Esempio n. 1
  public function grid($id = null) {

    $post_types = MPM_PostType::find("orderby=disabled,name ASC");
    $has_actions = MasterPress::current_user_can("edit_post_types,delete_post_types,manage_post_type_field_sets");
    $can_edit = MasterPress::current_user_can("edit_post_types");
    $can_delete = MasterPress::current_user_can("delete_post_types");
    $can_create = MasterPress::current_user_can("create_post_types");
    $can_manage_field_sets = MasterPress::current_user_can("manage_post_type_field_sets");

    $less = $can_create ? 1 : 0;
    $colspan = ( $has_actions ? 8 : 7 ) - $less;


  <?php MPV::messages(); ?>
  foreach ($post_types as $post_type) {
    if (MPC::is_deleting($post_type->id)) {
  <table cellspacing="0" class="grid grid-post-types">
      <th class="first menu-icon"><i class="menu-icon" title="<?php _e("Menu Icon", MASTERPRESS_DOMAIN) ?>"></i><span class="ac"><?php _e("Menu Icon", MASTERPRESS_DOMAIN) ?></span></th>
      <th class="menu-label"><i class="label-string"></i><span><?php _e("Label", MASTERPRESS_DOMAIN) ?></span></th>
      <th class="post-type-name"><i class="script-php"></i><span><?php _e("Name", MASTERPRESS_DOMAIN) ?></span></th>
      <th class="hierarchical"><i class="hierarchy"></i><span class="ac" title="<?php _e("Hierarchical?", MASTERPRESS_DOMAIN) ?>"><?php _e("Hierarchical?", MASTERPRESS_DOMAIN) ?></span></th>
      <th class="field-sets"><i class="metaboxes"></i><span><?php _e("Field Sets", MASTERPRESS_DOMAIN) ?></span></th>
      <th class="shared-field-sets"><i class="med share-metaboxes"></i><span><?php _e("Shared Field Sets", MASTERPRESS_DOMAIN) ?></span></th>
      <th class="taxonomies <?php echo $has_actions ? "" : "last" ?>"><i class="tags"></i><span><?php _e("Taxonomies", MASTERPRESS_DOMAIN) ?></span></th>
      <?php if ($has_actions) : ?>
      <th class="actions last"><i class="buttons"></i><span><?php _e("Actions", MASTERPRESS_DOMAIN) ?></span></th>
      <?php endif; ?>
    <?php $count = 0; ?>
    <?php foreach ($post_types as $post_type) : $disabled = ( $post_type->disabled ) ? "disabled" : "";  $title = $post_type->disabled ? ' title="'.__("this post type is disabled", MASTERPRESS_DOMAIN).'" ' : ""; 
    if (!$post_type->in_current_site()) {
      $disabled = "disabled";
      $title = ' title="'.__("this post type is not currently available in this site (multi-site setting)", MASTERPRESS_DOMAIN).'" ';

    <?php if ($post_type->still_registered()) : $count++; $first = $count == 1 ? 'first' : ''; ?>
    $deleting_class = MPC::is_deleting($post_type->id, "delete") ? 'deleting' : ''; 
    $editable_class = $can_edit ? " editable " : "";
    $meta = $can_edit ? "{ href: '".MasterPress::admin_url("post-types", "edit", "id=".$post_type->id)."' }" : "";

    <tr <?php echo $title ?> class="<?php echo $first ?> <?php echo $editable_class.$deleting_class ?> <?php echo $disabled ?> <?php echo MPV::updated_class("edit,create", $post_type->id) ?> <?php echo $count % 2 == 0 ? "even" : "" ?> sub <?php echo $meta ?>">
      <td class="first menu-icon icon"><span class="mp-icon-post-type mp-icon-post-type-<?php echo $post_type->name ?>"></span></td>
      <td class="menu-label"><strong><?php echo $post_type->labels["menu_name"] ?></strong></td>
      <td class="post-type-name"><span class="tt"><?php echo $post_type->name ?></span></td>
      <td class="hierarchical"><?php echo $post_type->hierarchical ? '<i class="tick-small"></i><span class="ac" title="'.__("this post type is hierarchical", MASTERPRESS_DOMAIN).'">yes</span>' : '<span class="note" title="'.__("this post type is not hierarchical", MASTERPRESS_DOMAIN).'">&ndash;</span>' ?></td>

      <?php $field_sets = $post_type->field_sets("name ASC"); ?>

      <?php if ($post_type->show_ui) : ?>
      <td class="field-sets <?php echo $can_manage_field_sets ? "manage { href: '".MasterPress::admin_url( "post-types", "manage-field-sets", "parent=".$post_type->id)."' }" : "" ?>">
        <?php if ($can_manage_field_sets) : ?>
        <a href="<?php echo MasterPress::admin_url( "post-types", "manage-field-sets", "parent=".$post_type->id)?>" title="<?php echo strip_tags(self::__manage( MPV_FieldSets::__p() )) ?>">
		<i class="go"></i>
        <?php endif; ?>

