Esempio n. 1
  * Notifies the given user of a report problem
  * @param User   $recipient Message recipient
  * @param string $subject   Message subject
  * @param string $body      Message body
 protected function sendNotificationOfReport(User $recipient, $subject, $body)
     $mailer = MailerFactory::getSystemDefaultMailer();
     // set the subject of the email
     // set the body of the email...
     $textOnly = EmailFormatter::isTextOnly($body);
     if ($textOnly) {
     } else {
         $textBody = strip_tags(br2nl($body));
         // need to create the plain-text part
     // add the recipient...
     // first get all email addresses known for this recipient
     $recipientEmailAddresses = array($recipient->email1, $recipient->email2);
     $recipientEmailAddresses = array_filter($recipientEmailAddresses);
     // then retrieve first non-empty email address
     $recipientEmailAddress = array_shift($recipientEmailAddresses);
     // a MailerException is raised if $email is invalid, which prevents the call to send below
     $mailer->addRecipientsTo(new EmailIdentity($recipientEmailAddress));
     // send the email
Esempio n. 2
  * Send new password or link to user
  * @param string $templateId     Id of email template
  * @param array  $additionalData additional params: link, url, password
  * @return array status: true|false, message: error message, if status = false and message = '' it means that send method has returned false
 public function sendEmailForPassword($templateId, array $additionalData = array())
     global $current_user, $app_strings;
     $mod_strings = return_module_language('', 'Users');
     $result = array('status' => false, 'message' => '');
     $emailTemplate = BeanFactory::getBean('EmailTemplates');
     $emailTemplate->disable_row_level_security = true;
     if ($emailTemplate->retrieve($templateId) == '') {
         $result['message'] = $mod_strings['LBL_EMAIL_TEMPLATE_MISSING'];
         return $result;
     $emailTemplate->body = $this->replaceInstanceVariablesInEmailTemplates($emailTemplate->body, $additionalData);
     // in case the email is text-only and $emailTemplate->body_html is not empty, use a local variable for the HTML
     // part to ignore the body_html property and prevent changing it on the EmailTemplate object
     $htmlBody = null;
     if ($emailTemplate->text_only != 1) {
         $emailTemplate->body_html = $this->replaceInstanceVariablesInEmailTemplates($emailTemplate->body_html, $additionalData);
         $htmlBody = $emailTemplate->body_html;
     try {
         $mailer = MailerFactory::getSystemDefaultMailer();
         // set the subject
         // set the plain-text body
         // set the HTML body... it will be null in the text-only case, but that's okay
         // make sure there is at least one message part (but only if the current user is an admin)...
         // even though $htmlBody is already set, resetting it verifies that $mailer actually got it
         $textBody = $mailer->getTextBody();
         $htmlBody = $mailer->getHtmlBody();
         if ($current_user->is_admin && !$mailer->hasMessagePart($textBody) && !$mailer->hasMessagePart($htmlBody)) {
             throw new MailerException("No email body was provided", MailerException::InvalidMessageBody);
         // get the recipient's email address
         $itemail = $this->emailAddress->getPrimaryAddress($this);
         if (!empty($itemail)) {
             // add the recipient
             $mailer->addRecipientsTo(new EmailIdentity($itemail));
             // if send doesn't raise an exception then set the result status to true
             $result["status"] = true;
             // save the email record
             $email = new Email();
             $email->team_id = 1;
             $email->to_addrs = '';
             $email->type = 'archived';
             $email->deleted = '0';
             $email->name = $emailTemplate->subject;
             $email->description = $textBody;
             $email->description_html = $htmlBody;
             $email->from_addr = $mailer->getHeader(EmailHeaders::From)->getEmail();
             $email->parent_type = 'User';
             $email->date_sent = TimeDate::getInstance()->nowDb();
             $email->modified_user_id = '1';
             $email->created_by = '1';
             $email->status = 'sent';
             if (!isset($additionalData['link']) || $additionalData['link'] == false) {
                 $this->setNewPassword($additionalData['password'], '1');
         } else {
             // this exception is ignored as part of the default case in the switch statement in the catch block
             // but it adds documentation as to what is happening
             throw new MailerException("There are no recipients", MailerException::FailedToSend);
     } catch (MailerException $me) {
         switch ($me->getCode()) {
             case MailerException::FailedToConnectToRemoteServer:
                 if ($current_user->is_admin) {
                     // the smtp host may not be empty, but this is the best error message for now
                     $result['message'] = $mod_strings['ERR_SERVER_SMTP_EMPTY'];
                 } else {
                     // status=failed to send, but no message is returned to non-admin users
             case MailerException::InvalidMessageBody:
                 // this exception will only be raised if the current user is an admin, so there is no need to
                 // worry about catching it in a non-admin case and handling the error message accordingly
                 // both the plain-text and HTML parts are empty, but this is the best error message for now
                 $result['message'] = $app_strings['LBL_EMAIL_TEMPLATE_EDIT_PLAIN_TEXT'];
                 // status=failed to send, but no message is returned
     return $result;
Esempio n. 3
 protected function create_notification_email($notify_user)
     return MailerFactory::getSystemDefaultMailer();
  * Send an email to the assigned user of the job
  * @param String $subject The Subject
  * @param String $body The Body of the email
 protected function sendEmail($subject, $body)
     $mailTransmissionProtocol = "unknown";
     /* @var $user User */
     $user = BeanFactory::getBean('Users', $this->job->assigned_user_id);
     try {
         /* @var $mailer SmtpMailer */
         $mailer = MailerFactory::getSystemDefaultMailer();
         $mailTransmissionProtocol = $mailer->getMailTransmissionProtocol();
         // add the recipient...
