/** * An html form triggers an update via form submit (POST). The function updates data of a specific comment and * displays a message in the result page. * * @param StdClass $args * @param ReadOnlyObject $action * @param ReadWriteObject $mem_redirect * @param ReadWriteObject $mem_resend * @return false (in case of a failure) or string pointing to a page that displays a single comment */ public function updateCallback(StdClass $args, ReadOnlyObject $action, ReadWriteObject $mem_redirect, ReadWriteObject $mem_resend) { $errors = $this->model->checkUpdate($args->post); if (count($errors) > 0) { $mem_redirect->post = $args->post; $mem_redirect->errors = $errors; return false; } $a = $this->model->getSingle($args->post['id']); $c = $a[0]; $msg = "Updating comment #" . $args->post['id'] . " previous where=" . $c->TextWhere . " previous text=" . $c->TextFree . " previous Quality=" . $c->Quality; MOD_log::get()->write($msg, 'AdminComments'); $update = $this->model->update($c, $args->post); if ($args->post['subset'] == 'from') { $mem_redirect->comments = $this->model->getFrom($this->route_vars['id']); } else { if ($args->post['subset'] == 'to') { $mem_redirect->comments = $this->model->getTo($this->route_vars['id']); } else { $mem_redirect->comments = $this->model->getSubset($args->post['subset']); } } $this->setFlashNotice("Updated comment of " . $args->post['nameFrom'] . " about " . $args->post['nameTo'] . "."); return $this->router->url('admin_comments_list_single', array('id' => $args->post['id']), false); }
public function index() { $vw = new ViewWrap($this->_view); $P = PVars::getObj('page'); $request = PRequest::get()->request; if (!isset($request[1])) { $request[1] = ''; } $TDonationArray = false; $error = false; $sub = ''; $sub = $request[1]; // static pages switch ($request[1]) { case 'done': $error = $this->_model->returnFromPayPal(); $TDonationArray = $this->_model->getDonations(); break; case 'cancel': if (isset($_SESSION["PaypalBW_key"])) { // Log to track wrong donation MOD_log::get()->write("Donation cancelled [\$_SESSION[\"PaypalBW_key\"]=" . $_SESSION["PaypalBW_key"] . "]", "Donation"); break; } default: $TDonationArray = $this->_model->getDonations(); break; } $P->content .= $vw->donate($sub, $TDonationArray, $error); // teaser content $P->teaserBar .= $vw->ShowSimpleTeaser('Donate', $TDonationArray); // submenu $P->subMenu .= $vw->submenu($sub); // User bar on the left $P->newBar .= $vw->donateBar($TDonationArray); }
/** * Returns true if member belongs to group volunteer * */ public function returnFromPayPal() { /* //The donation returns an url as the following http://www.bewelcome.org/bw/donations2.php?action=done&tx=0ME24142PE152304A&st=Completed&amt=5.00&cc=EUR&cm=&item_number=&sig=hYUTlSOjBeJvNqfFqc%252fZbrBA4p6c%252fe6EErVp1w18eOBR96p6hzzenPysL%252bFVPZi8YEcONFovQmYn%252b6QF%252fBYoVhGMoaQJCxBQh%252bLAlC0TdgeScs1skk0%252bpY6SyoC%252fNCV1ou69zWRrhDrtsa4SUHibLD%252f1RwGg43iaZjPhB24I6lg%253d */ // save the first immediate return values $tx = $tx_token = $_GET['tx']; $payment_amount = $_GET['amt']; $payment_currency = $_GET['cc']; // read the post from PayPal system and add 'cmd' $req = 'cmd=_notify-synch'; $auth_token = "token is not set"; if (isset($_SYSHCVOL['paypal_authtoken'])) { $auth_token = $_SYSHCVOL['paypal_authtoken']; } $req .= "&tx={$tx_token}&at={$auth_token}"; /* foreach ($_POST as $key => $value) { $value = trim(urlencode(stripslashes($value))); echo "_POST[", $key,"]=",$value,"<br />"; } foreach ($_GET as $key => $value) { $value = trim(urlencode(stripslashes($value))); echo "_GET[", $key,"]=",$value,"<br />"; } */ // post back to PayPal system to validate $header = "POST /cgi-bin/webscr HTTP/1.0\r\n"; $header .= "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n"; $header .= "Content-Length: " . strlen($req) . "\r\n\r\n"; $fp = fsockopen('www.paypal.com', 80, $errno, $errstr, 30); // If possible, securely post back to paypal using HTTPS // Your PHP server will need to be SSL enabled // $fp = fsockopen ('ssl://www.paypal.com', 443, $errno, $errstr, 30); if (!$fp) { MOD_log::get()->write("Failed to connect to paypal for return value while checking confirmation on paypal", "donation"); $error = "A problem occured while checking confirmation with paypal"; return $error; } else { fputs($fp, $header . $req); // sending the query to paypal // read the body data $res = ''; $headerdone = false; while (!feof($fp)) { // while result not received $line = fgets($fp, 1024); // reading the result if (strcmp($line, "\r\n") == 0) { // read the header $headerdone = true; } else { if ($headerdone) { MOD_log::get()->write("Requesting paypal for confirmation (\$tx_token=" . $tx_token . ") [" . $line . "]", "donation"); // header has been read. now read the contents $res .= $line; } } } // parse the data to read the return variables by paypal $lines = explode("\n", $res); $keyarray = array(); if (strcmp($lines[0], "SUCCESS") == 0) { for ($i = 1; $i < count($lines); $i++) { // Retrieve the parameters if (strpos($lines[$i], "=")) { list($key, $val) = explode("=", $lines[$i]); } $keyarray[urldecode($key)] = urldecode($val); } $ItsOK = true; $txn_id = $keyarray['txn_id']; if ($payment_amount != $keyarray['mc_gross']) { // If amount differs we will not continue $ItsOK = false; MOD_log::get()->write("Problem for \$payment_amount expected=" . $payment_amount . " return par paypal confirmation=" . $keyarray['mc_gross'], "donation"); } if ($payment_currency != $keyarray['mc_currency']) { // If currency differs we will not continue $ItsOK = false; MOD_log::get()->write("Problem for \$payment_currency expected=" . $payment_currency . " return par paypal confirmation=" . $keyarray['mc_currency'], "donation"); } if ($keyarray['txn_id'] != $tx) { // If control code differs we will not continue $ItsOK = false; MOD_log::get()->write("Problem for txn_id expected=" . $tx . " return par paypal confirmation=" . $keyarray['txn_id'], "donation"); } if (!$ItsOK) { $error = "We detected a problem while checking the success of your donation on paypal"; return $error; } $IdMember = 0; $IdCountry = 0; // This values will remain if the user was not logged if (isset($_SESSION["IdMember"])) { $IdMember = $_SESSION["IdMember"]; $query = <<<SQL SELECT geonames_cache.parentCountryId AS IdCountry FROM members, addresses, geonames_cache WHERE members.id={$IdMember} AND geonames_cache.geonameid = addresses.IdCity AND members.id = addresses.IdMember AND addresses.rank = 0 SQL; $result = $this->dao->query($query); $m = $result->fetch(PDB::FETCH_OBJ); $IdCountry = $m->IdCountry; } $referencepaypal = "ID #" . $keyarray['txn_id'] . " payment_status=" . $keyarray['payment_status']; if ($keyarray['mc_currency'] == "USD") { $payment_currency = "\$"; } else { if ($keyarray['mc_currency'] == "EUR") { $payment_currency = "€"; } else { $payment_currency = $keyarray['mc_currency']; } } $receiver_email = $keyarray['payer_email']; // now test if this donation was allready registrated $query = ' SELECT * FROM donations WHERE IdMember=' . $IdMember . ' AND referencepaypal LIKE "%' . $referencepaypal . '%"'; $result = $this->dao->query($query); $rr = $result->fetch(PDB::FETCH_OBJ); if (isset($rr->id)) { // If a previous version was already existing, it means a double signup MOD_log::get()->write("Same Donation Submited several times for " . $keyarray['mc_gross'] . $payment_currency . " by " . $keyarray['first_name'] . " " . $keyarray['last_name'] . "/" . $receiver_email . " status=" . $payment_status . " [expected" . $_SESSION["PaypalBW_key"] . " received=" . $tx . "]", "Donation"); $error = "Your donation is registrated only once , not need to submit twice ;-)"; return $error; } $memo = ""; if (isset($keyarray['memo'])) { $memo = $keyarray['memo']; } $query = ' INSERT INTO `donations` ( `IdMember`,`Email`,`StatusPrivate`,`created`,`Amount`,`Money`,`IdCountry`,`namegiven`,`referencepaypal`,`membercomment`,`SystemComment` ) VALUES (' . $IdMember . ',"' . $receiver_email . '","showamountonly",now(),' . $payment_amount . ',"' . $payment_currency . '",' . $IdCountry . ',"' . $keyarray["first_name"] . ' ' . $keyarray["last_name"] . '","' . $referencepaypal . '","","Via paypal' . ' ' . $keyarray["payment_status"] . ' ' . $memo . '") '; $this->dao->exec($query); MOD_log::get()->write("donation ID #" . $referencepaypal . " recorded", "donation"); fclose($fp); return; } // end if verified MOD_log::get()->write("can't find verified in paypal return information for ID #" . $tx . " recorded", "donation"); $error = "not verified"; return $error; } // enf if fp }
