Esempio n. 1
 public function __construct(Autoload $objAutoload)
     $_SESSION['POST'] = serialize($_POST);
     $_SESSION['GET'] = serialize($_GET);
     /* @var $objContent  Content */
     $objContent = unserialize($_SESSION['objContent']);
     $arrayFiles = $objAutoload->getClassName();
     $module = ucfirst($this->getModule());
     $action = ucfirst($this->getAction());
     if (empty($module) && empty($action)) {
         $this->redirectIndex(MODULE_DEFAULT, ACTION_DEFAULT, array());
     $module = empty($module) ? MODULE_DEFAULT : $module;
     $action = empty($action) ? ACTION_DEFAULT : $action;
     $className = "Action" . $module;
     if (!in_array($className . ".php", $arrayFiles)) {
         echo ERRO_404;
         $log = new Log();
         $log->setLog(__FILE__, $className . ' It was found in line ' . __LINE__ . ' - Module [' . $module . '] does not exist');
         return false;
     $_SESSION['objContent'] = serialize($objContent);
     $preActionClass = new ActionGeneral();
     $preLoad = new PreLoad($preActionClass);
     $actionClass = new $className();
     $load = new Load($actionClass, $action, $module);
Esempio n. 2
 public function newModule($module)
     $module = ucfirst($module);
     if (is_dir(PATH_LAYOUTS . $module)) {
         $log = new Log();
         $log->setLog(__FILE__, 'The directory of this module already exists: ' . PATH_LAYOUTS . $module);
         throw new Exception('The directory of this module already exists: ' . PATH_LAYOUTS . $module);
     if (is_dir(PATH_MODULES . $module)) {
         $log = new Log();
         $log->setLog(__FILE__, 'The directory of this module already exists: ' . PATH_MODULES . $module);
         throw new Exception('The directory of this module already exists: ' . PATH_MODULES . $module);
     if (is_dir(PATH_TEMPLATES . $module)) {
         $log = new Log();
         $log->setLog(__FILE__, 'The directory of this module already exists: ' . PATH_TEMPLATES . $module);
         throw new Exception('The directory of this module already exists: ' . PATH_TEMPLATES . $module);
     if (is_dir(PATH_WEB . $module)) {
         $log = new Log();
         $log->setLog(__FILE__, 'The directory of this module already exists: ' . PATH_WEB . $module);
         throw new Exception('The directory of this module already exists: ' . PATH_WEB . $module);
     mkdir(PATH_LAYOUTS . $module);
     mkdir(PATH_MODULES . $module);
     mkdir(PATH_MODULES . $module . '/lib/');
     mkdir(PATH_TEMPLATES . $module);
     mkdir(PATH_TEMPLATES . $module . '/Includes/');
     mkdir(PATH_WEB . $module);
     mkdir(PATH_WEB . $module . '/css/');
     mkdir(PATH_WEB . $module . '/images/');
     mkdir(PATH_WEB . $module . '/js/');
     $permission = 0777;
     chmod(PATH_LAYOUTS . $module, $permission);
     chmod(PATH_MODULES . $module, $permission);
     chmod(PATH_MODULES . $module . '/lib/', $permission);
     chmod(PATH_TEMPLATES . $module, $permission);
     chmod(PATH_TEMPLATES . $module . '/Includes/', $permission);
     chmod(PATH_WEB . $module, $permission);
     chmod(PATH_WEB . $module . '/css/', $permission);
     chmod(PATH_WEB . $module . '/images/', $permission);
     chmod(PATH_WEB . $module . '/js/', $permission);
     $templateLayout = $this->getContentTemplate($this->templateLayout);
     $pathLayout = PATH_LAYOUTS . $module . '/';
     WriteToFile::writeContent($templateLayout, $pathLayout, 'index.php', true, true);
     $templateModule = $this->getContentTemplate($this->templateModule);
     $templateModule = str_replace("[%module%]", $module, $templateModule);
     $templateModule = str_replace("[%date%]", date('d/m/Y H:i:s'), $templateModule);
     $pathModules = PATH_MODULES . $module . '/';
     $fileModule = 'Action' . $module . '.php';
     WriteToFile::writeContent($templateModule, $pathModules, $fileModule, true, true);
     $templateTemplate = $this->getContentTemplate($this->templateTemplate);
     $pathTemplate = PATH_TEMPLATES . $module . '/';
     WriteToFile::writeContent($templateTemplate, $pathTemplate, 'index.php', true, true);
