public static function find_by_name_and_template($name, $template, $orderby = "position ASC" ) { return self::find( array( "where" => "`name` = '{$name}' AND ".MPM::visibility_rlike("templates", $template)." AND `type` = 't'", "orderby" => $orderby ) ); }
public static function find_by_name_and_role($name, $template) { return self::find( array( "where" => "`name` = '{$name}' AND ".MPM::visibility_rlike("roles", $role)." AND `type` = 'r'", "orderby" => $orderby ) ); }
public function import() { global $wf; $base_dir = MASTERPRESS_TMP_DIR; $base_url = MASTERPRESS_TMP_URL; $restore = false; if (isset($_POST["import_masterplan"])) { $masterplan = $_POST["import_masterplan"]; } else { if (isset($_POST["restore_masterplan"])) { $masterplan = $_POST["restore_masterplan"]; $base_dir = MASTERPRESS_CONTENT_MASTERPLANS_DIR; $base_url = MASTERPRESS_CONTENT_MASTERPLANS_URL; $restore = true; } } $view = MasterPress::$view; if (isset($masterplan)) { extract(self::open_masterplan($masterplan, true, $base_dir, $base_url)); if ($rep) { $icon_dest = MASTERPRESS_CONTENT_MENU_ICONS_DIR; $icon_src = $dir.WOOF_DIR_SEP."icons".WOOF_DIR_SEP; $field_type_dest = MASTERPRESS_EXTENSIONS_FIELD_TYPES_DIR; $field_type_src = $dir.WOOF_DIR_SEP."field-types".WOOF_DIR_SEP; // install field type extensions foreach ($field_types as $field_type) { $dest = $field_type_dest.$field_type["name"]; $src = $field_type_src.$field_type["name"]; if (!(file_exists($dest) && !isset($_POST["import_types_overwrite"]))) { MPU::copyr($src, $dest); } } $info = array("log" => array()); $mode = $_REQUEST["import_mode"]; if ($restore) { $mode = "replace"; } $log = &$info["log"]; $backup = isset($_REQUEST["import_backup"]); $view->rep = $rep; $view->backup = $backup; $view->mode = $mode; // first obtain the current representation $current = self::get_current_rep(); $view->current = $current; if ($backup) { // build the backup (a rollback point) $backup_filename = "_backup.pre-import.".$wf->format_date("[date-time-sortable]").""; $backup_readme = "# Backup Masterplan for ".$wf->sites()->first()->name." # + Created: ".$wf->format_date("[date-time-long]"); $backup_rep = $this->export_rep($current); $package = $this->build_package($backup_rep, $backup_filename, $backup_readme); if ($package) { $info["backup_package"] = $package; $info["backup_url"] = MASTERPRESS_CONTENT_MASTERPLANS_URL.$backup_filename; $info["backup_filename"] = $backup_filename; } } // process the representation // store all objects by key to look them up for potential removal (if mode is replace) $import = array( "post_types" => array(), "taxonomies" => array(), "shared_field_sets" => array(), "site_field_sets" => array(), "templates" => array(), "roles" => array() ); $taxonomies_by_key = array(); $shared_field_sets_by_key = array(); $shared_field_sets_by_key = array(); if (isset($rep["post_types"])) { foreach ($rep["post_types"] as $post_type) { $data = $post_type; unset($data["field_sets"], $data["id"], $data["sites"]); $name = $post_type["name"]; $insert = true; if ($model = MPM_PostType::find_by_name($name)) { $insert = false; } else { $model = new MPM_PostType(); } $model->set($data, true); if ($insert) { $model->insert(); } else { $model->update(); } // install icons if ($post_type["_builtin"] == "0" && !is_null($post_type["menu_icon"]) && $post_type["menu_icon"] != "") { copy($icon_src.$post_type["menu_icon"], $icon_dest.$post_type["menu_icon"]); } $import["post_types"][$name] = $post_type; // now run through the field sets, taking care to preserve $import["post_types"][$name]["field_sets"] = self::import_field_sets($post_type["field_sets"], " AND `type` = 'p' AND ".MPM::visibility_rlike("post_types", $name), $dir); } } if (isset($rep["taxonomies"])) { foreach ($rep["taxonomies"] as $tax) { $data = $tax; unset($data["field_sets"], $data["id"], $data["sites"]); $name = $tax["name"]; $insert = true; if ($model = MPM_Taxonomy::find_by_name($name)) { $insert = false; } else { $model = new MPM_Taxonomy(); } $model->set($data, true); if ($insert) { $model->insert(); } else { $model->update(); } // install icons if ($tax["_builtin"] == "0" && !is_null($tax["title_icon"]) && $tax["title_icon"] != "") { copy($icon_src.$tax["title_icon"], $icon_dest.