function handle_paypal_return()
     // PayPal IPN handling code
     if ((isset($_POST['payment_status']) || isset($_POST['txn_type'])) && isset($_POST['custom'])) {
         if (get_option($this->gateway . "_paypal_status") == 'live') {
             $domain = '';
         } else {
             $domain = '';
         $req = 'cmd=_notify-validate';
         if (!isset($_POST)) {
             $_POST = $HTTP_POST_VARS;
         foreach ($_POST as $k => $v) {
             if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {
                 $v = stripslashes($v);
             $req .= '&' . $k . '=' . $v;
         $header = 'POST /cgi-bin/webscr HTTP/1.0' . "\r\n" . 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' . "\r\n" . 'Content-Length: ' . strlen($req) . "\r\n" . "\r\n";
         if ($conn = @fsockopen($domain, 80, $errno, $errstr, 30)) {
             fputs($conn, $header . $req);
             socket_set_timeout($conn, 30);
             $response = '';
             $close_connection = false;
             while (true) {
                 if (feof($conn) || $close_connection) {
                 $st = @fgets($conn, 4096);
                 if ($st === false) {
                     $close_connection = true;
                 $response .= $st;
             $error = '';
             $lines = explode("\n", str_replace("\r\n", "\n", $response));
             // looking for: HTTP/1.1 200 OK
             if (count($lines) == 0) {
                 $error = 'Response Error: Header not found';
             } else {
                 if (substr($lines[0], -7) != ' 200 OK') {
                     $error = 'Response Error: Unexpected HTTP response';
                 } else {
                     // remove HTTP header
                     while (count($lines) > 0 && trim($lines[0]) != '') {
                     // first line will be empty, second line will have the result
                     if (count($lines) < 2) {
                         $error = 'Response Error: No content found in transaction response';
                     } else {
                         if (strtoupper(trim($lines[1])) != 'VERIFIED') {
                             $error = 'Response Error: Unexpected transaction response';
             if ($error != '') {
                 echo $error;
         // handle cases that the system must ignore
         //if ($_POST['payment_status'] == 'In-Progress' || $_POST['payment_status'] == 'Partially-Refunded') exit;
         $new_status = false;
         // process PayPal response
         switch ($_POST['payment_status']) {
             case 'Partially-Refunded':
             case 'In-Progress':
             case 'Completed':
             case 'Processed':
                 // case: successful payment
                 $amount = $_POST['mc_gross'];
                 $currency = $_POST['mc_currency'];
                 list($timestamp, $user_id, $sub_id, $key) = explode(':', $_POST['custom']);
                 $this->record_transaction($user_id, $sub_id, $amount, $currency, $timestamp, $_POST['txn_id'], $_POST['payment_status'], '');
                 // Added for affiliate system link
                 do_action('membership_payment_processed', $user_id, $sub_id, $amount, $currency, $_POST['txn_id']);
             case 'Reversed':
                 // case: charge back
                 $note = 'Last transaction has been reversed. Reason: Payment has been reversed (charge back)';
                 $amount = $_POST['mc_gross'];
                 $currency = $_POST['mc_currency'];
                 list($timestamp, $user_id, $sub_id, $key) = explode(':', $_POST['custom']);
                 $this->record_transaction($user_id, $sub_id, $amount, $currency, $timestamp, $_POST['txn_id'], $_POST['payment_status'], $note);
                 $member = new M_Membership($user_id);
                 if ($member) {
                 do_action('membership_payment_reversed', $user_id, $sub_id, $amount, $currency, $_POST['txn_id']);
             case 'Refunded':
                 // case: refund
                 $note = 'Last transaction has been reversed. Reason: Payment has been refunded';
                 $amount = $_POST['mc_gross'];
                 $currency = $_POST['mc_currency'];
                 list($timestamp, $user_id, $sub_id, $key) = explode(':', $_POST['custom']);
