalRecords = $websites ? MainWPDB::num_rows($websites) : 0; if ($websites) { @MainWPDB::free_result($websites); } $websites = MainWPDB::Instance()->query(MainWPDB::Instance()->getSQLWebsitesForCurrentUser(true, null, $orderby, ($currentPage - 1) * $perPage, $perPage, $where)); } else { $websites = MainWPDB::Instance()->query(MainWPDB::Instance()->getSQLWebsitesForCurrentUser(true, isset($_REQUEST['s']) && $_REQUEST['s'] != '' ? $_REQUEST['s'] : null, $orderby)); $totalRecords = $websites ? MainWPDB::num_rows($websites) : 0; if ($websites) { @MainWPDB::free_result($websites); } $websites = MainWPDB::Instance()->query(MainWPDB::Instance()->getSQLWebsitesForCurrentUser(true, isset($_REQUEST['s']) && $_REQUEST['s'] != '' ? $_REQUEST['s'] : null, $orderby, ($currentPage - 1) * $perPage, $perPage)); } } $this->set_pagination_args(array('total_items' => $totalRecords, 'per_page' => $perPage)); $this->items = $websites; }
public static function resetUserCookie($what, $value = "") { global $current_user; if ($user_id = $current_user->ID) { $reset_cookies = get_option("mainwp_reset_user_cookies"); if (!is_array($reset_cookies)) { $reset_cookies = array(); } if (!isset($reset_cookies[$user_id]) || !isset($reset_cookies[$user_id][$what])) { $reset_cookies[$user_id][$what] = 1; MainWPUtility::update_option("mainwp_reset_user_cookies", $reset_cookies); update_user_option($user_id, "mainwp_saved_user_cookies", array()); return false; } $user_cookies = get_user_option('mainwp_saved_user_cookies'); if (!is_array($user_cookies)) { $user_cookies = array(); } if (!isset($user_cookies[$what])) { return false; } } return true; }
public static function testAPIs($pAPI = null, $forceRequest = false, $username = null, $password = null, $pIgnoreLastCheckTime = false, $saveAnyway = false) { if ($username == null) { $username = get_option('mainwp_api_username'); } if ($password == null) { $password = MainWPUtility::decrypt(get_option('mainwp_api_password'), 'MainWPAPI'); } $requestsDB = get_option('mainwp_requests'); $requests = isset($requestsDB['requests']) ? unserialize(base64_decode($requestsDB['requests'])) : array(); $lastRequests = isset($requestsDB['lastRequests']) ? unserialize(base64_decode($requestsDB['lastRequests'])) : array(); $maxOccurences = isset($requestsDB['maxOccurences']) ? unserialize(base64_decode($requestsDB['maxOccurences'])) : 0; $exclusiveResult = ''; if (!isset($GLOBALS['pagenow'])) { $GLOBALS['pagenow'] = ''; } $url = get_home_url(); //If we force a request, // or API is not yet checked or invalid, // or last request was too long ago if ($forceRequest || $pAPI != null && (!isset($requests[$pAPI]) || $requests[$pAPI] == MAINWP_API_INVALID) || time() - $requestsDB['lastRequest'] > 48 * 60 * 60) { //init requests if (!is_array($requests) || !isset($requests['main'])) { $requests = array('main' => MAINWP_API_INVALID); } //Not exclusive if ($pAPI == null) { //Check all requests foreach ($requests as $api => $current) { $request = "do=logintest2&username="******"&password="******"&url=" . urlencode($url); } $responseArray = MainWPUtility::http_post($request, "", "/versioncontrol/rqst.php", 80, $api, $forceRequest && !