function smarty_function_contentpagepath($params, $view)
    if (!isset($params['pageId'])) {
        return $smarty->trigger_error('contentpagepath: pageId parameter required');
    $pageId = (int) $params['pageId'];
    $language = isset($params['language']) ? $params['language'] : null;
    $path = ModUtil::apiFunc('Content', 'Page', 'getPagePath', array('pageId' => $params['pageId']));
    if ($path === false) {
        return $smarty->trigger_error(LogUtil::getErrorMessagesText());
    $result = "<span class=\"content-path\">";
    $first = true;
    foreach ($path as $page) {
        $result .= ($first ? '' : ' / ') . $page['title'];
        $first = false;
    $result .= " [{$pageId}]";
    $info = '';
    if (!empty($language)) {
        $info .= $language;
    if (!empty($info)) {
        $result .= " ({$info})";
    $result .= " </span>";
    if (array_key_exists('assign', $params)) {
        $view->assign($params['assign'], $result);
    } else {
        return $result;
function smarty_function_mediashare_breadcrumb($params, &$smarty)
    $dom = ZLanguage::getModuleDomain('mediashare');
    if (!isset($params['albumId'])) {
        $smarty->trigger_error(__f('Missing [%1$s] in \'%2$s\'', array('albumId', 'mediashare_breadcrumb'), $dom));
        return false;
    $mode = isset($params['mode']) ? $params['mode'] : 'view';
    $breadcrumb = pnModAPIFunc('mediashare', 'user', 'getAlbumBreadcrumb', array('albumId' => (int) $params['albumId']));
    if ($breadcrumb === false) {
        return false;
    $urlType = $mode == 'edit' ? 'edit' : 'user';
    $url = pnModUrl('mediashare', $urlType, 'view', array('aid' => 0));
    $result = "<div class=\"mediashare-breadcrumb\">";
    $first = true;
    foreach ($breadcrumb as $album) {
        $url = DataUtil::formatForDisplay(pnModUrl('mediashare', $urlType, 'view', array('aid' => $album['id'])));
        $result .= ($first ? '' : ' &raquo; ') . "<a href=\"{$url}\">" . htmlspecialchars($album['title']) . "</a>";
        $first = false;
    $result .= "</div>";
    if (isset($params['assign'])) {
        $smarty->assign($params['assign'], $result);
    return $result;
Esempio n. 3
function mediashareSourceBrowserUpload(&$args)
    if (!SecurityUtil::confirmAuthKey()) {
        return LogUtil::registerAuthidError();
    $dom = ZLanguage::getModuleDomain('mediashare');
    $albumId = mediashareGetIntUrl('aid', $args, 0);
    // Check access
    if (!mediashareAccessAlbum($albumId, mediashareAccessRequirementAddMedia, '')) {
        return LogUtil::registerPermissionError();
    // Get parent album information
    if (!($album = pnModAPIFunc('mediashare', 'user', 'getAlbum', array('albumId' => $albumId)))) {
        return false;
    // Start fetching media items
    $imageNum = (int) FormUtil::getPassedValue('imagenum');
    $statusSet = array();
    for ($i = 1; $i <= $imageNum; ++$i) {
        $uploadInfo = $_FILES["upload{$i}"];
        $width = FormUtil::getPassedValue("width{$i}");
        $height = FormUtil::getPassedValue("height{$i}");
        if (isset($uploadInfo['error']) && $uploadInfo['error'] != 0 && $uploadInfo['name'] != '') {
            $statusSet[] = array('ok' => false, 'message' => $uploadInfo['name'] . ': ' . mediashareUploadErrorMsg($uploadInfo['error']));
        } else {
            if ($uploadInfo['size'] > 0) {
                $result = pnModAPIFunc('mediashare', 'source_browser', 'addMediaItem', array('albumId' => $albumId, 'uploadFilename' => $uploadInfo['tmp_name'], 'fileSize' => $uploadInfo['size'], 'filename' => $uploadInfo['name'], 'mimeType' => $uploadInfo['type'], 'title' => null, 'keywords' => null, 'description' => null, 'width' => $width, 'height' => $height));
                if ($result === false) {
                    $status = array('ok' => false, 'message' => LogUtil::getErrorMessagesText());