public function index($args = false) { // First check if the feature is closed if ($_SESSION["Param"]->RssFeedIsClosed != 'No') { PPHP::PExit(); // To do find a better exit break; } // end of test "if feature is closed" $request = $args->request; $model = new RssModel(); // $request[0] is 'rss', anyway. Don't need to do any ifs and switches for that. if (isset($request[1])) { $ss = "Querying RSS with "; $ss = $ss . "[" . $request[1] . "]"; if (isset($request[2])) { $ss = $ss . "[" . $request[2] . "]"; if (isset($request[3])) { $ss = $ss . "[" . $request[3] . "]"; if (isset($request[4])) { $ss = $ss . "[" . $request[4] . "]"; } } } MOD_log::get()->write($ss, "rss"); } switch (isset($request[1]) ? $request[1] : false) { /** * thread/tagid * thread/tagname (TODO?) */ case 'thread': case 'threads': case 'forumthreads': // request is ..bw.org/rss/thread, or ..bw.org/rss/thread/* // check if $request[2] identifies a thread id. if (!isset($request[2])) { // can't show a thread rss, because the thread id is not given. // show a global rss instead $model->getForumFeed(); $page = new PageWithForumRSS(); } else { if (!$model->getThreadFeed($request[2])) { // an id (or name?) was given, but there is no thread with that id $model->getForumFeed(); $page = new PageWithForumRSS(); } else { //http://localhost/bw/htdocs/rss/thread/1 // cool, found one!! //$model->getThreadFeed($request[2]); $page = new PageWithThreadRSS(); } } break; /** * tag/tagid * tag/tagname (TODO?) */ /** * tag/tagid * tag/tagname (TODO?) */ case 'tag': case 'tags': // request is ..bw.org/rss/tag, or ..bw.org/rss/tag/* if (!isset($request[2])) { // can't show a thread rss, because the thread id is not given. // show a global rss instead $model->getForumFeed(); $page = new PageWithForumRSS(); } else { if (!$model->getTagFeed($request[2])) { // no such tag found.. $model->getForumFeed(); $page = new PageWithForumRSS(); } else { //$rss = $model->getTagFeed($request[2]); $model->getTagFeed($request[2]); $page = new PageWithTagRSS(); } } break; /** * blog * blog/tag/tagid * blog/tag/tagname * blog/author/username */ /** * blog * blog/tag/tagid * blog/tag/tagname * blog/author/username */ case 'blog': if (!isset($request[2])) { $model->getBlogFeed(); } else { switch ($request[2]) { case 'tags': if (!isset($request[3]) || !$model->getBlogFeedByTag($request[3])) { // only happens when getBlogFeedByTag() doesn't come up with results $model->getBlogFeed(); } break; default: if (isset($request[3]) && $request[3] == 'cat') { // in future: do nothing ;) $model->getBlogFeed(); } else { if (!$model->getBlogFeedByAuthor($request[2])) { $model->getBlogFeed(); } } } } $page = new PageWithBlogRSS(); break; case 'meeting': case 'meetings': if (!$model->getTagFeed($request[1])) { $model->getForumFeed(); $page = new PageWithForumRSS(); } else { $page = new PageWithTagRSS(); } break; default: // request is ..bw.org/rss/*, but none of the above $page = new RssOverviewPage(); } //TODO: request[1] & request[2] exist = rss/thread/345, rss/tag/help or so $page->setModel($model); PVars::getObj('page')->output_done = true; if (isset($args->get['debug']) && MOD_right::get()->hasRight('debug')) { $page->debug = true; } return $page; }
/** * * FIXME: IdCity is written both to the members and the address table! * This is just imitating the strategy of bw/signup.php! * JY Comment : wont fix, this redudancy is on purpose (this is so useful ...) * * This has NOT been executed: * ALTER TABLE members * MODIFY COLUMN `id` int( 11 ) NOT NULL COMMENT 'IdMember' * As a result, we do NOT use * '.$this->dao->nextId('members').', * */ public function registerBWMember($vars) { // ******************************************************************** // members // ******************************************************************** $query = ' INSERT INTO `members` ( `Username`, `IdCity`, `Gender`, `HideGender`, `created`, `BirthDate`, `HideBirthDate`, `Accomodation` ) VALUES ( \'' . $vars['username'] . '\', ' . $vars['geonameid'] . ', \'' . $vars['gender'] . '\', \'' . $vars['genderhidden'] . '\', now(), \'' . $vars['iso_date'] . '\', \'' . $vars['agehidden'] . '\', \'' . $vars['accommodation'] . '\' )'; $members = $this->dao->query($query); $memberID = $members->insertId(); $memberEntity = new Member($memberID); $vars['password'] = $memberEntity->preparePassword($vars['password']); $motherTongue = $this->createEntity('Language', $vars['mothertongue']); $memberLanguageEntity = $this->createEntity('MemberLanguage'); $memberLanguageEntity->setSpokenLanguage($memberEntity, $motherTongue, 'MotherLanguage'); // Check if selected MotherTongue is in the list of translated languages and set it as preferred language $model = new FlaglistModel(); $languages = $model->getLanguages(); $languageFilter = function ($lang) { return function ($v) use($lang) { return $v->id == $lang; }; }; $filteredLanguages = array_filter($languages, $languageFilter($motherTongue->id)); if (!empty($filteredLanguages)) { $update = "\r\n INSERT INTO\r\n memberspreferences\r\n SET\r\n IdMember = " . $memberEntity->id . ",\r\n IdPreference = 1,\r\n Value = " . $motherTongue->id; $this->dao->query($update); } $memberEntity->update(); $memberEntity->setPassword($vars['password']); // ******************************************************************** // e-mail, names/members // ******************************************************************** $cryptedfieldsEmail = MOD_crypt::insertCrypted($vars['email'], "members.Email", $memberID, $memberID, "always"); $cryptedfieldsFirstname = MOD_crypt::insertCrypted($this->dao->escape(strip_tags($vars['firstname'])), "members.FirstName", $memberID, $memberID); $cryptedfieldsSecondname = MOD_crypt::insertCrypted($this->dao->escape(strip_tags($vars['secondname'])), "members.SecondName", $memberID, $memberID); $cryptedfieldsLastname = MOD_crypt::insertCrypted($this->dao->escape(strip_tags($vars['lastname'])), "members.LastName", $memberID, $memberID); $query = ' UPDATE `members` SET `Email`=' . $cryptedfieldsEmail . ', `FirstName`=' . $cryptedfieldsFirstname . ', `SecondName`=' . $cryptedfieldsSecondname . ', `LastName`=' . $cryptedfieldsLastname . ' WHERE `id` = ' . $memberID; $this->dao->query($query); // ******************************************************************** // address/addresses // ******************************************************************** $query = ' INSERT INTO addresses ( `IdMember`, `IdCity`, `HouseNumber`, `StreetName`, `Zip`, `created`, `Explanation` ) VALUES ( ' . $memberID . ', ' . $vars['geonameid'] . ', 0, 0, 0, now(), 0)'; $s = $this->dao->query($query); if (!