Esempio n. 1
 function doFiltersQuery(&$filters)
     global $mvIndexTableName, $mvMediaFilesTable, $mvDefaultClipLength, $wgRequest, $mvDo_SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS, $mvSpokenByInSearchResult, $mvMediaSearchResultsLimit;
     $dbr =& wfGetDB(DB_SLAVE);
     //organize the queries (group full-text searches and category/attributes)
     //if the attribute is not a numerical just add it to the fulltext query
     $ftq_match_asql = $last_person_aon = $ftq_match = $ftq = $snq = $toplq_cat = $date_range_join = $date_range_where = $asql = '';
     //top query and full text query =''
     if ($filters == '') {
         return array();
     $selOpt = $mvDo_SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS ? 'SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS' : '';
     list($this->limit, $this->offset) = $wgRequest->getLimitOffset(20, 'searchlimit');
     if ($this->limit > $mvMediaSearchResultsLimit) {
         $this->limit = $mvMediaSearchResultsLimit;
     $group_spoken = true;
     $categoryTable = $dbr->tableName('categorylinks');
     foreach ($filters as $f) {
         //proocc and or for fulltext:
         if (!isset($f['a'])) {
             $f['a'] = 'and';
         switch ($f['a']) {
             case 'and':
                 $aon = '+';
                 $asql = 'AND';
             case 'or':
                 $aon = '';
                 $asql = 'OR';
             case 'not':
                 $aon = '-';
                 $asql = 'NOT';
         //add to the fulltext query:
         switch ($f['t']) {
             case 'spoken_by':
                 //if we have an OR set prev to OR
                 if ($last_person_aon == '+' && $aon == '') {
                     $ftq = str_replace('+"spoken by', '"spoken by', $ftq);
                     $group_spoken = false;
                 //full text based semantic query:
                 $ftq .= ' ' . $aon . '"spoken by ' . mysql_escape_string($f['v']) . '"';
                 //table based query:
                 $last_person_aon = $aon;
             case 'match':
                 $ftq_match .= ' ' . $aon . '"' . mysql_escape_string($f['v']) . '"';
                 //only need to split out ftq match if spoken by is more than one
                 if ($ftq_match_asql != '') {
                     $ftq_match_asql = $asql;
                 //top level queries  (sets up time ranges )
             //top level queries  (sets up time ranges )
             case 'category':
                 //full text based category query:
                 $toplq .= ' ' . $aon . '"category ' . mysql_escape_string($f['v']) . '" ';
                 //$ftq.=' '.$aon.'category:'.mysql_escape_string($f['v']);
                 //table based query:
                 switch ($f['a']) {
                     case 'and':
                         $toplq_cat = 'AND';
                     case 'or':
                         $toplq_cat = 'OR';
                     case 'not':
                         $toplq_cat = 'NOT';
                 $toplq_cat .= " {$categoryTable}.`cl_to`='" . mysql_escape_string($f['v']) . "'";
             case 'date_range':
                 $date_range_join = ' JOIN  `mv_streams` ' . 'ON `' . $mvIndexTableName . '`.`stream_id` =`mv_streams`.`id` ';
                 list($month, $day, $year) = explode('/', $f['vs']);
                 $sts = mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, $day, $year);
                 list($month, $day, $year) = explode('/', $f['ve']);
                 $ets = mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, $day + 1, $year);
                 //(the start of the next day)
                 $date_range_where .= '( `mv_streams`.`date_start_time` > ' . mysql_escape_string($sts) . ' AND `mv_streams`.`date_start_time` < ' . mysql_escape_string($ets) . ')';
                 $date_range_andor = ' ' . $asql . ' ';
             case 'stream_name':
                 if ($snq != '') {
                     switch ($f['a']) {
                         case 'and':
                             $snq = 'AND';
                         case 'or':
                             $snq = 'OR';
                         case 'not':
                             $snq = 'NOT';
                 //get stream name:
                 //print "f: " . $f['v'];
                 $stream =& mvGetMVStream($f['v']);
                 $snq .= " `stream_id` = {$stream->getStreamId()} ";
             case 'smw_property':
                 //more complicated query work needed ;)
     $searchindexTable = $dbr->tableName('searchindex');
     $ret_ary = array();
     //a join operation to restrict search results to streams with files
     $join_streams_with_low_ogg_sql = "JOIN `{$mvStreamFilesTable}` ON (`{$mvIndexTableName}`.`stream_id` = `{$mvStreamFilesTable}`.`stream_id`) JOIN `{$mvMediaFilesTable}` ON (`{$mvStreamFilesTable}`.`file_id`= `{$mvMediaFilesTable}`.`id` AND `{$mvMediaFilesTable}`.`file_desc_msg`='mv_ogg_low_quality') ";
     //only run the top range query if we have no secondary query
     if ($toplq_cat != '' && $ftq == '') {
         //@@todo unify top query with ranged query ... kind of tricky
         //@@todo we should only look in annotative layer for top level queries? ...