$tax["title_icon"]); } $import["taxonomies"][$name] = $tax; $import["taxonomies"][$name]["field_sets"] = self::import_field_sets($tax["field_sets"], " AND `type` = 'x' AND ".MPM::visibility_rlike("taxonomies", $name), $dir); } } if (isset($rep["shared_field_sets"])) { $import["shared_field_sets"] = self::import_field_sets($rep["shared_field_sets"], " AND `type` = 's' ", $dir); } if (isset($rep["site_field_sets"])) { $import["site_field_sets"] = self::import_field_sets($rep["site_field_sets"], " AND `type` = 'w' ", $dir); } if (isset($rep["templates"])) { foreach ($rep["templates"] as $template) { $id = $template["id"]; // template models are self-creating, so no need for special handling here $model = MPM_Template::find_by_id($id); $data = $template; unset($data["field_sets"]); $model->set($data, true); $model->update(); $import["templates"][$id] = $template; if (isset($template["field_sets"])) { $import["templates"][$id]["field_sets"] = self::import_field_sets($template["field_sets"], " AND `type` = 't' AND ".MPM::visibility_rlike("templates", $id), $dir); } } } if (isset($rep["roles"])) { foreach ($rep["roles"] as $role) { if (isset($role["field_sets"])) { $name = $role["name"]; $import["roles"][$name] = $role; $import["roles"][$name]["field_sets"] = self::import_field_sets($role["field_sets"], " AND `type` = 'r' AND ".MPM::visibility_rlike("roles", $name), $dir); } } } if ($mode == "replace") { // we now need to remove anything in the current setup that ISN'T in the imported masterplan if (isset($current["post_types"])) { foreach ($current["post_types"] as $post_type) { $name = $post_type["name"]; $builtin = $post_type["_builtin"] == "1"; if (!isset($import["post_types"][$name]) && !$builtin) { $model = MPM_PostType::find_by_name($name); if ($model) { $model->delete( array( "posts" => "leave", "posts_reassign_type" => "", "field_sets" => "delete", "field_data" => "keep" )); } } else { if (isset($post_type["field_sets"])) { self::replace_field_sets($post_type["field_sets"], $import["post_types"][$name]["field_sets"]); } } } } if (isset($current["taxonomies"])) { foreach ($current["taxonomies"] as $tax) { $name = $tax["name"]; $builtin = $tax["_builtin"] == "1"; if (!isset($import["taxonomies"][$name]) && !$builtin) { $model = MPM_Taxonomy::find_by_name($name); if ($model) { $model->delete( array( "existing_terms" => "leave", "existing_terms_reassign_taxonomy" => "", "field_sets" => "delete", "field_data" => "leave" )); } } else { if (isset($tax["field_sets"])) { self::replace_field_sets($tax["field_sets"], $import["taxonomies"][$name]["field_sets"]); } } } } if (isset($current["shared_field_sets"])) { self::replace_field_sets($current["shared_field_sets"], $import["shared_field_sets"]); } if (isset($current["site_field_sets"])) { self::replace_field_sets($current["site_field_sets"], $import["site_field_sets"]); } if (isset($current["templates"])) { foreach ($current["templates"] as $template) { $id = $template["id"]; if (isset($import["templates"][$id])) { if (isset($template["field_sets"])) { self::replace_field_sets($template["field_sets"], $import["templates"][$id]["field_sets"]); } } } } if (isset($current["roles"])) { foreach ($current["roles"] as $name => $role) { if (isset($import["roles"][$name])) { if (isset($role["field_sets"])) { self::replace_field_sets($role["field_sets"], $import["roles"][$name]["field_sets"]); } } } } } // mode = replace // cleanup the unzipped folder MPU::rmdir_r($dir); if ($restore) { wp_redirect( MasterPress::admin_url( $this->key(), "manage", array("restore-complete" => "1"), false ) ); } else { wp_redirect( MasterPress::admin_url( $this->key(), "manage", array("import-complete" => "1"), false ) ); } $view->info = $info; } else { self::ajax_error(__("The Masterplan is no longer valid. Please try another file", MASTERPRESS_DOMAIN)); } } else { self::ajax_error(__("The Masterplan is no longer valid. Please try another file", MASTERPRESS_DOMAIN)); } }
public function validate_name($op) { if ($this->name != "") { // check there isn't already a field set with this name $taxonomy_name = $this->visibility["taxonomies"]; if ($this->name != "") { $extra_check = ""; if ($op != "insert") { $extra_check = " AND <> ".$this->id." "; } } // check if a field set already exists specific to this post type if ($post_type) { $sql = "SELECT * FROM ".MPU::table("field-sets")." fg WHERE type = 'x' AND = '{$this->name}' AND ".MPM::visibility_rlike("taxonomies", $taxonomy_name).$extra_check; $result = MPM_FieldSet::get_model("field-set", $sql ); } if (isset($result) && $result) { $this->err(sprintf(__("Sorry, a field set named <em>%s</em> already exists for taxonomy <em>%s</em>. Please enter another name.", MASTERPRESS_DOMAIN), $this->name, $taxonomy_name), "name"); } } }