$saveAnyway); $jsonDecodedResp = json_decode($responseArray[1], true); $requests[$api] = $jsonDecodedResp['status'] == 'valid' ? MAINWP_API_VALID : MAINWP_API_INVALID; if ($api == 'main') { $maxOccurences = $jsonDecodedResp['max']; } $lastRequests[$api] = time(); } } else { // compatible $activated_info = get_option($pAPI . "_APIManAdder"); if ($activated_info && is_array($activated_info) && isset($activated_info["activated_key"]) && !empty($activated_info["api_key"])) { if ($activated_info['activated_key'] == 'Activated') { $exclusiveResult = MAINWP_API_VALID; } else { $exclusiveResult = MAINWP_API_INVALID; } } else { //If it was forced or the API is not yet fetched or (invalid && last fetched later then 10 minutes ago) if ($forceRequest || !isset($requests[$pAPI]) || $requests[$pAPI] == MAINWP_API_INVALID && ($pIgnoreLastCheckTime || (!isset($lastRequests[$pAPI]) || time() - $lastRequests[$pAPI] > 10 * 60))) { $request = "do=logintest2&username="******"&password="******"&url=" . urlencode($url); } $responseArray = MainWPUtility::http_post($request, "", "/versioncontrol/rqst.php", 80, $pAPI, $forceRequest && !$saveAnyway); $jsonDecodedResp = json_decode($responseArray[1], true); $requests[$pAPI] = $jsonDecodedResp['status'] == 'valid' ? MAINWP_API_VALID : MAINWP_API_INVALID; if ($pAPI == 'main') { $maxOccurences = $jsonDecodedResp['max']; } $lastRequests[$pAPI] = time(); $exclusiveResult = $requests[$pAPI]; //If it was forced we just return the value without saving if ($forceRequest && !$saveAnyway) { if (isset($jsonDecodedResp['error']) && $jsonDecodedResp['error'] != '') { throw new Exception($jsonDecodedResp['error']); } return $exclusiveResult; } } } } $requestsDB = array('lastRequest' => $pAPI != null ? isset($requests['lastRequest']) ? $requests['lastRequest'] : '' : time(), 'requests' => base64_encode(serialize($requests)), 'lastRequests' => base64_encode(serialize($lastRequests)), 'maxOccurences' => base64_encode(serialize($maxOccurences))); MainWPUtility::update_option('mainwp_requests', $requestsDB); } return $exclusiveResult != '' ? $exclusiveResult : ($pAPI == null ? null : $requests[$pAPI]); }
public function grab_license_key($api, $username, $password) { $options = get_option($api . "_APIManAdder"); if (!is_array($options)) { $options = array(); } $activation_status = isset($options['activated_key']) ? $options['activated_key'] : ""; $api_key = isset($options['api_key']) ? $options['api_key'] : ""; $api_email = isset($options['activation_email']) ? $options['activation_email'] : ""; if ($activation_status == 'Deactivated' || $activation_status == '' || $api_key == '' || $api_email == '') { $return = array(); if ($username != '' && $password != '') { $args = array('username' => $username, 'password' => $password, 'product_id' => $options['product_id'], 'instance' => $options['instance_id'], 'software_version' => $options['software_version'], 'platform' => $this->domain); $activate_results = json_decode(MainWPApiManagerKey::instance()->grabapikey($args), true); $options['api_key'] = ''; $options['activation_email'] = ''; $options['activated_key'] = 'Deactivated'; if (is_array($activate_results) && $activate_results['activated'] == true && !empty($activate_results['api_key'])) { $return['result'] = 'SUCCESS'; $mess = isset($activate_results['message']) ? $activate_results['message'] : ""; $return['message'] = __('Plugin activated. ', 'mainwp') . $mess; $options['api_key'] = $return['api_key'] = $activate_results['api_key']; $options['activation_email'] = $return['activation_email'] = $activate_results['activation_email']; $options['activated_key'] = 'Activated'; $options['deactivate_checkbox'] = 'off'; } else { if ($activate_results == false) { $return['error'] = __('Connection failed to the License Key API server. Try again later.', "mainwp"); } else { if (empty($activate_results['api_key'])) { $return['error'] = __('License key is empty.', "mainwp"); } else { $return['error'] = __('Undefined error.', "mainwp"); } } } if (isset($activate_results['code'])) { switch ($activate_results['code']) { case '100': case '101': case '102': case '103': case '104': case '105': case '106': $error = isset($activate_results['error']) ? $activate_results['error'] : ""; $info = isset($activate_results['additional info']) ? ' ' . $activate_results['additional info'] : ""; $return['error'] = $error . $info; break; } } MainWPUtility::update_option($api . "_APIManAdder", $options); return $return; } else { return array('error' => __('Username and Password is required to grab Extension API Key.', 'mainwp')); } } return array('result' => 'SUCCESS'); }