         //@@todo paging for top level queries? ... 200 hit limit is probably ok
         $sql = "SELECT `mv_page_id` as `id`, `{$mvIndexTableName}`.`stream_id`,`start_time`,`end_time`, `wiki_title`, {$searchindexTable}.`si_text` as `text`\n\t \t\t\tFROM `{$mvIndexTableName}` \n\t \t\t\t{$date_range_join}\n\t \t\t\tJOIN {$categoryTable} ON `{$mvIndexTableName}`.`mv_page_id` = {$categoryTable}.`cl_from`\n\t\t\t\t{$join_streams_with_low_ogg_sql} \n\t \t\t\tLEFT JOIN {$searchindexTable} ON `{$mvIndexTableName}`.`mv_page_id` = {$searchindexTable}.`si_page` \n\t \t\t\tWHERE \n\t\t\t\t`mvd_type`='Anno_en' " . " {$toplq_cat} " . " {$snq} " . "{$date_range_andor} {$date_range_where} " . "LIMIT 0, 200";
         //echo "topQ: $sql \n\n";
         $top_result = $dbr->query($sql, 'MV_Index:doFiltersQuery_topQ');
         if ($dbr->numRows($top_result) == 0) {
             return array();
         //set up ranges sql query
         $sql = "SELECT {$selOpt} `mv_page_id` as `id`, `{$mvIndexTableName}`.`stream_id`,`start_time`,`end_time`, `wiki_title`, {$searchindexTable}.`si_text` as `text` ";
         if ($mvSpokenByInSearchResult) {
             $sql .= ",`smw_relations`.`object_title` as `spoken_by` ";
         $sql .= "FROM `{$mvIndexTableName}` " . $join_streams_with_low_ogg_sql . "JOIN {$searchindexTable} ON `{$mvIndexTableName}`.`mv_page_id` = {$searchindexTable}.`si_page` ";
         if ($mvSpokenByInSearchResult) {
             $sql .= "LEFT JOIN `smw_relations` ON (`mv_mvd_index`.`mv_page_id`=`smw_relations`.`subject_id` " . "AND `smw_relations`.`relation_title`='Spoken_By') ";
         $sql .= "WHERE  ";
         $or = '';
         $sql .= '( ';
         while ($row = $dbr->fetchObject($top_result)) {
             //also set initial sranges:
             if (!isset($ret_ary[$row->stream_id])) {
                 $ret_ary[$row->stream_id] = array();
             //insert into return ary:
             $insertRow = $ftq == '' ? true : false;
             //add that its a top level query to the row:
             $row->toplq = true;
             MV_Index::insert_merge_range($ret_ary[$row->stream_id], $ret_ary, $row, $insertRow);
             $sql .= $or . " (`{$mvIndexTableName}`.`stream_id`='{$row->stream_id}' AND " . '`start_time`>=' . $row->start_time . ' AND ' . '`end_time`<=' . $row->end_time . ' ) ';
             $or = ' OR ';
         $sql .= ') ';
         //	$sql.=" AND MATCH (text)
         //		AGAINST('$ftq' IN BOOLEAN MODE) ";
         $sql .= "LIMIT {$this->offset}, {$this->limit} ";
     } else {
         //add the top query to the base query:
         $ftq .= $toplq;
         $sql = "SELECT {$selOpt} `mv_page_id` as `id`,`{$mvIndexTableName}`.`stream_id`,`start_time`,`end_time`, `wiki_title`, {$searchindexTable}.`si_text` AS `text` ";
         if ($mvSpokenByInSearchResult) {
             $sql .= ",`smw_relations`.`object_title` as `spoken_by` ";
         $sql .= "FROM `{$mvIndexTableName}` \n\t \t\t\tJOIN {$searchindexTable} ON `{$mvIndexTableName}`.`mv_page_id` = {$searchindexTable}.`si_page` \n\t\t\t\t{$join_streams_with_low_ogg_sql} \n\t \t\t\t{$date_range_join} ";
         //include spoken by relation in results (LEFT JOIN should not be *that* costly )
         if ($mvSpokenByInSearchResult) {
             $sql .= "LEFT JOIN `smw_relations` ON (`mv_mvd_index`.`mv_page_id`=`smw_relations`.`subject_id` " . "AND `smw_relations`.`relation_title`='Spoken_By') ";
         $sql .= "WHERE {$snq} ";
         $two_part_anor = '';
         if ($group_spoken) {
             $ftq .= $ftq_match;
         } else {
             if ($ftq_match_asql) {
                 $sql .= ' ' . $ftq_match_asql . ' ';
             if ($ftq_match != '') {
                 $sql .= "\tMATCH ( {$searchindexTable}.`si_text` ) \n\t\t\t \t\t\t\tAGAINST('{$ftq_match}' IN BOOLEAN MODE) ";
                 if ($ftq != '') {
                     $sql .= ' AND ';
         if ($ftq != '') {
             $sql .= "\tMATCH ( {$searchindexTable}.`si_text` ) \n\t\t \t\t\tAGAINST('{$ftq}' IN BOOLEAN MODE) ";
         //date range stuff is SLOW when its the only filter (pulls up matches for everything)
         if ($snq != '' || $ftq != '' && isset($date_range_andor)) {
             $sql .= $date_range_andor;
