Esempio n. 1
 function getData()
     $session = JFactory::getSession();
     $post = JRequest::get('post');
     $redsocialhelper = new redsocialhelper();
     $login = $redsocialhelper->getsettings();
     if (!isset($post['generatetoken'])) {
         return JText::_('PLEASE_SELECT_SECTION');
     switch ($post['generatetoken']) {
         case 'facebook':
             $fb_profile_id = $session->set('fb_profile_id', $post['fb_profile_id']);
             $app_id = $login['app_id'];
             $app_secret = $login['app_secret'];
             require_once JPATH_SITE . '/components/com_redsocialstream/helpers/facebook/facebook.php';
             $redirect_url = urlencode(JURI::base() . "index.php?option=com_redsocialstream&view=access_token");
             header("location:" . $login['app_id'] . "&redirect_uri=" . $redirect_url . "&scope=manage_pages,publish_stream&manage_pages=1&publish_stream=1");
         case 'linkedin':
             //Linkedin APi Key
             $api_key = $login['linked_api_key'];
             //Linkedin Secret Key
             $secret_key = $login['linked_secret_key'];
             $redirect_url = JURI::base() . "index.php?option=com_redsocialstream&view=access_token";
             $linkedin_profile_id = $session->set('linkedin_profile_id', $post['linkedin_profile_id']);
             $API_CONFIG = array('appKey' => $api_key, 'appSecret' => $secret_key, 'callbackUrl' => $redirect_url);
             $linkedin = new LinkedIn($API_CONFIG);
             $response = $linkedin->retrieveTokenRequest();
             if ($response['success'] === TRUE) {
                 $session->set('oauthReqToken', $response['linkedin']);
                 // redirect the user to the LinkedIn authentication/authorisation page to initiate validation.
                 header('Location: ' . LINKEDIN::_URL_AUTH . $response['linkedin']['oauth_token']);
Esempio n. 2
  * {@inheritdoc}
 function loginBegin()
     // send a request for a LinkedIn access token
     $response = $this->api->retrieveTokenRequest();
     if (isset($response['success']) && $response['success'] === true) {
         $this->token("oauth_token", $response['linkedin']['oauth_token']);
         $this->token("oauth_token_secret", $response['linkedin']['oauth_token_secret']);
         # redirect user to LinkedIn authorisation web page
         Hybrid_Auth::redirect(LINKEDIN::_URL_AUTH . $response['linkedin']['oauth_token']);
     } else {
         throw new Exception("Authentication failed! {$this->providerId} returned an invalid Token.", 5);
Esempio n. 3
function try_li_connect()
    global $_SESSION;
    // start the session
    if (!session_id()) {
        bb_die('This script requires session support, which appears to be disabled according to session_start().');
    // check for cURL
    if (extension_loaded('curl')) {
        $curl_version = curl_version();
        $curl_version = $curl_version['version'];
    } else {
        bb_die('You must load the cURL extension to use this library.');
    $API_CONFIG = array('appKey' => bb_get_option('li_app_id'), 'appSecret' => bb_get_option('li_secret'), 'callbackUrl' => NULL);
    $API_CONFIG['callbackUrl'] = 'http://' . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . ($_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] != PORT_HTTP || $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] != PORT_HTTP_SSL ? ':' . $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] : '') . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?' . LINKEDIN::_GET_TYPE . '=initiate&' . LINKEDIN::_GET_RESPONSE . '=1';
    $OBJ_linkedin = new LinkedIn($API_CONFIG);
    try {
        // perform linkedin rest authorization
        if (!$_GET[LINKEDIN::_GET_RESPONSE]) {
            // LinkedIn hasn't sent us a response, the user is initiating the connection
            // send a request for a LinkedIn access token
            $response = $OBJ_linkedin->retrieveTokenRequest();
            if ($response['success'] === TRUE) {
                // store the request token
                $_SESSION['oauth']['linkedin']['request'] = $response['linkedin'];
                // redirect the user to the LinkedIn authentication/authorisation page to initiate validation.
                header('Location: ' . LINKEDIN::_URL_AUTH . $response['linkedin']['oauth_token']);
            } else {
                // bad token request
                bb_die("unable to connect to LinkedIn");
        } else {
            // LinkedIn has sent a response, user has granted permission,
            // take the temp access token, the user's secret and the verifier to request the user's real secret key
            $response = $OBJ_linkedin->retrieveTokenAccess($_SESSION['oauth']['linkedin']['request']['oauth_token'], $_SESSION['oauth']['linkedin']['request']['oauth_token_secret'], $_GET['oauth_verifier']);
            if ($response['success'] === TRUE) {
                // the request went through without an error, gather user's 'access' tokens
                $_SESSION['oauth']['linkedin']['access'] = $response['linkedin'];
                // set the user as authorized for future quick reference
                $_SESSION['oauth']['linkedin']['authorized'] = TRUE;
                //.' '.$_SESSION['oauth']['linkedin']['request']['oauth_token_secret']
                //.' '.$_GET['oauth_verifier']);
            } else {
                // bad token access
                bb_die("authorization failed");
    } catch (LinkedInException $e) {
Esempio n. 4
 private function _startLinkedinHandshake($req_type, $credentials)
     $session = self::oauth_session_exists();
     $app = JFactory::getApplication();
     require_once dirname(__FILE__) . DS . 'jobboard' . DS . 'lib' . DS . 'linkedin' . DS . 'linkedin_3.1.1.class.php';
     $API_CONFIG = array('appKey' => $credentials['key'], 'appSecret' => $credentials['secret'], 'callbackUrl' => null);
     switch ($req_type) {
         case 'initiate':
             $API_CONFIG['callbackUrl'] = JURI::root() . 'index.php?option=com_jobboard&view=user&task=getlinkedinprof&' . $req_type . '=initiate&' . LINKEDIN::_GET_RESPONSE . '=1&Itemid=' . $this->_itemid;
             $OBJ_linkedin = new LinkedIn($API_CONFIG);
             if (!$_GET[LINKEDIN::_GET_RESPONSE]) {
