public function testMail() { $this->mail = Mail::to('*****@*****.**')->from('jceee <*****@*****.**>')->title('hehe,title des')->content("<h1>content</h1>"); echo '<pre>'; var_dump($this->mail); exit; }
/** * Hook comment publishing * * @param object $Comment * @param object $Post * @param object $Parent * @param object $ParentAuthor */ public function hookCommentPublished($Comment, $Post, $Parent = NULL, $ParentAuthor = NULL) { // If you post comment to your post if ($Post->aid != $Comment->aid) { $replace = array('$user_link%' => $this->user->getLink(), '%user_name%' => $this->user->getName(), '%post_link%' => $Post->getLink(), '%post_name%' => $Post->name, '%comment%' => $Comment->body, '%reply_link%' => $Post->getLink() . '#comment-' . $Comment->id); $mail = new Mail(array('name' => '', 'subject' => t('New comment to your post', 'Mail.templates'), 'body' => str_replace(array_keys($replace), array_values($replace), t('User <a href="%user_link%">%user_name%</a> has published a comment to your post <a href="%post_link%">"%post_name%"</a>: <p><i>%comment%</i></p> <p><a href="%reply_link%">Reply →</a></p>')))); if ($PostAuthor = user($Post->aid)) { $mail->to($PostAuthor->email); $mail->send(); } } /** * If you reply and not to yourself */ if ($Parent && $Parent->aid != $this->user->id) { $replace = array('$user_link%' => $this->user->getLink(), '%user_name%' => $this->user->getName(), '%post_link%' => $Post->getLink(), '%post_name%' => $Post->name, '%comment%' => $Comment->body, '%reply_link%' => $Post->getLink() . '#comment-' . $Comment->id); $mail = new Mail(array('name' => 'comment.reply', 'subject' => t('Reply for your comment', 'Mail.templates'), 'body' => str_replace(array_keys($replace), array_values($replace), t('User <a href="%user_link%">%user_name%</a> has answered for you comment to post <a href="%post_link%">"%post_name%"</a>: <p><i>%comment%</i></p> <p><a href="%reply_link%">Reply →</a></p>', 'Mail.templates')))); $mail->to($ParentAuthor->email); $mail->send(); } unset($mail); }
public function mail() { $mail = Mail::to(['*****@*****.**', '*****@*****.**'])->from('M**********r <*****@*****.**>')->title('F**k Me!')->content('<h1>Hello~~</h1>'); if ($mail instanceof Mail) { $mailer = new Nette\Mail\SmtpMailer($mail->config); $mailer->send($mail); } }
public function send_link($id, $hash, $email) { Mail::$to = $email; Mail::$subject = 'registr'; Mail::$text = ' link: <br>' . Config::get('site_name') . 'reg/activate/' . $id . '/' . $hash; if (Mail::Send()) { echo 'send true'; exit; } else { echo 'send false'; exit; } }
public function home() { /*$url = parse_url($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); $method = $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']; echo '<pre>'; var_export($method); var_export($url); echo '</pre>';*/ #echo '<h1>控制器成功</h1>'; # $this->view = View::make("home")->with('article', Article::first())->withTitle('MFFC : -D')->withFuckMe('OK!'); //发邮件 $this->mail = Mail::to(['*****@*****.**'])->from('MontherFucker <*****@*****.**>')->title('hello')->content('<h1>HELLO~~~~~</h1>'); }
function beforeInsert($db) { $event = $db->get(new Event($this->event)); if (Variable::istype('Event', $event) && $event->isActive($db)) { $this->hash = crypt($this->name . time() . mt_rand(0, 9999)); if ($this->mail) { $parser = new HtmlParser('thanks.mtpl'); $parser->setVariable('participant', $this); $mail = new Mail('*****@*****.**', 'rhaco kaigi'); $mail->to($this->mail, $this->name); $mail->subject('rhaco kaigi'); $mail->message($parser->read()); $mail->send(); } return true; } return false; }