         $sql .= " {$date_range_where} ";
         $sql .= "LIMIT {$this->offset}, {$this->limit} ";
     //echo "SQL:".$sql." \n";
     $result = $dbr->query($sql, 'MV_Index:doFiltersQuery_base');
     $this->numResults = $dbr->numRows($result);
     if ($dbr->numRows($result) == 0) {
         return array();
     if ($mvDo_SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS) {
         $resFound = $dbr->query('SELECT FOUND_ROWS() as `count`;');
         $found = $dbr->fetchObject($resFound);
         $this->numResultsFound = $found->count;
     } else {
         $this->numResultsFound = null;
     //@@TODO hide empty categories (if limit > rows found )
     //group by time range in a given stream
     //while($row = $dbr->fetchObject( $result )){
     //	$ret_ary[]=$row;
     //return $ret_ary;
     //group by stream_name & time range:
     while ($row = $dbr->fetchObject($result)) {
         if (!isset($ret_ary[$row->stream_id])) {
             $ret_ary[$row->stream_id] = array();
         if (count($ret_ary[$row->stream_id]) == 0) {
             $new_srange = array('s' => $row->start_time, 'e' => $row->end_time, 'rows' => array($row));
             $ret_ary[$row->stream_id][] = $new_srange;
         } else {
             MV_Index::insert_merge_range($ret_ary[$row->stream_id], $ret_ary, $row);
     //throw out empty top level ranges
     foreach ($ret_ary as &$stream_set) {
         foreach ($stream_set as $k => &$srange) {
             if (count($srange['rows']) == 0) {
                 //print "throw out: ". $srange['s'] . $srange['e'];
     return $ret_ary;
Esempio n. 2
    function doUnifiedFiltersQuery(&$filters, $metaDataIncludes = null)
        global $mvDefaultClipLength, $wgRequest, $mvDo_SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS, $mvMediaSearchResultsLimit;
        global $mvSpokenByInSearchResult, $mvCategoryInSearchResult, $mvBillInSearchResult;
        // init vars
        $from_tables = '';
        $vars = $conds = $options = array();
        // init top range generation query
        $from_tables_top = '';
        $vars_top = $conds_top = $options_top = array();
        $do_top_range_query = false;
        $dbr = wfGetDB(DB_SLAVE);
        // organize the queries (group full-text searches and category/attributes)
        // if the attribute is not a numerical just add it to the fulltext query
        $ftq_match_asql = $last_person_aon = $ftq_match = $ftq = $snq = $toplq = $toplq_cat = $date_range_join = $date_range_where = $asql = '';
        // top query and full text query =''
        if ($filters == '') {
            return array();
        $ftq_match_asql = $date_cond = '';
        $date_range_join = true;
        // $selOpt = ($mvDo_SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS)?'SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS':'';
        if ($mvDo_SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS) {
            $options[] = 'SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS';
        // set limit offset:
        list($this->limit, $this->offset) = $wgRequest->getLimitOffset(20, 'searchlimit');
        if ($this->limit > $mvMediaSearchResultsLimit) {
            $this->limit = $mvMediaSearchResultsLimit;
        $this->order = strtolower($wgRequest->getVal('order'));
        // force order type:
        if (!($this->order == 'relevant' || $this->order == 'recent' || $this->order == 'viewed')) {
            $this->order = 'recent';
        $group_spoken = true;
        // $categoryTable =  ;
        $valid_filter_count = 0;
        foreach ($filters as $f) {
            // proocc and or for fulltext:
            if (!isset($f['a'])) {
                $f['a'] = 'and';
            switch ($f['a']) {
                case 'and':
                    $aon = '+';
                    $asql = 'AND';
                case 'or':
                    $aon = '';
                    $asql = 'OR';
                case 'not':
                    $aon = '-';
                    $asql = 'NOT';
            // add to the fulltext query:
            switch ($f['t']) {
                case 'speech_by':
                case 'spoken_by':
                    $skey = str_replace('_', ' ', $f['t']);
