Esempio n. 1
function mx_cksignin($page, $option, $action)
    global $me, $mxuser, $mxsession, $signerrors;
    /*if ($mxuser->id) {
    		header('Location: '.mx_actionurl($page,$option,'ok'));
    //die('page='.$page.' option='.$option.' action='.$action.'<br/>REQUESTS: '.print_r($_REQUEST,true));
    $signerrors = array();
    $redir = mx_secureredir(urldecode($_REQUEST['r']));
    //error_log('signin: action='.$action);
    if ($action == 'register') {
        mx_ckregister($page, 'register', $action);
    } else {
        if ($action == 'signin') {
            // check login data
            $login = $_POST['email'];
            $pwd = $_POST['password'];
            if ($_POST['captcha']) {
                require_once 'ext_includes/recaptchalib.php';
                $resp = recaptcha_check_answer(MX_RECAPTCHA_PRIVATE, $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"], $_POST["recaptcha_challenge_field"], $_POST["recaptcha_response_field"]);
                if (!$resp->is_valid) {
                    // What happens when the CAPTCHA was entered incorrectly
                    $signerrors['captcha'] = _("ReCaptcha incorrect.<br/>Please try again");
            if (!$signerrors['captcha'] && $mxuser->checklogin($login, $pwd)) {
                mx_setsession($mxuser, time());
                header('Location: ' . mx_actionurl_normal($page, $option, 'ok', '', $redir));
            } else {
                if (!$signerrors['captcha']) {
                    $signerrors = array('email' => _('Wrong credentials...'), 'password' => _('...or wrong password.'));
        } else {
            if ($action == 'fb') {
                $cruser = mx_checkfbuser(false);
                if ($cruser == 1) {
                    $mxuser = new MXUser();
                } else {
                    header('Location: ' . mx_actionurl_normal('account', 'register', 'fb'));
                /*else if (mx_checkfbuser(true)==2) {
                			header('Location: '.mx_actionurl('account','setup','setup_0'));
                		} */
                /* else {
                			header('Location: '.mx_actionurl_normal('account','register','','',($redir?(':'.$redir):'')));
            } else {
                if ($action == 'forgot') {
                    $login = $_POST['email'];
                    if (!$login) {
                        $signerrors = array('email' => _('Please inform your email or username' . ' (Have you tried signing in using Facebook?)'));
                    } else {
                        $signerrors = $mxuser->lostpassword($login);
                } else {
                    if ($action == 'confirmation') {
                        $confirmcode = mx_secureword($_REQUEST['c']);
                        if ($mxuser->id) {
                            mx_setsession($mxuser, time());
                        } else {
                            $signerrors = array('email' => _('The password recovery link you\'re using is no more valid.' . ' If you requested twice, check the most recent email you received.'));
                    } else {
                        if ($action == 'update') {
                            $postfld = $_POST['new_password'];
                            $chkconf = $_POST['conf_password'];
                            if ($chkconf != $postfld) {
                                $signerrors = array('password' => _('Password confirmation does not match new password.'));
                            } else {
                                if (!$postfld) {
                                    $signerrors = array('password' => _('Password cannot be left blank.'));
                                } else {
                                    $signerrors = array();
                                    $mxuser->setoption('pwdhash', hash('sha256', $_POST['new_password']));
                                    mx_setsession($mxuser, time());
    /* else {
    		if (mx_checkfbuser(false)==1) {
    			$mxuser=new MXUser();
    		else $me=null;
    		//if ($me) die('FB logged');
    if ($mxuser->id) {
        mx_fbaction('use?website=' . mx_pageurl('main'));
    if ($mxuser->id && $redir) {
        //$action=='redirect') {
        preg_match_all('%([^,]*),?%', $redir, $aredir);
        //error_log('signin/redir: '.$redir.' - '.print_r($aredir,true));
        if ($aredir && $aredir[1][0]) {
            header('location: ' . mx_actionurl($aredir[1][0], $aredir[1][1], $aredir[1][2], $aredir[1][3], '', $_SERVER['HTTPS'] ? 'secure' : 'normal', $aredir[1][4]));
    /*if ($mxuser->id && array_key_exists('HTTPS',$_SERVER)) {
    		header('Location: '.mx_actionurl_normal($page,$option,'ok'.($redir?(':'.$redir):'')));
    // define account if not done...
    if ($mxuser->id) {
        if (!$mxuser->acctype) {
            header('location: ' . mx_optionurl('account', 'setup'));
        header('location: ' . mx_actionurl('main', '', 'signed'));
Esempio n. 2
function mx_showcustompage($page, $user, $media = null, $simul = '')
    global $mxuser, $transparencies, $windows, $mxdb;
    if ($simul == 'public') {
        $saveuser = $mxuser;
        $mxuser = new MXUser(-1);
        $user = $mxuser->getuserinfo($user->id, true);
        // get public info instead...
    $locale = $mxuser->locale ? $mxuser->locale : 'en_US';
    $locpage = mx_option('pagesdir') . '/' . $locale . '/' . $page . '.html';
    if (file_exists($locpage)) {
        $html = file_get_contents(mx_option('pagesdir') . '/' . $locale . '/' . $page . '.html');
    } else {
        $locpage = mx_option('pagesdir') . '/en_US/' . $page . '.html';
        if (file_exists($locpage)) {
            $html = file_get_contents(mx_option('pagesdir') . '/en_US/' . $page . '.html');
            //$html='<div class="nottranslated">'.