         $mailer->addRecipientsTo(new EmailIdentity($user->email1, $user->full_name));
         // set the subject
     } catch (MailerException $me) {
         $message = $me->getMessage();
         $GLOBALS["log"]->warn("Notifications: error sending e-mail (method: {$mailTransmissionProtocol}), (error: {$message})");
  * @param $data
  * @return bool
 public function run($data)
     global $current_user;
     global $current_language;
     global $locale;
     $this->job->runnable_ran = true;
     $this->job->runnable_data = $data;
     $report_schedule_id = $data;
     require_once 'modules/Reports/schedule/ReportSchedule.php';
     $reportSchedule = new ReportSchedule();
     $scheduleInfo = $reportSchedule->getInfo($report_schedule_id);
     $GLOBALS["log"]->debug("-----> in Reports foreach() loop");
     $savedReport = BeanFactory::getBean('Reports', $scheduleInfo['report_id']);
     $GLOBALS["log"]->debug("-----> Generating Reporter");
     require_once 'modules/Reports/Report.php';
     $reporter = new Report(from_html($savedReport->content));
     $reporter->is_saved_report = true;
     $reporter->saved_report = $savedReport;
     $reporter->saved_report_id = $savedReport->id;
     $mod_strings = return_module_language($current_language, 'Reports');
     // prevent invalid report from being processed
     if (!$reporter->is_definition_valid()) {
         $invalidFields = $reporter->get_invalid_fields();
         $args = array($scheduleInfo['report_id'], implode(', ', $invalidFields));
         $message = string_format($mod_strings['ERR_REPORT_INVALID'], $args);
         $GLOBALS["log"]->fatal("-----> {$message}");
         $reportOwner = BeanFactory::retrieveBean('Users', $savedReport->assigned_user_id);
         if ($reportOwner) {
             require_once 'modules/Reports/utils.php';
             $reportsUtils = new ReportsUtilities();
             try {
                 $reportsUtils->sendNotificationOfInvalidReport($reportOwner, $message);
             } catch (MailerException $me) {
                 //@todo consider logging the error at the very least
         $this->job->failJob('Report field definition is invalid');
         return false;
     } else {
         $GLOBALS["log"]->debug("-----> Reporter settings attributes");
         $reporter->layout_manager->setAttribute("no_sort", 1);
         $GLOBALS["log"]->debug("-----> Reporter Handling PDF output");
         require_once 'modules/Reports/templates/templates_tcpdf.php';
         $reportFilename = template_handle_pdf($reporter, false);
         // get the recipient's data...