public static function render() { $news = get_option('mainwp_news'); $newstimestamp = get_option('mainwp_news_timestamp'); if ($newstimestamp === false || time() - $newstimestamp > 60 * 60 * 24) { try { $result = MainWPUtility::http_post("do=news", "", "/versioncontrol/rqst.php", 80, 'main', true); } catch (Exception $e) { MainWPLogger::Instance()->warning('An error occured when trying to reach the MainWP server: ' . $e->getMessage()); } //get news.. if (isset($result[1])) { $news = json_decode($result[1], true); MainWPUtility::update_option('mainwp_news', $news); MainWPUtility::update_option('mainwp_news_timestamp', time()); } } if (!is_array($news) || count($news) == 0) { //No news.. ?> <div>No news items found.</div> <?php return; } ?> <div> <div id="mainwp-news-tabs" class="mainwp-row" style="border-top: 0px"> <?php $newsCategories = array(); foreach ($news as $newsItem) { if (!in_array($newsItem['category'], $newsCategories)) { $newsCategories[] = $newsItem['category']; } } for ($i = 0; $i < count($newsCategories); $i++) { $category = $newsCategories[$i]; /** @var $class string */ if (count($newsCategories) == 1) { $class = 'single'; } else { if ($i == count($newsCategories) - 1) { $class = 'right'; } else { if ($i == 0) { $class = 'left'; } else { $class = 'mid'; } } } if ($category == 'MainWP') { $class .= ' mainwp_action_down'; } ?> <a class="mainwp_action <?php echo $class; ?> mainwp-news-tab" href="#" name="<?php echo MainWPUtility::sanitize($category); ?> "><?php _e($category, 'mainwp'); ?> </a><?php } ?> </div> <div id="mainwp-news-list"> <?php $category = ''; foreach ($news as $newsItem) { if ($category != $newsItem['category']) { if ($category != '') { echo '</div>'; } echo '<div class="mainwp-news-items" name="' . MainWPUtility::sanitize($newsItem['category']) . '" ' . ($newsItem['category'] == 'MainWP' ? '' : 'style="display: none;"') . '>'; } ?> <div class="mainwp-news-item" title="<?php echo MainWPUtility::sanitize($newsItem['title']); ?> "> <strong><?php echo $newsItem['title']; ?> </strong><br /> <?php echo $newsItem['body']; ?> <div style="text-align: right"><em>Submitted <?php if (isset($newsItem['submitter']) && $newsItem['submitter'] != '') { echo 'by <strong>' . $newsItem['submitter'] . '</strong> '; } ?> at <strong><?php echo MainWPUtility::formatTimestamp(MainWPUtility::getTimestamp($newsItem['timestamp'])); ?> </strong></em></div> </div> <?php if ($category != $newsItem['category']) { $category = $newsItem['category']; } } if ($category != '') { echo '</div>'; } ?> </div> </div> <?php }
public static function renderHeader($shownPage, &$extensions) { ?> <div class="wrap"> <a href="" id="mainwplogo" title="MainWP" target="_blank"><img src="<?php echo plugins_url('images/logo.png', dirname(__FILE__)); ?> " height="50" alt="MainWP"/></a> <h2><i class="fa fa-plug"></i> <?php _e('Extensions', 'mainwp'); ?> </h2><div style="clear: both;"></div><br/><br/> <?php if ($shownPage === '') { ?> <div id="mainwp-extensions-categories-menu" class="postbox"> <div class="mainwp-inside"><span id="mainwp-extensions-menu-title"><?php _e('Get MainWP Extensions', 'mainwp'); ?