public function form() { $model = MasterPress::$model; $info = MasterPress::$view; $parent = $info->parent; global $wf; $prefix = ""; $default_key = "edit_posts"; $keys = array(); ?> <div class="mpv-field-sets-form"> <?php if (isset(MasterPress::$parent)) : ?> <div class="title-info-panel"> <div class="title-info-panel-lt"> <?php if (get_class($parent) == "MPM_PostType") : ?> <?php $post_type = $parent; $prefix = $post_type->name."_"; $default_key = "edit_".$post_type->capability_type."s"; $keys = array($default_key); ?> <h3 class="post-type"><i class="mp-icon mp-icon-post-type mp-icon-post-type-<?php echo $post_type->name ?>"></i><span class="label"><?php _e("Post Type:", MASTERPRESS_DOMAIN) ?></span><span class="value"> <?php echo $parent->labels["name"] ?></span></h3> <input id="post_type_name" type="hidden" value="<?php echo $parent->name ?>" /> <?php elseif ($model->template) : ?> <?php $file = MasterPress::$parent; $page_templates = array_flip(get_page_templates()); $template_name = $page_templates[$file]; ?> <input id="templates" name="templates" type="hidden" value="<?php echo $file ?>" /> <h3><i class="template"></i><span class="label"><?php _e("Template:", MASTERPRESS_DOMAIN) ?></span><span class="value"> <?php echo $template_name ?></span></h3> <?php elseif ($model->role) : ?> <?php $role_name = MasterPress::$parent; $prefix = $role_name."_"; ?> <input id="roles" name="roles" type="hidden" value="<?php echo $role_name ?>" /> <h3><i class="user-role"></i><span class="label"><?php _e("User Role:", MASTERPRESS_DOMAIN) ?></span><span class="value"> <?php echo $role_name ?></span></h3> <?php elseif ($model->taxonomy) : ?> <?php $taxonomy_id = MasterPress::$parent; $tax = MPM_Taxonomy::find_by_id($taxonomy_id); $prefix = $tax->name."_"; $default_key = $tax->capabilities["edit_terms"]; $keys = array( $tax->capabilities["manage_terms"], $tax->capabilities["edit_terms"], $tax->capabilities["assign_terms"] ); ?> <input id="taxonomies" name="taxonomies" type="hidden" value="<?php echo $tax->name ?>" /> <h3><i class="mp-icon mp-icon-taxonomy mp-icon-taxonomy-<?php echo $tax->name ?>"></i><span class="label"><?php _e("Taxonomy:", MASTERPRESS_DOMAIN) ?></span><span class="value"> <?php echo $tax->display_label() ?></span></h3> <?php endif; ?> </div> </div> <?php endif; ?> <?php MPV::messages(); ?> <div class="mpv-field-sets-form"> <div class="f"> <label for="name" class="icon"><i class="script-php"></i><?php _e("Name", MASTERPRESS_DOMAIN)?>:</label> <div class="fw"> <input id="name_original" name="name_original" type="hidden" class="text mono key" maxlength="20" value="<?php echo $model->name ?>" /> <input id="name_last" name="name_last" type="hidden" class="text mono key" maxlength="20" value="<?php echo $model->name ?>" /> <input id="name" name="name" type="text" class="text mono key" maxlength="255" value="<?php echo $model->name ?>" /><em class="required">(required)</em> <p> <?php _e("This is a unique identifier for the field set used in the MasterPress API. Since it can be used as a PHP variable name, it is restricted to being a lowercase string with words separated by underscores.", MASTERPRESS_DOMAIN); ?> </p> </div> </div> <!-- /.f --> <div id="f-singular_name" class="f"> <label for="singular_name" class="icon" maxlength="255"><i class="script-php"></i><?php _e("<strong>Singular</strong> Name", MASTERPRESS_DOMAIN)?>:</label> <div class="fw"> <input id="singular_name" name="singular_name" type="text" value="<?php echo $model->singular_name ?>" class="text mono key" /><em class="required">(required)</em> <p> <?php _e("The singular form of <em>Name</em>, following the same naming conventions", MASTERPRESS_DOMAIN); ?> </p> </div> </div> <!-- /.f --> <div class="f"> <label for="allow_multiple" class="icon"><i class="add-remove"></i><?php _e("Allow Multiple Items", MASTERPRESS_DOMAIN) ?>?</label> <div class="fw"> <input id="allow_multiple" name="allow_multiple" type="checkbox" value="true" <?php echo WOOF_HTML::checked_attr( $model->allow_multiple ) ?> class="checkbox" /> <p id="name_warning" class="warning"> <i class="error-circle"></i> <?php _e("For multiple-item field sets, <em>Name</em> should be specified in <strong>plural form</strong>. Please verify that this is correct above.", MASTERPRESS_DOMAIN) ?