/** * Get configuration setting "Apply Discount On Prices Including Tax" value * Always apply discount first since AvaTax does not support line-level item discount amounts * * @param null|int $store * @return bool */ public function discountTax($store = null) { if (Mage::helper('avatax')->isAvataxEnabled($store)) { return false; } return parent::discountTax($store); }
/** * Add tax totals information to address object * * @param Mage_Sales_Model_Quote_Address $address * @return Mage_Tax_Model_Sales_Total_Quote */ public function fetch(Mage_Sales_Model_Quote_Address $address) { $applied = $address->getAppliedTaxes(); $store = $address->getQuote()->getStore(); $amount = $address->getTaxAmount(); $area = null; if ($this->_config->displayCartTaxWithGrandTotal($store) && $address->getGrandTotal()) { $area = 'taxes'; } if ($amount != 0 || $this->_config->displayCartZeroTax($store)) { $address->addTotal(array('code' => $this->getCode(), 'title' => Mage::helper('tax')->__('Tax'), 'full_info' => $applied ? $applied : array(), 'value' => $amount, 'area' => $area)); } $store = $address->getQuote()->getStore(); /** * Modify subtotal */ if ($this->_config->displayCartSubtotalBoth($store) || $this->_config->displayCartSubtotalInclTax($store)) { if ($address->getSubtotalInclTax() > 0) { $subtotalInclTax = $address->getSubtotalInclTax(); } else { $subtotalInclTax = $address->getSubtotal() + $address->getTaxAmount() - $address->getShippingTaxAmount(); } $address->addTotal(array('code' => 'subtotal', 'title' => Mage::helper('sales')->__('Subtotal'), 'value' => $subtotalInclTax, 'value_incl_tax' => $subtotalInclTax, 'value_excl_tax' => $address->getSubtotal())); } return $this; }
/** * Check if we need subtract store tax amount from shipping * * @deprecated after * @param Mage_Sales_Model_Quote_Address $address * @return bool */ protected function _needSubtractShippingTax($address) { $store = $address->getQuote()->getStore(); if ($this->_config->shippingPriceIncludesTax($store) || $this->_config->getNeedUseShippingExcludeTax()) { return true; } return false; }
/** * Initialize reward points totals * * @return Enterprise_Reward_Block_Sales_Order_Total */ public function initTotals() { $store = $this->getStore(); $source = $this->getSource(); $parent = $this->getParentBlock(); $grandototal = $parent->getTotal('grand_total'); if (!$grandototal || !(double) $source->getGrandTotal()) { return $this; } try { if ($this->getOrder()->getDcOrderId() || $this->getOrder()->getFailedCalculation()) { if ($this->_config->displaySalesTaxWithGrandTotal($store)) { $value = $source->getImportDutyTax(); $baseValue = $source->getBaseImportDutyTax(); $title = $this->getOrder()->getDeliveryDutyType() == Dutycalculator_Charge_Helper_Data::DC_DELIVERY_TYPE_DDU ? $this->getOrder()->getFailedCalculation() ? 'Any import duty & taxes are paid upon delivery and are not included in the final price' : 'Estimated import duty & taxes (Not included in grand total, paid upon delivery)' : 'Import duty and taxes'; if ($source->getDcOrderId()) { $title .= ' (<a href="' . Mage::getStoreConfig('dc_charge_extension/dccharge/calculation_details_uri') . $source->getDcOrderId() . '/" target="_blank">View details</a>)'; } $importDutyAndTaxes = new Varien_Object(array('code' => 'import_duty_tax', 'strong' => false, 'label' => $title, 'no_escape' => true, 'value' => $source instanceof Mage_Sales_Model_Order_Creditmemo ? -$value : $value, 'base_value' => $source instanceof Mage_Sales_Model_Order_Creditmemo ? -$baseValue : $baseValue)); $grandTotal = $parent->getTotal('grand_total'); $grandTotalIncl = $parent->getTotal('grand_total_incl'); if ($grandTotal) { $newGrandTotalExcl = max($grandTotal->value - $source->getImportDutyTax(), 0); $newGrandTotalBaseExcl = max($grandTotal->base_value - $source->getBaseImportDutyTax(), 0); $totalExcl = new Varien_Object(array('code' => 'grand_total', 'strong' => true, 'value' => $newGrandTotalExcl, 'base_value' => $newGrandTotalBaseExcl, 'label' => $grandTotal->getLabel())); $parent->addTotal($totalExcl, 'grand_total'); if (!