            //_('(This page will be translated to your language soon)').'</div>'.$html;
    $html = preg_replace('%{playicon:([^}]+)}%', '<a class="playbutton" href="javascript:play(\'$1\');">' . mx_icon('playsound', 'listen', 16, 'i_$1') . '</a>', $html);
    $html = preg_replace('%{mail:([^},]+),([^},]+),?([^}]+)}%', '<a href="mailto:$1?Subject=$3" alt="$2">$2</a>', $html);
    if (preg_match_all('%{menu:([^},]+),?([^}]+)?}%', $html, $menus)) {
        for ($i = 0; $i < count($menus[0]); $i++) {
            $html = str_replace($menus[0][$i], mx_optionlink($menus[1][$i], $menus[2][$i]), $html);
    $html = preg_replace('%{aboutimg:([^,}]+)(,([^}]+))?}%', '<img class="about" src="' . mx_option('siteurl') . '/images/about/$1" alt="$3" />', $html);
    $html = str_replace('{firstname}', $mxuser->firstname ? $mxuser->firstname : $mxuser->fullname, $html);
    $html = str_replace('[', '<', $html);
    $html = str_replace(']', '>', $html);
    // user stuff
    $user->subs = $mxuser->getsub($user->id);
    $stotal = $sfoy = $sfofa = $slike = 0;
    foreach ($user->subs as $k => $sub) {
        if ($sub->subtype == MXSUBFOY) {
        } else {
            if ($sub->subtype == MXSUBFOFA || $sub->subtype == MXUPGFOFA) {
            } else {
                if ($sub->subtype == MXSUBLIKE) {
    $html = str_replace('{PIC}', '<img tag="' . $user->id . '" src="' . mx_fanpic($user->id, 'large') . '" />', $html);
    $html = str_replace('{ARTISTPIC}', '<img tag="' . $user->id . '" class="artistpic" src="' . mx_artpic($user->id, 'large', $user->gender) . '" itemprop="image"/>', $html);
    //if ($user->acctype==MXACCOUNTFAN) {
    if ($sfofa + $sfoy >= 10) {
        $fanrank = 'n1fan';
    } else {
        if ($sfofa + $sfoy >= 1) {
            $fanrank = 'truefan';
        } else {
            $fanrank = 'fanlogo';
    $html = str_replace('{FANPIC}', '<img tag="' . $user->id . '" class="fanpic" src="' . mx_fanpic($user->id, 'large', $user->gender) . '" itemprop="image"/>' . '<div class="picstamp"><img class="picstamp" src="' . mx_iconurl($fanrank) . '"/></div>', $html);
    $html = str_replace('{ARTISTNAME}', mx_getartistname($user), $html);
    $html = str_replace('{LASTSEEN}', mx_difftime($user->lastseen), $html);
    $html = str_replace('{NAME}', mx_getname($user), $html);
    $html = str_replace('{FULLNAME}', mx_getname($user), $html);
    if (strpos($html, '{BACKGROUND}') > 0) {
        $bg = $mxuser->getbackgroundurl($user->background_id);
        $html = str_replace('{BACKGROUND}', $bg, $html);
        if (!strpos($bg, 'tiled')) {
            $html = str_replace('{BACKGROUNDSIZE}', 'background-size:100%;', $html);
    // find transparency background
    $opt = 90;
    if (array_key_exists($user->transparency, $transparencies)) {
        $opt = 100 - $user->transparency;
    if ($opt < 50) {
        $opt = 50;
    $whitebg = $opt ? mx_option('siteurl') . '/images/background/white-dot-' . $opt . '.png' : '';
    $yellowbg = $opt ? mx_option('siteurl') . '/images/background/yellow-dot-' . $opt . '.png' : '';
    $html = str_replace('{WHITEBG}', $whitebg, $html);
    $html = str_replace('{YELLOWBG}', $yellowbg, $html);
    $html = str_replace('{OPACITY}', 1 - $user->transparency / 100, $html);
    $html = str_replace('{OPACITY100}', 100 - $user->transparency, $html);
    $html = str_replace('{BIO}', mx_urls2anchors(mx_cleanhtml($user->longbio)), $html);
    $html = str_replace('{AGE}', $user->age, $html);
    $html = str_replace('{BDAY}', $user->birthday, $html);
    $html = str_replace('{ABOUT}', mx_cleanhtml($user->shortbio), $html);
    $html = str_replace('{GENDER}', mx_gender($user->gender), $html);
    $html = str_replace('{WEBSITE}', mx_urls($user->website), $html);
    $html = str_replace('{EMAIL}', $user->email, $html);
    $artlinks = '<ul>';
    if ($user->username) {
        foreach (array('artist', 'artists', 'art', 'arts', 'at') as $aurl) {
            $link = 'http://' . $user->username . '.' . $aurl . '';
            $artlinks .= '<li><a href="' . $link . '">' . $link . '</a></li>';
        $link = '' . $user->username;
        $artlinks .= '<li><a href="' . $link . '">' . $link . '</a></li>';
    $link = '' . $user->id;
    $artlinks .= '<li><a href="' . $link . '">' . $link . '</a></li>';
    $artlinks .= '</ul>';
    $html = str_replace('{ARTLINKS}', $artlinks, $html);
    $fanlinks = '<ul>';
