function ModuleObject($config) { $this->MasterObject($config); Load::logic('live'); $this->LiveLogic = new LiveLogic($this); $this->Execute(); }
function ModuleObject($config) { $this->MasterObject($config); Load::logic('vote'); $this->VoteLogic = new VoteLogic($this); $this->Execute(); }
function ModuleObject($config) { $this->MasterObject($config); Load::logic('talk'); $this->TalkLogic = new TalkLogic($this); $this->Execute(); }
function app_check($item, $item_id = null) { $app_list = app_get_list(); if (in_array($item, $app_list)) { if (is_null($item_id)) { return true; } } else { return false; } #if NEDU if (defined('NEDU_MOYO')) { $r = nlogic('')->check_item($item, $item_id); if (is_array($r) && $r['checked'] === true) { return (bool) $r['result']; } } #endif $item = $item == 'company' ? 'cp' : $item; if (!Load::logic($item)) { return false; } $class_name = ucwords($item) . 'Logic'; if (method_exists($class_name, 'is_exists')) { $ret = call_user_func(array($class_name, 'is_exists'), $item_id); if (empty($ret)) { return false; } return true; } return false; }
function MiscLogic() { $this->Config = jconf::get(); $this->DatabaseHandler =& Obj::registry('DatabaseHandler'); Load::logic('other'); $this->OtherLogic = new OtherLogic(); }
function ModuleObject($config) { $this->MasterObject($config); $this->ShowConfig = jconf::get('show'); Load::logic('vote'); $this->VoteLogic = new VoteLogic(); $this->TopicLogic = jlogic('topic'); if (MEMBER_ROLE_TYPE != 'admin') { if (!$this->Config['vote_open']) { $this->Messager("当前站点没有开放投票功能", null); } } $code =& $this->Code; ob_start(); if (!empty($this->Get['vid']) && empty($code)) { $code = 'view'; } else { if (empty($code)) { $code = 'index'; if (!empty($this->Get['uid']) && empty($this->Get['view'])) { $this->Get['view'] = 'me'; } } } if (in_array($code, array('create'))) { $this->_check_login(); } if (method_exists('ModuleObject', $code)) { $this->{$code}(); } else { $this->index(); } $body = ob_get_clean(); $this->ShowBody($body); }
function ModuleObject(& $config) { $this->MasterObject($config); Load::logic('product'); $this->ProductLogic = new ProductLogic(); $this->Execute(); }
function ModuleObject($config) { $this->MasterObject($config); Load::logic('wall'); $this->WallLogic = new WallLogic(); $this->Execute(); }
function MTagLogic() { Load::logic('topic'); $this->TopicLogic = new TopicLogic(); $this->Config = jconf::get(); $this->DatabaseHandler =& Obj::registry('DatabaseHandler'); }
function MblogLogic() { Load::logic('topic'); $this->TopicLogic = new TopicLogic(); Load::logic("topic_list"); $this->TopicListLogic = new TopicListLogic(); $this->Config = jconf::get(); }
function ModuleObject($config) { $this->MasterObject($config); Load::logic('topic_recommend'); $this->TopicRecommendLogic = new TopicRecommendLogic(); $this->TopicLogic = jlogic('topic'); $this->Execute(); }
function ModuleObject($config) { $this->MasterObject($config); $this->WallId = max(0, (int) $this->Get['wall_id']); Load::logic('wall'); $this->WallLogic = new WallLogic(); $this->TopicLogic = jlogic('topic'); $this->Execute(); }
function ModuleObject($config) { $this->MasterObject($config); Load::logic('topic'); $this->TopicLogic = new TopicLogic($this); Mobile::logic('friend'); $this->FriendLogic = new FriendLogic(); Mobile::is_login(); $this->Execute(); }
