<?php require_once 'cst.php'; require_once PATH_METIER . 'mVersion.php'; if (GDroit::ADroitPopErreur(DROIT_ADMIN) === true) { $mObjet = new MVersion(); $mObjet->SetObjetFromTableau(GSession::LirePost($nomContexte)); $mObjet->Modifier(); }
public static function getStream($use_prefix = true, $use_network = true, $ua = null, $uamask = false) { mimport('framework.filesystem.stream'); // Setup the context; $context = array(); $version = new MVersion(); // set the UA for HTTP and overwrite for FTP $context['http']['user_agent'] = $version->getUserAgent($ua, $uamask); $context['ftp']['overwrite'] = true; if ($use_prefix) { $FTPOptions = MClientHelper::getCredentials('ftp'); $SCPOptions = MClientHelper::getCredentials('scp'); if ($FTPOptions['enabled'] == 1 && $use_network) { $prefix = 'ftp://' . $FTPOptions['user'] . ':' . $FTPOptions['pass'] . '@' . $FTPOptions['host']; $prefix .= $FTPOptions['port'] ? ':' . $FTPOptions['port'] : ''; $prefix .= $FTPOptions['root']; } elseif ($SCPOptions['enabled'] == 1 && $use_network) { $prefix = 'ssh2.sftp://' . $SCPOptions['user'] . ':' . $SCPOptions['pass'] . '@' . $SCPOptions['host']; $prefix .= $SCPOptions['port'] ? ':' . $SCPOptions['port'] : ''; $prefix .= $SCPOptions['root']; } else { $prefix = MPATH_ROOT . '/'; } $retval = new MStream($prefix, MPATH_ROOT, $context); } else { $retval = new MStream('', '', $context); } return $retval; }
<div style="margin: 10px;"> <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" style="width:100%;" class="infoTable"><tbody> <tr> <td align="left" valign="top" colspan="2"><h1 style="padding-left:50px;">Thank you for choosing ProFiles.</h1><br/></td> </tr> <tr> <td align="left" valign="top" style="width:300px;"><img src="<?php echo $imagePath;?>cover.png" /></td> <td align="left" valign="top"> <ul style="font-size: 16px;"> <li>Version: <b><?php echo $isRoot ? MVersion::getFull() : $advice; ?></b></li> <li>Author: <?php echo MVersion::getAuthor(); ?></li> <li>First release: <?php echo MVersion::getFirstRelease();?></li> <li>Release of current version: <?php echo $isRoot ? MVersion::thisReleaseDate() : $advice; ?></li> <li>Support status: Depending on package</li> <li><?php echo MVersion::getCopyright(); ?></li> <li>License: <b>GNU/GPL V2.0 & GPL Friendly Media License (GFML)</b></li> <li>This software includes 3rd Party libraries and applications.<br/>The licenses of the 3rd party extensions can be found in the appropriate folders in text files.</li> </ul> <span style="font-size: 12px;"> Please note that you can use and edit this software infinitely.<br/> But due to the GPL Friendly Media License you just only may pass, publish, or fork this software<br/> if all media files under the GFML are removed and replaced by own media files.<br/> Please read: <a href="http://www.mooj.org/en/licenses/gfml.html" target="_blank" onclick="javascript: window.open(this.href);">GFML license agreement</a> </span> </td> </tr> <tr> <?php if (isset($isWelcome) && $isWelcome){?>
*/ if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'])) { MLoader::register('MRequest', MPATH_MIWI . '/framework/environment/request.php'); // If an application flags it doesn't want this, adhere to that. if (!defined('_MREQUEST_NO_CLEAN') && (bool) ini_get('register_globals')) { //MRequest::clean(); // miwisoft ticket 110 } } MLoader::import('framework.object.object'); MLoader::import('framework.text.text'); MLoader::import('framework.route.route'); // Register the library base path for CMS libraries. MLoader::registerPrefix('M', MPATH_MIWI . '/framework'); // Define the Miwi version if not already defined. if (!defined('MVERSION')) { $Mversion = new MVersion(); define('MVERSION', $Mversion->getShortVersion()); } mimport('framework.application.menu'); mimport('framework.environment.uri'); mimport('framework.utilities.utility'); mimport('framework.event.dispatcher'); mimport('framework.utilities.arrayhelper'); mimport('framework.access.access'); mimport('framework.user.user'); mimport('framework.document.document'); mimport('phputf8.utf8'); mimport('framework.database.table'); if (is_admin()) { mimport('framework.html.toolbar'); mimport('framework.html.toolbar.helper');
<?php require_once 'cst.php'; require_once PATH_METIER . 'mVersion.php'; if (GDroit::ADroitPopErreur(DROIT_ADMIN) === true) { $mObjet = new MVersion(); $mObjet->SetObjetFromTableau(GSession::LirePost($nomContexte)); $mObjet->Supprimer(); }