                } else {
                    $status = array('ok' => true, 'message' => $result['message'], 'mediaId' => $result['mediaId']);
                $statusSet = array_merge($statusSet, array($status));
    // Quick count of uploaded images + getting IDs for further editing
    $editMediaIds = array();
    $acceptedImageNum = 0;
    foreach ($statusSet as $status) {
        if ($status['ok']) {
            $editMediaIds[] = $status['mediaId'];
    $album['imageCount'] += $acceptedImageNum;
    // Update for showing only
    if ($acceptedImageNum == 0) {
        $statusSet[] = array('ok' => false, 'message' => __('No media items', $dom));
    if (($items = pnModAPIFunc('mediashare', 'user', 'getMediaItems', array('mediaIdList' => $editMediaIds))) === false) {
        return false;
    $render =& pnRender::getInstance('mediashare', false);
    $render->assign('statusSet', $statusSet);
    $render->assign('items', $items);
    return $render->fetch('mediashare_source_browser_uploadet.html');
 function update($force)
     if ($force || count($this->items) == 0) {
         $albums = pnModAPIFunc('mediashare', 'user', 'getAllAlbums', array('albumId' => 1, 'access' => $this->access, 'onlyMine' => $this->onlyMine));
         if ($albums === false) {
         foreach ($albums as $album) {
             $this->addItem($album['title'], $album['id']);
Esempio n. 5
 * Mediashare AJAX handler
 * @copyright (C) 2007, Jorn Wildt
 * @link
 * @version $Id$
 * @license See license.txt
function mediashare_ajax_getitems($args)
    $items = pnModAPIFunc('mediashare', 'user', 'getMediaItems', array('albumId' => FormUtil::getPassedValue('aid')));
    if ($items === false) {
        AjaxUtil::error(LogUtil::getErrorMessagesText(' - '), '403 Forbidden');
    $mediaItems = array();
    foreach ($items as $item) {
        $mediaItems[] = array('id' => $item['id'], 'isExternal' => $item['mediaHandler'] == 'extapp', 'thumbnailRef' => $item['thumbnailRef'], 'previewRef' => $item['previewRef'], 'title' => $item['title']);
    return array('mediaItems' => $mediaItems);
Esempio n. 6
     * dragContent
     * This function stores the moving of content items in the edit page mode
     * @param id int  id of page to toggle
     * @param active  string "true"/"false"
     * @return mixed true or Ajax error
    public function dragContent($args)
        $this->throwForbiddenUnless(SecurityUtil::checkPermission('Content::', '::', ACCESS_EDIT), LogUtil::getErrorMsgPermission());

        $ok = ModUtil::apiFunc('Content', 'Content', 'dragContent',
                        array('pageId' => $this->request->getPost()->get('pid', null),
                            'contentId' => $this->request->getPost()->get('cid', null),
                            'contentAreaIndex' => $this->request->getPost()->get('cai', null),
                            'position' => $this->request->getPost()->get('pos', null)));
        if (!$ok) {
            return new Zikula_Response_Ajax(array('ok' => false, 'message' => LogUtil::getErrorMessagesText()));
        return new Zikula_Response_Ajax(array('ok' => true, 'message' => $this->__('Ok')));
function smarty_function_mediashare_albumSelector($params, &$smarty)
    $dom = ZLanguage::getModuleDomain('mediashare');
    if (!isset($params['albumId'])) {
        $smarty->trigger_error(__f('Missing [%1$s] in \'%2$s\'', array('albumId', 'mediashare_albumSelector'), $dom));
        return false;
    $albumId = $params['albumId'];
    $id = isset($params['id']) ? $params['id'] : 'album';
    $name = isset($params['name']) ? $params['name'] : $id;
    $excludeAlbumId = isset($params['excludeAlbumId']) ? $params['excludeAlbumId'] : null;
    $onlyMine = isset($params['onlyMine']) ? $params['onlyMine'] : false;
