function sendPaymentReminder() { $subject = 'Vehicle Payment Reminder with' . WEB_FULL_NAME; $message = "Dear " . $this->admin->getFullName() . ",<br /><br />\n\n You are using our premium services from {$this->vehicle->getVehicleDepolyDate()} .<br />\n\n Vehicle was Added Under Company : {$this->company->getName()}<br /><br />\n\n Vehicle was Added By : {$addedby->getFullName()}<br /><br />\n\n Vehicle Details :<br /><br />\n Vehicle Type : {$this->vehicle->getType()} <br />\n Vehicle Model : {$this->vehicle->getModel()} <br />\n Make Year: {$this->vehicle->getMakeYear()} <br /><br />\n Vehicle Number: {$this->vehicle->getVehicleNumber()} <br /><br />\n Description: {$this->vehicle->getType()} <br /><br />\n Adding Date : {$this->vehicle->getDateAdded()} <br /><br />\n\n Vehicle Activate Date : {$this->vehicle->getVehicleDepolyDate()} <br /><br />\n\n Premium Service Start Date : {$this->vehicle->getVehicleDepolyDate()} <br /><br />\n\n Premium Service End Date : {$this->vehicle->getVehicleDepolyDate()} <br /><br />\n\n Payment Done Till Today :{$this->vehicle->getVehicleDepolyDate()} <br /><br />\n\n Expected Payment Amount :{$this->vehicle->getVehicleDepolyDate()} <br /><br />\n\n "; $message = Mailer::makeMessage($message); return Mailer::SendMail($this->admin->getEmail(), $subject, $message); }
public static function SendMessagebyPHP($puserid, $subject, $message) { $msgToUser = ""; $msg = "Dear " . $puserid; $msg .= "<br /><br />"; $message = $msg . $message; $message = Mailer::makeMessage($message); $message .= Mailer::addMessageFooter($puserid); return Mailer::SendMail($puserid, $subject, $message); }
function mail_subscribe($city, $team, $partner, $subscribe) { global $INI; $week = array('日', '一', '二', '三', '四', '五', '六'); $today = date('Y年n月j日 星期') . $week[date('w')]; $vars = array('today' => $today, 'team' => $team, 'city' => $city, 'subscribe' => $subscribe, 'partner' => $partner, 'help_email' => $INI['subscribe']['helpemail'], 'help_mobile' => $INI['subscribe']['helpphone'], 'notice_email' => $INI['mail']['reply']); $message = render('mail_subscribe_team', $vars); $options = array('contentType' => 'text/html', 'encoding' => 'UTF-8'); $from = $INI['mail']['from']; $to = $subscribe['email']; $subject = $INI['system']['sitename'] . "今日团购:{$team['title']}"; if ($INI['mail']['mail'] == 'mail') { Mailer::SendMail($from, $to, $subject, $message, $options); } else { Mailer::SmtpMail($from, $to, $subject, $message, $options); } }
public function GenerateNewPassword() { $connector = new Connector(); $newPassword = $this->GeneratePassword(); $sql = ""; $sql .= " UPDATE members_info"; $sql .= "\tSET password = '******'"; $sql .= " WHERE"; $sql .= " \temail = '" . $this->currentEmail . "'"; $mysqliQuery = mysqli_query($connector->GetConnection(), $sql); if ($mysqliQuery) { $mailer = new Mailer(); $mailer->SetRecepient($this->currentEmail); $mailer->EmailNewPassword($newPassword); $mailer->SendMail(); return true; } else { return false; } }
function mail_gift($order, $user) { global $INI; $week = array('S', 'M', 'T', 'W', 'T', 'F', 'S'); $today = date('m.d.Y') . $week[date('w')]; $vars = array('today' => $today, 'user' => $user, 'order' => $order, 'help_email' => $INI['subscribe']['helpemail'], 'help_mobile' => $INI['subscribe']['helpphone'], 'notice_email' => $INI['mail']['reply']); $message = render('mail_gift_info', $vars); //$mesasge = mb_convert_encoding($mesage, 'GBK', 'UTF-8'); $options = array('contentType' => 'text/html', 'encoding' => 'UTF-8'); $from = $INI['mail']['from']; $to = $user['email']; $subject = $INI['system']['sitename'] . ": Your Gift Card Details"; if ($order['email']) { $to = $order['email']; $subject = "(Your gift from " . $order['from'] . ")" . $subject; } //$content=createpdf(render('mail_coupon_pdf',$vars)); if ($INI['mail']['mail'] == 'mail') { Mailer::SendMail($from, $to, $subject, $message, $options); } else { Mailer::SmtpMail($from, $to, $subject, $message, $options); //,null,$content); } }