                 $response = $OBJ_linkedin->retrieveTokenRequest();
                 if ($response['success'] === TRUE) {
                     $session_oauth = $session->get('oauth');
                     $session_oauth['oauth']['linkedin']['request'] = $response['linkedin'];
                     $session->set('oauth', $session_oauth);
                     $app->redirect(LINKEDIN::_URL_AUTH . $response['linkedin']['oauth_token']);
                 } else {
                     $msg = JText::_('PLG_JOBBOARD_REQUEST_TOKEN_RETRIEVAL_FAILED');
                     $app->redirect('index.php?option=com_jobboard&view=user&task=addcv&Itemid=' . $this->_itemid, $msg, 'error');
             } else {
             return self::_getLinkedInProfile(&$OBJ_linkedin);
         case 'revoke':
             $session_oauth = $session->get('oauth');
             $OBJ_linkedin = new LinkedIn($API_CONFIG);
             $response = $OBJ_linkedin->revoke();
             if ($response['success'] === TRUE) {
                 if ($session->clear('oauth')) {
                     $msg = JText::_('PLG_JOBBOARD_AUTH_REVOKE_SUCCESS');
                     $msg_type = 'Message';
                 } else {
                     $msg = JText::_('PLG_JOBBOARD_SESSION_CLEAR_FAILED');
                     $msg_type = 'error';
             } else {
                 $msg = JText::_('PLG_JOBBOARD_AUTH_REVOKE_FAILED');
                 $msg_type = 'error';
             $app->redirect('index.php?option=com_jobboard&view=user&task=addcv&Itemid=' . $this->_itemid, $msg, $msg_type);
Esempio n. 5
 public function __construct()
     // Create a LinkedIn object
     $linkedInApiConfig = array('appKey' => LI_API_KEY, 'appSecret' => LI_SECRET, 'callbackUrl' => APP_URL . '/' . Content::l() . '/login/linkedincallback/' . (!empty($_GET['nextPage']) ? $_GET['nextPage'] : ''));
     $linkedIn = new LinkedIn($linkedInApiConfig);
     // Send a request for a LinkedIn access token
     $response = $linkedIn->retrieveTokenRequest();
     if ($response['success'] === TRUE) {
         // Split up the response and stick the LinkedIn portion in the user session
         $_SESSION['oauth']['linkedin']['request'] = $response['linkedin'];
         // Redirect the user to the LinkedIn authentication/authorisation page to initiate validation.
         header('Location: ' . LINKEDIN::_URL_AUTH . $_SESSION['oauth']['linkedin']['request']['oauth_token']);
     } else {
         $this->exitWithMessage('Unable to retrieve access token for LinkedIn');
Esempio n. 6
 // check for the correct http protocol (i.e. is this script being served via http or https)
 if ($_SERVER['HTTPS'] == 'on') {
     $protocol = 'https';
 } else {
     $protocol = 'http';
 // set the callback url
 $API_CONFIG['callbackUrl'] = $protocol . '://' . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . ($_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] != PORT_HTTP || $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] != PORT_HTTP_SSL ? ':' . $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] : '') . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?' . LINKEDIN::_GET_TYPE . '=initiate&' . LINKEDIN::_GET_RESPONSE . '=1';
 $OBJ_linkedin = new LinkedIn($API_CONFIG);
 // check for response from LinkedIn
     // LinkedIn hasn't sent us a response, the user is initiating the connection
     // send a request for a LinkedIn access token
     $response = $OBJ_linkedin->retrieveTokenRequest();
     if ($response['success'] === TRUE) {
         // check the session
         if (!oauth_session_exists()) {
             throw new LinkedInException('This script requires session support, which doesn\'t appear to be working correctly.');
         // split up the response and stick the LinkedIn portion in the user session
         $_SESSION['oauth']['linkedin']['request'] = $response['linkedin'];
         // redirect the user to the LinkedIn authentication/authorisation page to initiate validation.
         header('Location: ' . LINKEDIN::_URL_AUTH . $_SESSION['oauth']['linkedin']['request']['oauth_token']);
     } else {
         // bad token request
         echo "Request token retrieval failed:<br /><br />RESPONSE:<br /><br /><pre>" . print_r($response, TRUE) . "</pre><br /><br />LINKEDIN OBJ:<br /><br /><pre>" . print_r($OBJ_linkedin, TRUE) . "</pre>";
 } else {
     // LinkedIn has sent a response, user has granted permission, take the temp access token, the user's secret and the verifier to request the user's real secret key
 function index()
     $API_CONFIG = $this->config->item('LINKEDIN_KEYS');
     define('DEMO_GROUP', '4010474');
     define('DEMO_GROUP_NAME', 'Simple LI Demo');
     define('PORT_HTTP', '80');
     define('PORT_HTTP_SSL', '443');
     switch ($_REQUEST[LINKEDIN::_GET_TYPE]) {
         case 'initiate':
             // check for the correct http protocol (i.e. is this script being served via http or https)
             if ($this->input->server('HTTPS') == 'on') {
                 $protocol = 'https';
             } else {
                 $protocol = 'http';
             // set the callback url
             $API_CONFIG['callbackUrl'] = $protocol . '://' . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . ($_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] != PORT_HTTP || $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] != PORT_HTTP_SSL ? ':' . $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] : '') . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?' . LINKEDIN::_GET_TYPE . '=initiate&' . LINKEDIN::_GET_RESPONSE . '=1';
             $OBJ_linkedin = new LinkedIn($API_CONFIG);
             // check for response from LinkedIn
             if (!$_GET[LINKEDIN::_GET_RESPONSE]) {
                 // LinkedIn hasn't sent us a response, the user is initiating the connection
                 // send a request for a LinkedIn access token
                 $response = $OBJ_linkedin->retrieveTokenRequest();
                 if ($response['success'] === TRUE) {
                     // store the request token
                     //$_SESSION['oauth']['linkedin']['request'] = $response['linkedin'];
                     $response['linkedin']['request'] = $response['linkedin'];
                     // redirect the user to the LinkedIn authentication/authorisation page to initiate validation.