    if ($user->username) {
        foreach (array('fan', 'fans') as $furl) {
            $link = 'http://' . $user->username . '.' . $furl . '';
            $fanlinks .= '<li><a href="' . $link . '">' . $link . '</a></li>';
        $link = '' . $user->username;
        $fanlinks .= '<li><a href="' . $link . '">' . $link . '</a></li>';
    $link = '' . $user->id;
    $fanlinks .= '<li><a href="' . $link . '">' . $link . '</a></li>';
    $fanlinks .= '</ul>';
    $html = str_replace('{FANLINKS}', $fanlinks, $html);
    if (strpos($html, '{STYLES}') > 0 || strpos($html, '{TASTES}') > 0) {
        $genres = $mxdb->listgenres();
        $cats = array();
        $subgenres = array();
        foreach ($genres as $genre) {
            if (!$genre->cat) {
                $cats[$genre->hash] = $genre->id;
                $subgenres[$genre->id] = array();
        foreach ($genres as $genre) {
            if ($genre->cat) {
                $subgenres[$cats[$genre->cat]][] = $genre->id;
                $catgenre[$genre->id] = $cats[$genre->cat];
        if (strpos($html, '{STYLES}') > 0) {
            $value = $user->genres;
        } else {
            $value = $user->tastes;
        $str = '<table class="genres">';
        $ok = 0;
        for ($i = 0; $i < 5; $i++) {
            $genre = $value[$i];
            if ($genre) {
                $cat = $catgenre[$genre];
                $str .= '<tr><th>' . (!$i ? _('Primary') : ($i == 1 ? _('Secondary') : _('Other'))) . ':</th><td>' . $genres[$genre]->genre . ($cat ? ' (' . $genres[$cat]->genre . ')' : '') . '</td></tr>';
                $ok = 1;
        $str .= '</table>';
        if (!$ok) {
            $str = _('Not informed');
        $html = str_replace('{TASTES}', $str, $html);
        $html = str_replace('{STYLES}', $str, $html);
    if (strpos($html, '{MEDIA}') > 0) {
        $googlecrawler = mx_securestring($_GET['_escaped_fragment_']);
        $ob = preg_replace('%[^0-9]%', '', $googlecrawler);
        //error_log('ob='.$ob.' / media->id='.$media->id);
        $mediatable = mx_showmediastr($user->id, 'media', $ob ? $ob : $media->id);
        $html = str_replace('{MEDIA}', $mediatable, $html);
    $location = '';
    if ($user->city) {
        $location .= '<span itemprop="addressLocality">' . $user->city . '</span>';
    if ($user->state) {
        $location .= ($location ? ', ' : '') . '<span itemprop="addressRegion">' . $user->state . '</span>';
    if ($user->country) {
        $location .= ($location ? ', ' : '') . '<span itemprop="addressCountry">' . mx_getcountryname($user->country) . '</span>';
    $html = str_replace('{LOCATION}', $location, $html);
    $html = str_replace('{FACELIKE}', '<fb:like href="' . mx_actionurl_prod('artists', 'artprof', $user->id) . '" send="false" show_faces="false" width="60" font=""></fb:like>', $html);
    $html = str_replace('{PLUSONE}', '<g:plusone size="medium" href="' . mx_actionurl_prod('artists', 'artprof', $user->id) . '" callback="mxpluslike"></g:plusone>', $html);
    $html = str_replace('{FANFACELIKE}', '<fb:like href="' . mx_actionurl_prod('fans', 'fanprof', $user->id) . '" send="false" show_faces="true" width="60" font=""></fb:like>', $html);
    $html = str_replace('{FANPLUSONE}', '<g:plusone size="medium" href="' . mx_actionurl_prod('fans', 'fanprof', $user->id) . '"></g:plusone>', $html);
    $hassub = 0;
    if (strpos($html, '{SUBSCRIBERS}') > 0) {
        $html = str_replace('{SUBSCRIBERS}', mx_subscribers($user->id, false), $html);
    if (strpos($html, '{LIKERS}') > 0) {
        $html = str_replace('{LIKERS}', mx_subscribers($user->id, true), $html);
    if (strpos($html, '{SUBSCRIPTIONS}') > 0 || strpos($html, '{LIKES}') > 0 || strpos($html, '{SUBSCRIBE}') > 0) {
        if (strpos($html, '{SUBSCRIPTIONS}') > 0) {
            $html = str_replace('{SUBSCRIPTIONS}', mx_subscriptions($user->subs, false), $html);
        if (strpos($html, '{LIKES}') > 0) {
            $html = str_replace('{LIKES}', mx_subscriptions($user->subs, true), $html);
    $mysubs = $mxuser->getsub();
    foreach ($mysubs as $sub) {
        if ($sub->subcat == MXARTSUB && $sub->objectid == $user->id && $sub->status != MXEXPIREDSUB) {
            $hassub = $sub->subtype;
            $autorenew = $sub->renewal;
    if (strpos($html, '{ILOVE}') > 0) {
        if (!$mxuser->id) {
            $str = '';
        } else {