$s->insertId()) { $vars['errors'] = array('inserror'); return false; } // ******************************************************************** // location (where Philipp would put it) // ******************************************************************** $geomodel = new GeoModel(); if (!$geomodel->addGeonameId($vars['geonameid'], 'member_primary')) { $vars['errors'] = array('geoinserterror'); return false; } // Only for bugtesting and backwards compatibility the geo-views in our DB $CityName = "not found in cities view"; $geonameId = intval($vars['geonameid']); $sqry = "\r\n SELECT\r\n name\r\n FROM\r\n geonames_cache\r\n WHERE\r\n geonameId = {$geonameId}\r\n "; $qry = $this->dao->query($sqry); if ($qry) { $rr = $qry->fetch(PDB::FETCH_OBJ); if (isset($rr->name)) { $CityName = $rr->name; } else { MOD_log::get()->write("Signup bug [" . $sqry . "]" . " (With New Signup !)", "Signup"); } } MOD_log::get()->writeIdMember($memberID, "member <b>" . $vars['username'] . "</b> is signuping with success in city [" . $CityName . "] using language (" . $_SESSION["lang"] . " IdMember=#" . $memberID . " (With New Signup !)", "Signup"); return $memberID; }
function setupBWSession($m) { $member_id = (int) $m->id; // Set the session identifier $_SESSION['IdMember'] = $m->id; $_SESSION['Username'] = $m->Username; $_SESSION['MemberStatus'] = $_SESSION['Status'] = $m->Status; if ($_SESSION['IdMember'] != $m->id) { // Check is session work of $this->logout(); throw new PException('Login sanity check failed miserably!'); } // end Check is session work of $_SESSION['MemberCryptKey'] = crypt($m->PassWord, "rt"); // Set the key which will be used for member personal cryptation $_SESSION['LogCheck'] = Crc32($_SESSION['MemberCryptKey'] . $m->id); // Set the key for checking id and LohCheck (will be restricted in future) if ($m->NbRemindWithoutLogingIn > 0) { MOD_log::get()->write("This member was having a NbRemindWithoutLogingIn=" . $m->NbRemindWithoutLogingIn, "Login"); } $this->dao->query("\r\nUPDATE\r\n members\r\nSET\r\n LogCount = LogCount+1,\r\n LastLogin = NOW(),\r\n NbRemindWithoutLogingIn = 0\r\n\r\nWHERE\r\n id = {$member_id}\r\n "); // update the LastLogin date // Load language prederence (IdPreference=1) // todo: come up with interesting idea like ... using just ONE query to load preferences if ($preference_language = $this->singleLookup("\r\nSELECT\r\n memberspreferences.Value AS language_id,\r\n ShortCode AS language_code\r\nFROM\r\n memberspreferences,\r\n languages,\r\n\tpreferences\r\nWHERE\r\n IdMember = {$member_id} AND\r\n memberspreferences.Value = languages.id AND\r\n IdPreference=preferences.id and preferences.CodeName='PreferenceLanguage'\r\n ")) { $_SESSION['IdLanguage'] = $preference_language->language_id; $_SESSION['lang'] = $preference_language->language_code; } if ($preference_PreferenceDayLight = $this->singleLookup("\r\nSELECT\r\n memberspreferences.Value\r\nFROM\r\n memberspreferences,\r\n\tpreferences\r\nWHERE\r\n IdMember = {$member_id} AND\r\n IdPreference=preferences.id and preferences.CodeName='PreferenceDayLight'\r\n ")) { $_SESSION['PreferenceDayLight'] = $preference_PreferenceDayLight->Value; } if ($preference_PreferenceLocalTime = $this->singleLookup("\r\nSELECT\r\n memberspreferences.Value\r\nFROM\r\n memberspreferences,\r\n\tpreferences\r\nWHERE\r\n IdMember = {$member_id} AND\r\n IdPreference=preferences.id and preferences.CodeName='PreferenceLocalTime'\r\n ")) { $_SESSION["TimeOffset"] = $preference_PreferenceLocalTime->Value; } // Process the login of the member according to his status switch ($m->Status) { case "Active": case "ActiveHidden": case "ChoiceInactive": case "NeedMore": case "Pending": //if (HasRight("Words")) // $_SESSION['switchtrans'] = "on"; // Activate switchtrans oprion if its a translator break; default: throw new PException('SetupBWSession Weird Status!'); break; } }
/** * index is called when http request = ./forums * or during a new topic/edit of a group */ public function index($subforum = false) { if (PPostHandler::isHandling()) { return; } // Determine the search callback and tell the view about it $searchCallbackId = $this->searchProcess(); $view = $this->_view; $view->searchCallbackId = $searchCallbackId; $page = $view->page = new RoxGenericPage(); $request = $this->request; if (isset($request[0]) && $request[0] != 'forums') { // if this is a ./groups url get the group number if any if ($request[0] == "groups" && isset($request[1])) { $IdGroup = intval($request[1]); } $new_request = array(); $push = false; foreach ($request as $r) { if ($r == 'forums' or $r == 'forum') { $push = true; } if ($push == true) { array_push($new_request, $r); } } $request = $new_request; $page = $view->page = new PageWithHTMLpart(); } // First check if the feature is closed if ($_SESSION["Param"]->FeatureForumClosed != 'No' and !$this->BW_Right->HasRight("Admin")) { $this->_view->showFeatureIsClosed(); PPHP::PExit(); } // end of test "if feature is closed" if (APP_User::isBWLoggedIn()) { $User = APP_User::login(); } else { $User = false; } $showSticky = true; $this->parseRequest(); // set uri for correct links in group pages etc. $view->uri = $this->uri; $page->uri = $this->uri; $view->BW_Right = $this->BW_Right; $page->BW_Right = $this->BW_Right; $this->_model->prepareForum($showSticky); // first include the col2-stylesheet $page->addStyles .= $view->customStyles(); $page->currentTab = 'forums'; // then the userBar $page->newBar .= $view->getAsString('userBar'); // we can't replace this ob_start() if ($this->action == self::ACTION_NOT_LOGGED_IN) { $this->_redirectNotLoggedIn(); } ob_start(); if ($this->action == self::ACTION_VOTE_POST) { if (!isset($request[2])) { die("Need to have a IdPost"); } $IdPost = $request[2]; if (!isset($request[3])) { die("Need to have a vote value"); } $Value = $request[3]; $this->_model->VoteForPost($IdPost, $Value); $this->_model->setThreadId($this->_model->GetIdThread($IdPost)); $this->isTopLevel = false; $this->_model->prepareTopic(true); $this->_view->showTopic(); } elseif ($this->action == self::ACTION_DELETEVOTE_POST) { if (!isset($request[2])) { die("Need to have a IdPost"); } $IdPost = $request[2]; $this->_model->DeleteVoteForPost($IdPost); $this->_model->setThreadId($this->_model->GetIdThread($IdPost)); $this->isTopLevel = false; $this->_model->prepareTopic(true); $this->_view->showTopic(); } elseif ($this->action == self::ACTION_MODERATOR_FULLEDITPOST) { if (!isset($request[2])) { die("Need to have a IdPost"); } $IdPost = $request[2]; if (!$this->BW_Right->HasRight("ForumModerator", "Edit")) { MOD_log::get()->write("Trying to edit post #" . $IdPost . " without proper right", "ForumModerator"); die("You miss right ForumModerator"); } $callbackId = $this->ModeratorEditPostProcess(); $DataPost = $this->_model->prepareModeratorEditPost($IdPost); $this->_view->showModeratorEditPost($callbackId, $DataPost); PPostHandler::clearVars($callbackId); } elseif ($this->action == self::ACTION_MODERATOR_EDITTAG) { if (!isset($request[2])) { die("Need to have a IdTag"); } $IdTag = $request[2]; if (!