/** * User Регистрация */ public function register_action($code = NULL) { $this->theme->template('User/templates/login'); if (!config('', FALSE)) { return error(t('Регистрация отключена администрацией сайта.')); } if ($this->isLogged()) { return error('Вы уже авторизированы!'); } $this->showMenu(); if ($code) { $user = new User(); $user->hash = $code; if ($user->find()) { $form = new Form('User/forms/verify'); $form->email->setValue($user->email); if ($result = $form->result()) { $user->object()->extend($result); $result->realname && ($user->name = $result->realname); $user->hashPassword(); $user->hash = $this->secure->genHash($user->password); $user->reg_date = time(); $user->last_visit = time(); if ($user->save()) { event('user.register', $user); if ($user->login()) { flash_success(t('Регистрация завершена!')); redirect($user->getLink()); } } } $form->show(); } else { error(t('Регистрационный код не найден.')); } } else { $form = new Form('User/forms/register'); if ($result = $form->result()) { $user = new User(); $user->email = $result->email; $user->find(); $user->hash = $this->secure->genHash(date('H d.m.Y') . $this->session->get('ip') . $result->email); if (config('user.register.verification', TRUE)) { $verify_link = l('/user/register/' . $user->hash, TRUE); $mail = new Mail(array('name' => 'register.verify', 'subject' => t('Регистрация на сайте %s', SITE_URL), 'body' => t('Вы успешно зарегистрировались на сайте http://%s. <br/> Пожалуйста, перейдите по ссылке ниже, для того чтобы подтвердить данный почтовый ящик:<p> <a href="%s">%s</a>', SITE_URL, $verify_link, $verify_link))); $mail->to($user->email); if ($mail->send()) { $user->save(); event('user.confirmation', $user); success(t('Письмо с подтвержденим регистрации было отправлено на почтовый адрес <b>%s</b>. Следуйте инструкциям.', $user->email)); } } else { $user->save(); redirect(l('/user/register/' . $user->hash)); } } else { $form->show(); } } }
unset($_SESSION['pass']); } if (isset($_POST['pass']) && $_POST['pass1'] && filter_var($_POST['email'], FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) { $_POST = trimAll($_POST); $_POST = m_r_e_sAll($_POST); $_POST = htmlAll($_POST); $email = $_POST['email']; $pass = $_POST['pass']; $pass1 = $_POST['pass1']; if ($pass == $pass1) { $pass = md5($pass); //зашифрованный пароль можно использ функцию зашифровки в default myHash } else { $_SESSION['info'] = 'Пароль не правельный'; header("Location: ../settings.php"); } if ($email == $_SESSION['user']['email']) { mysqli_query($connect, "UPDATE capons SET\n pass = '******'\n WHERE id = '{$coil}'\n ") or die(mysqli_error()); // $id = mysqli_insert_id($connect); //функция возвращает ID последнего добавленного элемента в БД - что-бы передать ID для проверки активации Mail::$to = $_POST['email']; //класс Mail вызываеться из папка class Mail - функцией в файле default Mail::$subject = 'Вы зарегестрировались на сайте'; Mail::$text = '....Вам новый пароль:' . $_POST['pass1']; Mail::send(); header("Location: ..//settings.php"); exit; } else { $_SESSION['info'] = 'вы ввели неправельный email'; header("Location: ../settings.php"); } }
/** * Sends the mail * * @return bool success */ public function send() { // Add registered recipient parent::to($this->to['email'], $this->to['name']); // Get sender from recipient data $sender = ''; if ($this->to['object']) { switch (get_class($this->to['object'])) { case 'Recipient': $sender = $this->to['object']->transfer->user->email; break; case 'Guest': $sender = $this->to['object']->user->email; break; } } if (!