static function notifyUsersByMail($t, $watching_users, $timestamp, $type)
     $messages = array(Threads::CHANGE_REPLY_CREATED => 'lqt-enotif-reply', Threads::CHANGE_NEW_THREAD => 'lqt-enotif-newthread');
     $subjects = array(Threads::CHANGE_REPLY_CREATED => 'lqt-enotif-subject-reply', Threads::CHANGE_NEW_THREAD => 'lqt-enotif-subject-newthread');
     if (!isset($messages[$type]) || !isset($subjects[$type])) {
         wfDebugLog('LiquidThreads', "Email notification failed: type {$type} unrecognised");
     } else {
         $msgName = $messages[$type];
         $subjectMsg = $subjects[$type];
     // Send email notification, fetching all the data in one go
     $dbr = wfGetDB(DB_SLAVE);
     $tables = array('user', 'tc_prop' => 'user_properties', 'l_prop' => 'user_properties');
     $fields = array($dbr->tableName('user') . '.*', 'tc_prop.up_value AS timecorrection', 'l_prop.up_value as language');
     $join_conds = array('tc_prop' => array('LEFT JOIN', array('tc_prop.up_user=user_id', 'tc_prop.up_property' => 'timecorrection')), 'l_prop' => array('LEFT JOIN', array('l_prop.up_user=user_id', 'l_prop.up_property' => 'language')));
     $res = $dbr->select($tables, $fields, array('user_id' => $watching_users), __METHOD__, array(), $join_conds);
     // Set up one-time data.
     global $wgPasswordSender;
     $link_title = clone $t->getTitle();
     $link_title->setFragment('#' . $t->getAnchorName());
     $permalink = LqtView::linkInContextCanonicalURL($t);
     $talkPage = $t->getTitle()->getPrefixedText();
     $from = new MailAddress($wgPasswordSender, 'WikiAdmin');
     $threadSubject = $t->subject();
     // Parse content and strip HTML of post content
     foreach ($res as $row) {
         $u = User::newFromRow($row);
         if ($row->language) {
             $langCode = $row->language;
         } else {
             global $wgLanguageCode;
             $langCode = $wgLanguageCode;
         $lang = Language::factory($langCode);
         // Adjust with time correction
         $timeCorrection = $row->timecorrection;
         $adjustedTimestamp = $lang->userAdjust($timestamp, $timeCorrection);
         $date = $lang->date($adjustedTimestamp);
         $time = $lang->time($adjustedTimestamp);
         $params = array($u->getName(), $t->subjectWithoutIncrement(), $date, $time, $talkPage, $permalink, $t->root()->getContent(), $t->author()->getName());
         // Get message in user's own language, bug 20645
         $msg = wfMsgReal($msgName, $params, true, $langCode, true);
         $to = new MailAddress($u);
         $subject = wfMsgReal($subjectMsg, array($threadSubject), true, $langCode, true);
         UserMailer::send($to, $from, $subject, $msg);