$this->BW_Right->HasRight("ForumModerator", "Edit")) { MOD_log::get()->write("Trying to edit Tag #" . $IdTag . " without proper right", "ForumModerator"); die("You miss right ForumModerator"); } $callbackId = $this->ModeratorEditTagProcess(); $DataTag = $this->_model->prepareModeratorEditTag($IdTag); $this->_view->showModeratorEditTag($callbackId, $DataTag); PPostHandler::clearVars($callbackId); } else { if ($this->action == self::ACTION_VIEW) { if ($this->_model->isTopic()) { $this->_model->prepareTopic(true); $this->_view->showTopic(); } else { if ($this->isTopLevel) { $this->_model->setTopMode(Forums::CV_TOPMODE_LANDING); $this->_model->prepareForum(); $onlymygroupscallbackId = $this->mygroupsonlyProcess(); $morelessthreadscallbackid = $this->morelessthreadsProcess(); $this->_view->showTopLevelLandingPage($onlymygroupscallbackId, $morelessthreadscallbackid); PPostHandler::clearVars($onlymygroupscallbackId); PPostHandler::clearVars($morelessthreadscallbackid); } else { $this->_model->prepareForum(); $this->_view->showForum(); } } } else { if ($this->action == self::ACTION_VIEW_CATEGORY) { $this->_view->showTopLevelCategories(); } else { if ($this->action == self::ACTION_VIEW_LASTPOSTS) { $callbackId = $this->mygroupsonlyProcess(); $this->_view->showTopLevelRecentPosts($callbackId); PPostHandler::clearVars($callbackId); } else { if ($this->action == self::ACTION_VIEW_LANDING) { $callbackId = $this->mygroupsonlyProcess(); $this->_view->showTopLevelLandingPage($callbackId); PPostHandler::clearVars($callbackId); } else { if ($this->action == self::ACTION_VIEW_FORUM) { $groupsCallback = false; $member = $this->_model->getLoggedInMember(); if ($member && $member->Status != 'ChoiceInactive') { $noForumNewTopicButton = false; } else { // Don't offer the new topic button to 'silent' members $noForumNewTopicButton = true; } $this->_view->showTopLevelRecentPosts($groupsCallback, $noForumNewTopicButton); } else { if ($this->action == self::ACTION_VIEW_GROUPS) { $callbackId = $this->mygroupsonlyProcess(); $this->_view->showTopLevelRecentPosts($callbackId, true); PPostHandler::clearVars($callbackId); } else { if ($this->action == self::ACTION_RULES) { $this->_view->rules(); } else { if ($this->action == self::ACTION_NEW) { if ($this->BW_Flag->hasFlag("NotAllowedToPostInForum")) { // Test if the user has right for this, if not rough exit MOD_log::get()->write("Forums.ctrl : Forbid to do action [" . $this->action . "] because of Flag " . "NotAllowedToPostInForum", "FlagEvent"); $words = new MOD_Words(); die($words->get('NotAllowedToPostInForum')); } if (!$User) { PRequest::home(); } if (isset($request[2]) and $request[2][0] == 'u') { $IdGroup = substr($request[2], 1); } else { if (!isset($IdGroup)) { $IdGroup = 0; } } $this->_model->prepareForum(); $callbackId = $this->createProcess(); $this->_view->createTopic($callbackId, $IdGroup); PPostHandler::clearVars($callbackId); } else { if ($this->action == self::ACTION_REPORT_TO_MOD) { if ($this->BW_Flag->hasFlag("NotAllowedToPostInForum")) { // Test if the user has right for this, if not rough exit MOD_log::get()->write("Forums.ctrl : Forbid to do action [" . $this->action . "] because of Flag " . "NotAllowedToPostInForum", "FlagEvent"); $words = new MOD_Words(); die($words->get('NotAllowedToPostInForum')); } if (!$User) { PRequest::home(); } $callbackId = $this->reportpostProcess(); if (isset($request[2])) { if ($request[2] == 'AllMyReport') { $DataPost = $this->_model->prepareReportList($_SESSION["IdMember"], ""); // This retrieve all the reports for the current member $this->_view->showReportList($callbackId, $DataPost); } elseif ($request[2] == 'MyReportActive') { $DataPost = $this->_model->prepareReportList($_SESSION["IdMember"], "('Open','OnDiscussion')"); // This retrieve the Active current pending report for the current member $this->_view->showReportList($callbackId, $DataPost); } elseif ($request[2] == 'AllActiveReports') { if (!$this->BW_Right->HasRight("ForumModerator")) { // if a non forum moderator tries to access this just pull the brakes PPHP::PExit(); } $DataPost = $this->_model->prepareReportList(0, "('Open','OnDiscussion')"); // This retrieve all the current Active pending report $this->_view->showReportList($callbackId, $DataPost); } else { $IdPost = $request[2]; $IdWriter = $_SESSION["IdMember"]; if (!empty($request[3]) and $this->BW_Right->HasRight("ForumModerator")) { $IdWriter = $request[3]; } $DataPost = $this->_model->prepareModeratorEditPost($IdPost, $this->BW_Right->HasRight('ForumModerator')); // We will use the same data as the one used for Moderator edit if ($DataPost->Error == 'NoGroupMember') { // if someone who isn't a member of the associated group // tries to access this just pull the brakes PPHP::PExit(); } $DataPost->Report = $this->_model->prepareReportPost($IdPost, $IdWriter); $this->_view->showReportPost($callbackId, $DataPost); } PPostHandler::clearVars($callbackId); } } else { if ($this->action == self::ACTION_REPLY) { if ($this->BW_Flag->hasFlag("NotAllowedToPostInForum")) { // Test if teh user has right for this, if not rough exit MOD_log::get()->write("Forums.ctrl : Forbid to do action [" . $this->action . "] because of Flag " . "NotAllowedToPostInForum", "FlagEvent"); $words = new MOD_Words(); die($words->get('NotAllowedToPostInForum')); } if (!$User) { PRequest::home(); } $this->_model->prepareForum(); $this->_model->prepareTopic(); $this->_model->initLastPosts(); $callbackId = $this->replyProcess(); $this->_view->replyTopic($callbackId); PPostHandler::clearVars($callbackId); } else { if ($this->action == self::ACTION_SUGGEST) { // ignore current request, so we can use the last request PRequest::ignoreCurrentRequest(); if (!isset($request[2])) { PPHP::PExit(); } $new_tags = $this->_model->suggestTags($request[2]); echo $this->_view->generateClickableTagSuggestions($new_tags); PPHP::PExit(); } else { if ($this->action == self::ACTION_LOCATIONDROPDOWNS) { // ignore current request, so we can use the last request PRequest::ignoreCurrentRequest(); if (!isset($request[2])) { PPHP::PExit(); } echo $this->_view->getLocationDropdowns(); PPHP::PExit(); } else { if ($this->action == self::ACTION_DELETE) { if ($this->BW_Flag->hasFlag("NotAllowedToPostInForum")) { // Test if the user has right for this, if not rough exit MOD_log::get()->write("Forums.ctrl : Forbid to do action [" . $this->action . "] because of Flag " . "NotAllowedToPostInForum", "FlagEvent"); $words = new MOD_Words(); die($words->get('NotAllowedToPostInForum')); } if (!$User || !$this->BW_Right->HasRight("ForumModerator", "Delete")) { PRequest::home(); } $this->delProcess(); } else { if ($this->action == self::ACTION_EDIT) { if ($this->BW_Flag->hasFlag("NotAllowedToPostInForum")) { // Test if the user has right for this, if not rough exit MOD_log::get()->write("Forums.ctrl : Forbid to do action [" . $this->action . "] because of Flag " . "NotAllowedToPostInForum", "FlagEvent"); $words = new MOD_Words(); die($words->get('NotAllowedToPostInForum')); } if (!$User) { PRequest::home(); } $callbackId = $this->editProcess(); $this->_model->prepareForum(); $this->_model->getEditData($callbackId); $this->_view->editPost($callbackId, false); PPostHandler::clearVars($callbackId); } else { if ($this->action == self::ACTION_TRANSLATE) { if ($this->BW_Flag->hasFlag("NotAllowedToPostInForum")) { // Test if the user has right for this, if not rough exit MOD_log::get()->write("Forums.ctrl : Forbid to do action [" . $this->action . "] because of Flag " . "NotAllowedToPostInForum", "FlagEvent"); $words = new MOD_Words(); die($words->get('NotAllowedToPostInForum')); } if (!$User) { PRequest::home(); } $callbackId = $this->editProcess(); $this->_model->prepareForum(); $this->_model->getEditData($callbackId); $this->_view->editPost($callbackId, true); PPostHandler::clearVars($callbackId); } else { if ($this->action == self::ACTION_MODEDIT) { if (!