                     header('Location: ' . LINKEDIN::_URL_AUTH . $response['linkedin']['oauth_token']);
                 } else {
                     // bad token request
                     echo "Request token retrieval failed:<br /><br />RESPONSE:<br /><br /><pre>" . print_r($response, TRUE) . "</pre><br /><br />LINKEDIN OBJ:<br /><br /><pre>" . print_r($OBJ_linkedin, TRUE) . "</pre>";
             } else {
                 $sess = $this->session->all_userdata();
                 // LinkedIn has sent a response, user has granted permission, take the temp access token, the user's secret and the verifier to request the user's real secret key
                 $response = $OBJ_linkedin->retrieveTokenAccess($sess['request']['oauth_token'], $sess['request']['oauth_token_secret'], $_GET['oauth_verifier']);
                 //$response = $OBJ_linkedin->retrieveTokenAccess($_SESSION['oauth']['linkedin']['request']['oauth_token'], $_SESSION['oauth']['linkedin']['request']['oauth_token_secret'], $_GET['oauth_verifier']);
                 if ($response['success'] === TRUE) {
                     // the request went through without an error, gather user's 'access' tokens
                     //$sess['access'] = $response['linkedin'];
                     $this->session->set_userdata('access', $response['linkedin']);
                     $this->session->set_userdata('authorized', TRUE);
                     // set the user as authorized for future quick reference
                     //save the shit to the db
                     $OBJ_linkedin = new LinkedIn($API_CONFIG);
                     $userResponse = $OBJ_linkedin->profile('~:(id,first-name,last-name,picture-url,email-address)');
                     if ($userResponse['success'] === TRUE) {
                         $userData = json_decode($userResponse['linkedin'], true);
                         if (!$this->user->exist($userData['id'])) {
                             $userId = $this->user->create($userData);
                             $userId = $this->billing->create(FALSE, $userId);
                             $this->session->set_userdata('user_id', $userId);
                         } else {
                             $user = $this->user->get_by_id($userData['id']);
                             $this->session->set_userdata('user_id', $user[0]->id);
                     redirect('/builder/get_resume_data', 'refresh');
                     // redirect the user back to the demo page
                     //header('Location: ' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']);
                 } else {
                     echo "Access token retrieval failed:<br /><br />RESPONSE:<br /><br /><pre>" . print_r($response, TRUE) . "</pre><br /><br />LINKEDIN OBJ:<br /><br /><pre>" . print_r($OBJ_linkedin, TRUE) . "</pre>";
         case 'revoke':
             // check the session
             if(!$this->oauth_session_exists()) {
               throw new LinkedInException('This script requires session support, which doesn\'t appear to be working correctly.');
             $OBJ_linkedin = new LinkedIn($API_CONFIG);
             $response = $OBJ_linkedin->revoke();
             if ($response['success'] === TRUE) {
                 // revocation successful, clear session
                 redirect('/marketing', 'refresh');
             } else {
                 // revocation failed
                 echo "Error revoking user's token:<br /><br />RESPONSE:<br /><br /><pre>" . print_r($response, TRUE) . "</pre><br /><br />LINKEDIN OBJ:<br /><br /><pre>" . print_r($OBJ_linkedin, TRUE) . "</pre>";
     $isLoggedIn = $this->session->userdata('authorized') ? $this->session->userdata('authorized') : FALSE;
     if ($isLoggedIn) {
         redirect('/builder/get_resume_data', 'refresh');
     $resumeData = $this->resume->get_by_id(1);
     $resumeJsonData = json_encode($resumeData);
     $viewData = array('isLoggedIn' => $isLoggedIn, 'json_data' => $resumeJsonData);
     $this->load->view('marketing/home', $viewData);
 public function linkedin()
     try {
         $API_CONFIG = array('appKey' => '75wpz389ifrzbq', 'appSecret' => 'ZYEG6gBlFhhUAkfR', 'callbackUrl' => NULL);
         define('DEMO_GROUP', '4010474');
         define('DEMO_GROUP_NAME', 'Simple LI Demo');
         define('PORT_HTTP', '80');
         define('PORT_HTTP_SSL', '443');
         $_GET['lType'] = isset($_GET['lType']) ? $_GET['lType'] : '';
         switch ($_GET['lType']) {
             case 'initiate':
                 if ($_SERVER['HTTPS'] == 'on') {
                     $protocol = 'https';
                 } else {
                     $protocol = 'http';
                 $API_CONFIG['callbackUrl'] = $protocol . '://' . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . ($_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] != PORT_HTTP || $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] != PORT_HTTP_SSL ? ':' . $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] : '') . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?' . LINKEDIN::_GET_TYPE . '=initiate&' . LINKEDIN::_GET_RESPONSE . '=1';
                 $OBJ_linkedin = new LinkedIn($API_CONFIG);
                 if (!$_GET[LINKEDIN::_GET_RESPONSE]) {
                     $response = $OBJ_linkedin->retrieveTokenRequest();
                     if ($response['success'] === TRUE) {
                         $_SESSION['oauth']['linkedin']['request'] = $response['linkedin'];
                         header('Location: ' . LINKEDIN::_URL_AUTH . $response['linkedin']['oauth_token']);
                     } else {
                         echo "Request token retrieval failed:<br /><br />RESPONSE:<br /><br /><pre>" . print_r($response, TRUE) . "</pre><br /><br />LINKEDIN OBJ:<br /><br /><pre>" . print_r($OBJ_linkedin, TRUE) . "</pre>";
                 } else {
                     $response = $OBJ_linkedin->retrieveTokenAccess($_SESSION['oauth']['linkedin']['request']['oauth_token'], $_SESSION['oauth']['linkedin']['request']['oauth_token_secret'], $_GET['oauth_verifier']);
                     if ($response['success'] === TRUE) {
                         $_SESSION['oauth']['linkedin']['access'] = $response['linkedin'];
                         $_SESSION['oauth']['linkedin']['authorized'] = TRUE;
                         header('Location: ' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']);
                     } else {
                         echo "Access token retrieval failed:<br /><br />RESPONSE:<br /><br /><pre>" . print_r($response, TRUE) . "</pre><br /><br />LINKEDIN OBJ:<br /><br /><pre>" . print_r($OBJ_linkedin, TRUE) . "</pre>";
             case 'revoke':
                 if (!oauth_session_exists()) {
                     throw new LinkedInException('This script requires session support, which doesn\'t appear to be working correctly.');
                 $OBJ_linkedin = new LinkedIn($API_CONFIG);
                 $response = $OBJ_linkedin->revoke();
                 if ($response['success'] === TRUE) {
                     $_SESSION = array();
                     if (session_destroy()) {
                         header('Location: ' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']);