        $field_set_display = MPV::note_none();
        if (count($field_sets)) {
          $field_set_links = array();
          foreach ($field_sets as $field_set) {
            if (!$field_set->is_shared()) {
              $field_set_links[] =  $field_set->display_label();

          if (count($field_set_links)) {
            $field_set_display = implode($field_set_links, ", ");
        echo $field_set_display;
        <?php if ($can_manage_field_sets) : ?>
        <?php endif; ?>
      <?php else: ?>
      <td class="field-sets">
      <span title="<?php _e("This post type does not support field sets as the 'show ui' parameter is off", MASTERPRESS_DOMAIN); ?>"><i class="na"></i><?php _e("N/A", MASTERPRESS_DOMAIN); ?></span>  
      <?php endif; ?>

      <?php if ($post_type->show_ui) : ?>
      <td class="shared-field-sets">
        $field_set_display = MPV::note_none();
        if (count($field_sets)) {
          $field_set_links = array();
          foreach ($field_sets as $field_set) {
            if ($field_set->is_shared()) {
              $field_set_links[] = $field_set->display_label(); 

          if (count($field_set_links)) {
            $field_set_display = implode($field_set_links, ", ");
        echo $field_set_display;
      <?php else: ?>
      <td class="shared-field-sets">
      <span title="<?php _e("This post type does not support shared field sets as the 'show ui' parameter is off", MASTERPRESS_DOMAIN); ?>"><i class="na"></i><?php _e("N/A", MASTERPRESS_DOMAIN); ?></span>  
      <?php endif; ?>

      <td class="taxonomies <?php echo $has_actions ? "" : "last" ?>">
        $taxonomies = $post_type->taxonomies(); 
        $tax_display = MPV::note_none();
        if (count($taxonomies)) {
          $tax_links = array();
          foreach ($taxonomies as $tax) {
            $tax_links[] = $tax->labels["name"]; 

          $tax_display = implode($tax_links, ", ");
        echo $tax_display;

      <?php if ($has_actions) : ?>

      <td class="actions last">
        <?php if (MPC::is_deleting($post_type->id)) : ?>
        <span class="confirm-action"><?php _e("Please Confirm Delete Action", MASTERPRESS_DOMAIN) ?></span>
        <?php else: ?>

          <?php if ($can_manage_field_sets) : ?>

            <?php if ($post_type->show_ui) :  ?>
            <?php echo MPV::action_button("post-types", "manage-field-sets", self::__manage( MPV_FieldSets::__p_short() ), "parent=".$post_type->id, array("class" => "button button-manage")); ?>
            <?php else: ?>
            <?php echo MPV::action_button("post-types", "manage-field-sets", self::__manage( MPV_FieldSets::__p_short() ), "parent=".$post_type->id, array("title" => "This post type does not support field sets as the 'show ui' parameter is off", "disabled" => "disabled", "class" => "button button-manage")); ?>
            <?php endif; ?>
          <?php endif; ?>
          <?php if ($can_edit) : ?>
            <?php echo MPV::action_button("post-types", "edit", self::__edit( "" ), "id=".$post_type->id, array( "class" => "button primary button-edit" )); ?>
          <?php endif; ?>

          <?php if ($can_delete) : ?>
            <?php if ($post_type->_builtin) : ?>
            <span class="note" title="<?php _e("This post type cannot be deleted as it is built-in to WordPress", MASTERPRESS_DOMAIN) ?>"><?php _e("( Built-in )", MASTERPRESS_DOMAIN) ?></span>
            <?php elseif ($post_type->_external) : ?>
            <span class="note" title="<?php _e("This post type cannot be deleted as it was not created by MasterPress", MASTERPRESS_DOMAIN) ?>"><?php _e("( External )", MASTERPRESS_DOMAIN) ?></span>
            <?php else: ?>
            <?php echo MPV::action_button("post-types", "delete", self::__delete( "" ), "id=".$post_type->id, array( "class" => "button button-delete", "title" => "Delete - Requires Confirmation" )); ?>
            <?php endif; ?>
          <?php endif; ?>
        <?php endif; // has_actions ?>
      <?php endif; ?>
    <?php endif; ?>

    <?php endforeach; ?>

    <tr class="summary <?php echo $can_create ? "editable" : "" ?>">
      <td colspan="<?php echo $colspan ?>" class="first <?php echo $can_create ? "" : "last" ?>"><?php _e(  MPU::__items( $count, __("<strong>%d</strong> Post Type", MASTERPRESS_DOMAIN), __("%d Post Types", MASTERPRESS_DOMAIN)   ) ) ?></td>
      <?php if ($can_create) : ?>
      <td class="last">
      <?php echo MPV::action_button("post-types", "create", self::__create(MPV_PostTypes::__s()), "", array( "class" => "button button-create" ) ); ?>
      <?php endif; ?>