> </span></div> <div style="border-bottom: 1px Solid #e5e5e5;"></div> <div class="mainwp-inside mainwp-align-center" style="clear: both;"> <div id="mainwp-extensions-cat-menu"> <ul id="mainwp-extensions-menu-cat-list"> <li class="mainwp-extensions-menu-item mainwp-category-1"><a href=""><?php _e('Administrative', 'mainwp'); ?> </a></li> <li class="mainwp-extensions-menu-item mainwp-category-2"><a href=""><?php _e('Content', 'mainwp'); ?> </a></li> <li class="mainwp-extensions-menu-item mainwp-category-3"><a href=""><?php _e('Visitor Data', 'mainwp'); ?> </a></li> <li class="mainwp-extensions-menu-item mainwp-category-4"><a href=""><?php _e('Free Extensions', 'mainwp'); ?> </a></li> <li class="mainwp-extensions-menu-item mainwp-category-5"><a href=""><?php _e('All Extensions', 'mainwp'); ?> </a></li> </ul> </div> <div style="clear: both;"></div> </div> </div> <?php $loader_url = '<i class="fa fa-spinner fa-pulse"></i>'; if (mainwp_current_user_can("dashboard", "bulk_install_and_activate_extensions")) { $username = $password = ""; $checked_save = false; if (get_option("mainwp_extensions_api_save_login") == true) { $enscrypt_u = get_option('mainwp_extensions_api_username'); $enscrypt_p = get_option('mainwp_extensions_api_password'); $username = !empty($enscrypt_u) ? MainWPApiManagerPasswordManagement::decrypt_string($enscrypt_u) : ""; $password = !empty($enscrypt_p) ? MainWPApiManagerPasswordManagement::decrypt_string($enscrypt_p) : ""; $checked_save = true; } if (!MainWPUtility::resetUserCookie('api_bulk_install')) { ?> <span id="mainwp_api_postbox_reset_showhide"></span> <?php } ?> <div class="postbox mainwp_api_postbox" section="1" > <!-- <div class="handlediv"><br></div> --> <h3 class="mainwp_box_title"><span><i class="fa fa-cog"></i> <?php _e("Bulk Install and Activate Extensions", "mainwp"); ?> </span></h3> <div class="mainwp-inside" style="clear: both;"> <div style="padding: 0 5px;"> <?php $apisslverify = get_option('mainwp_api_sslVerifyCertificate'); if (defined('OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER') && OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER <= 0x9080bf && $apisslverify === false) { $apisslverify = 0; MainWPUtility::update_option("mainwp_api_sslVerifyCertificate", $apisslverify); } $_selected_1 = $apisslverify === false || $apisslverify == 1 ? "selected" : ''; $_selected_0 = empty($_selected_1) ? "selected" : ""; ?> <div class="mainwp_info-box-red"> <?php if (defined('OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER') && OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER <= 0x9080bf) { ?> <p><?php _e("<strong style=\"color:#a00\">WARNING:</strong> MainWP has detected an older install of OpenSSL that does not support Server Name Indication (SNI). This will cause API Activation failure.", "mainwp"); ?> </p> <p><?php _e("We highly recommend, for your security, that you have your host update your OpenSSL to a current version that does support Server Name Indication (SNI).", "mainwp"); ?> </p> <p><?php _e("If you do not want to or cannot update your OpenSSL to a current version you can change the verify certificate option to No <strong>(Not recommended)</strong>", "mainwp"); ?> </p> <?php } else { ?> <p><?php _e("<strong>Notice:</strong> We did not detect any SSL issues.", "mainwp"); ?> </p> <p><?php _e("However, if you are having an issue connecting to, logging in or updating Extensions try setting the verify certificate option below to No and pressing Save.", "mainwp"); ?> </p> <?php } ?> <table class="form-table"> </tbody> <tr> <th scope="row"><?php _e('Verify certificate', 'mainwp'); ?> <?php MainWPUtility::renderToolTip(__('Verify the childs SSL certificate. This should be disabled if you are using out of date or self signed certificates.', 'mainwp')); ?