                     } else {
                         echo "Error clearing user's session";
                 } else {
                     echo "Error revoking user's token:<br /><br />RESPONSE:<br /><br /><pre>" . print_r($response, TRUE) . "</pre><br /><br />LINKEDIN OBJ:<br /><br /><pre>" . print_r($OBJ_linkedin, TRUE) . "</pre>";
                 $_SESSION['oauth']['linkedin']['authorized'] = isset($_SESSION['oauth']['linkedin']['authorized']) ? $_SESSION['oauth']['linkedin']['authorized'] : FALSE;
                 if ($_SESSION['oauth']['linkedin']['authorized'] === TRUE) {
                     $OBJ_linkedin = new LinkedIn($API_CONFIG);
                     $response = $OBJ_linkedin->group(DEMO_GROUP, ':(relation-to-viewer:(membership-state))');
                     if ($response['success'] === TRUE) {
                         $result = new SimpleXMLElement($response['linkedin']);
                         $membership = $result->{'relation-to-viewer'}->{'membership-state'}->code;
                         $in_demo_group = $membership == 'non-member' || $membership == 'blocked' ? FALSE : TRUE;
                     } else {
                         echo "Error retrieving group membership information: <br /><br />RESPONSE:<br /><br /><pre>" . print_r($response, TRUE) . "</pre>";
                 } else {
                 if ($_SESSION['oauth']['linkedin']['authorized'] === TRUE) {
                     $response = $OBJ_linkedin->profile('~:(id,first-name,last-name,picture-url)');
                     if ($response['success'] === TRUE) {
                         $response['linkedin'] = new SimpleXMLElement($response['linkedin']);
                         echo "<pre>" . print_r($response['linkedin'], TRUE) . "</pre>";
                     } else {
                         echo "Error retrieving profile information:<br /><br />RESPONSE:<br /><br /><pre>" . print_r($response) . "</pre>";
                 } else {
     } catch (LinkedInException $e) {
         echo $e->getMessage();
     $this->setErrorMessage('success', 'Registered & Login Successfully');
 public function actionLinkedIn()
     try {
         // start the session if not already started
         if (!isset($_SESSION)) {
             if (!session_start()) {
                 throw new LinkedInException('This script requires session support, which appears to be disabled according to session_start().');
         require_once Yii::app()->basepath . '/extensions/linkedin/linkedin_3.2.0.class.php';
         // display constants
         $API_CONFIG = array('appKey' => Yii::app()->params['linkedinapikey'], 'appSecret' => Yii::app()->params['linkedinsecretkey'], 'callbackUrl' => '');
         define('CONNECTION_COUNT', 20);
         define('PORT_HTTP', '80');
         define('PORT_HTTP_SSL', '443');
         define('UPDATE_COUNT', 10);
         // set index
         if (isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && $_SERVER['HTTPS'] == 'on') {
             $protocol = 'https';
         } else {
             $protocol = 'http';
         // set and oauth session variable for future storage if it does not exist
         $_SESSION['oauth']['linkedin']['authorized'] = isset($_SESSION['oauth']['linkedin']['authorized']) ? $_SESSION['oauth']['linkedin']['authorized'] : FALSE;
         // set the callback url
         //$API_CONFIG['callbackUrl'] = $protocol . '://' . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . ((($_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] != PORT_HTTP) || ($_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] != PORT_HTTP_SSL)) ? ':' . $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] : '') . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?' . LINKEDIN::_GET_TYPE . '=initiate&' . LINKEDIN::_GET_RESPONSE . '=1';
         //echo  $API_CONFIG['callbackUrl'];
         //$sitepath = "http://localhost";
         $sitepath = "http://" . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'];
         $url = $sitepath . Yii::app()->createUrl('login/linkedin', array(LINKEDIN::_GET_RESPONSE => '1'));
         //$url = $sitepath . Yii::app()->createUrl('login/linkedin') ;
         $API_CONFIG['callbackUrl'] = $url;
         $OBJ_linkedin = new LinkedIn($API_CONFIG);
         // check for responseh from LinkedIn
         if (!$_GET[LINKEDIN::_GET_RESPONSE]) {
             // LinkedIn hasn't sent us a response, the user is initiating the connection
             // send a request for a LinkedIn access token
             $response = $OBJ_linkedin->retrieveTokenRequest();
             if ($response['success'] === TRUE) {
                 // check the session
                 if (!$this->oauth_session_exists()) {
                     throw new LinkedInException('oauth session is not yet set.');
                 // split up the response and stick the LinkedIn portion in the user session
                 $_SESSION['oauth']['linkedin']['request'] = $response['linkedin'];
                 // redirect the user to the LinkedIn authentication/authorisation page to initiate validation.
                 header('Location: ' . LINKEDIN::_URL_AUTH . $_SESSION['oauth']['linkedin']['request']['oauth_token']);
             } else {
                 // bad token request
                 echo "Request token retrieval failed:<br /><br />RESPONSE:<br /><br /><pre>" . print_r($response, TRUE) . "</pre><br /><br />LINKEDIN OBJ:<br /><br /><pre>" . print_r($OBJ_linkedin, TRUE) . "</pre>";
         } else {
             if (isset($_POST['Member']['memberid'])) {
                 $memberdata = Member::model()->getMemberById($_POST['Member']['memberid']);
                 $this->actMemberinfo($memberdata, '', '', '', 'linkedin', '');
             } else {
                 // LinkedIn has sent a response, user has granted permission, take the temp access token, the user's secret and the verifier to request the user's real secret key
                 $response = $OBJ_linkedin->retrieveTokenAccess($_GET['oauth_token'], $_SESSION['oauth']['linkedin']['request']['oauth_token_secret'], $_GET['oauth_verifier']);
                 if ($response['success'] === TRUE) {
                     // the request went through without an error, gather user's 'access' tokens
                     $_SESSION['oauth']['linkedin']['access'] = $response['linkedin'];
                     // set the user as authorized for future quick reference
                     $_SESSION['oauth']['linkedin']['authorized'] = TRUE;
                     $response = $OBJ_linkedin->profile('~:(id,first-name,last-name,picture-url,email-address)');
                     //$response = $OBJ_linkedin->profile();
                     if ($response['success'] === TRUE) {
                         //echo "<pre>" . print_r($response['linkedin'], TRUE) . "</pre>";
                         // var_dump($response);
                         $linkedindata = $this->parseLinkedinResponse($response['linkedin']);
                         if (!empty($linkedindata)) {
                             //var_dump ($linkedindata);
                             //print strval($linkedindata->{"first-name"});