$User) { PRequest::home(); } $callbackId = $this->editProcess(); $this->_model->prepareForum(); $this->_model->getEditData($callbackId); $this->_view->ModeditPost($callbackId); PPostHandler::clearVars($callbackId); } else { if ($this->action == self::ACTION_SEARCH_FORUMS) { $this->_view->keyword = $request[2]; $this->_view->showSearchResultPage($request[2]); PPostHandler::clearVars($searchCallbackId); } else { if ($this->action == self::ACTION_SEARCH_USERPOSTS) { if (!isset($request[2])) { PPHP::PExit(); } $this->searchUserposts($request[2]); } else { if ($this->action == self::ACTION_SUBSCRIBE) { if (!isset($request[2])) { PPHP::PExit(); } if ($request[2] == "thread") { $this->SubscribeThread($request[3]); } if ($request[2] == "tag") { $this->SubscribeTag($request[3]); } } else { if ($this->action == self::ACTION_SEARCH_SUBSCRIPTION) { /* * Here the following syntax can be used : * forums/subscriptions : allow current user to see his subscribtions * forums/subscriptions/unsubscribe/thread/xxx/yyy : allow current user to unsubscribe from members_threads_subscribed.id xxx with key yyy * forums/subscriptions/member/xxx : allow a forum moderator to see all subscribtions of member xxx * forums/subscriptions/thread/xxx : allow a forum moderator to see all subscribers and subscribtions for thread xxx * forums/subscribe/thread/xxx : subscribe to thread xxx */ $operation = ""; if (isset($request[2])) { $operation = $request[2]; } switch ($operation) { case "enable": if (isset($request[3])) { switch ($request[3]) { case 'thread': $this->EnableThread($request[4]); break; case 'tag': $this->EnableTag($request[4]); break; case 'group': $this->EnableGroup($request[4]); break; } } else { $this->enableSubscriptions(); } break; case "disable": if (isset($request[3])) { switch ($request[3]) { case 'tag': $this->DisableTag($request[4]); break; case 'thread': $this->DisableThread($request[4]); break; case 'group': $this->DisableGroup($request[4]); break; } } else { $this->disableSubscriptions(); } break; case "subscribe": if (isset($request[3]) and $request[3] == 'group') { $this->SubscribeGroup($request[4]); } break; case "unsubscribe": switch ($request[3]) { case 'thread': $this->UnsubscribeThread($request[4], $request[5]); break; case 'tag': $this->UnsubscribeTag($request[4], $request[5]); break; case 'group': $this->UnsubscribeGroup($request[4]); break; } break; default: $this->searchSubscriptions(); } } else { if (PVars::get()->debug) { throw new PException('unexpected forum action!'); } else { PRequest::home(); } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } $page->content .= ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); $page->newBar .= $view->getAsString('showCategoriesContinentsTagcloud'); $page->teaserBar .= $view->getAsString('teaser'); $page->render(); }
public function signupFormCallback($args, $action, $mem_redirect, $mem_resend) { //$mem_redirect->post = $vars; foreach ($args->post as $key => $value) { $_SESSION['SignupBWVars'][$key] = $value; } $StrLog = "Entering signupFormCallback "; if (!empty($args->post["Username"])) { $StrLog = $StrLog . " Username=[" . $args->post["Username"] . "]"; } if (!empty($args->post["geonameid"])) { $StrLog = $StrLog . " geonameid=[" . $args->post["geonameid"] . "]"; } if (!empty($args->post["iso_date"])) { $StrLog = $StrLog . " iso_date=[" . $args->post["iso_date"] . "]"; } MOD_log::get()->write($StrLog, "Signup"); $vars = $_SESSION['SignupBWVars']; $request = $args->request; if (isset($request[1]) && $request[1] == '4') { $model = new SignupModel(); $errors = $model->checkRegistrationForm($vars); if (count($errors) > 0) { // show form again $_SESSION['SignupBWVars']['errors'] = $errors; $mem_redirect->post = $vars; return false; } $model->polishFormValues($vars); if (!($idTB = $model->registerTBMember($vars))) { // MyTB registration didn't work } else { // signup on MyTB successful, yeah. $id = $model->registerBWMember($vars); $_SESSION['IdMember'] = $id; $vars['feedback'] .= $model->takeCareForNonUniqueEmailAddress($vars['email']); $vars['feedback'] .= $model->takeCareForComputerUsedByBWMember(); $model->writeFeedback($vars['feedback']); $View = new SignupView($model); // TODO: BW 2007-08-19: $_SYSHCVOL['EmailDomainName'] // look at that ... a two years plus old todo :) ... and now four years plus :P // finally 6 years and counting... define('DOMAIN_MESSAGE_ID', 'bewelcome.org'); // TODO: config $View->registerMail($vars, $id, $idTB); $View->signupTeamMail($vars); unset($_SESSION['IdMember']); return 'signup/finish'; } } return false; }
/** * FIXME: more or less a copy from method GetStrParam($param, $defaultvalue) * clean it up! * * FIXME: move to dedicated module or other place * * POST params are to be handled by platform PT library! * * @see /htdocs/bw/lib/FunctionsTools.php */ private function _getParam($param, $defaultValue = '') { if (isset($_GET[$param])) { $m = $_GET[$param]; } if (!isset($m)) { return $defaultValue; } $m = mysql_real_escape_string($m); $m = str_replace("\\n", "\n", $m); $m = str_replace("\\r", "\r", $m); if (stripos($m, " or ") !== false or stripos($m, " | ") !== false) { $L = MOD_log::get(); $L->write("Warning! GetStrParam trying to use a <b>" . addslashes($m) . "</b> in a param {$param} for " . $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"], "alarm"); } if (empty($m) and $m != "0") { // a "0" string must return 0 for the House Number for exemple return $defaultValue; // Return defaultvalue if none } else { return $m; // Return translated value } }
function logout() { if (isset($_SESSION['IdMember'])) { MOD_log::get()->write("Logout in bwauth.lib.php", "Login"); // todo optimize periodically online table because it will be a gruyere // remove from online list $query = "delete from online where IdMember=" . $_SESSION['IdMember']; $this->dao->query($query); } unset($_SESSION['IdMember']); unset($_SESSION['IsVol']); unset($_SESSION['Username']); unset($_SESSION['MemberStatus']); unset($_SESSION['Status']); unset($_SESSION["stylesheet"]); if (isset($_SESSION['Param'])) { unset($_SESSION["Param"]); } if (isset($_SESSION['TimeOffset'])) { unset($_SESSION["TimeOffset"]); } if (isset($_SESSION['PreferenceDayLight'])) { unset($_SESSION["PreferenceDayLight"]); } if (isset($_SESSION['MemberCryptKey'])) { unset($_SESSION['MemberCryptKey']); } if (isset($_SESSION['LogCheck'])) { unset($_SESSION['LogCheck']); } foreach ($_SESSION as $key => $name) { if (strpos($key, "RightLevel") !== false) { unset($_SESSION[$key]); } if (strpos($key, "RightScope") !== false) { unset($_SESSION[$key]); } if (strpos($key, "FlagLevel") !== false) { unset($_SESSION[$key]); } // if (isset($_SESSION[$key])) print_r( $key ); echo " "; print_r( $name ); echo "<br />\n" ; } // die(0) ; //$_SESSION = array() ; // Raz the session properly , beware not compatible with signup parent::logout(); }
/** * Sends a confirmation e-mail * * @param string $userId */ public function sendActivationMail(Member $member) { if (!$member) { return false; } $words = new MOD_words(); $body = $words->get("SignupBodyActivationMail", $member->Firstname, $member->Secondname, $member->Lastname, PVars::getObj('env')->sitename, $member->Username); // set the sender & receiver $from = PVars::getObj('mailAddresses')->registration; $to = $member->getEmailWithoutPermissionChecks(); // set the subject $subject = $words->get('SignupSubjectActivationMail', PVars::getObj('env')->sitename); // Use MOD_mail to create and send a message $result = MOD_mail::sendEmail($subject, $from, $to, '', $body); //Now check if Swift actually sends it if (!$result) { MOD_log::get()->write(" in signup view " . __FUNCTION__ . ": Failed to send a mail to [" . $to . "]", "signup"); } return $result; }