    $access = isset($params['access']) ? constant($params['access']) : 0xff;
    $albums = pnModAPIFunc('mediashare', 'user', 'getAllAlbums', array('albumId' => 1, 'excludeAlbumId' => $excludeAlbumId, 'access' => $access, 'onlyMine' => $onlyMine));
    if ($albums === false) {
        return false;
    if (isset($params['onchange'])) {
        $onChangeHtml = " onchange=\"{$params['onchange']}\"";
    } else {
        $onChangeHtml = '';
    if (isset($params['id'])) {
        $idHtml = " id=\"{$id}\"";
    } else {
        $idHtml = '';
    $html = "<select name=\"{$name}\"{$onChangeHtml}{$idHtml}>\n";
    foreach ($albums as $album) {
        $title = $album['title'];
        $id = (int) $album['id'];
        $level = $album['nestedSetLevel'] - 1;
        $indent = '';
        for ($i = 0; $i < $level; ++$i) {
            $indent .= '+ ';
        $selectedHtml = $id == $albumId ? ' selected="selected"' : '';
        $html .= "<option value=\"{$id}\"{$selectedHtml}>{$indent}{$title}</option>\n";
    $html .= "</select>";
    if (isset($params['assign'])) {
        $smarty->assign($params['assign'], $html);
    return $html;
Esempio n. 8
 * Find / paste
function mediashare_external_finditem($args)
    // FIXME access check
    $albumId = mediashareGetIntUrl('aid', $args, 1);
    $mediaId = mediashareGetIntUrl('mid', $args, 0);
    $mode = FormUtil::getPassedValue('mode');
    $cmd = FormUtil::getPassedValue('cmd');
    $onlyMine = mediashareGetIntUrl('onlymine', $args, 0);
    $uploadFailed = false;
    if ($cmd == 'selectAlbum') {
        $mediaId = 0;
    } else {
        if (isset($_POST['selectButton'])) {
            $file = isset($_FILES['upload']) ? $_FILES['upload'] : null;
            if (!empty($file) && $file['error'] == 0 && mediashareAccessAlbum($albumId, mediashareAccessRequirementEditAlbum)) {
                $result = pnModAPIFunc('mediashare', 'source_browser', 'addMediaItem', array('albumId' => $albumId, 'uploadFilename' => $file['tmp_name'], 'fileSize' => $file['size'], 'filename' => $file['name'], 'mimeType' => $file['type'], 'title' => null, 'keywords' => null, 'description' => null, 'width' => 0, 'height' => 0));
                if ($result === false) {
                    $uploadFailed = true;
                } else {
                    $mediaId = $result['mediaId'];
            if (!$uploadFailed) {
                return pnRedirect(pnModUrl('mediashare', 'external', 'pasteitem', array('aid' => $albumId, 'mid' => $mediaId, 'mode' => $mode)));
    $mediaItem = pnModAPIFunc('mediashare', 'user', 'getMediaItem', array('mediaId' => $mediaId));
    $render =& pnRender::getInstance('mediashare', false);
    $render->assign('albumId', $albumId);
    $render->assign('mediaId', $mediaId);
    $render->assign('mediaItem', $mediaItem);
    $render->assign('mode', $mode);
    $render->assign('onlyMine', $onlyMine);
    $render->assign('hasEditAccess', mediashareAccessAlbum($albumId, mediashareAccessRequirementEditAlbum));
    if ($uploadFailed) {
        $render->assign('uploadErrorMessage', LogUtil::getErrorMessagesText());
    echo $render->fetch('mediashare_external_finditem.html');
    return true;
function smarty_function_mediashare_templateSelector($params, &$smarty)
    $id = isset($params['id']) ? $params['id'] : 'album';
    $selectedTemplate = $smarty->get_template_vars($id);
    $name = isset($params['name']) ? $params['name'] : $id;
    $templates = pnModAPIFunc('mediashare', 'user', 'getAllTemplates');
    if ($templates === false) {
        return false;
    if (isset($params['onchange']) && $params['onchange']) {
        $onChangeHtml = ' onchange="' . $params['onchange'] . '"';
    } else {
        $onChangeHtml = '';
    if (isset($params['readonly']) && $params['readonly']) {
        $readonlyHtml = ' disabled="disabled"';