                 $this->record_transaction($user_id, $sub_id, $amount, $currency, $timestamp, $_POST['txn_id'], $_POST['payment_status'], $note);
                 $member = new M_Membership($user_id);
                 if ($member) {
                 do_action('membership_payment_refunded', $user_id, $sub_id, $amount, $currency, $_POST['txn_id']);
             case 'Denied':
                 // case: denied
                 $note = 'Last transaction has been reversed. Reason: Payment Denied';
                 $amount = $_POST['mc_gross'];
                 $currency = $_POST['mc_currency'];
                 list($timestamp, $user_id, $sub_id, $key) = explode(':', $_POST['custom']);
                 $this->record_transaction($user_id, $sub_id, $amount, $currency, $timestamp, $_POST['txn_id'], $_POST['payment_status'], $note);
                 $member = new M_Membership($user_id);
                 if ($member) {
                 do_action('membership_payment_denied', $user_id, $sub_id, $amount, $currency, $_POST['txn_id']);
             case 'Pending':
                 // case: payment is pending
                 $pending_str = array('address' => 'Customer did not include a confirmed shipping address', 'authorization' => 'Funds not captured yet', 'echeck' => 'eCheck that has not cleared yet', 'intl' => 'Payment waiting for aproval by service provider', 'multi-currency' => 'Payment waiting for service provider to handle multi-currency process', 'unilateral' => 'Customer did not register or confirm his/her email yet', 'upgrade' => 'Waiting for service provider to upgrade the PayPal account', 'verify' => 'Waiting for service provider to verify his/her PayPal account', '*' => '');
                 $reason = @$_POST['pending_reason'];
                 $note = 'Last transaction is pending. Reason: ' . (isset($pending_str[$reason]) ? $pending_str[$reason] : $pending_str['*']);
                 $amount = $_POST['mc_gross'];
                 $currency = $_POST['mc_currency'];
                 list($timestamp, $user_id, $sub_id, $key) = explode(':', $_POST['custom']);
                 $this->record_transaction($user_id, $sub_id, $amount, $currency, $timestamp, $_POST['txn_id'], $_POST['payment_status'], $note);
                 do_action('membership_payment_pending', $user_id, $sub_id, $amount, $currency, $_POST['txn_id']);
                 // case: various error cases
         //check for subscription details
         switch ($_POST['txn_type']) {
             case 'subscr_signup':
                 // start the subscription
                 list($timestamp, $user_id, $sub_id, $key) = explode(':', $_POST['custom']);
                 // create_subscription
                 $member = new M_Membership($user_id);
                 if ($member) {
                     $member->create_subscription($sub_id, $this->gateway);
                 do_action('membership_payment_subscr_signup', $user_id, $sub_id);
             case 'subscr_modify':
                 // modify the subscription
                 list($timestamp, $user_id, $sub_id, $key) = explode(':', $_POST['custom']);
                 // create_subscription
                 $member = new M_Membership($user_id);
                 if ($member) {
                     // Remove the old subscription
                     // Join the new subscription
                     $member->create_subscription((int) $_POST['item_number'], $this->gateway);
                     // Timestamp the update
                     update_user_meta($user_id, '_membership_last_upgraded', time());
                 do_action('membership_payment_subscr_signup', $user_id, $sub_id);
             case 'subscr_cancel':
                 // mark for removal
                 list($timestamp, $user_id, $sub_id, $key) = explode(':', $_POST['custom']);
                 $member = new M_Membership($user_id);
                 if ($member) {
                 do_action('membership_payment_subscr_cancel', $user_id, $sub_id);
             case 'new_case':
                 // a dispute
                 if ($_POST['case_type'] == 'dispute') {
                     // immediately suspend the account
                     $member = new M_Membership($user_id);
                     if ($member) {
                 do_action('membership_payment_new_case', $user_id, $sub_id, $_POST['case_type']);
     } else {
         // Did not find expected POST variables. Possible access attempt from a non PayPal site.
