Esempio n. 1
    throw new Exception(Loco::__('Invalid data posted to server'), 422);
// path is allowed to not exist yet
if ('/' !== $path[0]) {
    $path = WP_CONTENT_DIR . '/' . $path;
// but package must exist so we can get POT or source
/* @var $package LocoPackage */
loco_require('loco-packages', 'loco-locales');
$package = LocoPackage::get($name, $type);
if (!$package) {
    throw new Exception(sprintf(Loco::__('Package not found called %s'), $name), 404);
while (true) {
    // If file we're syncing is POT, we can only sync from sources
    if (!LocoAdmin::is_pot($path)) {
        // if a POT file exists, sync from that
        $domain = LocoAdmin::resolve_file_domain($path) or $domain = $package->get_domain();
        if ($pot_path = $package->get_pot($domain)) {
            $exp = LocoAdmin::parse_po($pot_path);
            if (!$exp || 1 === count($exp) && '' === $exp[0]['source']) {
                // throw new Exception( Loco::__('POT file is empty').' - '.basename($pot_path) );
                // fall through to try source code
            } else {
                $pot = basename($pot_path);
    // Extract from sources by default
    if (!$package->has_source_dirs()) {
Esempio n. 2
// path is allowed to not exist yet
if ('/' !== $path[0]) {
    $path = WP_CONTENT_DIR . '/' . $path;
// but package must exist so we can get POT or source
/* @var $package LocoPackage */
loco_require('loco-packages', 'loco-locales');
$package = LocoPackage::get($name, $type);
if (!$package) {
    throw new Exception(sprintf(Loco::__('Package not found called %s'), $name), 404);
$fname = basename($path);
$podir = dirname($path);
$dname = basename($podir);
$ispot = LocoAdmin::is_pot($fname);
$ftype = $ispot ? 'POT' : 'PO';
// handle file backups if file exists and enabled
if (file_exists($path)) {
    $conf = Loco::config();
    $num = (int) $conf['num_backups'];
    if (is_writable($podir)) {
        $dest = preg_replace('/\\.(pot?)$/i', '-backup-', $path);
        // delete oldest backups until we have $num-1 remaining
        if ($prev = glob($dest . '*')) {
            function _loco_sort_backups($f1, $f2)
                $t1 = filemtime($f1);
                $t2 = filemtime($f2);
                return $t1 < $t2 ? -1 : ($t2 < $t1 ? 1 : 0);