    } else {
        $readonlyHtml = '';
    if (isset($params['id']) && $params['id']) {
        $idHtml = " id=\"{$id}\"";
    } else {
        $idHtml = '';
    $html = "<select name=\"{$name}\"{$onChangeHtml}{$idHtml}{$readonlyHtml}>\n";
    foreach ($templates as $template) {
        $title = DataUtil::formatForDisplay($template['title']);
        $value = $template['title'];
        $selectedHtml = strcasecmp($value, $selectedTemplate) == 0 ? ' selected="selected"' : '';
        $html .= "<option value=\"{$value}\"{$selectedHtml}>{$title}</option>\n";
    $html .= "</select>";
    if (isset($params['assign'])) {
        $smarty->assign($params['assign'], $html);
    return $html;
Esempio n. 10
  * dragContent
  * This function stores the moving of content items in the edit page mode
  * @param id int  id of page to toggle
  * @param active  string "true"/"false"
  * @return mixed true or Ajax error
 public function dragContent($args)
     $this->throwForbiddenUnless(SecurityUtil::checkPermission('Content::', '::', ACCESS_EDIT), LogUtil::getErrorMsgPermission());
     $pageId = $this->request->getPost()->get('pid', null);
     $cid = $this->request->getPost()->get('cid', null);
     $cidDOM = $this->request->getPost()->get('cidDOM', null);
     $contentAreas = $this->request->getPost()->get('contentAreas', null);
     foreach ($contentAreas as $caIdx => $contentArea) {
         foreach ($contentArea as $ciIdx => $contentItem) {
             if ($contentItem == $cidDOM) {
                 $cai = $caIdx;
                 $pos = $ciIdx;
     // update the actual content item position
     $ok = ModUtil::apiFunc('Content', 'Content', 'dragContent', array('pageId' => $pageId, 'contentId' => $cid, 'contentAreaIndex' => $cai, 'position' => $pos));
     if (!$ok) {
         return new Zikula_Response_Ajax(array('ok' => false, 'message' => LogUtil::getErrorMessagesText()));
     return new Zikula_Response_Ajax(array('ok' => true, 'message' => $this->__('Ok')));
 function decode(&$render)
     $dom = ZLanguage::getModuleDomain('mediashare');
     $value = FormUtil::getPassedValue($this->inputName, null, 'POST');
     $albumId = FormUtil::getPassedValue("{$this->inputName}_album", null, 'POST');
     $newAlbum = FormUtil::getPassedValue("{$this->inputName}_newalbum", null, 'POST');
     if (!empty($newAlbum)) {
         if (mediashareAccessAlbum($albumId, mediashareAccessRequirementAddAlbum, '')) {
             $newAlbumID = pnModAPIFunc('mediashare', 'edit', 'addAlbum', array('title' => $newAlbum, 'keywords' => '', 'summary' => '', 'description' => '', 'template' => null, 'parentAlbumId' => $albumId));
             if ($newAlbumID === false) {
             } else {
                 $albumId = $newAlbumID;
         } else {
             $this->setError(__('You do not have access to this feature', $dom));
     $file = isset($_FILES["{$this->inputName}_upload"]) ? $_FILES["{$this->inputName}_upload"] : null;
     if (!empty($file) && $file['error'] == 0) {
         if (mediashareAccessAlbum($albumId, mediashareAccessRequirementAddMedia, '')) {
             $result = pnModAPIFunc('mediashare', 'source_browser', 'addMediaItem', array('albumId' => $albumId, 'uploadFilename' => $file['tmp_name'], 'fileSize' => $file['size'], 'filename' => $file['name'], 'mimeType' => $file['type'], 'title' => null, 'keywords' => null, 'description' => null, 'width' => 0, 'height' => 0));
             if ($result === false) {
             } else {
                 $value = $result['mediaId'];
         } else {
             $this->setError(__('You do not have access to this feature', $dom));
     $this->selectedItemId = $value;
Esempio n. 12
function mediashareSourceZipUpload(&$args)
    if (!SecurityUtil::confirmAuthKey()) {