     return true;
Esempio n. 3
  * Deletes the image
  * @param string $directory
  * @param string $fileName
 public static function removeImage($directory, $fileName)
     if (file_exists($directory . $fileName)) {
         unlink($directory . $fileName);
         return true;
     $log = new Log();
     $log->setLog(__FILE__, 'The file ' . $fileName . ' does not exist in the directory ' . $directory);
     return false;
Esempio n. 4
  * Includes a template module
  * @param String $module
  * @param String $file
  * @return String
 public static function includeTemplate($module, $file)
     $host = array_key_exists('HTTP_HOST', $_SERVER) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] : null;
     $fileName = PATH . PATH_TEMPLATES . $module . "/" . PATH_INCLUDES . "/" . $file;
     if (!file_exists($fileName)) {
         $log = new Log();
         $log->setLog(__FILE__, 'File Not Found ' . $fileName, true);
         throw new Exception('File not Found : ' . $fileName);
     require $fileName;
Esempio n. 5
  * Grab the contents of the template files
  * @param String $fileTemplate
  * @return String
 private function getContentTemplate($fileTemplate)
     if (!file_exists($fileTemplate)) {
         $log = new Log();
         $log->setLog(__FILE__, 'Could not find file -> ' . $fileTemplate);
         throw new Exception('Could not find file -> ' . $fileTemplate);
     $open = fopen($fileTemplate, "r");
     $contentTemplate = fread($open, filesize($fileTemplate));
     return $contentTemplate;
Esempio n. 6
  * @param object $var
 public function __construct($var)
     /* @var $objContent  Content */
     $objContent = unserialize($_SESSION['objContent']);
     $instance = "ActionGeneral";
     if (!$var instanceof $instance) {
         echo ERRO_404;
         $log = new Log();
         $log->setLog(__FILE__, ' The error occurred on line ' . __LINE__ . ' - Was not found to GeneralAction');
         return false;
     $_SESSION['objContent'] = serialize($objContent);
Esempio n. 7
 public static function read($isoLang = 'pt_BR')
     $file = PATH . PATH_I18N . $isoLang . '.xml';
     try {
         $xml = simplexml_load_file($file);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $log = new Log();
         $log->setLog(__FILE__, 'Could not open file [' . $file . '] for reading :' . $e->getMessage(), true);
         throw new Exception('Could not open file [' . $file . '] for reading ');
     $count = count($xml->item);
     if ($count == 0) {
         $log = new Log();
         $log->setLog(__FILE__, 'Open file [' . $file . '] is empty ', true);
         throw new Exception('Open file [' . $file . '] is empty ');
     return $xml->item;
Esempio n. 8
 public function executeTeste(Content &$objContent)
     $objEmail = new Phpmailer();
     $body = "Olá mundo.";
     $objEmail->MsgHTML("Ola Mundo");
     $objEmail->Subject = "OKOKO";
     if (!$objEmail->Send()) {
         $log = new Log();
         $log->setLog(__FILE__, "Mailer Error: " . $objEmail->ErrorInfo);
         $this->var2 = "Mailer Error: " . $objEmail->ErrorInfo;
     $this->var1 = $this->getRequestParameter('número') * 20;
     $this->var2 = "Success!!";
     $this->forward1 = $this->getRequestParameter('número');
     $this->forward2 = $this->getRequestParameter('oba');
     $this->link = Headers::linkTo('Default', 'Index', array('culture' => $objContent->getObjCulture()->getCulture()));
     var_dump(Headers::linkToCss('Default', 'estilos.css'));
Esempio n. 9
  * Write the contents of the file
  * @param String $content
  * @param String $path
  * @param String $fileName
  * @param Boolean $overwrite
  * @param Boolean $replace
  * @return Boolean
 public static function writeContent($content, $path, $fileName, $overwrite = true, $replace = true)
     self::$path = $path;
     self::$fileName = $fileName;
     if (!self::checkPathExists()) {
         $log = new Log();
         $log->setLog(__FILE__, 'The directory is not exists: ' . $path);