$sender) { $sender = $this->to['email']; } // Own action // Context identifier $context = $this->to['object'] ? strtolower(get_class($this->to['object'])) . '-' . $this->to['object']->id : 'no_context'; // Build from field depending on config $from = Config::get('email_from'); if ($from) { if ($from != 'sender' && !filter_var($from, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) { throw new ConfigBadParameterException('email_from'); } if ($from == 'sender') { $from = $sender; } // Got one, validate and set header if ($from) { if (!filter_var($from, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) { throw new BadEmailException($from); } $from_name = Config::get('email_from_name'); if ($from_name) { $from = '"' . mb_encode_mimeheader($from_name) . '" <' . $from . '>'; } $this->addHeader('From', $from); } } // Build reply-to field depending on config $reply_to = Config::get('email_reply_to'); if ($reply_to) { if ($reply_to != 'sender' && !filter_var($reply_to, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) { throw new ConfigBadParameterException('email_reply_to'); } if ($reply_to == 'sender') { $reply_to = $sender; } // Got one, validate and set header if ($reply_to) { if (!filter_var($reply_to, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) { throw new BadEmailException($reply_to); } $reply_to_name = Config::get('email_reply_to_name'); if ($reply_to_name) { $reply_to = '"' . mb_encode_mimeheader($reply_to_name) . '" <' . $reply_to . '>'; } $this->addHeader('Reply-To', $reply_to); } } // Build return path field depending on config $return_path = Config::get('email_return_path'); if ($return_path) { if ($return_path != 'sender' && !filter_var(str_replace('<verp>', 'verp', $return_path), FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) { throw new ConfigBadParameterException('email_return_path'); } if ($return_path == 'sender') { $return_path = $sender; } // Got one, validate and set property to be passed to PHP's mail internal if ($return_path) { // If verp pattern insert context so that return path alone tells which object the bounce is related to if (preg_match('`^(.+)<verp>(.+)$`i', $return_path, $match)) { $return_path = $match[1] . $context . $match[2]; } if (!filter_var($return_path, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) { throw new BadEmailException($return_path); } $this->return_path = $return_path; } } // Set context in headers so that it is returned along with bounces if ($context) { $this->msg_id = '<' . $context . '-' . uniqid() . '@filesender>'; $this->addHeader('X-Notes-Context', $context); } // Send email return parent::send(); }
public static function template_new_gameserver_mail($param, $is_resend = false) { $param = json_decode(json_encode($param), FALSE); $user_name = str_replace('', '', $_SERVER['REMOTE_USER']); $user_name = str_replace('.', ' ', ucfirst($user_name)); //$cc[] = MAIL_MEX; foreach ($param as $key => $value) { unset($to); unset($cc); unset($bcc); $to[] = ENVIRONMENT == LOCAL || ENVIRONMENT == BETA ? $_SERVER['REMOTE_USER'] : MAIL_OGI; $cc[] = ENVIRONMENT == LOCAL || ENVIRONMENT == BETA ? $_SERVER['REMOTE_USER'] : MAIL_MEX; $dolly_users = explode(',', $param->{$key}->dolly_users); foreach ($dolly_users as $key2 => $value2) { if (array_search($value2, $dolly_users)) { if ($value2 == $param->{$key}->requested_by) { unset($dolly_users[$key2]); } else { $cc[] = $value2; } } } $product = Product::load($param->{$key}->product_id)->to_array(); $product_name = $product['name']; $tpl = $param->{$key}; $tpl->server_type = $key; $tpl->comments = $param->{$key}->comments_ogi; $tpl->dolly_users = $param->{$key}->dolly_users; //Get email template ob_start(); $subject = '[TUNA][chklst] ' . $param->{$key}->environment . ' ' . $key . ' checklist for ' . $product_name; include 'mail_templates/new_gameserver_checklist.php'; $body = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); $m = new Mail('text/plain'); $m->from($_SERVER['REMOTE_USER']); $m->to(@implode(',', $to)); $m->cc(@implode(',', $cc)); $m->bcc(@implode(',', $bcc)); $m->subject($subject); $m->body($body); $m->send(); } TunaLog::info_log(__CLASS__, __FUNCTION__, $_SERVER['REMOTE_USER'], ''); }