            if ($hassub == MXSUBLIKE) {
                // likers
                $str = mx_icon('ilove', _('Like!'), '', 'nl_' . $user->id, 'ilovehover', 'class');
            } else {
                if ($hassub) {
                    // fan love
                    $str = mx_icon('fanlove', _('Fan Love'), '');
                } else {
                    if ($mxuser->id == $user->id) {
                        $str = mx_icon('melove', _('Love Me'), '');
                    } else {
                        $str = mx_icon('nolove', _('I LOVE THIS!'), '', 'il_' . $user->id, 'nolovehover', 'class');
        $html = str_replace('{ILOVE}', $str, $html);
    if (strpos($html, '{SUBSCRIBE}') > 0 && $mxuser->id && $mxuser->id != $user->id && $user->status != MXACCTDISABLED && ($user->pubcnt >= MXMINIMUMMEDIA || is_admin())) {
        $subscribefoy = _('1-Year: ${FOY}');
        //$subscribefofa=_('{FOFAYRS}: ${FOFA}');
        //$upgradefofa=_('Upgrade: ${FOFAUPG}');
        $subfoybtn = array(1, $subscribefoy, 'g-button', 'subs1year', '<b>F</b>an <b>O</b>ne <b>Y</b>ear (FOY)<br/>This fanship entitles you to <b>listen to and download all media</b>, <u>from this artist' . ' exclusively</u>, <b>during 1 year</b>. After the first renewal in 1 year, ' . 'you will get access to this artist\'s media forever.');
        $subfofabtn = array(1, $subscribefofa, 'g-button', 'subsforever', '<b>F</b>an <b>O</b>nce <b>F</b>an <b>A</b>lways (FOFA)<br/>This fanship entitles you to <b>download all media</b>, <u>from this artist' . ' exclusively</u>, <b>forever</b>');
        $subfofaupgbtn = array(1, $upgradefofa, 'g-button', 'subsforeverupg', 'This upgrade entitles you to <b>download all media</b>, <u>from this artist' . ' exclusively</u>, <b>forever</b>');
        if ($hassub == MXSUBFOFA || $hassub == MXUPGFOFA) {
            $subscribetxt = _('You\'re a Fan, FOREVER!');
            $cansubfoy = false;
            $cansubfofa = false;
            $canupgfofa = false;
        } else {
            if ($hassub == MXSUBFOY) {
                if ($autorenew) {
                    $subscribetxt = _('Auto-Renewal Enabled');
                } else {
                    $subscribetxt = _('Auto-Renewal Disabled');
                $cansubfoy = false;
                $cansubfofa = false;
                $canupgfofa = false;
            } else {
                $subscribetxt = sprintf(_('Subscribe to this %s'), $user->acctype == MXACCOUNTARTIST ? _("Artist") : _("Band"));
                $cansubfoy = true;
                $cansubfofa = false;
                $canupgfofa = false;
        $addcart = '<form style="display:inline" name="addtocart" action="' . mx_pageurl('cart') . '" method="POST">' . '<div class="title"><img src="' . mx_option('templateURL') . '/icons/cart.png" />' . ' ' . $subscribetxt . '</div>' . '<input type="hidden" name="id" value="' . $user->id . '">' . '<input type="hidden" name="a" value="">' . ($cansubfoy ? mx_formfield('addfoy', $subscribefoy, $subfoybtn) : '') . ($cansubfofa ? mx_formfield('addfofa', $subscribefofa, $subfofabtn) : '') . ($canupgfofa ? mx_formfield('upgfofa', $upgradefofa, $subfofaupgbtn) : '') . '</form>';
        $html = str_replace('{SUBSCRIBE}', $addcart, $html);
    } else {
        if ($user->status == MXACCTDISABLED) {
            $html = str_replace('{SUBSCRIBE}', _('Sorry, this account is no more active.'), $html);
        } else {
            if ($mxuser->id == $user->id) {
                $html = str_replace('{SUBSCRIBE}', _('Hey! You\'re an artist!!'), $html);
            } else {
                $logfirst = '<div class="title"><img src="' . mx_option('templateURL') . '/icons/cart.png" /> ' . _('to become a FAN...') . '</div>' . sprintf(_('%s or %s'), '<a href="' . mx_actionurl('account', 'signin', '', '', 'artists,artprof,' . $user->id) . '" alt="' . _('Sign-in') . '">' . mx_icon('signinbtn', _('Sign-in'), '', 'xx', 'signinbtnhover') . '</a>', '<a href="' . mx_actionurl('account', 'register', '', '', 'artists,artprof,' . $user->id, '', 'i=' . $user->invitecode) . '" alt="' . _('Register') . '">' . mx_icon('registerbtn', _('Register'), '', 'xx', 'registerbtnhover') . '</a>');
                $html = str_replace('{SUBSCRIBE}', $logfirst, $html);
    // fans stats