        return LogUtil::registerAuthidError();
    $dom = ZLanguage::getModuleDomain('mediashare');
    $albumId = mediashareGetIntUrl('aid', $args, 0);
    // Check access
    if (!mediashareAccessAlbum($albumId, mediashareAccessRequirementAddMedia, '')) {
        return LogUtil::registerPermissionError();
    // Get parent album information
    if (!($album = pnModAPIFunc('mediashare', 'user', 'getAlbum', array('albumId' => $albumId)))) {
        return false;
    // Start fetching media items
    $imageNum = (int) FormUtil::getPassedValue('imagenum');
    $statusSet = array();
    $args['albumId'] = $albumId;
    for ($i = 1; $i <= $imageNum; ++$i) {
        $uploadInfo = $_FILES["upload{$i}"];
        $args['width'] = FormUtil::getPassedValue("width{$i}");
        $args['height'] = FormUtil::getPassedValue("height{$i}");
        if (isset($uploadInfo['error']) && $uploadInfo['error'] != 0 && $uploadInfo['name'] != '') {
            $statusSet[] = array('ok' => false, 'message' => $uploadInfo['name'] . ': ' . mediashareUploadErrorMsg($uploadInfo['error']));
        } else {
            if ($uploadInfo['size'] > 0) {
                $zip = zip_open($uploadInfo['tmp_name']);
                if (!$zip) {
                    return LogUtil::registerError(__('Could not open the ZIP.', $dom));
                while ($zipEntry = zip_read($zip)) {
                    //                  echo "Name:               ".zip_entry_name($zipEntry)."\n";
                    //                  echo "Actual Filesize:    ".zip_entry_filesize($zipEntry)."\n";
                    //                  echo "Compressed Size:    ".zip_entry_compressedsize($zipEntry)."\n";
                    //                  echo "Compression Method: ".zip_entry_compressionmethod($zipEntry)."\n";
                    //                  echo "<br>\n";
                    if (zip_entry_filesize($zipEntry) > 0) {
                        $result = mediashareSourceZipAddFile($zip, $zipEntry, $args);
                        if ($result === false) {
                            $status = array('ok' => false, 'message' => LogUtil::getErrorMessagesText());
                        } else {
                            $status = array('ok' => true, 'message' => $result['message'], 'mediaId' => $result['mediaId']);
                        $statusSet = array_merge($statusSet, array($status));
    // Quick count of uploaded images + getting IDs for further editing
    $editMediaIds = array();
    $acceptedImageNum = 0;
    foreach ($statusSet as $status) {
        if ($status['ok']) {
            $editMediaIds[] = $status['mediaId'];
    $album['imageCount'] += $acceptedImageNum;
    // Update for showing only
    if ($acceptedImageNum == 0) {
        $statusSet[] = array('ok' => false, 'message' => __('No media items', $dom));
    if (($items = pnModAPIFunc('mediashare', 'user', 'getMediaItems', array('mediaIdList' => $editMediaIds))) === false) {
        return false;
    $render =& pnRender::getInstance('mediashare', false);
    $render->assign('statusSet', $statusSet);
    $render->assign('items', $items);
    return $render->fetch('mediashare_source_zip_uploadet.html');
Esempio n. 13
function mediashareSourceYoutubeSave(&$args)
    if (!SecurityUtil::confirmAuthKey()) {
        return LogUtil::registerAuthidError();
    $dom = ZLanguage::getModuleDomain('mediashare');
    $albumId = mediashareGetIntUrl('aid', $args, 0);
    // Check access
    if (!mediashareAccessAlbum($albumId, mediashareAccessRequirementAddMedia, '')) {
        return LogUtil::registerPermissionError();
    // Get parent album information
    if (!($album = pnModAPIFunc('mediashare', 'user', 'getAlbum', array('albumId' => $albumId)))) {
        return false;
    // Start fetching media items
    $imageNum = (int) FormUtil::getPassedValue('imagenum');