} if ($pass == $pass1) { $pass = md5($pass); //зашифрованный пароль можно использ функцию зашифровки в default myHash } else { $_SESSION['info'] = 'Пароль не правельный'; header("Location: ../passback.php"); exit; } if (!isset($_SESSION['info'])) { $res = mysqli_query($connect, "SELECT email FROM capons\n WHERE email = '{$email}'\n ") or die(mysqli_error()); $row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($res); if (isset($row['email'])) { mysqli_query($connect, "UPDATE capons SET\n pass = '******'\n WHERE email = '" . $row['email'] . "'\n ") or die(mysqli_error()); // $id = mysqli_insert_id($connect); //функция возвращает ID последнего добавленного элемента в БД - что-бы передать ID для проверки активации Mail::$to = $email; //класс Mail вызываеться из папка class Mail - функцией в файле default Mail::$subject = 'Ваш новый пароль для'; Mail::$text = 'Вам новый: ' . $pass1; //передем ID полученый из нашего добавленного пользавателя и отправляем через GET для проверки Mail::send(); header("Location: ../passback.php"); exit; // проверка отпраки почты ниже } else { $_SESSION['info'] = 'вы ввели неправельный email'; header("Location: ../passback.php"); } } /*if(isset()){ mysqli_query($connect, "UPDATE capons SET
/** * @param Mail $mail * @throws RuntimeException */ public function tryToSendTheMailOrThrowARuntimeException(Mail $mail) { $couldNotSent = !mail($mail->to(), $mail->subject(), $mail->content(), 'From: ' . $mail->from()); if ($couldNotSent) { throw new RuntimeException('could not sent the mail' . PHP_EOL . 'values: ' . var_export($mail, true)); } }
} if ($pass == $pass1) { $pass = md5($pass); //зашифрованный пароль можно использ функцию зашифровки в default myHash } else { $_SESSION['info'] = 'Пароли не совпадают'; header("Location: ../Sett.php"); exit; } if ($_SESSION['user']['pass'] == $pass) { $_SESSION['info'] = 'пароль похож на старый'; header("Location: ../Sett.php"); exit; } if ($email == $_SESSION['user']['email']) { mysqli_query($connect, "UPDATE capons SET\n pass = '******'\n WHERE id = '{$coil}'\n ") or die(mysqli_error()); // $id = mysqli_insert_id($connect); //функция возвращает ID последнего добавленного элемента в БД - что-бы передать ID для проверки активации Mail::$to = $_SESSION['user']['email']; //класс Mail вызываеться из папка class Mail - функцией в файле default Mail::$subject = 'Ваш новый пароль на'; Mail::$text = 'Ваш новый пароль: ' . $pass1; //передем ID полученый из нашего добавленного пользавателя и отправляем через GET для проверки Mail::send(); header("Location: ../Sett.php"); exit; // проверка отпраки почты ниже } else { $_SESSION['info'] = 'вы ввели неправельный email'; header("Location: ../Sett.php"); } }
/** * Create or edit an user */ public function edit() { $user = App::session()->getUser(); $roles = array_map(function ($role) { return $role->getLabel(); }, Role::getAll('id')); $param = array('id' => 'user-profile-form', 'upload' => true, 'object' => $user, 'fieldsets' => array('general' => array('legend' => Lang::get('admin.user-form-general-legend'), new TextInput(array('name' => 'username', 'required' => true, 'label' => Lang::get('admin.user-form-username-label'), 'disabled' => true)), new EmailInput(array('name' => 'email', 'required' => true, 'label' => Lang::get('admin.user-form-email-label')))), 'profile' => array('legend' => Lang::get('admin.user-form-profile-legend')), '_submits' => array(new SubmitInput(array('name' => 'valid', 'value' => Lang::get($this->_plugin . '.valid-button'))))), 'onsuccess' => 'app.dialog("close")'); // Get the user profile questions $questions = ProfileQuestion::getAll('name', array(), array('order' => DB::SORT_ASC)); // Generate the question fields foreach ($questions as $question) { if ($question->displayInProfile && $question->isAllowedForRole($user->roleId)) { $classname = '\\Hawk\\' . ucwords($question->type) . 