                             $memberdata = Member::model()->getMemberByOauth(strval($linkedindata->id));
                             $this->actMemberinfo($memberdata, '', '', $linkedindata, 'linkedin', '');
                         } else {
                             //For testing purposes, if there was an error, let's kill the script
                             die("There was an error.");
                     } else {
                         // profile retrieval failed
                         echo "Error retrieving profile information:<br /><br />RESPONSE:<br /><br /><pre>" . print_r($response) . "</pre>";
                     // redirect the user back to the demo page
                     //header('Location: ' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']);
                 } else {
                     // bad token access
                     echo "Access token retrieval failed:<br /><br />RESPONSE:<br /><br /><pre>" . print_r($response, TRUE) . "</pre><br /><br />LINKEDIN OBJ:<br /><br /><pre>" . print_r($OBJ_linkedin, TRUE) . "</pre>";
     } catch (LinkedInException $e) {
         // exception raised by library call
         echo $e->getMessage();
  * @return array
 function linkedin()
     App::import("Vendor", "Users.linkedin/linkedin_3.2.0.class");
     $response = array();
     $user_profile = array();
     $ldnToken = '';
     $ldnSecret = '';
     $API_CONFIG = array('appKey' => LINKEDIN_API_KEY, 'appSecret' => LINKEDIN_SECRET_KEY, 'callbackUrl' => NULL);
     if (isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && $_SERVER['HTTPS'] == 'on') {
         $protocol = 'https';
     } else {
         $protocol = 'http';
     $API_CONFIG['callbackUrl'] = Router::url(array('plugin' => 'users', 'controller' => 'users', 'action' => 'login', 'linkedin'), true) . '?' . LINKEDIN::_GET_TYPE . '=initiate&' . LINKEDIN::_GET_RESPONSE . '=1';
     $OBJ_linkedin = new LinkedIn($API_CONFIG);
     // check for response from LinkedIn
         // LinkedIn hasn't sent us a response, the user is initiating the connection
         // send a request for a LinkedIn access token
         $response = $OBJ_linkedin->retrieveTokenRequest();
         if ($response['success'] === TRUE) {
             // store the request token
             $_SESSION['oauth']['linkedin']['request'] = $response['linkedin'];
             // redirect the user to the LinkedIn authentication/authorisation page to initiate validation.
             $response['url'] = LINKEDIN::_URL_AUTH . $response['linkedin']['oauth_token'];
         } else {
             // bad token request
             $response['Request_Token_Failed_Response'] = $response;
             $response['Request_Token_Failed_Linkedin'] = $OBJ_linkedin;
     } else {
         // LinkedIn has sent a response, user has granted permission, take the temp access token, the user's secret and the verifier to request the user's real secret key
         $response = $OBJ_linkedin->retrieveTokenAccess($_SESSION['oauth']['linkedin']['request']['oauth_token'], $_SESSION['oauth']['linkedin']['request']['oauth_token_secret'], $_GET['oauth_verifier']);
         if ($response['success'] === TRUE) {
             // the request went through without an error, gather user's 'access' tokens
             $_SESSION['oauth']['linkedin']['access'] = $response['linkedin'];
             // set the user as authorized for future quick reference
             $_SESSION['oauth']['linkedin']['authorized'] = TRUE;
             // redirect the user back to the demo page
             //header('Location: ' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']);
             $response = $OBJ_linkedin->profile('~:(id,first-name,last-name,picture-url)');
             if ($response['success'] === TRUE) {
                 $user_profile = new SimpleXMLElement($response['linkedin']);
                 $ldnSecret = $_SESSION['oauth']['linkedin']['request']['oauth_token_secret'];
                 $ldnToken = $_SESSION['oauth']['linkedin']['request']['oauth_token'];
             } else {
                 // request failed
                 $user_profile = '';
                 $ldnSecret = $_SESSION['oauth']['linkedin']['request']['oauth_token_secret'];
                 $ldnToken = $_SESSION['oauth']['linkedin']['request']['oauth_token'];
         } else {
             // bad token access
             $response['Request_Token_Failed_Response'] = $response;
             $response['Request_Token_Failed_Linkedin'] = $OBJ_linkedin;
     $response['user_profile'] = $user_profile;
     return $response;
Esempio n. 11
  * this function used to authentication/authorisation from the user to the applecation
  * @author Ahmed <*****@*****.**>
  * @param string $callbackUrl
 public function linkedInButtonAction($callbackUrl, $popup)
     //linkedIn config parameters
     $config = array('appKey' => $this->container->getParameter('linkedin_api_key'), 'appSecret' => $this->container->getParameter('linkedin_secret_key'), 'callbackUrl' => $this->generateUrl('linkedInCallBack', array(), TRUE));
     //create new linkedIn oauth object
     $oauth = new \LinkedIn($config);
     //get request token
     $request_token = @$oauth->retrieveTokenRequest();
     $session = $this->getRequest()->getSession();
     $session->set('oauth_token', $request_token['linkedin']['oauth_token']);
     $session->set('oauth_token_secret', $request_token['linkedin']['oauth_token_secret']);
     $session->set('callbackUrl', $callbackUrl);
     //check if we will set the popup flag
     if ($popup == 'yes') {
         //set the flag
         $session->set('linkedInPopup', TRUE);
     // redirect the user to the LinkedIn authentication/authorisation page.
     $url = \LINKEDIN::_URL_AUTH . $request_token['linkedin']['oauth_token'];
     return $this->redirect($url);
Esempio n. 12
  * Method to setup linkedin params and redirect to linkedin auth URL
  * @access	public
  * @param   object	$view	view object
  * @param 	object	$tpl	template object
  * @return	void
 public function display($view, $tpl)
     // Set up the redirect URL
     $return = isset($view->return) ? '&return=' . $view->return : '';
     $redirect_to = self::getRedirectUri('linkedin') . $return;
     // User initiated LinkedIn connection, setup linkedin configuration
     $config = array('callbackUrl' => $redirect_to . '&' . LINKEDIN::_GET_TYPE . '=initiate&' . LINKEDIN::_GET_RESPONSE . '=1', 'appKey' => $this->params->get('api_key'), 'appSecret' => $this->params->get('app_secret'));
     // Create linkedin object
     $client = new LinkedIn($config);
     // Check for a response from LinkedIn
         // LinkedIn hasn't sent us a response, the user is initiating the connection
         // Send a request for a LinkedIn access token
         $reply = $client->retrieveTokenRequest();
         if ($reply['success'] === TRUE) {
             // Store the request token
             App::get('session')->set('linkedin.oauth.request', $reply['linkedin']);
             // Redirect the user to the LinkedIn authentication/authorization page to initiate validation
             App::redirect(LINKEDIN::_URL_AUTH . $reply['linkedin']['oauth_token']);
     // Are the already logged on?
