  * Helper function to _getXML(). Returns xml of a header.
  * @param  string  Name of header
  * @param  string  Value of header
  * @param  integer Number of tabs to indent
  * @return string  XML version of input
  * @access private
 function _getXML_helper($hdr_name, $hdr_value, $indent)
     $htab = "\t";
     $crlf = "\r\n";
     $return = '';
     $new_hdr_value = $hdr_name != 'received' ? Mail_mimeDecode::_parseHeaderValue($hdr_value) : array('value' => $hdr_value);
     $new_hdr_name = str_replace(' ', '-', ucwords(str_replace('-', ' ', $hdr_name)));
     // Sort out any parameters
     if (!empty($new_hdr_value['other'])) {
         foreach ($new_hdr_value['other'] as $paramname => $paramvalue) {
             $params[] = str_repeat($htab, $indent) . $htab . '<parameter>' . $crlf . str_repeat($htab, $indent) . $htab . $htab . '<paramname>' . htmlspecialchars($paramname) . '</paramname>' . $crlf . str_repeat($htab, $indent) . $htab . $htab . '<paramvalue>' . htmlspecialchars($paramvalue) . '</paramvalue>' . $crlf . str_repeat($htab, $indent) . $htab . '</parameter>' . $crlf;
         $params = implode('', $params);
     } else {
         $params = '';
     $return = str_repeat($htab, $indent) . '<header>' . $crlf . str_repeat($htab, $indent) . $htab . '<headername>' . htmlspecialchars($new_hdr_name) . '</headername>' . $crlf . str_repeat($htab, $indent) . $htab . '<headervalue>' . htmlspecialchars($new_hdr_value['value']) . '</headervalue>' . $crlf . $params . str_repeat($htab, $indent) . '</header>' . $crlf;
     return $return;