                    // skip if empty value:
                    if (trim($f['v']) == '') {
                    // if we have an OR set prev to OR
                    if ($last_person_aon == '+' && $aon == '') {
                        $ftq = str_replace('+"' . $skey, '"' . $skey, $ftq);
                        $group_spoken = false;
                    // full text based semantic query:
                    $ftq .= ' ' . $aon . '"' . $skey . ' ' . mysql_real_escape_string($f['v']) . '" ';
                    // table based query:
                    $last_person_aon = $aon;
                    // $conds[]=
                case 'bill':
                    // skip if empty value:
                    if (trim($f['v']) == '') {
                    $f['v'] = str_replace(array('.', '_', ':'), ' ', $f['v']);
                    // full text based semantic query:
                    $ftq .= ' ' . $aon . '"bill ' . mysql_real_escape_string($f['v']) . '" ';
                    // table based query:
                    $last_person_aon = $aon;
                    // $conds[]=
                case 'match':
                    // skip if empty value:
                    if (trim($f['v']) == '') {
                    $mwords = explode(' ', $f['v']);
                    $space = '';
                    foreach ($mwords as $word) {
                        $ftq_match .= $space . $aon . mysql_real_escape_string($word);
                        $space = ' ';
                    // only need to split out ftq match if spoken by is more than one
                    if ($ftq_match_asql != '') {
                        $ftq_match_asql = $asql;
                    // top level queries  (sets up time ranges )
                // top level queries  (sets up time ranges )
                case 'category':
                    // skip if empty value:
                    if (trim($f['v']) == '') {
                    $do_top_range_query = true;
                    // full text based category query:
                    $toplq .= ' ' . $aon . '"category ' . mysql_real_escape_string($f['v']) . '" ';
                    // $ftq.=' '.$aon.'category:'.mysql_escape_string($f['v']);
                    // table based query:
                    switch ($f['a']) {
                        case 'and':
                            $toplq_cat = 'AND';
                        case 'or':
                            $toplq_cat = 'OR';
                        case 'not':
                            $toplq_cat = 'NOT';
                    $toplq_cat .= $dbr->tableName('categorylinks') . '.cl_to=' . $dbr->addQuotes($f['v']);
                case 'date_range':
                    list($month, $day, $year) = explode('/', $f['vs']);
                    $sts = mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, $day, $year);
                    list($month, $day, $year) = explode('/', $f['ve']);
                    $ets = mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, $day + 1, $year);
                    // (the start of the next day)
                    // add date condtion:
                    // note dissable and or for date range for now: $asql
                    $conds[] = ' ( `mv_streams`.`date_start_time` > ' . $dbr->addQuotes($sts) . ' AND `mv_streams`.`date_start_time` < ' . $dbr->addQuotes($ets) . ') ';
                    // print	$date_cond;
                case 'stream_name':
                    // skip if empty value:
                    if (trim($f['v']) == '') {
                    $stream =& mvGetMVStream($f['v']);
                    // add stream cond
                    $conds[] = $asql . " stream_id = " . $dbr->addQuotes($stream->getStreamId());
                case 'smw_property':
                    //@@todo merge doUnifiedFiltersQuery function with SMW Ask more complicated query work needed
        if ($valid_filter_count == 0) {
            return array();
        // add the top query to the base query:
        $ftq .= $toplq;
        $vars = "mv_page_id as id," . $dbr->tableName('mv_mvd_index') . '.stream_id,
			(' . $dbr->tableName('mv_streams') . '.date_start_time+' . $dbr->tableName('mv_mvd_index') . '.start_time) AS mvd_date_start_time, ' . 'start_time, end_time, view_count, wiki_title,' . $dbr->tableName('searchindex') . '.si_text AS `text` ';