    $fanstats = '<table><tr><th>' . _('Stats') . '</th></tr>' . '<tr><td><a href="javascript:tabswitch(\'GENERAL\',\'SUBSCRIPTIONS\');">' . _('Fanships') . '</a>' . '<br/>' . _('FOFA:') . ' ' . $sfofa . '<br/>' . _('FOY:') . ' ' . $sfoy . '<br/>' . _('Likes:') . ' ' . $slike . '<br/><span class="stattotal">' . _('Total:') . ' ' . $stotal . '</span>' . '</td></tr>' . '</table>';
    $html = str_replace('{FANSTATS}', $fanstats, $html);
    // artists stats
    $stats = '<table><tr><th>' . _('Stats') . '</th></tr>' . '<tr><td class="first"><a href="javascript:tabswitch(\'GENERAL\',\'MEDIA\');">' . _('Media') . '</a>' . '<br/><span class="stathdr">' . _('Uploaded') . '</span><br/>' . $user->mediacnt . ($user->mediacnt != MXNOTINFORMED ? ' (' . mx_size($user->mediasize) . ')' : '') . '<br/><span class="stathdr">' . _('Published') . '</span><br/>' . $user->pubcnt . ' (' . mx_size($user->pubsize) . ')</td></tr>' . '<tr><td><a href="javascript:tabswitch(\'GENERAL\',\'SUBSCRIBERS\');">' . _('Fans') . '</a>' . '<br/>' . _('FOFA:') . ' ' . $user->subfofa . '<br/>' . _('FOY:') . ' ' . $user->subfoy . '<br/>' . _('Likes:') . ' ' . $user->sublike . '<br/><span class="stattotal">' . _('Total:') . ' ' . $user->subcnt . '</span>' . '</td></tr>' . '</table>';
    $html = str_replace('{STATS}', $stats, $html);
    $html = str_replace('{FOY}', MXFEEFOY, $html);
    $html = str_replace('{FOFA}', MXFEEFOFA, $html);
    $html = str_replace('{FOFAUPG}', sprintf('%.2d', MXFEEFOFA - MXFEEFOY), $html);
    $html = str_replace('{FOFAYRS}', MXFOFAYRS, $html);
    $html = str_replace('{FREE}', MXFEEFREE, $html);
    $html = str_replace('{BASIC}', MXFEEBASIC, $html);
    $html = str_replace('{PLUS}', MXFEEPLUS, $html);
    $html = str_replace('{PREMIUM}', MXFEEPREMIUM, $html);
    $html = str_replace('{1SONG}', MXFEE1SONG, $html);
    $html = str_replace('{SONGS}', MXFEESONGS, $html);
    $html = str_replace('{SETUPFEE}', MXFEESETUP, $html);
    $html = str_replace('{siteurl}', mx_option('siteurl'), $html);
    $html = str_replace('{WALL}', mx_showuserwallstr($user), $html);
    $html = str_replace('{MYREVIEWS}', _('Available Soon'), $html);
    $chats = '<iframe class="chat" src="../ext_includes/chat/index.php"></iframe>';
    $html = str_replace('{SHOWS}', _('Available Soon'), $html);
    $html = str_replace('{CHATS}', _('Available Soon'), $html);
    $html = str_replace('{MENTIONS}', _('Available Soon'), $html);
    $fbreviews = '<div class="fb-comments" data-href="' . mx_actionurl('artists', 'artprof', $user->id) . '" data-num-posts="10" data-width="540"></div>';
    $html = str_replace('{REVIEWS}', $fbreviews, $html);
    if (strpos($html, '{SHARE}') > 0) {
        $tools = mx_sharetools($user->id, true);
    // artists tools
    if (strpos($html, '{SHAREFAN}') > 0) {
        $tools = mx_sharetools($user->id, false);
    // fans tools
    $html = str_replace('{SHARE}', $tools, $html);
    // for artists
    $html = str_replace('{SHAREFAN}', $tools, $html);
    // for fans
    $html = str_replace('{QRCODE}', mx_qrcode($user, true), $html);
    // for artists
    $html = str_replace('{QRCODEFAN}', mx_qrcode($user, false), $html);
    // for fans
    // build tabs if needed
    $realnames = array('MEDIA' => _('Media'), 'GENERAL' => _('Info'), 'WALL' => _('Wall'), 'SHOWS' => _('Shows'), 'MENTIONS' => _('Mentions'), 'REVIEWS' => _('Reviews'), 'SUBSCRIBERS' => _('Fans'), 'LIKERS' => _('Likers'), 'MYREVIEWS' => _('My Reviews'), 'SUBSCRIPTIONS' => _('Fanships'), 'LIKES' => _('Likes'), 'FRIENDS' => _('Friends'), 'CHATS' => _('Chats'), 'SHARE' => _('Share!'), 'RESTRICTED' => _('RESTRICTED'));
    if (strpos($html, '{TABS}') > 0) {
        $html = str_replace('{TABS}', '<div class="form"><table><tr><td>', $html);
        $html = str_replace('{/TABS}', '</td></tr></table></div>', $html);
        $tabs = preg_match_all('%{TAB:([*+]?)([^}]+)}%', $html, $tabnames);
        $group = mx_secureword($_REQUEST['k']);
        if (!$group || !array_search($group, $tabnames[2])) {
            $group = $tabnames[2][0];
        for ($i = 0; $i < $tabs; $i++) {
            //$newtab='<div id="artist_'.($form?'f_':'').$i.'" class="'.$style.((($i==$group) && !$form)?'':' hidden').'">';
            $newtab = '<div id="' . $tabnames[2][$i] . ($form ? '_f' : '') . '" class="' . $style . ($tabnames[2][$i] == $group && !$form ? '' : ' hidden') . '">';
            //$newtab.='<form name="artist_'.$i.'" method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data"' .