$grandTotalIncl) { $totalIncl = new Varien_Object(array('code' => 'grand_total_incl', 'strong' => true, 'value' => $this->getOrder()->getGrandTotal(), 'base_value' => $this->getOrder()->getBaseGrandTotal(), 'label' => $this->__('Grand Total (Incl.Tax)'))); $parent->addTotal($totalIncl, 'tax'); } } } else { $value = $source->getImportDutyTax(); $baseValue = $source->getBaseImportDutyTax(); $title = $this->getOrder()->getDeliveryDutyType() == Dutycalculator_Charge_Helper_Data::DC_DELIVERY_TYPE_DDU ? $this->getOrder()->getFailedCalculation() ? 'Any import duty & taxes are paid upon delivery and are not included in the final price' : 'Estimated import duty & taxes (Not included in grand total, paid upon delivery)' : 'Import duty and taxes'; if ($source->getDcOrderId()) { $title .= ' (<a href="' . Mage::getStoreConfig('dc_charge_extension/dccharge/calculation_details_uri') . $source->getDcOrderId() . '/" target="_blank">View details</a>)'; } $importDutyAndTaxes = new Varien_Object(array('code' => 'import_duty_tax', 'strong' => false, 'label' => $title, 'no_escape' => true, 'value' => $source instanceof Mage_Sales_Model_Order_Creditmemo ? -$value : $value, 'base_value' => $source instanceof Mage_Sales_Model_Order_Creditmemo ? -$baseValue : $baseValue)); } $parent->addTotal($importDutyAndTaxes, $this->getAfterCondition()); } } catch (Exception $ex) { } return $this; }
/** * Add extra amount which should be taxable by regular tax * * @param Mage_Sales_Model_Quote_Item_Abstract $item * @param float $value * @param float $baseValue * @param float $rowValue * @param float $baseRowValue * @return Mage_Weee_Model_Total_Quote_Weee */ protected function _processTaxSettings($item, $value, $baseValue, $rowValue, $baseRowValue) { if ($this->_helper->isTaxable($this->_store) && $rowValue) { if (!$this->_config->priceIncludesTax($this->_store)) { $item->setExtraTaxableAmount($value)->setBaseExtraTaxableAmount($baseValue)->setExtraRowTaxableAmount($rowValue)->setBaseExtraRowTaxableAmount($baseRowValue); } $item->unsRowTotalInclTax()->unsBaseRowTotalInclTax()->unsPriceInclTax()->unsBasePriceInclTax(); $this->_isTaxAffected = true; } return $this; }
public function priceIncludesTax($store = null) { $bid_id = Mage::getSingleton('core/session')->getData('bid_id'); if (!$bid_id) { return parent::priceIncludesTax($store); } else { if ((int) Mage::getStoreConfig('auction/tax/is_included_tax') == 1) { return true; } else { return false; } } }
/** * Add tax totals information to address object * * @param Mage_Sales_Model_Quote_Address $address * @return Mage_Tax_Model_Sales_Total_Quote */ public function fetch(Mage_Sales_Model_Quote_Address $address) { $applied = $address->getAppliedTaxes(); $store = $address->getQuote()->getStore(); $amount = $address->getTaxAmount(); $items = $this->_getAddressItems($address); $discountTaxCompensation = 0; foreach ($items as $item) { $discountTaxCompensation += $item->getDiscountTaxCompensation(); } $taxAmount = $amount + $discountTaxCompensation; /* * when weee discount is not included in extraTaxAmount, we need to add it to the total tax */ if ($this->_weeeHelper->isEnabled()) { if (!