        /*if ( $mvSpokenByInSearchResult )
        		$vars .= ', smw_relations.object_title as spoken_by ';*/
        $from_tables .= $dbr->tableName('mv_mvd_index') . ' ';
        $from_tables .= 'JOIN ' . $dbr->tableName('searchindex') . ' ON (' . $dbr->tableName('mv_mvd_index') . '.mv_page_id = ' . $dbr->tableName('searchindex') . '.si_page ) ';
        if ($date_range_join) {
            $from_tables .= 'LEFT JOIN ' . $dbr->tableName('mv_streams') . ' ON (' . $dbr->tableName('mv_mvd_index') . '.stream_id = ' . $dbr->tableName('mv_streams') . '.id ) ';
        // print "FROM TABLES:". $from_tables;
        // restrict to streams with valid $mvDefaultVideoQualityKey files:
        global $mvDefaultVideoQualityKey, $mvDefaultFlashQualityKey;
        $from_tables .= 'JOIN ' . $dbr->tableName('mv_stream_files') . ' ON ' . '( ' . $dbr->tableName('mv_mvd_index') . '.stream_id = ' . $dbr->tableName('mv_stream_files') . '.stream_id ' . ' AND (' . $dbr->tableName('mv_stream_files') . '.file_desc_msg = ' . $dbr->addQuotes($mvDefaultVideoQualityKey) . ')' . ') ';
        // date range join:
        // include spoken by relation in results (LEFT JOIN should not be *that* costly )
        /*if ( $mvSpokenByInSearchResult ) {
        			//$sql.="LEFT JOIN `smw_relations` ON (`mv_mvd_index`.`mv_page_id`=`smw_relations`.`subject_id` " .
        			//	"AND `smw_relations`.`relation_title`='Spoken_By') ";
        			$from_tables .= 'LEFT JOIN ' . $dbr->tableName( 'smw_relations' ) .
        				' ON ' .
        				'( ' . $dbr->tableName( 'mv_mvd_index' ) . '.mv_page_id = ' .
        					$dbr->tableName( 'smw_relations' ) . '.subject_id ' .
        					' AND ' . $dbr->tableName( 'smw_relations' ) . '.relation_title = \'Spoken_By\'' .
        				 ') ';
        // add conditions to last condition element (cuz we have to manually mannage and or):
        $conds[count($conds)] = ' ' . $dbr->tableName('mv_mvd_index') . '.mvd_type = \'ht_en\' ' . ' OR ' . $dbr->tableName('mv_mvd_index') . '.mvd_type=\'anno_en\'  ';
        // limit to ht_en & anno_en (for now) (future allow selection
        // $conds_inx = (count($conds)==0)?0:count($conds)-1;
        $two_part_anor = '';
        if ($group_spoken) {
            $ftq .= $ftq_match;
        } else {
            if ($ftq_match != '') {
                $conds[] .= $ftq_match_asql . ' MATCH ( ' . $dbr->tableName('searchindex') . '.si_text )' . ' AGAINST(\'' . $ftq_match . '\' IN BOOLEAN MODE) ';
                // if($ftq!='')$sql.=' AND ';
        if ($ftq != '') {
            $conds[] .= "\tMATCH ( " . $dbr->tableName('searchindex') . '.si_text ) ' . ' AGAINST(\'' . $ftq . '\' IN BOOLEAN MODE) ';
        // print_r($conds);
        // die;
        // date range stuff is SLOW when its the only filter (pulls up matches for everything)
        /*if($snq!='' || $ftq!='' && isset($date_range_andor))
        		$sql.=" $date_range_where ";*/
        switch ($this->order) {
            case 'relevant':
                // @@todo need to add in some relevence metrics
            case 'recent':
                $options['ORDER BY'] = 'mvd_date_start_time DESC ';
            case 'viewed':
                $options['ORDER BY'] = 'view_count DESC ';
        // echo $this->order;
        // $sql.="LIMIT {$this->offset}, {$this->limit} ";
        $options['LIMIT'] = $this->limit;
        $options['OFFSET'] = $this->offset;
        $options['GROUP BY'] = 'mv_page_id';
        $result = $dbr->select($from_tables, $vars, $conds, __METHOD__, $options);
        //echo "SQL:".$dbr->lastQuery($result)." \n";
        // $result = $dbr->query($sql,  'MV_Index:doFiltersQuery_base');
        $this->numResults = $dbr->numRows($result);
        if ($dbr->numRows($result) == 0) {
            return array();
        if ($mvDo_SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS) {
            $resFound = $dbr->query('SELECT FOUND_ROWS() as `count`;');
            $found = $dbr->fetchObject($resFound);
            $this->numResultsFound = $found->count;
        } else {
            $this->numResultsFound = null;
        // @@TODO hide empty categories (if limit > rows found )