> </p> </div> </div> <!-- /.f --> <div class="f clearfix"> <label id="label-icon" for="icon" class="icon"><i class="image-small"></i><?php _e("Title Icon (16 x 16)", MASTERPRESS_DOMAIN) ?>:</label> <div class="fw"> <div id="icon-file-uploader" class="icon-uploader file-uploader { ids: { drop: 'icon_drop_area' }, input: '#icon', inputName: 'icon_ul', base_url: '<?php echo MASTERPRESS_GLOBAL_CONTENT_URL ?>', params: { dir: 'menu-icons/' }, limit: 1, lang: { buttonChoose: '<?php _e("Choose from Computer…", MASTERPRESS_DOMAIN) ?>', buttonReplace: '<?php _e("Replace file…", MASTERPRESS_DOMAIN) ?>' } }"> <div id="icon_drop_area" class="drop-area"><?php _e("Drop file here to upload", MASTERPRESS_DOMAIN) ?></div> <?php $file_name = $model->icon; $file_class = ""; $clear_class = ""; $preview_class = ""; if ($file_name == "") { $file_name = __("( None )", MASTERPRESS_DOMAIN); $file_class = "name-none"; $preview_class = "preview-none"; $style = ""; $clear_class = "hidden"; } else { $style = ' style="background-image: url('.MPU::field_set_icon_url($model->icon).')" '; } ?> <div class="file"> <span class="preview <?php echo $preview_class ?>" <?php echo $style ?>></span><span data-none="<?php echo __("( None )", MASTERPRESS_DOMAIN) ?>" class="name <?php echo $file_class ?>"><?php echo $file_name ?></span> <button type="button" class="<?php echo $clear_class ?> clear ir" title="<?php _e("Clear", MASTERPRESS_DOMAIN) ?>">Clear</button> </div> <input id="icon" name="icon" value="<?php echo $model->icon ?>" type="hidden" /> <div class="uploader-ui"></div> </div> <!-- /.file-uploader --> <?php MPV::icon_select($model->icon, "menu-icon-select", "icon_select", "icon-file-uploader"); ?> </div> </div> <!-- /.f --> <div class="f"> <label for="expanded" class="icon"><i class="expand"></i><?php _e("Expanded", MASTERPRESS_DOMAIN) ?>?</label> <div class="fw"> <input id="expanded" name="expanded" type="checkbox" value="true" <?php echo WOOF_HTML::checked_attr( $model->expanded ) ?> class="checkbox" /> <p class="checkbox-alt-label { for_el: '#expanded' }"> <?php _e("this field set will be expanded (not summarised) by default in the edit post screen, but can still be collapsed. It is recommended that this is <strong>unchecked if <em>Allow Multiple Items</em> is checked.</strong>", MASTERPRESS_DOMAIN); ?> </p> </div> </div> <!-- /.f --> <?php if (!$model->role) : ?> <div class="f"> <label for="sidebar" class="icon"><i class="sidebar"></i><?php _e("Show in Sidebar", MASTERPRESS_DOMAIN) ?>?</label> <div class="fw"> <input id="sidebar" name="sidebar" type="checkbox" value="true" <?php echo WOOF_HTML::checked_attr( $model->sidebar ) ?> class="checkbox" /> <p class="checkbox-alt-label { for_el: '#sidebar' }"> <?php _e("this field set will be positioned in the sidebar of the edit post screen by default (but may still be dragged across to the main content area by users)", MASTERPRESS_DOMAIN); ?> </p> </div> </div> <!-- /.f --> <?php endif; ?> <div class="f"> <label for="disabled" class="icon"><i class="slash"></i><?php _e("Disabled", MASTERPRESS_DOMAIN) ?>?</label> <div class="fw"> <input id="disabled" name="disabled" type="checkbox" value="true" <?php echo WOOF_HTML::checked_attr( $model->disabled ) ?> class="checkbox" /> <p class="checkbox-alt-label { for_el: '#disabled' }"> <?php _e("disabling a field set will keep its definition in the database but it will not be available in any post editing screens in WordPress, which may be <strong>preferable to deleting it</strong> completely.", MASTERPRESS_DOMAIN); ?> </p> </div> </div> <!-- /.f --> <div class="f"> <label for="versions_store" class="icon"><i class="metabox-versions size-20"></i><?php _e("Version Limit", MASTERPRESS_DOMAIN) ?></label> <div class="fw"> <input id="versions" name="versions" type="text" value="<?php echo $model->versions ?>" class="text" /> <p class="note"> <?php _e("Set a <b>maximum number of versions</b> of content based on this field set to retain.<br />Versions can be used to restore previous revisions of content at a later time.<br />Set this value to 0 if you do not wish to retain previous versions.", MASTERPRESS_DOMAIN); ?> </p> </div> </div> <!-- /.f --> <div class="fs fs-labels"> <div class="fst"> <div class="fstb"> <h3><i class="label-string"></i><strong><?php _e("Labels", MASTERPRESS_DOMAIN) ?></strong> - <?php _e("displayed in the <em>Edit Post</em> and MasterPress admin screens", MASTERPRESS_DOMAIN) ?