  } // end grid()
Esempio n. 2
  public function grid($id = null) {


    $has_actions = MasterPress::current_user_can("edit_templates,delete_templates,manage_template_field_sets");
    $can_edit = MasterPress::current_user_can("edit_templates");
    $can_delete = MasterPress::current_user_can("delete_templates");
    $can_create = MasterPress::current_user_can("create_templates");
    $can_manage_field_sets = MasterPress::current_user_can("manage_template_field_sets");

    $colspan = $has_actions ? 8 : 7;


  <?php MPV::messages(); ?>
  <table cellspacing="0" class="grid grid-post-types">
      <th class="first file-name front-end-name"><i class="script-php"></i><span><?php _e("File Name", MASTERPRESS_DOMAIN) ?></span></th>
      <th class="name"><i class="template"></i><span><?php _e("Template Name", MASTERPRESS_DOMAIN) ?></span></th>
      <th class="field-sets"><i class="metaboxes"></i><span><?php _e("Field Sets", MASTERPRESS_DOMAIN) ?></span></th>
      <th class="post-types <?php echo $has_actions ? "" : "last" ?>"><i class="pins"></i><span><?php _e("Post Types", MASTERPRESS_DOMAIN) ?></span></th>
      <?php if ($has_actions) : ?>
      <th class="actions last"><i class="buttons"></i><span><?php _e("Actions", MASTERPRESS_DOMAIN) ?></span></th>
      <?php endif; ?>
    <?php $count = 0; $disabled = ""; ?>
    <?php $templates = get_page_templates();  ?>
    <?php foreach ($templates as $template => $file) : $count++; $first = $count == 1 ? 'first' : ''; $model = MPM_Template::find_by_id($file);
    $editable_class = $can_edit ? " editable " : "";
    $meta = $can_edit ? "{ href: '".MasterPress::admin_url("templates", "edit", "id=".$file)."' }" : "";

    <tr class="<?php echo $first ?> <?php echo $editable_class.$disabled ?> <?php echo MPV::updated_class("edit,create", $file) ?> <?php echo $count % 2 == 0 ? "even" : "" ?> sub <?php echo $meta ?>">
      <td class="first file-name"><strong><span class="tt"><?php echo $file ?></span></strong></td>
      <td class="name"><?php echo $template ?></td>
      <td class="field-sets <?php echo $can_manage_field_sets ? "manage" : "" ?>">
        <?php if ($can_manage_field_sets) : ?>
        <a href="<?php echo MasterPress::admin_url( "templates", "manage-field-sets", "parent=".$file)?>">
		<i class="go"></i>
        <?php endif; ?>
        $field_sets = MPM_TemplateFieldSet::find_by_template( $file ); 

        $field_set_display = MPV::note_none();
        if (count($field_sets)) {
          $field_set_links = array();
          foreach ($field_sets as $field_set) {
            if (!$field_set->is_shared()) {
              $field_set_links[] =  $field_set->display_label();

          if (count($field_set_links)) {
            $field_set_display = implode($field_set_links, ", ");
        echo $field_set_display;
        <?php if ($can_manage_field_sets) : ?>
        <?php endif; ?>

      <td class="post-types <?php echo $has_actions ? "" : "last" ?>">
        $vis = $model->visibility;
        $vis_post_types = "";

        if (isset($vis["post_types"])) {
          $vis_post_types = $vis["post_types"];
        if ($vis_post_types == "*") {

          $post_type_display = '<span class="inherit">( '.__("All", MASTERPRESS_DOMAIN).' )</span>';

        } else {
          if (is_null($vis_post_types) || $vis_post_types == "") {
            $post_type_display = __("( none )");
          } else {
            $post_types = $model->post_types(); 
            $post_type_display = MPV::note_none();
            if (count($post_types)) {
              $post_type_links = array();
              foreach ($post_types as $post_type) {
                $post_type_links[] = $post_type->labels["name"];

              $post_type_display = implode($post_type_links, ", ");
        echo $post_type_display;

      <?php if ($has_actions) : ?>

      <td class="actions last">
        <?php if ($can_edit) : ?>
          <?php echo MPV::action_button("templates", "edit", self::__edit( ), "id=".$file, array("class" => "button button-edit")); ?>
        <?php endif; ?>

        <?php if ($can_manage_field_sets) : ?>
          <?php echo MPV::action_button("templates", "manage-field-sets", self::__manage( MPV_FieldSets::__p_short() ), "parent=".$file, array("class" => "button button-manage")); ?>
        <?php endif; ?>  

      <?php endif; // has_actions ?>

    <?php endforeach; ?>

  } // end grid()