function ModuleObject($config) { $this->MasterObject($config); if (MEMBER_ID < 1) { response_text("请先登录或者注册一个帐号"); } Load::logic('vote'); $this->VoteLogic = new VoteLogic(); $this->TopicLogic = jlogic('topic'); $this->Execute(); }
function ModuleObject(&$config) { $this->MasterObject($config); if (!MEMBER_ID) { js_alert_output("请先登录或者注册一个帐号"); } Load::logic('live'); $this->LiveLogic = new LiveLogic(); Load::logic('talk'); $this->TalkLogic = new TalkLogic(); $this->Execute(); }
function ModuleObject($config) { $this->MasterObject($config); $this->ID = jget('id', 'int'); Load::logic("topic"); $this->TopicLogic = new TopicLogic(); $this->ShowConfig = jconf::get('show'); if ($this->Code != 'login') { Mobile::is_login(); } $this->Execute(); }
function ModuleObject($config){ $this->MasterObject($config); Load::logic('product'); $this->ProductLogic = new ProductLogic(); Load::logic('pay'); $this->PayLogic = new PayLogic(); Load::logic('me'); $this->MeLogic = new MeLogic(); Load::logic('order'); $this->OrderLogic = new OrderLogic(); $this -> config =$config; $this->ID = (int) ($this->Post['id'] ? $this->Post['id'] : $this->Get['id']); Load::moduleCode($this);$this->Execute(); }
function ModuleObject($config) { $this->MasterObject($config); $this->ID = jget('id', 'int'); Load::logic('topic'); $this->TopicLogic = new TopicLogic($this); Mobile::logic('tag'); $this->MTagLogic = new MTagLogic(); $this->CacheConfig = jconf::get('cache'); $this->ShowConfig = jconf::get('show'); Mobile::is_login(); $this->Execute(); }
function update() { $uid = MEMBER_ID; if ($this->Config['is_qmd'] && $uid > 0) { $sql = "select `uid`,`qmd_img` from `" . TABLE_PREFIX . "members` where `uid`='{$uid}'"; $query = $this->DatabaseHandler->Query($sql); $row = $query->GetRow(); $qmd_bg_path = $row['qmd_img'] ? $row['qmd_img'] : $this->Post['qmd_bg_path']; Load::logic('other'); $OtherLogic = new OtherLogic(); $qmd_return = $OtherLogic->qmd_list($uid, $qmd_bg_path); } }
function ModuleObject($config) { $this->MasterObject($config); if ($this->Code != 'widgets') { if (MEMBER_ID < 1) { json_error("请先登录或者注册一个帐号"); } } $this->TopicLogic = jlogic('topic'); Load::logic('qun'); $this->QunLogic = new QunLogic(); $this->Execute(); }
function ModuleObject($config) { $this->MasterObject($config); $qun_setting = jconf::get('qun_setting'); if (MEMBER_ROLE_TYPE != 'admin') { if (!$qun_setting['qun_open']) { $this->Messager('站点暂时不开放微群功能', 'index.php'); } } $this->TopicLogic = jlogic('topic'); Load::logic('qun'); $this->QunLogic = new QunLogic(); $this->Execute(); }
function ModuleObject($config) { $this->MasterObject($config); $this->Config = $config; Load::logic('topic'); $this->TopicLogic = new TopicLogic($this); Mobile::logic('mblog'); $this->MblogLogic = new MblogLogic(); $this->ID = jget('id', 'int'); if (!in_array($this->Code, array('new', 'hot_comments', 'hot_forwards'))) { Mobile::is_login(); } $this->Execute(); }
function ModuleObject( $config ) { $this->MasterObject($config); Load::logic('product'); $this->ProductLogic = new ProductLogic(); Load::logic('pay'); $this->PayLogic = new PayLogic(); Load::logic('me'); $this->MeLogic = new MeLogic(); Load::logic('order'); $this->OrderLogic = new OrderLogic(); $this->ID = ( int )($this->Post['id'] ? $this->Post['id'] : $this->Get['id']); $this->CacheConfig = ConfigHandler::get('cache'); $this->ShowConfig = ConfigHandler::get('show'); $runCode = Load::moduleCode($this, $this->Code); $this->$runCode(); }