        // while($row = $dbr->fetchObject( $result )){
        //	$ret_ary[]=$row;
        // }
        // return $ret_ary;
        // group by stream_name & time range:
        // init ret_ary & stream_group
        $ret_ary = $stream_groups = array();
        while ($row = $dbr->fetchObject($result)) {
            $ret_ary[$row->id] = $row;
            if (!isset($stream_groups[$row->stream_id])) {
                $stream_groups[$row->stream_id] = array();
            if (count($stream_groups[$row->stream_id]) == 0) {
                $new_srange = array('s' => $row->start_time, 'e' => $row->end_time, 'rows' => array($row));
                $stream_groups[$row->stream_id][] = $new_srange;
            } else {
                MV_Index::insert_merge_range($stream_groups[$row->stream_id], $stream_groups, $row);
        if ($mvCategoryInSearchResult) {
            $or = '';
            $conds = '';
            $options = array();
            //build the category query conditions:
            foreach ($ret_ary as $row) {
                if (!isset($ret_ary[$row->id]->category)) {
                    $ret_ary[$row->id]->categories = array();
                $conds .= $or . ' cl_from =' . $dbr->addQuotes($row->id);
                $or = ' OR ';
            //do the lookup:
            $from_tables = $dbr->tableName('categorylinks');
            $from_tables .= ' LEFT JOIN ' . $dbr->tableName('mv_mvd_index') . ' ON ( ' . $dbr->tableName('categorylinks') . '.cl_from = ' . $dbr->tableName('mv_mvd_index') . '.mv_page_id' . ' ) ';
            $vars = array('cl_from', 'cl_to');
            $options['LIMIT'] = 2000;
            // max avarage 5 categories per page
            $result_cat = $dbr->select($from_tables, $vars, $conds, __METHOD__, $options);
            while ($cat_row = $dbr->fetchObject($result_cat)) {
                $ret_ary[$cat_row->cl_from]->categories[$cat_row->cl_to] = true;
        if ($mvSpokenByInSearchResult || $mvBillInSearchResult) {
            // slow especially for lots of query results but join Query is crazy complicated for SMW >= 1.2
            // (and I have not been able to construct it without hitting exessive number of rows in the EXPLIN)
            // @@todo these queries should be merged with semantic wiki Ask with some ~special~ keywords for fulltext search
            $smwStore =& smwfGetStore();
            foreach ($ret_ary as &$row) {
                //@@todo this is all very hackish but this is because SMW changed the db schema causing a few hacks:
                // obviously this should be rewritten to use some SMW based query system.
                $smw_properties = array();
                if ($mvSpokenByInSearchResult && strtolower(substr($row->wiki_title, 0, 2)) == 'ht') {
                    $smw_properties[] = 'Spoken_By';
                if ($mvSpokenByInSearchResult && strtolower(substr($row->wiki_title, 0, 4)) == 'anno') {
                    $smw_properties[] = 'Speech_by';
                if ($mvBillInSearchResult) {
                    $smw_properties[] = 'Bill';
                $rowTitle = Title::newFromText($row->wiki_title, MV_NS_MVD);
                foreach ($smw_properties as $propKey) {
                    if ($propKey != 'category') {
                        //print "on key: $propKey";
                        $propTitle = Title::newFromText($propKey, SMW_NS_PROPERTY);
                        $smwProps = $smwStore->getPropertyValues($rowTitle, $propTitle);
                        // just a temp hack .. we need to think about this abstraction a bit..
                        if (count($smwProps) != 0) {
                            if ($propKey == 'Spoken_By' || $propKey == 'Speech_by') {
                                $v = current($smwProps);
                                $row->spoken_by = $v->getXSDValue();
                            } elseif ($propKey == 'Bill') {
                                $row->bills = array();
                                foreach ($smwProps as $v) {
                                    $row->bills[$v->getXSDValue()] = true;
        foreach ($ret_ary as $k => $v) {
            $ret_ary[$k]->text = str_replace(array('u800', 'u82e'), '', $v->text);
        return $ret_ary;