     return new Exception(Lang::txt('PLG_AUTHENTICATION_LINKEDIN_ERROR'), 500);
Esempio n. 13
    function getLinkedinProfile($req_type)
        $session = LinkedinHelper::oauth_session_exists();
        $app = JFactory::getApplication();
        // include the LinkedIn class
        require_once 'linkedin_3.1.1.class.php';
        // display constants
        $API_CONFIG = array('appKey' => 'r7xckk3gxdfg', 'appSecret' => 'fJQh57Ex2Qg7YyPi', 'callbackUrl' => NULL);
        define('CONNECTION_COUNT', 20);
        define('PORT_HTTP', '80');
        define('PORT_HTTP_SSL', '443');
        define('UPDATE_COUNT', 10);
        // set index
        switch ($req_type) {
            case 'initiate':
                 * Handle user initiated LinkedIn connection, create the LinkedIn object.
                // check for the correct http protocol (i.e. is this script being served via http or https)
                if (isset($_SERVER['HTTPS'])) {
                    if ($_SERVER['HTTPS'] == 'on') {
                        $protocol = 'https';
                    } else {
                        $protocol = 'http';
                } else {
                    $protocol = 'http';
                // set the callback url
                $API_CONFIG['callbackUrl'] = $protocol . '://' . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . ($_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] != PORT_HTTP || $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] != PORT_HTTP_SSL ? ':' . $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] : '') . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?' . $req_type . '=initiate&' . LINKEDIN::_GET_RESPONSE . '=1';
                // $API_CONFIG['callbackUrl'] = JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_jobboard&view=user') . '&' . $req_type . '=initiate&' . LINKEDIN::_GET_RESPONSE . '=1';
                //  echo $API_CONFIG['callbackUrl'];die;
                $OBJ_linkedin = new LinkedIn($API_CONFIG);
                // check for response from LinkedIn
                if (!$_GET[LINKEDIN::_GET_RESPONSE]) {
                    // LinkedIn hasn't sent us a response, the user is initiating the connection
                    // send a request for a LinkedIn access token
                    $response = $OBJ_linkedin->retrieveTokenRequest();
                    //echo 'response: '.'<pre>'.print_r($response, true).'</pre>';
                    if ($response['success'] === TRUE) {
                        // store the request token
                        $session_oauth = $session->get('oauth');
                        $session_oauth['oauth']['linkedin']['request'] = $response['linkedin'];
                        $session->set('oauth', $session_oauth);
                        //redirect the user to the LinkedIn authentication/authorisation page to initiate validation.
                        $app->redirect(LINKEDIN::_URL_AUTH . $response['linkedin']['oauth_token']);
                    } else {
                        $profile_assoc = array();
                        $profile_assoc['response'] = false;
                        $profile_assoc['msg'] = "Request token retrieval failed:<br /><br />RESPONSE:<br /><br /><pre>";
                        return $profile_assoc;
                        // bad token request
                } else {
                    // LinkedIn has sent a response
                    // user has cancelled LinkedIn authentication
                    if (JRequest::getString('oauth_problem') == 'user_refused') {
                        $app->redirect('index.php?option=com_jobboard&view=user&task=addcv', JText::_('COM_JOBBOARD_IMPORTLINKEDINCANCELLED'));
                    // user has granted permission, take the temp access token, the user's secret and the verifier to request the user's real secret key
                    $session_oauth = $session->get('oauth');
                    $response = $OBJ_linkedin->retrieveTokenAccess($session_oauth['oauth']['linkedin']['request']['oauth_token'], $session_oauth['oauth']['linkedin']['request']['oauth_token_secret'], $_GET['oauth_verifier']);
                    if ($response['success'] === TRUE) {
                        // the request went through without an error, gather user's 'access' tokens
                        $session_oauth['oauth']['linkedin']['access'] = $response['linkedin'];
                        // set the user as authorized for future quick reference
                        $session_oauth['oauth']['linkedin']['authorized'] = TRUE;
                        $session->set('oauth', $session_oauth);
                    } else {
                        // bad token access
                        echo "Access token retrieval failed:<br /><br />RESPONSE:<br /><br /><pre>" . print_r($response, TRUE) . "</pre><br /><br />LINKEDIN OBJ:<br /><br /><pre>" . print_r($OBJ_linkedin, TRUE) . "</pre>";
                $response = $OBJ_linkedin->profile('~:(id,first-name,last-name,summary,educations,positions,skills)');
                if ($response['success'] === TRUE) {
                    $profile = new SimpleXMLElement($response['linkedin']);
                    $profile_json = json_encode($profile);
                    $profile_assoc = array_unique(json_decode($profile_json, TRUE), SORT_REGULAR);
                    $profile_assoc['response'] = $response['success'];
                } else {
                    // profile retrieval failed
                    $profile_assoc = array();
                    $profile_assoc['response'] = false;
                return $profile_assoc;
            case 'revoke':
                 * Handle authorization revocation.