            //		' onsubmit="return checkform(\'artist_'.$i.'\');">';
            $newtab .= '<table><tr><td>';
            $newtab .= '<fieldset>';
            for ($j = 0; $j < $tabs; $j++) {
                $tabclass = '';
                if ($tabnames[1][$j] == '*') {
                    if (!is_admin()) {
                    $tabclass = ' admin';
                } else {
                    if ($tabnames[1][$j] == '+') {
                        if ($mxuser->id != $user->id && !is_admin()) {
                        if ($mxuser->id == $user->id) {
                            $tabclass = ' owner';
                        } else {
                            $tabclass = ' admin';
                if ($i == $j) {
                    $newtab .= '<legend class="seltab' . $tabclass . '">' . $realnames[$tabnames[2][$i]] . '</legend>';
                } else {
                    $newtab .= '<legend class="tab' . $tabclass . '"><a href="javascript:tabswitch(\'' . $tabnames[2][$i] . '\',\'' . $tabnames[2][$j] . '\');"' . ' alt="' . $realnames[$tabnames[2][$j]] . '">' . $realnames[$tabnames[2][$j]] . '</a></legend>';
            $html = str_replace($tabnames[0][$i], $newtab, $html);
        $str = '</fieldset></td></tr></table>';
        $str .= '</div>';
        $html = str_replace('{/TAB}', $str, $html);
    // link to add as a friend
    if ($user->id == $mxuser->id) {
        $befriend = _('Hey, this is you!!');
    } else {
        if ($mxuser->isfriend($user->id)) {
            $befriend = sprintf('%s<br/>%s', _('This is one of your friends'), '<a href="' . mx_actionurl('account', 'messages', 'sm:' . $user->id, 'writemsg') . '">' . _('Send a Message') . '</a>');
            if ($user->acctype == MXACCOUNTARTIST) {
                $befriend .= '<br/><a href="' . mx_actionurl('artists', 'artprof', $user->id) . '">' . _('See Artist Page') . '</a>';
        } else {
            $befriend = '<a href="' . mx_actionurl('account', 'messages', 'af:' . $user->id, 'writemsg') . '">' . _('Request Friendship') . '</a>';
            if (is_admin()) {
            	$befriend.='<br/><a href="'.mx_actionurl('artists','artprof',$user->id).'">'._('See Artist Page [ADM]').'</a>';
    $html = str_replace('{BEFRIEND}', $befriend, $html);
    $friends = $mxuser->getfriends($user->id);
    if (!$friends) {
        $friendslist = _('This person\'s friends list is hidden.');
    } else {
        if (!count($friends['confirmed'])) {
            $friendslist = _('This person\'s friends list is empty.');
        } else {
            $friendslist = mx_showdirstr($friends['confirmed']);
    $html = str_replace('{FRIENDS}', $friendslist, $html);
    $html = preg_replace('%\\r?\\n\\r?\\n%', '<br/><br/>', $html);
    // graphic stats
    if (strpos($html, '{MYSTATS}') > 0 && ($user->id == $mxuser->id || is_admin())) {
        $mystats = mx_statsstr($user);
        $html = str_replace('{MYSTATS}', $mystats, $html);
    $html = str_replace('{PRICE}', '<table class="buymedia"><tr><td>', $html);
    $html = str_replace('{PRICE2}', '</td><td>', $html);
    $html = str_replace('{PRICE3}', '</td></tr></table>', $html);
    $media->purchase = str_replace('{PRICE}', '<table class="buymedia"><tr><td>', $media->purchase);
    $media->purchase = str_replace('{PRICE2}', '</td><td>', $media->purchase);
    $media->purchase = str_replace('{PRICE3}', '</td></tr></table>', $media->purchase);
    // media pages
    $html = str_replace('{MEDIASCHEMA}', $media->schema, $html);
    $html = str_replace('{BUYTAG}', $media->pricetag, $html);
    $html = str_replace('{BUYMEDIA}', $media->purchase, $html);
    $html = str_replace('{MEDIAMETA}', $media->meta, $html);
    $html = str_replace('{MEDIA_TITLE}', $media->title, $html);
    $html = str_replace('{MEDIA_DESC}', $media->description . $media->content, $html);
    $html = str_replace('{MEDIA_PIC}', $media->mediapic, $html);
    $html = str_replace('{MEDIA_BUTTONS}', $media->buttons ? '<div class="mediabuttons"><div id="player">' . $media->buttons . '</div></div>' : '', $html);
    if (strpos($html, '{MEDIA_CONTENT}') > 0) {
        if ($media->type == MXMEDIABASEBUNDLE || $media->type == MXMEDIAREGULARBUNDLE) {
            $mediatable = mx_xmlbundle($media->id, 'media', '', false);
            $mediatable = str_replace('pubmed', 'pubmed bundled bun_' . $media->id, $mediatable);
            $mediatable = preg_replace('%input_.%', 'bundled', $mediatable);
            $submedia = '<table class="mediadetails">';
            $submedia .= '<tr><td><h5>' . _('Medias') . '</h5></td></tr>';
            $submedia .= $mediatable . '</table>';
        } else {
            $submedia = '<table class="mediadetails">';
            $submedia .= '<tr><td><h5>' . (count($media->bundles) > 1 ? _('Bundles') : _('Bundle')) . '</h5></td></tr>';
            foreach ($media->bundles as $bundle) {
                $submedia .= '<tr class="pubmed bundled"><td class="msgcell bundled media_mediadata">' . '<div class="bundledetails" itemprop="inAlbum" itemscope itemtype="">' . '<div class="bundleminipic">' . '<a href="' . mx_actionurl('media', 'medprof', $bundle->id) . '" title="' . $bundle->title . ' - ' . _('See Media Page') . '" class="pictooltip" itemprop="url">' . $bundle->mediapic . '</a>' . '</div>' . '<div class="bundletitle" itemprop="name">' . $bundle->title . '</div>' . '<div class="bundledesc" itemprop="description">' . $bundle->description . '</div>' . '</div></td>' . '</tr>';
            $submedia .= '</table>';
        $html = str_replace('{MEDIA_CONTENT}', $submedia, $html);
    $html = str_replace('{ARTISTLINK}', mx_actionurl('artist', 'artprof', $user->id), $html);
    if (strpos($html, '{ARTISTBUTTON}') > 0) {
        $artistbutton = '<div class="artistpic" itemprop="byArtist" itemscope itemtype="">' . '<a href="' . mx_actionurl('artists', 'artprof', $user->id) . '" title="' . mx_getartistname($user) . ' - ' . _('See Page') . '" class="pictooltip" itemprop="url">' . '<img tag="' . $user->id . '" class="artistpic" src="' . mx_artpic($user->id, 'large', $user->gender) . '" itemprop="image">' . '</a>' . '<br/><span itemprop="name">' . mx_getartistname($user) . '</span>' . '</div>';