         // first get all email addresses known for this recipient
         $recipientEmailAddresses = array($current_user->email1, $current_user->email2);
         $recipientEmailAddresses = array_filter($recipientEmailAddresses);
         // then retrieve first non-empty email address
         $recipientEmailAddress = array_shift($recipientEmailAddresses);
         // get the recipient name that accompanies the email address
         $recipientName = $locale->formatName($current_user);
         $result = false;
         try {
             $GLOBALS["log"]->debug("-----> Generating Mailer");
             $mailer = MailerFactory::getSystemDefaultMailer();
             // set the subject of the email
             $subject = empty($savedReport->name) ? "Report" : $savedReport->name;
             // add the recipient
             $mailer->addRecipientsTo(new EmailIdentity($recipientEmailAddress, $recipientName));
             // attach the report, using the subject as the name of the attachment
             $charsToRemove = array("\r", "\n");
             // remove these characters from the attachment name
             $attachmentName = str_replace($charsToRemove, "", $subject);
             // replace spaces with the underscores
             $attachmentName = str_replace(" ", "_", "{$attachmentName}.pdf");
             $attachment = new Attachment($reportFilename, $attachmentName, Encoding::Base64, "application/pdf");
             // set the body of the email
             $body = $mod_strings["LBL_HELLO"];
             if ($recipientName != "") {
                 $body .= " {$recipientName}";
             $body .= ",\n\n" . $mod_strings["LBL_SCHEDULED_REPORT_MSG_INTRO"] . $savedReport->date_entered . $mod_strings["LBL_SCHEDULED_REPORT_MSG_BODY1"] . $savedReport->name . $mod_strings["LBL_SCHEDULED_REPORT_MSG_BODY2"];
             $textOnly = EmailFormatter::isTextOnly($body);
             if ($textOnly) {
             } else {
                 $textBody = strip_tags(br2nl($body));
                 // need to create the plain-text part
             $GLOBALS["log"]->debug("-----> Sending PDF via Email to [ {$recipientEmailAddress} ]");
             $result = true;
             $GLOBALS["log"]->debug("-----> Send successful");
             $reportSchedule->update_next_run_time($report_schedule_id, $scheduleInfo["next_run"], $scheduleInfo["time_interval"]);
         } catch (MailerException $me) {
             switch ($me->getCode()) {
                 case MailerException::InvalidEmailAddress:
                     $GLOBALS["log"]->info("No email address for {$recipientName}");
                     $GLOBALS["log"]->fatal("Mail error: " . $me->getMessage());
         $GLOBALS["log"]->debug("-----> Removing temporary PDF file");
         if ($result) {
         return $result;
Esempio n. 6
// imports all of the Mailer classes that are needed
global $current_user;
$test = false;
if (isset($_REQUEST['mode']) && $_REQUEST['mode'] == 'test') {
    $test = true;
if (isset($_REQUEST['send_all']) && $_REQUEST['send_all'] == true) {
    $send_all = true;
} else {
    $send_all = false;
    //if set to true email delivery will run until all email have been delivered.
$GLOBALS['log'] = LoggerManager::getLogger('SugarCRM');
$mailer = null;
try {
    $mailer = MailerFactory::getSystemDefaultMailer();
} catch (MailerException $me) {
    $GLOBALS['log']->fatal("Email delivery error:" . $me->getMessage());
$admin = Administration::getSettings();
if (isset($admin->settings['massemailer_campaign_emails_per_run'])) {
    $max_emails_per_run = $admin->settings['massemailer_campaign_emails_per_run'];
if (empty($max_emails_per_run)) {
    $max_emails_per_run = 500;
//save email copies?
$massemailer_email_copy = 0;
//default: save copies of the email.
  * Sends the users password to the email address.
  * @param string $user_id
  * @param string $password
 public function sendEmailPassword($user_id, $password)
     $result = $GLOBALS['db']->query("SELECT email1, email2, first_name, last_name FROM users WHERE id='{$user_id}'");
     $row = $GLOBALS['db']->fetchByAssoc($result);
     if (empty($row['email1']) && empty($row['email2'])) {
         $_SESSION['login_error'] = 'Please contact an administrator to setup up your email address associated to this account';
     } else {
         $mailTransmissionProtocol = "unknown";
         try {
             $mailer = MailerFactory::getSystemDefaultMailer();
             $mailTransmissionProtocol = $mailer->getMailTransmissionProtocol();
             // add the recipient...