                $session_oauth = $session->get('oauth');
                $OBJ_linkedin = new LinkedIn($API_CONFIG);
                $response = $OBJ_linkedin->revoke();
                if ($response['success'] === TRUE) {
                    // revocation successful, clear session
                    if ($session->clear('oauth')) {
                        // session destroyed
                        //header('Location: ' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']);
                    } else {
                        // session not destroyed
                        echo "Error clearing user's session";
                } else {
                    // revocation failed
                    echo "Error revoking user's token:<br /><br />RESPONSE:<br /><br /><pre>" . print_r($response, TRUE) . "</pre><br /><br />LINKEDIN OBJ:<br /><br /><pre>" . print_r($OBJ_linkedin, TRUE) . "</pre>";
                // nothing being passed back, display demo page
                // check PHP version
                if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.0.0', '<')) {
                    throw new LinkedInException('You must be running version 5.x or greater of PHP to use this library.');
                // check for cURL
                if (extension_loaded('curl')) {
                    $curl_version = curl_version();
                    $curl_version = $curl_version['version'];
                } else {
                    throw new LinkedInException('You must load the cURL extension to use this library.');
                $session_oauth = $session->get('oauth');
                if (!isset($session_oauth['oauth']['linkedin']['authorized'])) {
                    $session_oauth['oauth']['linkedin']['authorized'] = FALSE;
                    $session->set('oauth', $session_oauth);
                if ($session_oauth['oauth']['linkedin']['authorized'] === TRUE) {
                    // user is already connected
                    $OBJ_linkedin = new LinkedIn($API_CONFIG);

                    //$response = $OBJ_linkedin->profile('~:(id,first-name,last-name,picture-url)');
                    $response = $OBJ_linkedin->profile('~:(id,first-name,last-name,summary,educations,positions,skills)');
                    if ($response['success'] === TRUE) {
                        //$response['linkedin'] = new SimpleXMLElement($response['linkedin']);
                        // echo "<pre>" . print_r($response['linkedin'], TRUE) . "</pre>";
                        $profile = new SimpleXMLElement($response['linkedin']);
                        $profile_json = json_encode($profile);
                        return json_decode($profile_json, TRUE);
                    } else {
                        // profile retrieval failed
                        echo "Error retrieving profile information:<br /><br />RESPONSE:<br /><br /><pre>" . print_r($response) . "</pre>";
                } else {
                    // user isn't connected
Esempio n. 14
 function test($ltype = '', $response = '', $oauth_token = '', $oauth_verfier = '')
     $this->data['success'] = FALSE;
     function oauth_session_exists()
         if (is_array($_SESSION) && array_key_exists('oauth', $_SESSION)) {
             return TRUE;
         } else {
             return FALSE;
     try {
         // include the LinkedIn class
         // start the session
         // if(!session_start()) {
         // throw new LinkedInException('This script requires session support, which appears to be disabled according to session_start().');
         // }
         // display constants
         if (isset($_REQUEST['invitation_key'])) {
             $this->data['invitation_key_val'] = $_REQUEST['invitation_key'];
         } elseif ($this->input->post('invitation_key')) {
             $this->data['invitation_key_val'] = $this->input->post('invitation_key');
         } else {
             $this->data['invitation_key_val'] = '';
         if (isset($_REQUEST['email_val'])) {
             $this->data['email_val'] = $_REQUEST['email_val'];
         } elseif ($this->input->post('email_val')) {
             $this->data['email_val'] = $this->input->post('email_val');
         } else {
             $this->data['email_val'] = '';
         $API_CONFIG = array('appKey' => 'ctfw9ywn6vrm', 'appSecret' => 'T2G5ccnIfGytPAdt', 'callbackUrl' => NULL);
         define('DEMO_GROUP', '4010474');
         define('DEMO_GROUP_NAME', 'Simple LI Demo');
         define('PORT_HTTP', '80');
         define('PORT_HTTP_SSL', '443');
         // set index
         //echo "<script type='text/javascript'>console.log('@".LINKEDIN::_GET_TYPE."".print_r($this->uri)."')</script>";
         //echo "<script type='text/javascript'>console.log('@".$_REQUEST[LINKEDIN::_GET_TYPE]."')</script>";
         switch ($_REQUEST[LINKEDIN::_GET_TYPE]) {
             case 'initiate':
                  * Handle user initiated LinkedIn connection, create the LinkedIn object.
                 // check for the correct http protocol (i.e. is this script being served via http or https)
                 if (isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && $_SERVER['HTTPS'] == 'on') {
                     $protocol = 'https';
                 } else {
                     $protocol = 'http';
                 // set the callback url
                 $API_CONFIG['callbackUrl'] = $protocol . '://' . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . ($_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] != PORT_HTTP || $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] != PORT_HTTP_SSL ? ':' . $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] : '') . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?' . LINKEDIN::_GET_TYPE . '=initiate&' . LINKEDIN::_GET_RESPONSE . '=1';
                 $OBJ_linkedin = new LinkedIn($API_CONFIG);
                 // check for response from LinkedIn
                 if (!$_GET[LINKEDIN::_GET_RESPONSE]) {
                     // LinkedIn hasn't sent us a response, the user is initiating the connection
                     // send a request for a LinkedIn access token
                     $response = $OBJ_linkedin->retrieveTokenRequest();
                     if ($response['success'] === TRUE) {
                         // store the request token
                         $_SESSION['oauth']['linkedin']['request'] = $response['linkedin'];
                         // redirect the user to the LinkedIn authentication/authorisation page to initiate validation.
                         header('Location: ' . LINKEDIN::_URL_AUTH . $response['linkedin']['oauth_token']);
                     } else {
                         // bad token request
                         echo "Request token retrieval failed:<br /><br />RESPONSE:<br /><br /><pre>" . print_r($response, TRUE) . "</pre><br /><br />LINKEDIN OBJ:<br /><br /><pre>" . print_r($OBJ_linkedin, TRUE) . "</pre>";
                 } else {
                     // LinkedIn has sent a response, user has granted permission, take the temp access token, the user's secret and the verifier to request the user's real secret key
                     $response = $OBJ_linkedin->retrieveTokenAccess($_SESSION['oauth']['linkedin']['request']['oauth_token'], $_SESSION['oauth']['linkedin']['request']['oauth_token_secret'], $_GET['oauth_verifier']);
                     if ($response['success'] === TRUE) {
                         // the request went through without an error, gather user's 'access' tokens
                         $_SESSION['oauth']['linkedin']['access'] = $response['linkedin'];
                         $this->data['success'] = TRUE;
                         $this->data['status'] = TRUE;
                         $response['linkedin'] = new SimpleXMLElement($response['linkedin']);
                         // set the user as authorized for future quick reference
                         $_SESSION['oauth']['linkedin']['authorized'] = TRUE;
                         // redirect the user back to the demo page