         throw new Exception('The directory is not exists: ' . $path);
     if (!self::checkPathPermission()) {
         $log = new Log();
         $log->setLog(__FILE__, 'The directory is not writable: ' . $path);
         throw new Exception('The directory is not writable: ' . $path);
     if (!$overwrite && !$replace && self::checkFileExists()) {
         return false;
     $owner = fileowner($path);
     $group = filegroup($path);
     $permission = 0777;
     $type = "w";
     if ($overwrite && !$replace) {
         $type = "a";
         $content = '\\n' . $content;
     if ($overwrite && $replace) {
         @unlink($path . $fileName);
     $open = fopen($path . $fileName, $type);
     fwrite($open, $content);
     chmod($path . $fileName, $permission);
     return true;

require '';
require '';
$banco = new Database();
$banco->query("insert into contatos (nome, email,telefone, celular, endereco) values ('" . $_POST['nome'] . "','" . $_POST['email'] . "','" . $_POST['telefone'] . "','" . $_POST['celular'] . "','" . $_POST['endereco'] . "')");
include_once 'CacheArquivo.php';
include_once 'CacheSessao.php';
require '';
$log = new Log();
$log->setLog($_COOKIE['chave'], date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), " ");
$sql = $banco->query("insert into log (usuario,hora,acao) values ('" . $_COOKIE['chave'] . "','" . $log->getHora() . "','Inseriu contato')");
function guardar_valor(Cache $cache, $chave, $valor)
    $cache->set_valor($chave, $valor);
function recuperar_valor(Cache $cache, $chave)
    return $cache->get_valor($chave);
$cacheArquivo = new CacheArquivo();
$cacheSessao = new CacheSessao();
$sql = $banco->query("Select * from contatos");
while ($resultado = mysql_fetch_assoc($sql)) {
    $contato[] = array('nome' => $resultado['nome'], 'email' => $resultado['email'], 'telefone' => $resultado['telefone'], 'celular' => $resultado['celular'], 'endereco' => $resultado['endereco'], 'id' => $resultado['id']);
$dados_para_cache = array('contatos' => $contato);
$valor = json_encode($dados_para_cache);
$chave = $_COOKIE['chave'];
guardar_valor($cacheArquivo, $chave, $valor);
guardar_valor($cacheSessao, $chave, $valor);
Esempio n. 11
File: Url.php Progetto: suga/Megiddo
  * Forward the page to another
  * @param String $module
  * @param String $action
  * @param Content $objContent
 public function forward($module, $action)
     /* @var $autoLoad Autoload */
     $autoLoad = new Autoload();
     $arrayFiles = $autoLoad->getClassName();
     $module = ucfirst(strtolower($module));
     $action = ucfirst($action);
     $module = empty($module) ? MODULE_DEFAULT : $module;
     $action = empty($action) ? ACTION_DEFAULT : $action;
     $className = "Action" . $module;
     if (!in_array($className . ".php", $arrayFiles)) {
         echo ERRO_404;
         $log = new Log();
         $log->setLog(__FILE__, $className . ' It was found in line ' . __LINE__ . ' - Module [' . $module . '] does not exist');
         return false;
     $class = new $className();
     $load = new Load($class, $action, $module);
Esempio n. 12
  * Throw an error and logs exceptions
  * @param message[optional]
  * @param code[optional]
  * @param previous[optional]
 public function __construct($file = null, $message = null, $code = null, $previous = null)
     $log = new Log();
     $log->setLog($file, $message, true);
     parent::__construct($message, $code, $previous);
Esempio n. 13
  * Checks the file exists and
  * @param String $file
 public function checkFilesExists($file)
     $url = new Url();
     $module = $url->getModule();
     if (is_null($file) || $module == 'General') {
         return false;
     if (!is_file($file)) {
         $log = new Log();
         $log->setLog(__FILE__, 'Unable to get the contents of the template because it does not exist. -> ' . $file, true);
         return false;
     return true;
Esempio n. 14
  * @param object $var
  * @param string $action
  * @param string $module
 public function __construct($var, $action, $module)
     /* @var $objContent  Content */