function mail_subscribemulti($teams,$subscribe) { global $INI; $encoding = $INI['mail']['encoding'] ? $INI['mail']['encoding'] : 'UTF-8'; $week = array('日','一','二','三','四','五','六'); $today = date('Y年n月j日 星期') . $week[date('w')]; $first = array_shift($teams); $vars = array( 'today' => $today, 'first' => $first, 'teams' => $teams, 'subscribe' => $subscribe, 'help_email' => $INI['mail']['helpemail'], 'help_mobile' => $INI['mail']['helpphone'], 'notice_email' => $INI['mail']['reply'], ); $message = render('mail_subscribe_multiteam', $vars); $options = array( 'contentType' => 'text/html', 'encoding' => $encoding, ); $from = $INI['mail']['from']; $to = $subscribe['email']; $subject = "夏天你不得不了解避暑大法,看看这些明星是怎么避暑的?"; if ($INI['mail']['mail']=='mail') { Mailer::SendMail($from, $to, $subject, $message, $options); } else { Mailer::SmtpMail($from, $to, $subject, $message, $options); } }
$cli_args = arguments($argv); $mai = new Mailer(); try { switch ($cli_args['type']) { case 'simple': default: $mai->setFrom("me", "my@mail"); $mai->setTo("None", "panos"); $mai->setSubject("Μία δοκιμή", "UTF-8"); $mai->body = new Mailer_TextBody("test test"); break; case 'utf': $mai->setFrom("Πάνος", "my@mail"); $mai->setTo("Κανένας", "panos"); $mai->setSubject("Μία δοκιμή", "UTF-8"); $mai->body = new Mailer_TextBody("Δοκιμή κειμένου"); break; case 'alt': $mai->setFrom("Πάνος", "my@mail"); $mai->setTo("Κανένας", "panos"); $mai->setSubject("Μία δοκιμή", "UTF-8"); $mai->body = new Mailer_MultipartAlt(); $mai->body->addPart(new Mailer_TextBody("Δοκιμή κειμένου")); $mai->body->addPart(new Mailer_HtmlBody("<html><body>Δοκιμή <u>κειμένου</u></body></html>")); break; } $mai->PrintMail(); $mai->SendMail(); } catch (Exception $ex) { echo "\nException: " . $ex->getMessage() . "\n"; }
function Send_Mails($dbg = 1, $dry = false) { $dbhandle = A2Billing::DBHandle(); if ($dbg > 2) { echo "Mailer: start\n"; } $sqlTimeFmt = _("YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS TZ"); // TODO: not only select, but lock mails in 'sending' state. $qry = "SELECT AS id, mtype, fromname, fromemail, subject, \n\t\tmessage, defargs, tomail, args, to_char(tstamp,'{$sqlTimeFmt}') AS mdate\n\t\tFROM cc_templatemail, cc_mailings\n\t\tWHERE cc_mailings.tmail_id =\n\t\tAND (state = 1 OR state = 5);"; $res = $dbhandle->Execute($qry); if (!$res) { if ($dbg > 0) { echo "Query Failed: " . $dbhandle->ErrorMsg() . "\n"; } return false; } elseif ($res->EOF) { if ($dbg > 2) { echo "No mails need to be sent.\n"; } return true; } try { while ($row = $res->fetchRow()) { if ($dbg > 2) { echo "Sending " . $row['mtype'] . " to " . $row['tomail'] . "\n"; } if (empty($row['tomail'])) { if ($dbg > 2) { echo "No recepient specified!\n"; } continue; } $mai = new Mailer(); $mai->setTo('', $row['tomail']); $mai->setFrom($row['fromname'], $row['fromemail']); // Format parameters $defargs = array(); parse_str($row['defargs'], $defargs); $defargs['mdate'] = $row['mdate']; $toargs = array(); parse_str($row['args'], $toargs); $args = array_merge($defargs, $toargs); if ($dbg > 2) { echo "Arguments:"; print_r($args); echo "\n"; } $mai->setSubject(str_alparams($row['subject'], $args), "UTF-8"); $mai->body = new Mailer_TextBody(str_alparams($row['message'], $args)); if ($dry) { $mai->PrintMail(); continue; } try { if ($dbg > 2) { echo "Sending mail.."; } $mai->SendMail(); if ($dbg > 2) { echo " done.\n"; } update_mailing($dbhandle, $row['id'], true, $dbg); } catch (Exception $ex) { if ($dbg > 2) { echo " failed.\n"; } update_mailing($dbhandle, $row['id'], false, $dbg); throw $ex; } } } catch (Exception $ex) { if ($dbg > 1) { echo "Exception: " . $ex->getMessage(); } } return true; }