/** * Check ip and cache the result in a session variable * * @access public * @param string $ip * @return int On how many DNS Blocklists does $ip figure */ public function checkIp($ip) { if (isset($_SESSION['dnsblock_' . $ip])) { return intval($_SESSION['dnsblock_' . $ip]); } elseif ($ip == "") { // never check localhost return 0; } $ip_exploded = explode('.', $ip); if (count($ip_exploded) != 4) { // this was no ipv4 - ip, abort for now return 0; } else { $ip_reverse = implode('.', array_reverse($ip_exploded)); $no_blocked = 0; if (!isset($this->_dns_list) or empty($this->_dns_list)) { MOD_log::get()->write("DNSBlock List is not set or empty. Not checking ...", "DNSBlock"); } else { foreach ($this->_dns_list as $dns) { if (checkdnsrr($ip_reverse . '.' . $dns, "A")) { $no_blocked++; } } MOD_log::get()->write("Ip {$ip} returns as blocked by {$no_blocked} servers", "DNSBlock"); } $_SESSION['dnsblock_' . $ip] = $no_blocked; return $no_blocked; } }
/** * wrapper function for MOD_log::get() * * @access protected * @return object */ protected function getLog() { return MOD_log::get(); }
/** * Get list of Poppulated places matching $search **/ public function getGeonamesHierarchy($search, $style, $lang = 'en') { if (strlen($search) <= 1) { // Ignore too small queries return ''; } $google_conf = PVars::getObj('config_google'); if (!$google_conf || !$google_conf->geonames_webservice) { throw new PException('Google config error!'); } require_once SCRIPT_BASE . 'lib/misc/SPAF_Maps.class.php'; $spaf = new SPAF_Maps($search); $spaf->setConfig('geonames_url', $google_conf->geonames_webservice_custom); $spaf->setConfig('style', $style); $spaf->setConfig('service', 'hierarchy?geonameId='); $spaf->setConfig('lang', $lang); //Try to get results - FIRST TIME $count = 0; $results = @$spaf->getResults(); while (!$results && ++$count <= 3) { //Try to get results - ANOTHER TIME if ($count == 1) { // still didn't work, so use the commercial geonames webservice $spaf->setConfig('geonames_url', $google_conf->geonames_webservice_fallback); } $spaf->results = false; $results = @$spaf->getResults(); if ($count == 3 && !$results) { // giving up MOD_log::get()->write("Connection to geonames webservice failed! (free & commercial)", "Geo"); } } return $results; }
/** * Delete several selfuploaded pictures as loggedin owner or with gallery rights * * @access public * @param Object $image Image to be deleted * @return boolean */ public function deleteMultiple($images) { if (!($member = $this->getLoggedInMember())) { return false; } $R = MOD_right::get(); $GalleryRight = $R->hasRight('Gallery'); foreach ($images as $image) { if (!$image) { return false; } if ($member->get_userid() == $this->imageGalleryOwner('image', $image) || $GalleryRight > 1) { $image = $this->imageData($image); // Log the deletion to prevent admin abuse MOD_log::get()->write("Deleting multiple gallery items #" . $image->id . " filename: " . $image->file . " belonging to user: "******"Gallery"); $this->deleteThisImage($image); } else { return false; } } }
/** * this function cancels the vote for a given member * @IdPoll is the id of the poll * @$Email is the mandatory Email which must be provided for a not logged user (optional) * @$IdMember id of the member (optional) * returns true if the vote is cancelled **/ function CancelVote($IdPoll, $Email = "", $IdMember = 0) { $rPoll = $this->singleLookup("select * from polls where id=" . $IdPoll); if ($rPoll->Status == "Closed") { MOD_log::get()->write("Cannot cancel vote from poll #" . $IdPoll . " which is closed", "polls"); return false; } if ($rPoll->CanChangeVote == "No") { MOD_log::get()->write("Cannot cancel vote from poll #" . $IdPoll . " which doesn't allow to change vote", "polls"); return false; } $rContrib = array(); $wherefordelete = " (false==true) "; // very important to avoid to delete all votes if (!empty($IdMember)) { $rr = $this->singleLookup("select * from polls_contributions where IdPoll=" . $IdPoll); if (!isset($rr->id)) { return false; } $wherefordelete = "IdMember='" . $IdMember . "'"; } elseif (!empty($Email)) { $rr = $this->singleLookup("select * from polls_contributions where Email='" . $Email . "'"); if (!isset($rr->id)) { return false; } $wherefordelete = "Email='" . $Email . "'"; } $rContrib = $this->bulkLookup("select * from polls_record_of_choices where IdPoll=" . $IdPoll . " and " . $wherefordelete); if ($rPoll->TypeOfChoice == 'Exclusive') { for ($ii = 0; $ii < count($rContrib); $ii++) { // In fact we should have just one record here $ss = "update polls_choices set Counter=Counter-1 where id=" . $rContrib[$ii]->IdPollChoice; $s = $this->dao->query($ss); if (!$s) { throw new PException('Failed to delete a vote '); } } $ss = "delete from polls_contributions where IdPoll=" . $IdPoll . " and " . $wherefordelete; $s = $this->dao->query($ss); if (!$s) { throw new PException('Failed to delete a vote (contribution)'); } $ss = "delete from polls_record_of_choices where IdPollChoice=" . $IdPoll . " and " . $wherefordelete; $s = $this->dao->query($ss); if (!$s) { throw new PException('Failed to delete a vote (polls_record_of_choices)'); } MOD_log::get()->write("Cancelling Exclusive vote from poll #" . $IdPoll . " for IdMember=#" . $IdMember . " " . $Email, "polls"); } if ($rPoll->TypeOfChoice == 'Inclusive') { for ($ii = 0; $ii < count($rContrib); $ii++) { $ss = "update polls_choices set Counter=Counter-1 where id=" . $rContrib[$ii]->IdPollChoice; $s = $this->dao->query($ss); if (!$s) { throw new PException('Failed to delete a vote '); } } $ss = "delete from polls_contributions where IdPoll=" . $IdPoll . " and " . $wherefordelete; $s = $this->dao->query($ss); if (!$s) { throw new PException('Failed to delete a vote (contribution)'); } $ss = "delete from polls_record_of_choices where IdPollChoice=" . $IdPoll . " and " . $wherefordelete; $s = $this->dao->query($ss); if (!$s) { throw new PException('Failed to delete a vote (polls_record_of_choices)'); } MOD_log::get()->write("Cancelling Inclusive vote from poll #" . $IdPoll . " for IdMember=#" . $IdMember . " " . $Email, "polls"); } if ($rPoll->TypeOfChoice == 'Ordered') { die("Delete of ordered votes not implemented"); } return true; }
private function CheckForCaptcha($fields) { if ($this->CaptchaNeeded($fields['sender_id'])) { // if (($m->NbTrust<=0)or(HasFlag("RequireCaptchaForContact"))) { if ($fields["c_verification"] != $_SESSION['ExpectedCaptchaValue']) { MOD_log::get()->write("Captcha failed " . $fields["c_verification"] . " entered for " . $_SESSION['ExpectedCaptchaValue'] . " expected (MessagesModel::CheckForCaptcha)", "contactmember"); return false; } } if (!empty($fields["c_verification"])) { // In case the member has filled a captcha with success, log it MOD_log::get()->write("Captcha success " . $fields["c_verification"] . " entered (MessagesModel::CheckForCaptcha)", "contactmember"); } return true; }