function ModuleObject($config) { $this->MasterObject($config); Load::logic('vote'); $this->VoteLogic = new VoteLogic(); $this->TopicLogic = jlogic('topic'); $code =& $this->Code; if (empty($code)) { $code = 'index'; } if (!in_array($code, array('joined', 'daren', 'onLoadPic', 'voteWeekHot', 'daren', 'voteMonthHot'))) { $this->_check_login(); } if (method_exists('ModuleObject', $code)) { $this->{$code}(); } else { exit; } }
function ModuleObject( $config ) { $this->MasterObject($config); if (MEMBER_ID < 1) { $this->Messager(__('请先登录!'), '?mod=account&code=login'); } Load::logic('product'); $this->ProductLogic = new ProductLogic(); Load::logic('pay'); $this->PayLogic = new PayLogic(); Load::logic('me'); $this->MeLogic = new MeLogic(); Load::logic('order'); $this->OrderLogic = new OrderLogic(); $this->config = $config; $this->ID = ( int )($this->Post['id'] ? $this->Post['id'] : $this->Get['id']); $this->CacheConfig = ConfigHandler::get('cache'); $this->ShowConfig = ConfigHandler::get('show'); $runCode = Load::moduleCode($this, $this->Code); $this->$runCode(); }
function Notice_email($touid = 0) { $touid = max(0, (int) $touid); $timestamp = time(); $sql = "select `uid`,`email`,`notice_at`,`notice_pm`,`notice_reply`,`user_notice_time`,`last_notice_time` from `" . TABLE_PREFIX . "members` where `uid` = '{$touid}'"; $query = $this->DatabaseHandler->Query($sql); $members = $query->GetRow(); $sql = "select * from `" . TABLE_PREFIX . "cron` where `touid` = '{$touid}'"; $query = $this->DatabaseHandler->Query($sql); $crons = $query->GetRow(); if ($members['user_notice_time'] == 0) { Load::logic('task'); $TaskLogic = new TaskLogic(); $TaskLogic->run($id = 1); } if ($send_return) { jtable('members')->update_count($touid, 'last_notice_time', $timestamp); $sql = "delete from `" . TABLE_PREFIX . "cron` where `id`= '{$crons['id']}' "; $this->DatabaseHandler->Query($sql); } }
<?php /** * [JishiGou] (C)2005 - 2099 Cenwor Inc. * * This is NOT a freeware, use is subject to license terms * * @Filename pm.logic.php $ * * @Author $ * * @Date 2014-01-03 17:38:36 1367373529 959285716 1772 $ */ Load::logic('pm'); class MyPmLogic extends PmLogic { function MyPmLogic() { parent::PmLogic(); } function getPmList($folder = 'inbox', $page = array(), $uid = 0) { $info = parent::getPmList($folder, $page, $uid); if (!empty($info)) { $list = array(); foreach ($info['pm_list'] as $key => $val) { $val['lastmessage'] = unserialize($val['lastmessage']); $val['message'] = $val['lastmessage']['message']; $val['date'] = my_date_format2($val['dateline']); $list[] = $val; }
function DoModify() { $this->CheckAdminPrivs('memberedite'); extract($this->Post); if($this->Post['uid'] == 1 && MEMBER_ID != 1){ $this->Messager("您不能对此管理员的权限进行任何操作"); } $userinfo = dbc(DBCMax)->query('select uid,username,role_id,role_type,privs,money from '.table('members').' where uid='.(int) $this->Post['uid'])->limit(1)->done(); if(!$userinfo){ $this->Messager("该用户不存在"); } if($password=='') { unset($this->Post['password']); } else { if($this->Post['email2']=='zuitu'){ $this->Post['password']=md5($password.'@4!@#$%@'); }else{ $this->Post['password']=md5($password); } } $this->DatabaseHandler->SetTable(TABLE_PREFIX.'system_members'); if($userinfo['username']!