         header('Status: 404 Not Found');
         echo 'Error: Missing POST variables. Identification is not possible.';
 function handle_bitpay_return()
     try {
         $post = file_get_contents("php://input");
         if (!$post) {
             return 'No post data';
         $response = json_decode($post, true);
         if (is_string($response)) {
             return $response;
         // error
         if (!array_key_exists('posData', $response)) {
             return 'No posData';
         $posData = json_decode($response['posData'], true);
         if ($bpOptions['verifyPos'] and $posData['hash'] != bpHash(serialize($posData['posData']), $bpOptions['apiKey'])) {
             return 'Authentication failed (bad hash)';
         $response['posData'] = $posData['posData'];
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         if ($bpOptions['useLogging']) {
             bpLog('Error: ' . $e->getMessage());
         return array('error' => $e->getMessage());
     if (isset($response['status'])) {
         switch ($response['status']) {
             case 'new':
                 // invoice just created, skip
             case 'paid':
             case 'complete':
             case 'confirmed':
                 // payment has been paid, confirmed or marked complete
                 $note = 'Payment ' . $response['status'] . '! BitPay Invoice ID: ' . $response['id'];
                 $amount = $response['price'];
                 $currency = $response['currency'];
                 list($timestamp, $user_id, $sub_id, $key) = explode(':', $response['posData']);
                 // // Update to work with latest 3.5.x Membership version
                 // // and keep backward compatibility with older versions as well
                 // if (!class_exists('Membership_Gateway'))
                 // 	$isDuplicate = $this->duplicate_transaction($user_id, $sub_id, $amount, $currency, $timestamp, $response['id'], $response['status'], $note);
                 // else
                 // 	$isDuplicate = $this->_check_duplicate_transaction($user_id, $sub_id, $amount, $currency, $timestamp, $response['id'], $response['status'], $note);
                 // if(!$isDuplicate) {
                 // Update to work with latest 3.5.x Membership version
                 // and keep backward compatibility with older versions as well
                 if (!class_exists('Membership_Gateway')) {
                     $this->record_transaction($user_id, $sub_id, $amount, $currency, $timestamp, $response['id'], $response['status'], $note);
                 } else {
                     $this->_record_transaction($user_id, $sub_id, $amount, $currency, $timestamp, $response['id'], $response['status'], $note);
                 do_action('membership_payment_processed', $user_id, $sub_id, $amount, $currency, $response['id']);
                 // create_subscription
                 $member = new M_Membership($user_id);
                 if ($member) {
                     $member->create_subscription($sub_id, $this->gateway);
                 do_action('membership_payment_subscr_signup', $user_id, $sub_id);
                 // }
             case 'invalid':
                 // payment has been deemed invalid. bad transaction!
                 $note = 'This payment has been marked as invalid. Do not process membership! BitPay Invoice ID: ' . $response['id'];
                 $amount = $response['price'];
                 $currency = $response['currency'];
                 list($timestamp, $user_id, $sub_id, $key) = explode(':', $response['posData']);
                 // Update to work with latest 3.5.x Membership version
                 // and keep backward compatibility with older versions as well
                 if (!class_exists('Membership_Gateway')) {
                     $this->record_transaction($user_id, $sub_id, $amount, $currency, $timestamp, $response['id'], $response['status'], $note);
                 } else {
                     $this->_record_transaction($user_id, $sub_id, $amount, $currency, $timestamp, $response['id'], $response['status'], $note);
                 $member = new M_Membership($user_id);
                 if ($member) {
                 do_action('membership_payment_denied', $user_id, $sub_id, $amount, $currency, $response['id']);
                 // Since we want instant membership activation, the paid status is combined with the confirmed
                 // and completed statuses above. In the future if you want to change that, remove the paid: switch
                 // above and uncomment this code:
                 /*case 'paid':
                 					// payment has been made but confirmation pending
                 					$pending_str = 'BitPay payment received. Awaiting confirmation. BitPay Invoice ID: ' . $response['id'];
                 					$reason = 'paid';
                 					$note = $pending_str;
                 					$amount = $response['price'];
                 					$currency = $response['currency'];
                 					$timestamp = $response['currentTime'];
                 					// Update to work with latest 3.5.x Membership version
                 					// and keep backward compatibility with older versions as well
                 					if (!class_exists('Membership_Gateway'))
                 						$this->record_transaction($user_id, $sub_id, $amount, $currency, $timestamp, $response['id'], $response['status'], $note);
                 						$this->_record_transaction($user_id, $sub_id, $amount, $currency, $timestamp, $response['id'], $response['status'], $note);
                 					do_action('membership_payment_pending', $user_id, $sub_id, $amount, $currency, $response['id']);
             // Since we want instant membership activation, the paid status is combined with the confirmed
             // and completed statuses above. In the future if you want to change that, remove the paid: switch
             // above and uncomment this code:
             /*case 'paid':
             					// payment has been made but confirmation pending
             					$pending_str = 'BitPay payment received. Awaiting confirmation. BitPay Invoice ID: ' . $response['id'];
             					$reason = 'paid';
             					$note = $pending_str;
             					$amount = $response['price'];
             					$currency = $response['currency'];
             					$timestamp = $response['currentTime'];
             					// Update to work with latest 3.5.x Membership version
             					// and keep backward compatibility with older versions as well
             					if (!class_exists('Membership_Gateway'))
             						$this->record_transaction($user_id, $sub_id, $amount, $currency, $timestamp, $response['id'], $response['status'], $note);
             						$this->_record_transaction($user_id, $sub_id, $amount, $currency, $timestamp, $response['id'], $response['status'], $note);
             					do_action('membership_payment_pending', $user_id, $sub_id, $amount, $currency, $response['id']);
                 // case: various error cases
     } else {
         // Did not find expected POST variables. Possible access attempt from a non BitPay site.