    $statusSet = array();
    $args['albumId'] = $albumId;
    for ($i = 1; $i <= $imageNum; ++$i) {
        $videoytcode = FormUtil::getPassedValue("videoytcode{$i}");
        $args['width'] = FormUtil::getPassedValue("width{$i}");
        $args['height'] = FormUtil::getPassedValue("height{$i}");
        $result = mediashareSourceYoutubeAdd($videoytcode, $args);
        if ($result === false) {
            $status = array('ok' => false, 'message' => LogUtil::getErrorMessagesText());
        } else {
            $status = array('ok' => true, 'message' => $result['message'], 'mediaId' => $result['mediaId']);
        $statusSet = array_merge($statusSet, array($status));
    // Quick count of uploaded images + getting IDs for further editing
    $editMediaIds = array();
    $acceptedImageNum = 0;
    foreach ($statusSet as $status) {
        if ($status['ok']) {
            $editMediaIds[] = $status['mediaId'];
    $album['imageCount'] += $acceptedImageNum;
    // Update for showing only
    if ($acceptedImageNum == 0) {
        $statusSet[] = array('ok' => false, 'message' => __('No media items', $dom));
    if (($items = pnModAPIFunc('mediashare', 'user', 'getMediaItems', array('mediaIdList' => $editMediaIds))) === false) {
        return false;
    $render =& pnRender::getInstance('mediashare', false);
    $render->assign('statusSet', $statusSet);
    $render->assign('items', $items);
    return $render->fetch('mediashare_source_youtube_added.html');
Esempio n. 14
function mediashareErrorAPIRemote()
    $msg = LogUtil::getErrorMessagesText();
    echo "__#GR2PROTO__\nstatus=1\nstatus_text={$msg}";
    return true;
Esempio n. 15
     * Encode data in JSON and return.
     * This functions can add a new authid if requested to do so (default).
     * If the supplied args is not an array, it will be converted to an
     * array with 'data' as key.
     * Authid field will always be named 'authid'. Any other field 'authid'
     * will be overwritten!
     * Script execution stops here
     * @param mixed   $args         String or array of data.
     * @param boolean $createauthid Create a new authid and send it back to the calling javascript.
     * @param boolean $xjsonheader  Send result in X-JSON: header for prototype.js.
     * @param boolean $statusmsg    Include statusmsg in output.
     * @param string  $code         Optional error code, default '200 OK'.
     * @deprecated since 1.3.0
     * @return void
    public static function output($args, $createauthid = false, $xjsonheader = false, $statusmsg = true, $code = '200 OK')
        if (!System::isLegacyMode()) {
            $response = new Zikula_Response_Ajax($args);
            echo $response;
        // Below for reference - to be deleted.

        // check if an error message is set
        $msgs = LogUtil::getErrorMessagesText('<br />');

        if ($msgs != false && !empty($msgs)) {

        $data = !is_array($args) ? array('data' => $args) : $args;

        if ($statusmsg === true) {
            // now check if a status message is set
            $msgs = LogUtil::getStatusMessagesText('<br />');
            $data['statusmsg'] = $msgs;

        if ($createauthid === true) {
            $data['authid'] = SecurityUtil::generateAuthKey(ModUtil::getName());

        // convert the data to UTF-8 if not already encoded as such
        // Note: this isn't strict test but relying on the site language pack encoding seems to be a good compromise
        if (ZLanguage::getEncoding() != 'utf-8') {
            $data = DataUtil::convertToUTF8($data);

        $output = json_encode($data);

        header("HTTP/1.0 $code");
        header('Content-type: application/json');
        if ($xjsonheader == true) {
            header('X-JSON:(' . $output . ')');
        echo $output;