public function executeLorsubmit() { $data = $this->getRequestParameter('lorvalue'); $type = $this->getRequestParameter('type'); $toid = $this->getRequestParameter('toid'); $newmail = $data; $lorForUser = UserPeer::retrieveByPK($toid); $lorById = $this->getUser()->getAttribute('userid'); if ($lorById) { $lorByUser = UserPeer::retrieveByPK($lorById); $fromName = $lorByUser->getFullname(); } else { $fromName = "Guest"; } $lorvalue = new Lorvalues(); $lorvalue->setLorfieldsId(sfConfig::get('app_lor_' . $type)); $lorvalue->setData($data); $lorvalue->setUserId($lorById); $lorvalue->setCreatedAt(time()); $lorvalue->save(); $loruser = new Loruser(); $loruser->setLorvaluesId($lorvalue->getId()); $loruser->setUserId($toid); $loruser->save(); if ($type == 'email') { $mail = new sfMail(); $mail->initialize(); //$mail->addCc(sfConfig::get('app_to_adminmail')); if ($lorForUser->getEmail()) { $mail->addAddress($lorForUser->getEmail()); } $sendermail = sfConfig::get('app_from_mail'); $sendername = sfConfig::get('app_from_name'); $to = $newmail; $subject = "Alert: Connect with your friends at " . sfConfig::get('app_names_org'); $body = ' Hi ' . $lorForUser->getFullname() . ', ' . $fromName . ' has told us that your email address is actually ' . $newmail . '. If so, we strongly encourage you to claim it at ' . sfConfig::get('app_urls_claim') . ' so you can connect with your friends. Admin, ITBHU Global '; $mail = myUtility::newsendmail($mail, $sendermail, $sendername, $sendermail, $sendername, $sendermail, $to, $subject, $body); } $this->setFlash('notice', 'Your remark on ' . sfConfig::get('app_lortext_' . $type) . ' has been saved successfully.'); $this->redirect('/search/profile?id=' . $toid); }
public function addLorvalues(Lorvalues $l) { $this->collLorvaluess[] = $l; $l->setLorfields($this); }
public function addLorvalues(Lorvalues $l) { $this->collLorvaluess[] = $l; $l->setUser($this); }