        $html = str_replace('{ARTISTBUTTON}', $artistbutton, $html);
    if (strpos($html, '{USERSHARE}') > 0) {
        $url = $user->acctype == MXACCOUNTFAN ? mx_actionurl('fans', 'fanprof', $user->id) : mx_actionurl('artists', 'artprof', $user->id);
        if (!is_logged()) {
            $sharebutton = mx_sharebuttons('u_' . $user->id, $url, mx_artpic($user->id, 'large', $user->gender), $user->shortbio);
        } else {
            $sharebutton = '';
        $html = str_replace('{USERSHARE}', $sharebutton, $html);
    if (strpos($html, '{MEDIASHARE}') > 0) {
        $url = mx_option('basicsiteurl') . '/m/' . $media->id;
        if (!is_logged()) {
            $sharebutton = mx_sharebuttons('m' . $media->id, $url, $media->pic, $media->description);
        } else {
            $sharebutton = '';
        $html = str_replace('{MEDIASHARE}', $sharebutton, $html);
    // -end user stuff
    if ($html) {
        echo $html;
    } else {
        __('(Content not yet ready)');
    if ($simul == 'public') {
		simul=$('<div class="simulation"><?php 
        __('Public View');
        $mxuser = new MXUser();
Esempio n. 3
function mx_analyzequeue()
    global $s3, $sqs, $mxuser, $maxhandle;
    if ($mxuser && $mxuser->id) {
        error_log('Access Error.');
    ini_set('error_log', '/var/log/mxmedia-error.log');
    error_log('start wait.');
    while (--$maxhandle > 0) {
        $mxuser = null;
        $res = $sqs->receive_message(MXMEDIAQUEUEURL, array('VisibilityTimeout' => DEBUG ? 15 : 60, 'MaxNumberOfMessages' => 1));
        if ($res->isOK()) {
            $msgcnt = 0;
            if ($msg = $res->body->Message(0)) {
                //print_r('msg: '.$msg->Body);
                $req = unserialize($msg->Body);
                error_log(print_r($req, true));
                $ffile = $req['ffile'];
                $media = $req['media'];
                $userid = $req['userid'];
                $ffmt = $req['ffmt'];
                $rescan = $req['rescan'];
                $fwave = '';
                $fpreview = '';
                $id3info = '';
                if (!$userid) {
                    error_log('No USERID in message...');
                } else {
                    $mxuser = new MXUser($userid);
                    if (!$mxuser->id) {
                        error_log('Can\'t switch to user ' . $userid . '. EXITING.');
                    error_log("I am now: " . $mxuser->getname());
                    $fpic = '';
                    if ($rescan && !file_exists($ffile)) {
                        // retrieve uploaded version to re-analyse
                        $ffile = mx_option('usersdir') . '/tmp/' . $media->filename;
                        $fhash = $media->hashcode;
                        $ext = preg_replace('%^.*\\.([^.]+)$%', '\\1', $media->filename);
                        $ffmt = $ext;
                        $hashdir = $mxuser->hashdir;
                        $keyname = 'users/' . $hashdir . '/media/' . $fhash . '.' . $ext;
                        error_log('loading ' . $keyname);
                        if (!file_exists($ffile)) {
                            $s3->get_object(MXS3BUCKET, $keyname, array('fileDownload' => $ffile));
                        // get miniature if any since it may not be anymore in the mp3
                        $keyname2 = 'users/' . $hashdir . '/media/' . $fhash . '.jpg';
                        if ($keyname2 != $keyname) {
                            $fpic = preg_replace('%^(.*)[.][^.]+$%', '\\1.jpg', $ffile);
                            if ($s3->if_object_exists(MXS3BUCKET, $keyname2)) {
                                error_log('loading ' . $keyname2);
                                $s3->get_object(MXS3BUCKET, $keyname2, array('fileDownload' => $fpic));
                            if (file_exists($fpic)) {
                                $img = imagecreatefromjpeg($fpic);
                                if ($img) {
                                    $w = imagesx($img);
                                    $h = imagesy($img);
                                    if ($w > 320) {
                                        $sc = $w / 320;
                                        $img2 = imagecreatetruecolor(320, round($h / $sc));
                                        imagecopyresampled($img2, $img, 0, 0, 0, 0, 320, round($h / $sc), $w, $h);
                                        $fpic = preg_replace('%^(.*)[.][^.]+$%', '\\1.jpg', $ffile);
                                        imagejpeg($img2, $fpic);
                                $picext = 'jpg';
                            } else {
                                $fpic = '';
                    if (file_exists($ffile)) {
                        $rescode = 0;
                        $getID3 = new getID3();
                        $id3info = $getID3->analyze($ffile);
                        switch ($ffmt) {
                            case 'mp3':
                                // type MP3
                                $sffile = preg_replace('%([\'"])%', '\\1', $ffile);
                                $output = array();
                                //$res=exec('/usr/local/bin/id3v2 --delete-all "'.$sffile.'"',$output,$rescode);
                                $res = exec('/usr/local/bin/id3v2 --remove-frame "APIC" "' . $sffile . '"', $output, $rescode);
                                if (!$rescode) {
                                    $tags = $id3info['id3v2'];
                                    if (is_array($tags) && array_key_exists('PIC', $tags)) {
                                        $trackpic = $tags['PIC'][0]['data'];
                                        $picext = strtolower($tags['PIC'][0]['imagetype']);
                                        $fpic = preg_replace('%^(.*)[.][^.]+$%', '\\1.' . $picext, $ffile);
                                        file_put_contents($fpic, $trackpic);
                                        $img = '';