/** * This functions is called daily by a cron job to ensure that data of members that asked to leave a year ago * are removed from the database. * * The following is done for each member: * - Collect all member trad IDs and delete the rows from the member trads table * - set all ids to 0 * - delete row for this member from address * - delete row for this member from user * - delete all personal information * - Set username to retired_xyz */ public function removeMembers() { $cryptedTable = PVars::getObj('syshcvol')->Crypted . "cryptedfields"; $entity = new Member(); $tableDescription = $entity->getTableDescription(); $columns = $entity->getColumns(); $tradIdFields = $entity->get_trads_fields(); $cryptedFields = $entity->get_crypted_fields(); $remainingColumns = array_diff($columns, $tradIdFields, $cryptedFields, array('id', 'Status', 'Username', 'password', 'Accomodation')); $rawMembers = $this->pdoBulkLookup("\n SELECT\n id\n FROM\n members\n WHERE\n status = 'AskToLeave'\n AND Username NOT LIKE 'retired\\_%'\n AND LastLogin < CURDATE() - INTERVAL 1 YEAR\n "); if (count($rawMembers) != 0) { MOD_log::get()->write("Removing private data for " . count($rawMembers) . " members.", "Data Retention"); foreach ($rawMembers as $rawMember) { $member = new Member($rawMember->id); $username = $member->Username; $newUsername = '******' . $member->id; $member = $this->_removeCryptedInfo($member, $cryptedTable); $member = $this->_removeProfileInfo($member, $tradIdFields); $member = $this->_cleanupMembersTable($member, $remainingColumns, $tableDescription); $member = $this->_cleanupMemberLanguages($member); $member = $this->_updateUserTable($member, $newUsername); $this->_removeProfilePictures($member); $member->update(); MOD_log::get()->write("Removed private data for " . $username, "Data Retention"); } MOD_log::get()->write("Removed private data for " . count($rawMembers) . " members.", "Data Retention"); } return count($rawMembers); }
/** * This function allow to subscribe to a Tag * * @$IdTag : The Tag we want the user to subscribe to * @$ParamIdMember optional IdMember, by default set to 0 in this case current logged member will be used * It also check that member is not yet subscribing to Tag */ public function SubscribeTag($IdTag, $ParamIdMember = 0) { $IdMember = $ParamIdMember; if (!empty($_SESSION["IdMember"]) and $IdMember == 0) { $IdMember = $_SESSION["IdMember"]; } // Check if there is a previous Subscription if ($this->IsTagSubscribed($IdTag, $IdMember)) { MOD_log::get()->write("Allready subscribed to IdTag=#" . $IdTag, "Forum"); return false; } $key = MD5(rand(100000, 900000)); $query = "insert into members_tags_subscribed(IdTag,IdSubscriber,UnSubscribeKey) values(" . $IdTag . "," . $IdMember . ",'" . $this->dao->escape($key) . "')"; $s = $this->dao->query($query); if (!$s) { throw new PException('Forum->SubscribeTag to IdTag=#' . $IdTag . ' failed !'); } $IdSubscribe = mysql_insert_id(); MOD_log::get()->write("Subscribing to IdTag=#" . $IdTag . " IdSubscribe=#" . $IdSubscribe, "Forum"); }
public function passwordProcess() { $callbackId = PFunctions::hex2base64(sha1(__METHOD__)); if (PPostHandler::isHandling()) { if (!($User = APP_User::login())) { return false; } $vars =& PPostHandler::getVars(); $errors = array(); $messages = array(); $query = "select id from members where id=" . $_SESSION["IdMember"] . " and PassWord=PASSWORD('" . trim($vars['OldPassword']) . "')"; $qry = $this->dao->query($query); $rr = $qry->fetch(PDB::FETCH_OBJ); if (!$rr || !array_key_exists('id', $rr)) { $errors[] = 'ChangePasswordInvalidPasswordError'; } if (isset($vars['NewPassword']) && strlen($vars['NewPassword']) > 0) { if (strlen($vars['NewPassword']) < 8) { $errors[] = 'ChangePasswordPasswordLengthError'; } if (isset($vars['ConfirmPassword'])) { if (strlen(trim($vars['ConfirmPassword'])) == 0) { $errors[] = 'ChangePasswordConfirmPasswordError'; } elseif (trim($vars['NewPassword']) != trim($vars['ConfirmPassword'])) { $errors[] = 'ChangePasswordMatchError'; } } } if (count($errors) > 0) { $vars['errors'] = $errors; return false; } if (isset($vars['NewPassword']) && strlen($vars['NewPassword']) > 0) { // $pwenc = MOD_user::passwordEncrypt($vars['NewPassword']); // $query = 'UPDATE `user` SET `pw` = \''.$pwenc.'\' WHERE `id` = '.(int)$User->getId(); $query = 'UPDATE `members` SET `PassWord` = PASSWORD(\'' . trim($vars['NewPassword']) . '\') WHERE `id` = ' . $_SESSION['IdMember']; if ($this->dao->exec($query)) { $messages[] = 'ChangePasswordUpdated'; $L = MOD_log::get(); $L->write("Password changed", "change password"); } else { $errors[] = 'ChangePasswordNotUpdated'; } } $vars['errors'] = $errors; $vars['messages'] = $messages; return false; } else { PPostHandler::setCallback($callbackId, __CLASS__, __FUNCTION__); return $callbackId; } }
/** * this function inserts 2 new verified members (or replace the record if one from the same verifier exist for this member) * @post is the post from the previous form * nota a member cannot verified himself **/ public function AddNewVerified($input) { $vars_all = $this->prepareVerificationData($input); $result = array(); foreach ($vars_all as $vars) { // accept both if ($m = $this->singleLookup("SELECT id,Username from members where Status='Active' and id=" . $vars["IdMemberToVerify"])) { $IdVerifiedMember = $m->id; } else { return false; } // return false if verification failed $VerifierLevel = $this->sVerifierLevel($vars['IdVerifier']); // echo "\$post=" ;print_r($post) ; $AddressConfirmed = 'False'; $NameConfirmed = 'False'; if (isset($vars['NameConfirmed']) and $vars['NameConfirmed'] = 'on') { $NameConfirmed = 'True'; } if (isset($vars['AddressConfirmed']) and $vars['AddressConfirmed'] = 'on') { $AddressConfirmed = 'True'; } // Check if the current member has allready verified this one, if so it will be an update $AllreadyVerified = $this->singleLookup("SELECT * from verifiedmembers where IdVerifier=" . $vars['IdVerifier'] . " and IdVerified=" . $IdVerifiedMember); if (isset($AllreadyVerified->id)) { // If the member was already verified : do an update $ss = "update verifiedmembers set IdVerifier=" . $vars['IdVerifier'] . ",IdVerified=" . $IdVerifiedMember . ",AddressVerified='" . $AddressConfirmed . "',NameVerified='" . $NameConfirmed . "',Comment='" . mysql_real_escape_string(addslashes($vars["comment"])) . "',Type='" . $VerifierLevel . "' where id=" . $AllreadyVerified->id; MOD_log::get()->write("Update Verify members " . $m->Username . " previous value comment[" . $AllreadyVerified->Comment . "] AddressVerified=" . $AllreadyVerified->AddressVerified . ",NameVerified=" . $AllreadyVerified->NameVerified, "VerifyMember"); } else { $ss = "insert into verifiedmembers(created,IdVerifier,IdVerified,AddressVerified,NameVerified,Comment,Type) values(now()," . $vars['IdVerifier'] . "," . $IdVerifiedMember . ",'" . $AddressConfirmed . "','" . $NameConfirmed . "','" . mysql_real_escape_string(addslashes($vars["comment"])) . "','" . $VerifierLevel . "')"; MOD_log::get()->write("Has verify member " . $m->Username, "VerifyMember"); } $s = $this->dao->query($ss); if (!$s) { throw new PException('Failed to verify member ' . $m->Username); } $result[] = $s; } if (!$result[0] || !$result[1]) { return false; } else { return true; } }