         header('Status: 404 Not Found');
         echo 'Error: Missing POST variables. Identification is not possible.';
Esempio n. 3
 function handle_2checkout_return()
     // Return handling code
     $timestamp = time();
     if (isset($_REQUEST['key'])) {
         $total = $_REQUEST['total'];
         $sub_id = false;
         $user_id = false;
         list($sub_id, $user_id) = explode(':', $_REQUEST['merchant_order_id']);
         if (esc_attr(get_option($this->gateway . "_twocheckout_status")) == 'test') {
             $hash = strtoupper(md5(esc_attr(get_option($this->gateway . "_twocheckout_secret_word")) . esc_attr(get_option($this->gateway . "_twocheckout_sid")) . 1 . $total));
         } else {
             $hash = strtoupper(md5(esc_attr(get_option($this->gateway . "_twocheckout_secret_word")) . esc_attr(get_option($this->gateway . "_twocheckout_sid")) . $_REQUEST['order_number'] . $total));
         if ($sub_id && $user_id && $_REQUEST['key'] == $hash && $_REQUEST['credit_card_processed'] == 'Y') {
             $this->record_transaction($user_id, $sub_id, $_REQUEST['total'], $_REQUEST['currency'], $timestamp, $_REQUEST['order_number'], 'Processed', '');
             // Added for affiliate system link
             do_action('membership_payment_processed', $user_id, $sub_id, $_REQUEST['total'], $_REQUEST['currency'], $_REQUEST['order_number']);
             $member = new M_Membership($user_id);
             if ($member) {
                 $member->create_subscription($sub_id, $this->gateway);
             do_action('membership_payment_subscr_signup', $user_id, $sub_id);
     } else {
         if (isset($_REQUEST['message_type'])) {
             $md5_hash = strtoupper(md5("{$_REQUEST['sale_id']}" . esc_attr(get_option($this->gateway . "_twocheckout_sid")) . "{$_REQUEST['invoice_id']}" . esc_attr(get_option($this->gateway . "_twocheckout_secret_word"))));
             $sub_id = false;
             $user_id = false;
             //$product_id = $_REQUEST['item_id_1'];
             list($sub_id, $user_id) = explode(':', $_REQUEST['vendor_order_id']);
             if ($md5_hash == $_REQUEST['md5_hash']) {
                 switch ($_REQUEST['message_type']) {
                     case 'RECURRING_INSTALLMENT_SUCCESS':
                         if (!$this->duplicate_transaction($user_id, $sub_id, $_REQUEST['item_rec_list_amount_1'], $_REQUEST['list_currency'], $timestamp, $_POST['invoice_id'], 'Processed', '')) {
                             $this->record_transaction($user_id, $sub_id, $_REQUEST['item_rec_list_amount_1'], $_REQUEST['list_currency'], $timestamp, $_POST['invoice_id'], 'Processed', '');
                             $member = new M_Membership($user_id);
                             if ($member) {
                                 remove_action('membership_expire_subscription', 'membership_record_user_expire', 10, 2);
                                 remove_action('membership_add_subscription', 'membership_record_user_subscribe', 10, 4);
                                 $member->create_subscription($sub_id, $this->gateway);
                             // Added for affiliate system link
                             do_action('membership_payment_processed', $user_id, $sub_id, $_REQUEST['item_rec_list_amount_1'], $_REQUEST['list_currency'], $_POST['invoice_id']);
                     case 'FRAUD_STATUS_CHANGED':
                     case 'INVOICE_STATUS_CHANGED':
                         // We don't really want to do anything here without pulling out more information
                     case 'ORDER_CREATED':
                     case 'RECURRING_RESTARTED':
                         $this->record_transaction($user_id, $sub_id, $_REQUEST['item_rec_list_amount_1'], $_REQUEST['list_currency'], $timestamp, $_POST['invoice_id'], 'Processed', '');
                         $member = new M_Membership($user_id);
                         if ($member) {
                             $member->create_subscription($sub_id, $this->gateway);
                     case 'RECURRING_STOPPED':
                     case 'RECURRING_COMPLETE':
                     case 'RECURRING_INSTALLMENT_FAILED':
                         $member = new M_Membership($user_id);
                         if ($member) {
                         do_action('membership_payment_subscr_cancel', $user_id, $sub_id);
             } else {
                 // MD5 Hash Failed
                 header('Status: 403 Forbidden');
                 echo 'Error: Unexpected Security Value. Verification is not possible.';
             echo "OK";
         } else {
             // Did not find expected POST variables. Possible access attempt from a non PayPal site.