></h3> <div class="buttons"> <button id="autofill-labels" class="button button-autofill" type="button"><?php _e('<strong>Auto-Fill</strong> Labels', MASTERPRESS_DOMAIN) ?></button> </div> </div> </div> <div class="fsc fscs"> <div class="fscb"> <div class="scroll"> <div class="f"> <label for="label_name"><?php _e("Set Label", MASTERPRESS_DOMAIN) ?>:</label> <div class="fw"> <input id="label_name" name="labels[name]" value="<?php echo $model->labels["name"] ?>" type="text" class="text { tmpl: '{{plural_name}}' }" /> <em class="recommended">(recommended)</em> </div> </div> <!-- /.f --> <div class="f"> <label for="label_description"><?php _e("Description", MASTERPRESS_DOMAIN)?>:</label> <div class="fw"> <textarea id="label_description" name="labels[description]"><?php echo $model->label("description") ?></textarea> <p> <?php _e("Displayed on the Create / Edit Post screen in the info area above the fields in this set.", MASTERPRESS_DOMAIN); ?> </p> </div> </div> <!-- /.f --> <?php if ($model->shared) : ?> <div class="f"> <label for="label_description_user"><?php _e("Description (User)", MASTERPRESS_DOMAIN)?>:</label> <div class="fw"> <textarea id="label_description_user" name="labels[description_user]"><?php echo $model->label("description_user") ?></textarea> <p> <?php _e("Displayed on the Create / Edit User and Profile screen in the info area above the fields in this set.<br />If not specified, the standard <em>Description</em> label will be used (if available)", MASTERPRESS_DOMAIN); ?> </p> </div> </div> <!-- /.f --> <div class="f"> <label for="label_description_term"><?php _e("Description (Term)", MASTERPRESS_DOMAIN)?>:</label> <div class="fw"> <textarea id="label_description_term" name="labels[description_term]"><?php echo $model->label("description_term") ?></textarea> <p> <?php _e("Displayed on the Edit (Taxonomy) Term in the info area above the fields in this set.<br />If not specified, the standard <em>Description</em> label will be used (if available)", MASTERPRESS_DOMAIN); ?> </p> </div> </div> <!-- /.f --> <?php endif; ?> <div class="f f-allow-multiple"> <label for="label_singular_name"><?php _e("<em>Singular</em> Name", MASTERPRESS_DOMAIN) ?>:</label> <div class="fw"> <input id="label_singular_name" name="labels[singular_name]" value="<?php echo $model->label("singular_name") ?>" type="text" class="text { tmpl: '{{singular_name}}' }" /> <em class="recommended">(recommended)</em> </div> </div> <!-- /.f --> <div class="f f-allow-multiple"> <label for="label_add"><?php _e("Add", MASTERPRESS_DOMAIN) ?>:</label> <div class="fw"> <input id="label_add" name="labels[add]" value="<?php echo $model->label("add") ?>" type="text" class="text { tmpl: '<?php _e("Add {{singular_name}}", MASTERPRESS_DOMAIN) ?>' }" /> </div> </div> <!-- /.f --> <div class="f f-allow-multiple"> <label for="label_add_another"><?php _e("Add Another", MASTERPRESS_DOMAIN) ?>:</label> <div class="fw"> <input id="label_add_another" name="labels[add_another]" value="<?php echo $model->label("add_another") ?>" type="text" class="text { tmpl: '<?php _e("Add Another {{singular_name}}", MASTERPRESS_DOMAIN) ?>' }" /> </div> </div> <!-- /.f --> <div class="f f-allow-multiple"> <label for="label_remove"><?php _e("Remove", MASTERPRESS_DOMAIN) ?>:</label> <div class="fw"> <input id="label_remove" name="labels[remove]" value="<?php echo $model->label("remove") ?>" type="text" class="text { tmpl: '<?php _e("Remove {{singular_name}}", MASTERPRESS_DOMAIN) ?>' }" /> </div> </div> <!-- /.f --> <div class="f f-allow-multiple"> <label for="label_click_to_add"><?php _e("Click to Add", MASTERPRESS_DOMAIN) ?>:</label> <div class="fw"> <input id="label_click_to_add" name="labels[click_to_add]" value="<?php echo $model->label("click_to_add") ?>" type="text" class="text { tmpl: '<?php _e("Click to add {{singular_name}}", MASTERPRESS_DOMAIN) ?>' }" /> </div> </div> <!-- /.f --> <div class="f f-allow-multiple"> <label for="label_one_item"><?php _e("1 Item", MASTERPRESS_DOMAIN) ?>:</label> <div class="fw"> <input id="label_one_item" name="labels[one_item]" value="<?php echo $model->label("one_item") ?>" type="text" class="text { tmpl: '<?php _e("1 {{singular_name}}", MASTERPRESS_DOMAIN) ?>' }" /> </div> </div> <!-- /.f --> <div class="f f-allow-multiple"> <label for="label_n_items"><?php _e("n Items", MASTERPRESS_DOMAIN) ?>:</label> <div class="fw"> <input id="label_n_items" name="labels[n_items]" value="<?php echo $model->label("n_items") ?