                                        if ($picext == 'jpg' || $picext == 'jpeg') {
                                            $img = imagecreatefromjpeg($fpic);
                                        } else {
                                            if ($picext == 'png') {
                                                $img = imagecreatefrompng($fpic);
                                            } else {
                                                if ($picext == 'gif') {
                                                    $img = imagecreatefromgif($fpic);
                                        if ($img) {
                                            $w = imagesx($img);
                                            $h = imagesy($img);
                                            if ($w > 320) {
                                                $sc = $w / 320;
                                                $img2 = imagecreatetruecolor(320, round($h / $sc));
                                                imagecopyresampled($img2, $img, 0, 0, 0, 0, 320, round($h / $sc), $w, $h);
                                                $fpic = preg_replace('%^(.*)[.][^.]+$%', '\\1.jpg', $ffile);
                                                imagejpeg($img2, $fpic);
                                                $picext = 'jpg';
                                $mxuser->resetid3info($media->id, $id3info);
                                error_log('generating waveform...');
                                $fwave = mp3_waveform($ffile, 400, 50, '#ccff99', '#000000');
                                error_log('generating preview...');
                                $fpreview = str_replace('.mp3', '-preview.mp3', $sffile);
                                $res = exec('/usr/local/bin/sox --norm "' . $sffile . '" --rate 48k "' . $fpreview . '" fade t 0 0:0:45 5', $output, $rescode);
                            case 'png':
                            case 'jpg':
                            case 'jpeg':
                            case 'gif':
                                $picext = $ffmt;
                                if ($picext == 'jpg' || $picext == 'jpeg') {
                                    $img = imagecreatefromjpeg($ffile);
                                } else {
                                    if ($picext == 'png') {
                                        $img = imagecreatefrompng($ffile);
                                    } else {
                                        if ($picext == 'gif') {
                                            $img = imagecreatefromgif($ffile);
                                if ($img) {
                                    $w = imagesx($img);
                                    $h = imagesy($img);
                                    if ($w > 320 || $h > 320) {
                                        $sc = max(array($w, $h)) / 320;
                                    } else {
                                        $sc = 1;
                                    $img2 = imagecreatetruecolor(round($w / $sc), round($h / $sc));
                                    imagecopyresampled($img2, $img, 0, 0, 0, 0, round($w / $sc), round($h / $sc), $w, $h);
                                    $fpic = preg_replace('%^(.*)[.][^.]+$%', '\\1-thumb.jpg', $ffile);
                                    imagejpeg($img2, $fpic);
                                    $picext = 'jpg';
                                if ($img) {
                                    $w = imagesx($img);
                                    $h = imagesy($img);
                                    if ($w > 320 || $h > 320) {
                                        $sc = max(array($w, $h)) / 320;
                                    } else {
                                        $sc = 1;
                                    $img2 = imagecreatetruecolor($w, $h);
                                    imagecopyresampled($img2, $img, 0, 0, 0, 0, $w, $h, $w, $h);
                                    $fpic = preg_replace('%^(.*)[.][^.]+$%', '\\1-small.jpg', $ffile);
                                    imageinterlace($img2, 1);
                                    imagejpeg($img2, $fpic, 50);
                                    $picext = 'jpg';
                                if ($img) {
                            case 'mov':
                            case 'avi':
                            case 'm4v':
                            case 'mpeg':
                            case 'real':
                            case 'quicktime':
                        if (!$rescode) {
                            error_log('uploading media...');
                            $ret = $mxuser->uploadmedia($media->id, $media->filename, $media->title, $media->type, $media->description, $media->completion, $fpic, $fpreview);
                            if (!array_key_exists('error', $ret)) {
                                // set to ready OR restore previous media status
                                if ($media->status < MXMEDIAREADY) {
                                    $mxuser->setmediastatus($media->id, MXMEDIAREADY);
                                } else {
                                    $mxuser->setmediastatus($media->id, $media->status);
                                if ($fpreview && file_exists($fpreview) || $fpic && file_exists($fpic)) {
                                    $mxuser->setmediafield($media->id, 'preview', 1);
                                $mxuser->setmediapic($media->id, $picext);
                                if ($fpic) {
                                if ($fwave) {
                                if ($fpreview) {
                            } else {
                    } else {
                        error_log('file ' . $ffile . ' missing...');
                $sqs->delete_message(MXMEDIAQUEUEURL, $msg->ReceiptHandle);
                $sqs->delete_message(MXMEDIAQUEUEURL, $msg->ReceiptHandle);
            if (!$msgcnt) {
        } else {
            // receive message error
    // while true
    error_log('end wait.');