             // first get all email addresses known for this recipient
             $recipientEmailAddresses = array($row["email1"], $row["email2"]);
             $recipientEmailAddresses = array_filter($recipientEmailAddresses);
             // then retrieve first non-empty email address
             $recipientEmailAddress = array_shift($recipientEmailAddresses);
             // get the recipient name that accompanies the email address
             $recipientName = "{$row["first_name"]} {$row["last_name"]}";
             $mailer->addRecipientsTo(new EmailIdentity($recipientEmailAddress, $recipientName));
             // override the From header
             $from = new EmailIdentity("*****@*****.**", "Sugar Authentication");
             $mailer->setHeader(EmailHeaders::From, $from);
             // set the subject
             $mailer->setSubject("Sugar Token");
             // set the body of the email... looks to be plain-text only
             $mailer->setTextBody("Your sugar session authentication token  is: {$password}");
             $GLOBALS["log"]->info("Notifications: e-mail successfully sent");
         } catch (MailerException $me) {
             $message = $me->getMessage();
             $GLOBALS["log"]->warn("Notifications: error sending e-mail (method: {$mailTransmissionProtocol}), (error: {$message})");
Esempio n. 8
function send_workflow_alert(&$focus, $address_array, $alert_msg, &$admin, $alert_shell_array, $check_for_bridge = false, $alert_user_array = array())
    $invitePerson = false;
    $users = array();
    $contacts = array();
    // Handle inviting users/contacts to meetings/calls
    if ($focus->module_dir == "Calls" || $focus->module_dir == "Meetings") {
        if ($check_for_bridge == true && !empty($focus->bridge_object)) {
            // we are inviting people
            $invitePerson = true;
    if ($alert_shell_array['source_type'] == "System Default") {
        get_invite_email($focus, $admin, $address_array, $invitePerson, $alert_msg, $alert_shell_array);
    } elseif ($alert_shell_array['source_type'] == "Custom Template" && $invitePerson == true) {
        // you are using a custom template and this is a meeting/call child invite
        get_invite_email($focus, $admin, $address_array, $invitePerson, $alert_msg, $alert_shell_array);
    } else {
        $mailTransmissionProtocol = "unknown";
        try {
            $mailer = MailerFactory::getSystemDefaultMailer();
            $mailTransmissionProtocol = $mailer->getMailTransmissionProtocol();
            foreach ($address_array['to'] as $userInfo) {
                $mailer->addRecipientsTo(new EmailIdentity($userInfo['address'], $userInfo['name']));
                if ($invitePerson == true) {
                    populate_usr_con_arrays($userInfo, $users, $contacts);
            foreach ($address_array['cc'] as $userInfo) {
                $mailer->addRecipientsCc(new EmailIdentity($userInfo['address'], $userInfo['name']));
                if ($invitePerson == true) {
                    populate_usr_con_arrays($userInfo, $users, $contacts);
            foreach ($address_array['bcc'] as $userInfo) {
                $mailer->addRecipientsBcc(new EmailIdentity($userInfo['address'], $userInfo['name']));
                if ($invitePerson == true) {
                    populate_usr_con_arrays($userInfo, $users, $contacts);
            if ($invitePerson == true) {
                // Handle inviting users/contacts to meetings/calls
                if (!empty($address_array['invite_only'])) {
                    foreach ($address_array['invite_only'] as $userInfo) {
                        populate_usr_con_arrays($userInfo, $users, $contacts);
                // use the user_arr & contact_arr to add these people to the meeting
                $focus->users_arr = $users;
                $focus->contacts_arr = $contacts;
            // add the message content to the mailer
            // return: true=encountered an error; false=no errors
            $error = create_email_body($focus, $mailer, $admin, $alert_msg, $alert_shell_array, "", $alert_user_array);
            if ($error) {
                throw new MailerException("Failed to add message content", MailerException::InvalidMessageBody);
        } catch (MailerException $me) {
            $message = $me->getMessage();
            $GLOBALS["log"]->warn("Notifications: error sending e-mail (method: {$mailTransmissionProtocol}), (error: {$message})");
Esempio n. 9
  * send reminders
  * @param SugarBean $bean
  * @param Administration $admin *use is deprecated*
  * @param array $recipients
  * @return boolean
 protected function sendReminders(SugarBean $bean, Administration $admin, $recipients)
     if (!empty($_SESSION["authenticated_user_language"])) {
         $currentLanguage = $_SESSION["authenticated_user_language"];
     } else {
         $currentLanguage = $GLOBALS["sugar_config"]["default_language"];
     $user = BeanFactory::getBean('Users', $bean->created_by);
     $xtpl = new XTemplate(get_notify_template_file($currentLanguage));
     $xtpl = $this->setReminderBody($xtpl, $bean, $user);
     $templateName = "{$GLOBALS["beanList"][$bean->module_dir]}Reminder";
     $mailTransmissionProtocol = "unknown";
     try {
         $mailer = MailerFactory::getSystemDefaultMailer();
         $mailTransmissionProtocol = $mailer->getMailTransmissionProtocol();
         // set the subject of the email
         $subject = $xtpl->text("{$templateName}_Subject");
         // set the body of the email
         $body = trim($xtpl->text($templateName));
         $textOnly = EmailFormatter::isTextOnly($body);
         if ($textOnly) {
         } else {
             $textBody = strip_tags(br2nl($body));
             // need to create the plain-text part
         foreach ($recipients as $recipient) {
             // reuse the mailer, but process one send per recipient
             $mailer->addRecipientsTo(new EmailIdentity($recipient["email"], $recipient["name"]));
     } catch (MailerException $me) {
         $message = $me->getMessage();
         switch ($me->getCode()) {
             case MailerException::FailedToConnectToRemoteServer:
                 $GLOBALS["log"]->fatal("Email Reminder: error sending email, system smtp server is not set");
                 $GLOBALS["log"]->fatal("Email Reminder: error sending e-mail (method: {$mailTransmissionProtocol}), (error: {$message})");
         return false;
     return true;