>" type="text" class="text { tmpl: '<?php _e("%d {{plural_name}}", MASTERPRESS_DOMAIN) ?>' }" /> </div> </div> <!-- /.f --> <div class="f f-allow-multiple"> <label for="label_no_items"><?php _e("No Items", MASTERPRESS_DOMAIN) ?>:</label> <div class="fw"> <input id="label_no_items" name="labels[no_items]" value="<?php echo $model->label("no_items") ?>" type="text" class="text { tmpl: '<?php _e("No {{plural_name}}", MASTERPRESS_DOMAIN) ?>' }" /> </div> </div> <!-- /.f --> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- /.fs --> <div class="fs fs-capability-keys clearfix"> <div class="fst"> <div class="fstb"> <h3><i class="key"></i><strong><?php _e("Capabilities", MASTERPRESS_DOMAIN) ?></strong> - <?php _e('the keys used to control access to this field set', MASTERPRESS_DOMAIN) ?></h3> </div> </div> <div class="fsc"> <div class="fscb clearfix"> <div class="f f-capabilities f-capabilities-editable clearfix"> <label for="label-capabilities-editable"><?php _e("Editable", MASTERPRESS_DOMAIN) ?>:</label> <div class="fw"> <?php $val = $model->capability("editable", false); $caps = array_unique(array_merge($keys, array("edit_posts", "edit_pages"))); $caps = array( __("-- None (Always Editable) --", MASTERPRESS_DOMAIN) => "" ) + $caps; if (MPC::is_edit()) { $caps[] = "edit_".$prefix.$model->name; } $custom_val = ""; if (!in_array($val, $caps)) { $custom_val = $val; } echo WOOF_HTML::select( array("id" => "capabilities-editable", "name" => "capabilities[editable]", "class" => "capabilities" ), $caps, $val ); ?> <label for="capabilities-editable-custom" class="capabilities-custom"><?php _e("OR custom value") ?></label> <input id="capabilities-editable-custom" name="capabilities_custom[editable]" value="<?php echo $custom_val ?>" type="text" class="text mono capabilities-custom" /> <p class="note"> <?php _e("All fields in this set will be read-only for users without this capability.<br />Individual fields may override this with their own capabilities.", MASTERPRESS_DOMAIN) ?> </p> </div> </div> <!-- /.f --> <div class="f f-capabilities f-capabilities-visible clearfix"> <label for="label-capabilities-visible"><?php _e("Visible", MASTERPRESS_DOMAIN) ?>:</label> <div class="fw"> <?php $val = $model->capability("visible", false); $caps = array_unique(array_merge($keys, array("edit_posts", "edit_pages"))); $caps = array( __("-- None (Always Visible) --", MASTERPRESS_DOMAIN) => "" ) + $caps; if (MPC::is_edit()) { $caps[] = "view_".$prefix.$model->name; } $custom_val = ""; if (!in_array($val, $caps)) { $custom_val = $val; } echo WOOF_HTML::select( array("id" => "capabilities-visible", "name" => "capabilities[visible]", "class" => "capabilities" ), $caps, $val ); ?> <label for="capabilities-visible-custom" class="capabilities-custom"><?php _e("OR custom value") ?></label> <input id="capabilities-visible-custom" name="capabilities_custom[visible]" value="<?php echo $custom_val ?>" type="text" class="text mono capabilities-custom" /> <p class="note"> <?php _e("This field set will be invisible for users without this capability", MASTERPRESS_DOMAIN) ?> </p> </div> </div> <!-- /.f --> </div> </div> </div> <!-- /.fs --> <?php $args = array(); $args["supports"] = array(); if (is_multisite() && MASTERPRESS_MULTISITE_SHARING) { $args["supports"] = array("multisite"); } if ($model->is_shared()) { $args["supports"][] = "post_types"; } if (!isset($info->is_template_set) && $model->is_shared() ) { $args["supports"][] = "templates"; } if (!isset($info->is_role_set) && $model->is_shared() ) { $args["supports"][] = "roles"; } if (!isset($info->is_taxonomy_set) && $model->is_shared() ) { $args["supports"][] = "taxonomies"; } $args["labels"] = array( "title" => __("control the visibility of this field set within WordPress", MASTERPRESS_DOMAIN), "title_multisite" => __("specify the sites in the multisite network that this field set is available in", MASTERPRESS_DOMAIN), "title_post_types" => __("specify the post types that this field set is available in", MASTERPRESS_DOMAIN), "title_templates" => __("specify the templates that this field set is available in", MASTERPRESS_DOMAIN), "title_roles" => __("specify the roles that users must have for this field set to be available in their profile edit screen", MASTERPRESS_DOMAIN), "multisite_all" => __( "All Sites" ), "post_types_all" => __( "All Post Types" ), "templates_all" => __( "All Templates" ) ); $args["defaults"] = array( "post_types" => "all" ); if ($model->type == "p") { $post_type = $parent; $templates = $post_type->templates(); if (count($templates)) { $args["supports"][] = "templates"; $args["templates"] = array(); $all = array_flip(get_page_templates()); foreach ($templates as $t) { $name = $all[$t->id]; $args["templates"][$name] = $t->id; } } } if (isset($parent) && is_multisite()) { $site_options = array(); foreach ($parent->sites() as $site) { $site_options[$site->full_path()] = $site->id(); } $args["sites"] = $site_options; }; MPV::fs_visibility( $model, $args ); ?