$this->_weeeHelper->includeInSubtotal()) { $taxAmount += $address->getWeeeDiscount(); } } $area = null; if ($this->_config->displayCartTaxWithGrandTotal($store) && $address->getGrandTotal()) { $area = 'taxes'; } if ($amount != 0 || $this->_config->displayCartZeroTax($store)) { $address->addTotal(array('code' => $this->getCode(), 'title' => Mage::helper('tax')->__('Tax'), 'full_info' => $applied ? $applied : array(), 'value' => $amount, 'area' => $area)); } $store = $address->getQuote()->getStore(); /** * Modify subtotal */ if ($this->_config->displayCartSubtotalBoth($store) || $this->_config->displayCartSubtotalInclTax($store)) { if ($address->getSubtotalInclTax() > 0) { $subtotalInclTax = $address->getSubtotalInclTax(); } else { $subtotalInclTax = $address->getSubtotal() + $taxAmount - $address->getShippingTaxAmount(); } $address->addTotal(array('code' => 'subtotal', 'title' => Mage::helper('sales')->__('Subtotal'), 'value' => $subtotalInclTax, 'value_incl_tax' => $subtotalInclTax, 'value_excl_tax' => $address->getSubtotal())); } return $this; }
protected function _initGrandTotal() { $store = $this->getStore(); $parent = $this->getParentBlock(); $grandototal = $parent->getTotal('grand_total'); if (!$grandototal || !(double) $this->_source->getGrandTotal()) { return $this; } if ($this->_config->displaySalesTaxWithGrandTotal($store)) { $grandtotal = $this->_source->getGrandTotal(); $baseGrandtotal = $this->_source->getBaseGrandTotal(); $grandtotalExcl = $grandtotal - $this->_source->getTaxAmount(); $baseGrandtotalExcl = $baseGrandtotal - $this->_source->getBaseTaxAmount(); $grandtotalExcl = max($grandtotalExcl, 0); $baseGrandtotalExcl = max($baseGrandtotalExcl, 0); $totalExcl = new Varien_Object(array('code' => 'grand_total', 'strong' => true, 'value' => $grandtotalExcl, 'base_value' => $baseGrandtotalExcl, 'label' => $this->__('Grand Total (Excl.Tax)'))); $totalIncl = new Varien_Object(array('code' => 'grand_total_incl', 'strong' => true, 'value' => $grandtotal, 'base_value' => $baseGrandtotal, 'label' => $this->__('Grand Total (Incl.Tax)'))); $parent->addTotal($totalExcl, 'grand_total'); $this->_addTax('grand_total'); $parent->addTotal($totalIncl, 'tax'); } return $this; }
/** * Check if shipping prices include tax * * @param Mage_Core_Model_Store|int $store * @return bool */ public function shippingPriceIncludesTax($store = null) { if ($this->_getDataHelper()->isServiceEnabled($store)) { if ($this->_getTaxDataHelper()->priceIncludesTax($store)) { return true; } return false; } return parent::shippingPriceIncludesTax($store); }
/** * Return whether cross border trade is enabled or not * * @param null|int $store * @return boolean */ public function isCrossBorderTradeEnabled($store = null) { return (bool) $this->_config->crossBorderTradeEnabled($store); }
/** * Get tax caclulation algorithm code * * @param null|int $store * @return string */ public function getCalculationAgorithm($store = null) { return $this->_config->getAlgorithm($store); }
/** * Collect totals information about shipping * * @param Mage_Sales_Model_Quote_Address $address * @return Mage_Sales_Model_Quote_Address_Total_Shipping */ public function collect(Mage_Sales_Model_Quote_Address $address) { parent::collect($address); $calc = $this->_calculator; $store = $address->getQuote()->getStore(); $storeTaxRequest = $calc->getRateOriginRequest($store); $addressTaxRequest = $calc->getRateRequest($address, $address->getQuote()->getBillingAddress(), $address->getQuote()->getCustomerTaxClassId(), $store); $shippingTaxClass = $this->_config->getShippingTaxClass($store); $storeTaxRequest->setProductClassId($shippingTaxClass); $addressTaxRequest->setProductClassId($shippingTaxClass); $priceIncludesTax = $this->_config->shippingPriceIncludesTax($store); if ($priceIncludesTax) { $this->_areTaxRequestsSimilar = $calc->compareRequests($addressTaxRequest, $storeTaxRequest); } $shipping = $taxShipping = $address->getShippingAmount(); $baseShipping = $baseTaxShipping = $address->getBaseShippingAmount(); $rate = $calc->getRate($addressTaxRequest); if ($priceIncludesTax) { if ($this->_areTaxRequestsSimilar) { $tax = $this->_round($calc->calcTaxAmount($shipping, $rate, true, false), $rate, true); $baseTax = $this->_round($calc->calcTaxAmount($baseShipping, $rate, true, false), $rate, true, 'base'); $taxShipping = $shipping; $baseTaxShipping = $baseShipping; $shipping = $shipping - $tax; $baseShipping = $baseShipping - $baseTax; $taxable = $taxShipping; $baseTaxable = $baseTaxShipping; $isPriceInclTax = true; } else { $storeRate = $calc->getStoreRate($addressTaxRequest, $store); $storeTax = $calc->calcTaxAmount($shipping, $storeRate, true, false); $baseStoreTax = $calc->calcTaxAmount($baseShipping, $storeRate, true, false); $shipping = $calc->round($shipping - $storeTax); $baseShipping = $calc->round($baseShipping - $baseStoreTax); $tax = $this->_round($calc->calcTaxAmount($shipping, $rate, false, false), $rate, false); $baseTax = $this->_round($calc->calcTaxAmount($baseShipping, $rate, false, false), $rate, false, 'base'); $taxShipping = $shipping + $tax; $baseTaxShipping = $baseShipping + $baseTax; $taxable = $shipping; $baseTaxable = $baseShipping; $isPriceInclTax = false; } } else { $tax = $this->_round($calc->calcTaxAmount($shipping, $rate, false, false), $rate, false); $baseTax = $this->_round($calc->calcTaxAmount($baseShipping, $rate, false, false), $rate, false, 'base'); $taxShipping = $shipping + $tax; $baseTaxShipping = $baseShipping + $baseTax; $taxable = $shipping; $baseTaxable = $baseShipping; $isPriceInclTax = false; } $address->setTotalAmount('shipping', $shipping); $address->setBaseTotalAmount('shipping', $baseShipping); $address->setShippingInclTax($taxShipping); $address->setBaseShippingInclTax($baseTaxShipping); $address->setShippingTaxable($taxable); $address->setBaseShippingTaxable($baseTaxable); $address->setIsShippingInclTax($isPriceInclTax); if ($this->_config->discountTax($store)) { $address->setShippingAmountForDiscount($taxShipping); $address->setBaseShippingAmountForDiscount($baseTaxShipping); } return $this; }
/** * Check if display sales shipping include and exclude tax * * @param mixed $store * @return bool */ public function displaySalesShippingBoth($store = null) { if ($this->_getDataHelper()->isAvataxEnabled($store)) { return false; } return parent::displaySalesShippingBoth($store); }
/** * Calculate item price and row total including/excluding tax based on total price rounding level * * @param Mage_Sales_Model_Quote_Item_Abstract $item * @param Varien_Object $request * @return Mage_Tax_Model_Sales_Total_Quote_Subtotal */ protected function _totalBaseCalculation($item, $request) { $calc = $this->_calculator; $request->setProductClassId($item->getProduct()->getTaxClassId()); $rate = $calc->getRate($request); $qty = $item->getTotalQty(); $price = $taxPrice = $item->getCalculationPriceOriginal(); $basePrice = $baseTaxPrice = $item->getBaseCalculationPriceOriginal(); $subtotal = $taxSubtotal = $item->getRowTotal(); $baseSubtotal = $baseTaxSubtotal = $item->getBaseRowTotal(); $taxOnOrigPrice = !