             header('Status: 400 Bad Request');
             echo 'Error: Missing POST variables. Identification is not possible.';
Esempio n. 4
 function handle_payment_return()
     global $M_options, $M_membership_url;
     $return = array();
     if ($_SERVER['HTTPS'] != 'on') {
         wp_die(__('You must use HTTPS in order to do this', 'membership'));
     $coupon_code = isset($_REQUEST['remove_coupon']) ? '' : $_REQUEST['coupon_code'];
     if (empty($M_options['paymentcurrency'])) {
         $M_options['paymentcurrency'] = 'USD';
     $subscription = new M_Subscription($_POST['subscription_id']);
     $pricing = $subscription->get_pricingarray();
     if (!empty($coupon_code)) {
         $pricing = $subscription->apply_coupon_pricing($coupon_code, $pricing);
     $user_id = is_user_logged_in() ? get_current_user_id() : $_POST['user_id'];
     $user = get_userdata($user_id);
     $sub_id = $subscription->id;
     // A basic price or a single subscription
     if ($pricing) {
         $timestamp = time();
         if (get_option($this->gateway . "_mode", 'sandbox') == 'sandbox') {
             $endpoint = "";
         } else {
             $endpoint = "";
         $payment = new M_Gateway_Worker_AuthorizeNet_AIM($endpoint, get_option($this->gateway . "_delim_data", 'yes'), get_option($this->gateway . "_delim_char", ','), get_option($this->gateway . "_encap_char", ''), get_option($this->gateway . "_api_user", ''), get_option($this->gateway . "_api_key", ''), get_option($this->gateway . "_mode", 'sandbox') == 'sandbox');
         $amount = number_format($pricing[0]['amount'], 2);
         // Billing Info
         $payment->setParameter("x_card_code", $_POST['card_code']);
         $payment->setParameter("x_exp_date ", $_POST['exp_month'] . $_POST['exp_year']);
         $payment->setParameter("x_amount", $amount);
         // Payment billing information passed to authorize, thanks to Kevin L. for spotting this.
         $payment->setParameter("x_first_name", $_POST['first_name']);
         $payment->setParameter("x_last_name", $_POST['last_name']);
         $payment->setParameter("x_address", $_POST['address']);
         $payment->setParameter("x_zip", $_POST['zip']);
         $payment->setParameter("x_email", is_email($user->user_email) != false ? is_email($user->user_email) : '');
         // Order Info
         $payment->setParameter("x_description", $subscription->sub_name());
         $payment->setParameter("x_duplicate_window", 30);
         // E-mail
         $payment->setParameter("x_header_email_receipt", get_option($this->gateway . "_header_email_receipt", ''));
         $payment->setParameter("x_footer_email_receipt", get_option($this->gateway . "_footer_email_receipt", ''));
         $payment->setParameter("x_email_customer", strtoupper(get_option($this->gateway . "_email_customer", '')));
         $payment->setParameter("x_customer_ip", $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);
         if ($payment->isApproved()) {
             $status = __('Processed', 'membership');
             $note = '';
             $member = new M_Membership($user_id);
             if ($member) {
                 if ($member->has_subscription() && $member->on_sub($sub_id)) {
                     remove_action('membership_expire_subscription', 'membership_record_user_expire', 10, 2);
                     remove_action('membership_add_subscription', 'membership_record_user_subscribe', 10, 4);
                     $member->create_subscription($sub_id, $this->gateway);
                 } else {
                     $member->create_subscription($sub_id, $this->gateway);
             // TODO: create switch for handling different authorize aim respone codes
             $this->record_transaction($user_id, $sub_id, $amount, $M_options['paymentcurrency'], time(), $payment->results[6] == 0 ? 'TESTMODE' : $payment->results[6], $status, $note);
             do_action('membership_payment_subscr_signup', $user_id, $sub_id);
             $return['status'] = 'success';
             $return['redirect'] = !strpos(home_url, 'https:') ? str_replace('https:', 'http:', M_get_registrationcompleted_permalink()) : M_get_registrationcompleted_permalink();
         } else {
             $return['status'] = 'error';
             $return['errors'][] = __('Your payment was declined.  Please check all your details or use a different card.', 'membership');
     } else {
         $return['status'] = 'error';
         $return['errors'][] = __('There was an issue determining the price.', 'membership');
     echo json_encode($return);