> <?php if ($info->is_template_set) : ?> <input id="visibility-templates" name="visibility[templates]" type="hidden" value="<?php echo $file ?>" /> <?php endif; ?> <?php if ($info->is_role_set) : ?> <input id="visibility-roles" name="visibility[roles]" type="hidden" value="<?php echo $role_name ?>" /> <?php endif; ?> <?php if ($info->is_taxonomy_set) : ?> <input id="visibility-taxonomies" name="visibility[taxonomies]" type="hidden" value="<?php echo $tax->name ?>" /> <?php endif; ?> <?php if ($model->is_post_type() && isset($parent)) : ?> <input id="visibility-post-types" name="visibility[post_types]" type="hidden" value="<?php echo $parent->name ?>" /> <?php endif; ?> <div id="f-position" class="f clearfix"> <label for="position" class="icon"><i class="sort"></i><?php _e("Set Position", MASTERPRESS_DOMAIN)?>:</label> <div class="fw"> <div class="sortable-list sortable-list-fields"> <span class="arrow"></span> <?php // build a field list $field_sets = array(); if ($model->shared) { $field_sets = MPM_SharedFieldSet::find( array( "orderby" => "position ASC" ) ); } else if ($model->template) { $field_sets = MPM_TemplateFieldSet::find_by_template( MasterPress::$parent ); } else if ($model->role) { $field_sets = MPM_RoleFieldSet::find_by_role( MasterPress::$parent ); } else if ($model->taxonomy) { $field_sets = MPM_TaxonomyFieldSet::find_by_taxonomy( $tax ); } else if ($model->site) { $field_sets = MPM_SiteFieldSet::find( array( "orderby" => "position ASC" ) ); } else { $sql = "SELECT * FROM ".MPU::table("field-sets")." WHERE ( type = 'p' ) AND ".MPM::visibility_rlike("post_types", $parent->name)." ORDER BY position"; $field_sets = MPM::get_models("field-set", $sql); } $sort_field_sets = array(); // now build a representable list of field_sets $icon = $model->shared ? MPU::img_url("icon-shared-field-set.png") : MPU::img_url("icon-field-set-small.png"); $icon_class = $model->shared ? "metabox-share" : "metabox"; foreach ($field_sets as $field_set) { $position = $field_set->position; if (isset($_POST["other_position"]) && $_POST["other_position"][$field_set->id]) { $position = $_POST["other_position"][$field_set->id]; } $sort_field_sets[] = array( "position" => $position, "disabled" => $field_set->disabled, "current" => $field_set->id == $model->id, "label" => $field_set->display_label(), "icon_class" => $icon_class, "icon" => $icon, "id" => $field_set->id ); } if (MPC::is_create()) { $label = $model->display_label(); if (!$label || $label == "") { $label = "?"; } $sort_field_sets[] = array( "position" => $model->position, "disabled" => $model->disabled, "current" => true, "label" => $model->display_label(), "icon" => $icon, "icon_class" => $icon_class ); } $count = 0; ?> <ul> <?php foreach ($sort_field_sets as $f) : $count++; $first = $count == 1 ? "first " : ""; $current = $f["current"] ? 'current ' : ''; ?> <?php $disabled = $f["disabled"] ? 'disabled' : ''; $disabled_title = $f["disabled"] ? __("This field set is disabled", MASTERPRESS_DOMAIN) : ''; ?> <li class="<?php echo $first.$current ?> <?php echo $disabled ?>" title="<?php echo $disabled_title ?>"> <i class="<?php echo $icon_class ?>"></i> <?php if ($f["current"]) : ?> <span class="inline fill { src: '#label_name,#label_singular_name'}"><?php echo $f["label"] ?></span> <input id="position" name="position" value="<?php echo $f["position"] ?>" type="hidden" class="text" /> <?php else: ?> <span class="inline"><?php echo $f["label"] ?></span> <input id="other_position" name="other_position[<?php echo $f["id"] ?>]" value="<?php echo $f["position"] ?>" type="hidden" /> <?php endif; ?> </li> <?php endforeach; ?> </ul> </div> <!-- /.sortable-list --> <p> <?php _e("Drag set to the desired <em>default</em> position in the WordPress <em>Create / Edit Post</em> screen.<br />Note: Field sets are displayed in a standard WordPress UI panel (metabox), which can be dragged around by the user to also influence the order.", MASTERPRESS_DOMAIN) ?> </p> </div> </div> <!-- /.f --> </div> <!-- /.mpv-field-sets-form --> <?php }