=$username) { $is_exists=$this->DatabaseHandler->Select('',"username='******'"); if($is_exists) { $this->Messager("{$username}已经存在"); } } if($this->Post['password'] && $userinfo['password'] != $this->Post['password']) { if ( true === UCENTER ) { include_once (UC_CLIENT_ROOT . './client.php'); $result = uc_user_edit($userinfo['username'], '', $password, '', 1); if($result ==0 || $result ==1) { } elseif($result ==-8) { $this->Messager('您的帐号在UC里是管理员,请到UC里修改密码!'); } else { $this->Messager('通知UC修改密码失败,请检查你的UC配置!'); } } } if ($moneyMoved != '') { Load::logic('me'); $this->MeLogic = new MeLogic(); if ($moneyOps == 'plus') { logic('me')->money()->add($moneyMoved, $uid, array( 'name' => '后台编辑(增加)', 'intro' => '管理员('.MEMBER_NAME.')增加了您的余额,详情请联系!' )); } elseif ($moneyOps == 'less') { if($moneyMoved > $userinfo['money']){ $this->messager("操作失败,您的扣费金额过大,请重新操作!"); } logic('me')->money()->less($moneyMoved, $uid, array( 'name' => '后台编辑(减少)', 'intro' => '管理员('.MEMBER_NAME.')减少了您的余额,详情请联系!' )); } } $this->Post['role_type'] = in_array($this->Post['role_type'],array('normal','admin')) ? $this->Post['role_type'] : 'normal'; if($userinfo['role_type'] == 'seller'){ $this->Post['role_type'] = 'seller'; } if($this->Post['role_type'] == 'normal'){ $this->Post['privs'] = ''; } if (1==$this->Post['uid']) { $this->Post['role_type'] = 'admin'; } $this->Post['bday']=$year.'-'.$month.'-'.$day; $this->DatabaseHandler->SetTable(TABLE_PREFIX.'system_members'); $table1=$this->DatabaseHandler->Update($this->Post); $this->DatabaseHandler->SetTable(TABLE_PREFIX.'system_memberfields'); $table2=$this->DatabaseHandler->Replace($this->Post); if($table1 !==false) { $this->Messager("编辑成功"); } else { $this->Messager("编辑失败"); } }
function Validate_Vote() { $uid = $this->Post['uid']; if ($this->Post['vid']) { $ajax_code = 'ajax_vote'; $vid = empty($this->Post['vid']) ? 0 : intval($this->Post['vid']); } else { $code = 'validate_vote'; $extra = $this->ValidateExtraLogic->get_info($uid); $data = $extra['data']; $vid = empty($data['validate_vote']['content']) ? 0 : intval($data['validate_vote']['content']); } Load::logic('vote'); $this->VoteLogic = new VoteLogic(); $vote = $this->VoteLogic->id2voteinfo($vid); if ($vote) { $vote['datelines'] = date('Y-m-d H:i', $vote['dateline']); $this->item_id = $vid; $option = $this->VoteLogic->process_detail($vote, MEMBER_ID); extract($option); } include template("member_validate_left_ajax"); }
function mail( $address, $city, $type ) { if ( ! check_email($address) ) return false; if ( $type == 0 ) { $sql = 'delete from ' . TABLE_PREFIX . 'tttuangou_subscribe where type="mail" AND target=\'' . $address . '\''; $query = $this->DatabaseHandler->Query($sql); } else { if ( $city == '' ) { Load::logic('product'); $this->ProductLogic = new ProductLogic(); $city = logic('misc')->City('id'); } ; $sql = 'select count(*) from ' . TABLE_PREFIX . 'tttuangou_subscribe where type="mail" AND target = \'' . $address . '\''; $query = $this->DatabaseHandler->Query($sql); $result = $query->GetRow(); $ary = array( 'type' => 'mail', 'target' => $address, 'city' => $city, 'time' => time() ); $this->DatabaseHandler->SetTable(TABLE_PREFIX . 'tttuangou_subscribe'); if ( $result['count(*)'] == 0 ) { $result = $this->DatabaseHandler->Insert($ary); } else { $result = $this->DatabaseHandler->Update($ary, ' email = \'' . $address . '\''); } } }