/** * decide which page to show. * This method is called automatically */ public function index($args = false) { $User = APP_User::login(); // The user must be logged in $request = $args->request; $model = new PollsModel(); if (!isset($_SESSION['IdMember'])) { $page = new MessagesMustloginPage(); $page->setRedirectURL(implode('/', $request)); return $page; } // print_r($args->post); // look at the request. switch (isset($request[1]) ? $request[1] : false) { case 'listall': $page = new PollsPage("", "listall", $model->LoadList("")); break; case 'create': $page = new PollsPage("", "create"); break; case 'listClose': $page = new PollsPage("", "listClose", $model->LoadList("Close")); break; case 'listOpen': $page = new PollsPage("", "listOpen", $model->LoadList("Open")); break; case 'listProject': $page = new PollsPage("", "listProject", $model->LoadList("Project")); break; case 'cancelvote': $IdPoll = isset($request[2]) ? $request[2] : false; MOD_log::get()->write("Prepare to contribute cancel vote #" . $IdPoll, "polls"); if ($model->CancelVote($IdPoll, "", $_SESSION["IdMember"])) { $page = new PollsPage("", "cancelvote"); } else { $page = new PollsPage("", "votenotcancelable"); } break; case 'seeresults': $IdPoll = isset($request[2]) ? $request[2] : false; if ($Data = $model->GetPollResults($IdPoll)) { $page = new PollsPage("", "seeresults", $Data); } else { $page = new PollsPage("", "resultsnotyetavailable"); } break; case 'contribute': $IdPoll = isset($request[2]) ? $request[2] : false; MOD_log::get()->write("Prepare to contribute to poll #" . $IdPoll, "polls"); if ($model->CanUserContribute($IdPoll)) { $Data = $model->PrepareContribute($IdPoll); $page = new PollsPage("", "contribute", $Data); } else { $page = new PollsPage("", "sorryyoucannotcontribute"); } break; case 'vote': // a nice trick to get all the post args as local variables... // they will all be prefixed by 'post_' extract($args->post, EXTR_PREFIX_ALL, 'post'); $IdPoll = $post_IdPoll; if ($model->CanUserContribute($IdPoll)) { MOD_log::get()->write("Tryin to vote for poll #" . $IdPoll, "polls"); $Data = $model->AddVote($args->post, "", $_SESSION["IdMember"]); $page = new PollsPage("", "votedone", $Data); } else { MOD_log::get()->write("Refusing vote for poll #" . $IdPoll, "polls"); $page = new PollsPage("", "probablyallreadyvote"); } break; case 'update': $IdPoll = isset($request[2]) ? $request[2] : false; $page = new PollsPage("", "showpoll", $model->LoadPoll($IdPoll)); break; case 'doupdatepoll': $IdPoll = $args->post["IdPoll"]; $model->UpdatePoll($args->post); $page = new PollsPage("", "showpoll", $model->LoadPoll($IdPoll)); break; case 'addchoice': $IdPoll = $args->post["IdPoll"]; $model->AddChoice($args->post); $page = new PollsPage("", "showpoll", $model->LoadPoll($IdPoll)); break; case 'updatechoice': $IdPoll = $args->post["IdPoll"]; $model->UpdateChoice($args->post); $page = new PollsPage("", "showpoll", $model->LoadPoll($IdPoll)); break; case 'createpoll': MOD_log::get()->write("Creating a poll ", "polls"); $model->UpdatePoll($args->post); $page = new PollsPage("", "listall", $model->LoadList("Project")); break; case false: default: case '': // no request[1] was specified $page = new PollsPage("", "", $model->LoadList("Open")); // Without error break; } // return the $page object, // so the framework can call the "$page->render()" function. return $page; }
/** * InsertInFTrad function * * This InsertInFTrad create a new translatable text in MemberTrad * @$ss is for the content of the text * @$TableColumn refers to the table and coilumn the trad is associated to * @$IdRecord is the num of the record in this table * @$_IdMember ; is the id of the member who own the record * @$_IdLanguage * @$IdTrad is probably useless (I don't remmber why I defined it) * * * Warning : as default language this function will use by priority : * 1) the content of $_IdLanguage if it is set to something else than -1 * 2) the content of an optional $_POST[IdLanguage] if it is set * 3) the content of the current $_SESSION['IdLanguage'] of the current membr if it set * 4) The default language (0) * * returns the id of the created trad * * Improvment: if the value is empty then nothing is inserted but 0 is returned * * * */ function InsertInMTrad($ss, $TableColumn, $IdRecord, $_IdMember = 0, $_IdLanguage = -1, $IdTrad = -1) { if ($ss == "") { // No need to insert an empty record in memberstrads return 0; } if ($_IdMember == 0) { // by default it is current member $IdMember = $_SESSION['IdMember']; } else { $IdMember = $_IdMember; } if ($_IdLanguage == -1) { $IdLanguage = $this->_langWrite; } else { $IdLanguage = $_IdLanguage; } $IdOwner = $IdMember; $IdTranslator = $_SESSION['IdMember']; // the recorded translator will always be the current logged member if (strpos($ss, "\\'") !== false) { $Sentence = $ss; $page = ""; if (isset($_SERVER["PHP_SELF"])) { $page = $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]; } MOD_log::get()->write("in module word->InsertInMTrad, for IdTrad=" . $IdTrad . " The sentence is already escaped with a quote page [" . $page . "]", "Bug"); } elseif (strpos($ss, '\\"') !== false) { $Sentence = $ss; $page = ""; if (isset($_SERVER["PHP_SELF"])) { $page = $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]; } MOD_log::get()->write("in module word->InsertInMTrad, for IdTrad=" . $IdTrad . " The sentence is already escaped with a double quote page [" . $page . "]", "Bug"); } else { $Sentence = $this->_dao->escape($ss); } $str = "LOCK TABLES memberstrads WRITE"; $s = $this->_dao->query($str); // \todo: Check result? if ($IdTrad <= 0) { // Compute a new IdTrad $s = $this->_dao->query("Select max(IdTrad) as maxi, min(IdTrad) as mini from memberstrads"); if (!$s) { // Unlock table before throwing exception! $this->_dao > query("UNLOCK TABLES"); throw new PException('Failed in InsertInMTrad searching Next max IdTrad'); } $rr = $s->fetch(PDB::FETCH_OBJ); if (isset($rr->maxi)) { // get $IdTrad = max(abs($rr->mini), $rr->maxi) + 1; } else { $IdTrad = 1; } } $str = "insert into memberstrads(TableColumn,IdRecord,IdLanguage,IdOwner,IdTrad,IdTranslator,Sentence,created) "; $str .= "Values('" . $TableColumn . "'," . $IdRecord . "," . $IdLanguage . "," . $IdOwner . "," . $IdTrad . "," . $IdTranslator . ",\"" . $Sentence . "\",now())"; $s = $this->_dao->query($str); if (!$s) { // Unlock table before throwing exception! $this->_dao > query("UNLOCK TABLES"); throw new PException('Failed in InsertInMTrad inserting in membertrads'); } // unlock membertrads table, the other table can be updated without lock. $this->_dao->query("UNLOCK TABLES"); // update the IdTrad in the original table (if the TableColumn was given properly and the IdRecord too) if (!empty($TableColumn) and !empty($Idrecord)) { $table = explode(".", $TableColumn); $str = "update " . $table[0] . " set " . $TableColumn . "=" . $IdTrad . " where " . $table[0] . ".id=" . $IdRecord; $s = $this->_dao->query($str); if (!$s) { throw new PException('Failed in InsertInMTrad updating table column [%s]'); } } return $IdTrad; }
/** * sets a new password for this member * * @param string $pw - new password as string * @param boolean $noisy used during data retention to avoid password changed logs * * @access public * @return bool */ public function setPassword($pw, $noisy = true) { if (!$this->isLoaded()) { return false; } $pw = $this->preparePassword($pw); $query = "UPDATE `members` SET `PassWord` = PASSWORD('" . $pw . "') WHERE `id` = " . $this->id; if ($this->dao->exec($query)) { if ($noisy) { $L = MOD_log::get(); $L->write("Password changed", "change password"); } return true; } else { return false; } }
private function _checkIfMoreMembersThanEverAreOnline() { // TODO: does the table params and its idea really make sense??? // TODO: is this an appropriate place to do the check? // Check, if a record (more members than ever before) is established if (!($result = $this->dao->query("\r\nSELECT recordonline\r\nFROM params\r\n "))) { // eek, something wrong with query.. } else { if (!($row = $result->fetch(PDB::FETCH_OBJ))) { // ok, nothing found.. what to do? } else { // check if this is a new record! if ($this->howManyMembersOnline() > $row->recordonline) { // more members than ever before are online!! MOD_log::get()->write('New record established, ' . $_SESSION['WhoIsOnlineCount'] . ' members online!', 'Record'); $recordonline = $_SESSION['WhoIsOnlineCount']; $this->dao->query("\r\nUPDATE params\r\nSET recordonline = {$recordonline}\r\n "); } } } }