     $objContent = unserialize($_SESSION['objContent']);
     $instance = "Action" . $module;
     if (!$var instanceof $instance) {
         echo ERRO_404;
         $log = new Log();
         $log->setLog(__FILE__, ' The error occurred on line ' . __LINE__ . ' - Module [' . $module . '] does not exist');
         return false;
     $method = "execute" . $action;
     if (!method_exists($var, $method)) {
         echo ERRO_404;
         $log = new Log();
         $log->setLog(__FILE__, ' The error occurred on line ' . __LINE__ . ' - Method [' . $method . '] does not exist');
         return false;
     $template = new Template();
     $objContent->setInformationLoad(array($var, $method));
     if (method_exists($var, 'preExecute')) {
     $returnAction = $var->{$method}($objContent);
     $moduleTemplate = $objContent->getObjTemplate()->getModule();
     $moduleTemplate = empty($moduleTemplate) ? $module : $objContent->getObjTemplate()->getModule();
     $actionTemplate = $objContent->getObjTemplate()->getAction();
     $actionTemplate = empty($actionTemplate) ? $action : $objContent->getObjTemplate()->getAction();
     if ($moduleTemplate != $module) {
     if ($actionTemplate != $action) {
     if ($returnAction == ViewActions::VIEW_SUCCESS || is_null($returnAction)) {
         $file = PATH . PATH_TEMPLATES . $moduleTemplate . "/" . preg_replace(array('/^[A-Z]/'), strtolower($actionTemplate[0]), $actionTemplate) . ".php";
     if ($returnAction == ViewActions::VIEW_ERROR) {
         $file = PATH . PATH_TEMPLATES . $moduleTemplate . "/" . preg_replace(array('/^[A-Z]/'), strtolower($actionTemplate[0]), $actionTemplate) . "Error.php";
     if ($returnAction != ViewActions::VIEW_NONE && !is_file($file)) {
         if (!$var instanceof ActionGeneral) {
             echo ERRO_404;
             $log = new Log();
             $log->setLog(__FILE__, ' The error occurred on line ' . __LINE__ . ' - The template file not found: [' . $file . ']');
             return false;
     $templateRead = new TemplateRead();
     $templateRead->getContentFromLayout($template->getPathLayout(), $var);
     if (isset($file)) {
         $templateRead->getContentFromTemplate($file, $var);
     echo $templateRead->getContentFromMerge();
     if (method_exists($var, 'endExecute')) {
     $objContent->getObjTemplate()->setTemplateAction(null, null);
     try {
         $_SESSION['objContent'] = serialize($objContent);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $log = new Log();
         $log->setLog(__FILE__, ' The error occurred on line ' . __LINE__ . ' - Serialize Session fail: [' . $file . '] - Message Error: ' . $e->getMessage());
require '';
require '';
$usuario = new Usuario();
$usuario->setUsuario($_POST['usuario'], $_POST['senha']);
$banco = new Database();
$sql = $banco->query("Select nome, username  From usuarios where username='******' and senha='" . $usuario->getSenha() . "'");
$user = mysql_fetch_assoc($sql);
if (empty($user)) {
    echo "Usuario e senha invalidos!";
} else {
    setcookie('chave', $usuario->getUser());
    include_once 'CacheArquivo.php';
    include_once 'CacheSessao.php';
    require '';
    $log = new Log();
    $log->setLog($usuario->getUser(), date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), "Efetuou login");
    $sql = $banco->query("insert into log (usuario,hora,acao) values ('" . $usuario->getUser() . "','" . $log->getHora() . "','Efetuou Login')");
    function guardar_valor(Cache $cache, $chave, $valor)
        $cache->set_valor($chave, $valor);
    function recuperar_valor(Cache $cache, $chave)
        return $cache->get_valor($chave);
    $cacheArquivo = new CacheArquivo();
    $cacheSessao = new CacheSessao();
    $sql = $banco->query("Select * from contatos");
    while ($resultado = mysql_fetch_assoc($sql)) {
        $contato[] = array('nome' => $resultado['nome'], 'email' => $resultado['email'], 'telefone' => $resultado['telefone'], 'celular' => $resultado['celular'], 'endereco' => $resultado['endereco'], 'id' => $resultado['id']);