'Input'; $field = json_decode($question->parameters, true); $field['name'] = $question->name; $field['id'] = 'user-form-' . $question->name . '-input'; $field['independant'] = true; $field['label'] = Lang::get('admin.profile-question-' . $question->name . '-label'); if (isset($field['readonly'])) { if ($field['readonly']) { $field['required'] = false; } } if ($user) { if ($question->type == "file") { $field['after'] = sprintf('<img src="%s" class="profile-image" />', $user->getProfileData($question->name) ? $user->getProfileData($question->name) : ''); } else { $field['default'] = $user->getProfileData($question->name); } } if ($question->name == 'language') { // Get language options $languages = Language::getAllActive(); $options = array(); foreach ($languages as $language) { $options[$language->tag] = $language->label; } $field['options'] = $options; if (!$field['default']) { $field['default'] = Option::get($this->_plugin . '.language'); } } $param['fieldsets']['profile'][] = new $classname($field); } } $form = new Form($param); if (!$form->submitted()) { return NoSidebarTab::make(array('title' => Lang::get('admin.user-form-title'), 'page' => array('content' => $form))); } else { try { foreach ($questions as $question) { if ($question->displayInProfile && $question->isAllowedForRole($user->roleId)) { if ($question->type === 'file') { $upload = Upload::getInstance($question->name); if ($upload) { $file = $upload->getFile(0); $dir = Plugin::current()->getPublicUserfilesDir() . 'img/'; $url = Plugin::current()->getUserfilesUrl() . 'img/'; if (!is_dir($dir)) { mkdir($dir, 0755, true); } $basename = uniqid() . $file->extension; $upload->move($file, $dir, $basename); $user->setProfileData($question->name, $url . $basename); } } else { $user->setProfileData($question->name, $form->inputs[$question->name]->dbvalue()); } } } $user->saveProfile(); if ($form->getData('email') !== $user->email) { // The user asked to reset it email // Check this email is not used by another user on the application $existingUser = User::getByExample(new DBExample(array('id' => array('$ne' => $user->id), 'email' => $form->getData('email')))); if ($existingUser) { return $form->response(Form::STATUS_CHECK_ERROR, Lang::get($this->_plugin . '.reset-email-already-used')); } // Send the email to validate the new email // Create the token to validate the new email $tokenData = array('userId' => $user->id, 'currentEmail' => $user->email, 'newEmail' => $form->getData('email'), 'createTime' => time()); $token = base64_encode(Crypto::aes256Encode(json_encode($tokenData))); // Create the email content $emailContent = View::make($this->getPlugin()->getView('change-email-validation.tpl'), array('sitename' => Option::get($this->_plugin . '.sitename'), 'validationUrl' => App::router()->getUrl('validate-new-email', array('token' => $token)))); $email = new Mail(); $email->to($form->getData('email'))->from(Option::get('main.mailer-from'), Option::get('main.mailer-from-name'))->title(Lang::get($this->_plugin . '.reset-email-title', array('sitename' => Option::get($this->_plugin . '.sitename'))))->content($emailContent)->subject(Lang::get($this->_plugin . '.reset-email-title', array('sitename' => Option::get($this->_plugin . '.sitename'))))->send(); return $form->response(Form::STATUS_SUCCESS, Lang::get($this->_plugin . '.user-profile-update-success-with-email')); } return $form->response(Form::STATUS_SUCCESS, Lang::get($this->_plugin . '.user-profile-update-success')); } catch (Exception $e) { return $form->response(Form::STATUS_ERROR, Lang::get($this->_plugin . '.user-profile-update-error')); } } }