public function post_type_field_sets($post_type_name, $template_name = "", $orderby = "position ASC") { global $wf; if (is_null($template_name)) { $template_name = ""; } $args = array($post_type_name, $template_name, $orderby); if (is_null($ret = $this->property_cache_args("post_type_field_sets", $args ))) { $this->field_types = array(); global $wpdb; $field_sets_table = MPM::table("field-sets"); $fields_table = MPM::table("fields"); $select_list = $this->assigned_select_list(); $sql = " SELECT $select_list FROM $field_sets_table s INNER JOIN $fields_table f ON = f.`field_set_id` WHERE (s.type = 'p' OR s.type = 's') AND ".MPM::visibility_rlike("post_types", $post_type_name, "s.")." AND ".MPM::visibility_rlike("post_types", $post_type_name, "f."); if ($template_name != "") { // filter by template too $sql .= " AND ".MPM::visibility_rlike("templates", $template_name, "s.")." AND ".MPM::visibility_rlike("templates", $template_name, "f."); } $sql .= " AND f.disabled = 0 AND s.disabled = 0 ORDER BY set_type, set_position, field_position; "; $field_sets = array(); $fields_by_set = array(); $results = $wpdb->get_results($sql); if ($template_name != "") { $template_results = $this->template_field_sets($template_name); if ($template_results && count($template_results)) { $results = array_merge($results, $template_results); } } foreach ($results as $result) { $set_name = $result->set_name; $set_type = $result->set_type; $use_set = true; $use_field = true; if (isset($field_sets[$set_name])) { if ($set_type == $field_sets[$set_name]["type"]) { $use_set = false; // we already have this set recorded } if ($set_type == 't' && in_array($field_sets[$set_name]["type"], array('s','p'))) { // clear any existing fields already set $fields_by_set[$set_name] = null; } if ($set_type == 's' && $field_sets[$set_name]["type"] == 'p') { // the existing set is a post type field set, which holds greater specificity than this shared set, so don't use this set or field $use_set = false; $use_field = false; } if (in_array($set_type, array('p','s')) && $field_sets[$set_name]["type"] == 't') { // the existing set is a template field set, which holds greater specificity than this shared or post type set, so don't use this set's info $use_set = false; $use_field = false; } } if ($use_set) { $field_sets[$set_name] = $this->set_data_from_result($result); } // now record the field too if ($use_field) { if (!in_array($result->field_type, $this->field_types)) { $this->field_types[] = $result->field_type; } $fields_by_set[$set_name][$result->field_name] = $this->field_data_from_result($result); } } // endforeach $field_set_models = array(); foreach ($field_sets as $field_set) { if ($field_set["type"] == "s") { $field_set_model = new MPM_SharedFieldSet(); } else { $field_set_model = new MPM_FieldSet(); } $field_set_model->set_from_row($field_set); $field_models = array(); $fields = $fields_by_set[$field_set["name"]]; if (is_array($fields) && count($fields)) { foreach ($fields as $field) { $field_model = new MPM_Field(); $field_model->set_from_row($field); if ($field_model->in_current_site()) { $field_models[$field["name"]] = $field_model; } } $field_set_model->set_fields($field_models); } if ($field_set_model->in_current_site()) { $field_set_models[$field_set_model->name] = $field_set_model; } } $ret = $this->property_cache_args("post_type_field_sets", $args, $field_set_models ); } return $ret; }
public function field_set_count() { global $wpdb; $post_type_sets = $wpdb->get_col("SELECT id FROM ".MPU::table("field-sets")." WHERE type = 'p' AND ".MPM::visibility_rlike("post_types", $this->name)); return count($post_type_sets); }
public function delete_field_sets() { global $wpdb; // delete the field sets of type 'x' $sql = "SELECT id FROM ".MPU::table("field-sets")." WHERE type = 'x' AND ".MPM::visibility_rlike("taxonomies", $this->name); $tax_sets = $wpdb->get_col($sql); if (count($tax_sets)) { // delete JUST the POST TYPE field sets assigned to this post type $wpdb->query("DELETE FROM ".MPU::table("field-sets")." WHERE id IN (".implode(",", $tax_sets).") "); // delete the fields within those sets $wpdb->query("DELETE FROM ".MPU::table("fields")." WHERE field_set_id IN (".implode(",", $tax_sets).") "); } }