> </th> <td> <span><select name="mainwp_api_sslVerifyCertificate" id="mainwp_api_sslVerifyCertificate" style="width: 200px;"> <option value="0" <?php echo $_selected_0; ?> ><?php _e("No", "mainwp"); ?> </option> <option value="1" <?php echo $_selected_1; ?> ><?php _e("Yes", "mainwp"); ?> </option> </select><label></label></span> <span class="extension_api_sslverify_loading"> <input type="button" value="<?php _e("Save", "mainwp"); ?> " id="mainwp-extensions-api-sslverify-certificate" class="button-primary"> <i class="fa fa-spinner fa-pulse" style="display: none;"></i><span class="status hidden"></span> </span> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> <strong><?php _e("Step 1", "mainwp"); ?> </strong> <p><span class="description"><?php _e("Enter your MainWP Extensions ( Login to automatically install and activate purchased extensions."); ?> </span></p> <span><?php _e("MainWP Extensions Login:"******"mainwp"); ?> </span><br /><br /> <div class="api-grabbing-fields"> <input type="text" class="input username" placeholder="<?php echo __("Username", "mainwp"); ?> " value="<?php echo $username; ?> "/> <input type="password" class="input passwd" placeholder="<?php echo __("Password", "mainwp"); ?> " value="<?php echo $password; ?> "/> <label><input type="checkbox" <?php echo $checked_save ? 'checked="checked"' : ""; ?> name="extensions_api_savemylogin_chk" id="extensions_api_savemylogin_chk"><?php _e("Save API login", "mainwp"); ?> </label> </div> <p> <span class="extension_api_loading"> <input type="button" class="button-primary" id="mainwp-extensions-savelogin" value="<?php _e("Save Login", "mainwp"); ?> "> <i class="fa fa-spinner fa-pulse" style="display: none;"></i><span class="status hidden"></span> </span> </p> <p><hr></p> <strong><?php _e("Step 2", "mainwp"); ?> </strong> <div id="mainwp-install-purchased-extensions"> <p><span class="description"><?php _e("The Install Purchased Extensions button will automatically install all your MainWP Extensions. You can also install them manually using the directions <a href=\"\" >here</a>."); ?> </span></p> <p> <span class="extension_api_loading"> <input type="button" class="mainwp-upgrade-button button-primary" id="mainwp-extensions-bulkinstall" value="<?php _e("Install purchased extensions", "mainwp"); ?> "> <i class="fa fa-spinner fa-pulse" style="display: none;"></i><span class="status hidden"></span> </span> </p> </div> <p><hr></p> <strong><?php _e("Step 3", "mainwp"); ?> </strong> <p><span class="description"><?php _e("The Grab API Keys will automatically add your API Keys and activate your Extensions. You can also manually enter your API for each Extension following the steps <a href=\"\" >here</a>."); ?> </span></p> <p> <span class="extension_api_loading"> <input type="button" class="mainwp-upgrade-button button-primary" id="mainwp-extensions-grabkeys" value="<?php _e("Grab Api Keys", "mainwp"); ?> "> <i class="fa fa-spinner fa-pulse" style="display: none;"></i><span class="status hidden"></span> </span> </p> <div style="clear: both;"></div> </div> </div> </div> <?php } ?> <?php } ?> <div class="mainwp-tabs" id="mainwp-tabs"> <a class="nav-tab pos-nav-tab <?php if ($shownPage === '') { echo "nav-tab-active"; } ?> " href="admin.php?page=Extensions"><?php _e('Manage Extensions', 'mainwp'); ?> </a> <?php if (isset($extensions) && is_array($extensions)) { foreach ($extensions as $extension) { if ($extension['plugin'] == $shownPage) { ?> <a class="nav-tab pos-nav-tab echo nav-tab-active" href="admin.php?page=<?php echo $extension['page']; ?> "><?php echo $extension['name']; ?> </a> <?php } } } ?> </div> <div id="mainwp_wrap-inside"> <?php }