$this->_helper->applyTaxOnCustomPrice($this->_store) && $item->hasCustomPrice(); if ($taxOnOrigPrice) { $origSubtotal = $item->getOriginalPrice() * $qty; $baseOrigSubtotal = $item->getBaseOriginalPrice() * $qty; } $item->setTaxPercent($rate); if ($this->_config->priceIncludesTax($this->_store)) { if ($this->_sameRateAsStore($request)) { if ($taxOnOrigPrice) { $rowTax = $this->_deltaRound($calc->calcTaxAmount($origSubtotal, $rate, true, false), $rate, true); $baseRowTax = $this->_deltaRound($calc->calcTaxAmount($baseOrigSubtotal, $rate, true, false), $rate, true, 'base'); $taxable = $origSubtotal; $baseTaxable = $baseOrigSubtotal; } else { $rowTax = $this->_deltaRound($calc->calcTaxAmount($subtotal, $rate, true, false), $rate, true); $baseRowTax = $this->_deltaRound($calc->calcTaxAmount($baseSubtotal, $rate, true, false), $rate, true, 'base'); $taxable = $subtotal; $baseTaxable = $baseSubtotal; } $taxPrice = $price; $baseTaxPrice = $basePrice; $taxSubtotal = $subtotal; $baseTaxSubtotal = $baseSubtotal; $subtotal = $subtotal - $rowTax; $baseSubtotal = $baseSubtotal - $baseRowTax; $price = $calc->round($subtotal / $qty); $basePrice = $calc->round($baseSubtotal / $qty); $isPriceInclTax = true; } else { $storeRate = $calc->getStoreRate($request, $this->_store); if ($taxOnOrigPrice) { $storeTax = $calc->calcTaxAmount($origSubtotal, $storeRate, true, false); $baseStoreTax = $calc->calcTaxAmount($baseOrigSubtotal, $storeRate, true, false); } else { $storeTax = $calc->calcTaxAmount($subtotal, $storeRate, true, false); $baseStoreTax = $calc->calcTaxAmount($baseSubtotal, $storeRate, true, false); } $subtotal = $calc->round($subtotal - $storeTax); $baseSubtotal = $calc->round($baseSubtotal - $baseStoreTax); $price = $calc->round($subtotal / $qty); $basePrice = $calc->round($baseSubtotal / $qty); $rowTax = $this->_deltaRound($calc->calcTaxAmount($subtotal, $rate, false, false), $rate, true); $baseRowTax = $this->_deltaRound($calc->calcTaxAmount($baseSubtotal, $rate, false, false), $rate, true, 'base'); $taxSubtotal = $subtotal + $rowTax; $baseTaxSubtotal = $baseSubtotal + $baseRowTax; $taxPrice = $calc->round($taxSubtotal / $qty); $baseTaxPrice = $calc->round($baseTaxSubtotal / $qty); $taxable = $subtotal; $baseTaxable = $baseSubtotal; $isPriceInclTax = false; } } else { if ($taxOnOrigPrice) { $rowTax = $this->_deltaRound($calc->calcTaxAmount($origSubtotal, $rate, false, false), $rate, true); $baseRowTax = $this->_deltaRound($calc->calcTaxAmount($baseOrigSubtotal, $rate, false, false), $rate, true, 'base'); $taxable = $origSubtotal; $baseTaxable = $baseOrigSubtotal; } else { $rowTax = $this->_deltaRound($calc->calcTaxAmount($subtotal, $rate, false, false), $rate, true); $baseRowTax = $this->_deltaRound($calc->calcTaxAmount($baseSubtotal, $rate, false, false), $rate, true, 'base'); $taxable = $subtotal; $baseTaxable = $baseSubtotal; } $taxSubtotal = $subtotal + $rowTax; $baseTaxSubtotal = $baseSubtotal + $baseRowTax; $taxPrice = $calc->round($taxSubtotal / $qty); $baseTaxPrice = $calc->round($baseTaxSubtotal / $qty); $isPriceInclTax = false; } if ($item->hasCustomPrice()) { /** * Initialize item original price before declaring custom price */ $item->getOriginalPrice(); $item->setCustomPrice($price); $item->setBaseCustomPrice($basePrice); } else { $item->setConvertedPrice($price); } $item->setPrice($basePrice); $item->setBasePrice($basePrice); $item->setRowTotal($subtotal); $item->setBaseRowTotal($baseSubtotal); $item->setPriceInclTax($taxPrice); $item->setBasePriceInclTax($baseTaxPrice); $item->setRowTotalInclTax($taxSubtotal); $item->setBaseRowTotalInclTax($baseTaxSubtotal); $item->setTaxableAmount($taxable); $item->setBaseTaxableAmount($baseTaxable); $item->setIsPriceInclTax($isPriceInclTax); if ($this->_config->discountTax($this->_store)) { $item->setDiscountCalculationPrice($taxSubtotal / $qty); $item->setBaseDiscountCalculationPrice($baseTaxSubtotal / $qty); } elseif ($isPriceInclTax) { $item->setDiscountCalculationPrice($subtotal / $qty); $item->setBaseDiscountCalculationPrice($baseSubtotal / $qty); } return $this; }
/** * @magentoConfigFixture current_store tax/calculation/price_includes_tax 1 */ public function testPriceIncludesTaxNonDefault() { $this->assertTrue($this->_model->priceIncludesTax()); }