                         header('Location: ' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']);
                     } else {
                         // bad token access
                         echo "Access token retrieval failed:<br /><br />RESPONSE:<br /><br /><pre>" . print_r($response, TRUE) . "</pre><br /><br />LINKEDIN OBJ:<br /><br /><pre>" . print_r($OBJ_linkedin, TRUE) . "</pre>";
                 // nothing being passed back, display demo page
                 // check PHP version
                 if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.0.0', '<')) {
                     throw new LinkedInException('You must be running version 5.x or greater of PHP to use this library.');
                 // check for cURL
                 if (extension_loaded('curl')) {
                     $curl_version = curl_version();
                     $curl_version = $curl_version['version'];
                 } else {
                     throw new LinkedInException('You must load the cURL extension to use this library.');
                 $_SESSION['oauth']['linkedin']['authorized'] = isset($_SESSION['oauth']['linkedin']['authorized']) ? $_SESSION['oauth']['linkedin']['authorized'] : FALSE;
                 if ($_SESSION['oauth']['linkedin']['authorized'] === TRUE) {
                     $OBJ_linkedin = new LinkedIn($API_CONFIG);
                 } else {
                 if ($_SESSION['oauth']['linkedin']['authorized'] === TRUE) {
                     // user is already connected
                     $application_key = $OBJ_linkedin->getApplicationKey();
                     $this->data['success'] = FALSE;
                     $response = $OBJ_linkedin->profile('~:(id,first-name,last-name,picture-url)');
                     $this->data['response'] = $response;
                     if ($response['success'] === TRUE) {
                         $this->data['success'] = TRUE;
                         $this->data['status'] = TRUE;
                         $response['linkedin'] = new SimpleXMLElement($response['linkedin']);
                         $this->data['response'] = $response['linkedin'];
                     } else {
                         $this->data['status'] = FALSE;
                         // request failed
                 } else {
                     // user isn't connected
     } catch (LinkedInException $e) {
         // exception raised by library call
     $this->data['invitation_key'] = array('name' => 'invitation_key', 'id' => 'invitation_key', 'value' => $this->data['invitation_key_val'], 'type' => 'hidden');
     $this->data['first_name'] = array('name' => 'first_name', 'id' => 'first_name', 'type' => 'text', 'value' => $this->form_validation->set_value('first_name'), 'placeholder' => 'First Name', 'required' => 'required');
     $this->data['last_name'] = array('name' => 'last_name', 'id' => 'last_name', 'type' => 'text', 'value' => $this->form_validation->set_value('last_name'), 'placeholder' => 'Last Name', 'required' => 'required');
     $this->data['email'] = array('name' => 'email', 'id' => 'email', 'type' => 'text', 'value' => $this->data['email_val'], 'placeholder' => 'Email', 'required' => 'required', 'readonly' => 'readonly');
     $this->data['password'] = array('name' => 'password', 'id' => 'password', 'type' => 'password', 'value' => $this->form_validation->set_value('password'), 'placeholder' => 'Password', 'required' => 'required');
     $this->data['password_confirm'] = array('name' => 'password_confirm', 'id' => 'password_confirm', 'type' => 'password', 'value' => $this->form_validation->set_value('password_confirm'), 'placeholder' => 'Confirm Password', 'required' => 'required');
     // Render View
     //$this->load->view('auth/create_user', $this->data);
     $this->data['main_content'] = '/auth/signup';
     $this->load->view('includes/tmpl_singlebox', $this->data);
Esempio n. 15
 private function pullLinkedInData()
      * Helper function that checks to see that we have a 'set' $_SESSION that we can
      * use for the demo.
     function oauth_session_exists()
         if (is_array($_SESSION) && array_key_exists('oauth', $_SESSION)) {
             return TRUE;
         } else {
             return FALSE;
     try {
         // display constants
         $API_CONFIG = array('appKey' => $this->config->item('linkedin_appKey', 'linkedin_oauth'), 'appSecret' => $this->config->item('linkedin_appSecret', 'linkedin_oauth'), 'callbackUrl' => NULL);
         define('CONNECTION_COUNT', 20);
         define('PORT_HTTP', '80');
         define('PORT_HTTP_SSL', '443');
         define('UPDATE_COUNT', 10);
         // set index
         switch ($_REQUEST[LINKEDIN::_GET_TYPE]) {
             case 'initiate':
                 // check for the correct http protocol (i.e. is this script being served via http or https)
                 if (!empty($_SERVER['HTTPS'])) {
                     $protocol = 'https';
                 } else {
                     $protocol = 'http';
                 // set the callback url
                 $API_CONFIG['callbackUrl'] = $protocol . '://' . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . ($_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] != PORT_HTTP || $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] != PORT_HTTP_SSL ? ':' . $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] : '') . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?' . LINKEDIN::_GET_TYPE . '=initiate&' . LINKEDIN::_GET_RESPONSE . '=1';
                 $OBJ_linkedin = new LinkedIn($API_CONFIG);
                 // check for response from LinkedIn
                 if (!$_GET[LINKEDIN::_GET_RESPONSE]) {
                     // LinkedIn hasn't sent us a response, the user is initiating the connection
                     // send a request for a LinkedIn access token
                     $response = $OBJ_linkedin->retrieveTokenRequest();
                     if ($response['success'] === TRUE) {
                         // store the request token
                         $_SESSION['oauth']['linkedin']['request'] = $response['linkedin'];
                         // redirect the user to the LinkedIn authentication/authorisation page to initiate validation.
                         header('Location: ' . LINKEDIN::_URL_AUTH . $response['linkedin']['oauth_token']);
                     } else {
                         // bad token request
                         echo "Request token retrieval failed:<br /><br />RESPONSE:<br /><br /><pre>" . print_r($response, TRUE) . "</pre><br /><br />LINKEDIN OBJ:<br /><br /><pre>" . print_r($OBJ_linkedin, TRUE) . "</pre>";
                 } else {
                     // LinkedIn has sent a response, user has granted permission, take the temp access token, the user's secret and the verifier to request the user's real secret key
                     $response = $OBJ_linkedin->retrieveTokenAccess($_SESSION['oauth']['linkedin']['request']['oauth_token'], $_SESSION['oauth']['linkedin']['request']['oauth_token_secret'], $_GET['oauth_verifier']);
                     if ($response['success'] === TRUE) {
                         // the request went through without an error, gather user's 'access' tokens
                         $_SESSION['oauth']['linkedin']['access'] = $response['linkedin'];
                         // set the user as authorized for future quick reference
                         $_SESSION['oauth']['linkedin']['authorized'] = TRUE;
                         // pulling everything in LinkedIn
                         $fields = "id," . "first-name," . "last-name," . "headline," . "location," . "industry," . "distance," . "relation-to-viewer," . "current-share," . "connections," . "num-connections," . "num-connections-capped," . "summary," . "specialties," . "proposal-comments," . "associations," . "honors," . "interests," . "positions," . "publications," . "patents," . "languages," . "skills," . "certifications," . "educations," . "three-current-positions," . "three-past-positions," . "num-recommenders," . "recommendations-received," . "phone-numbers," . "im-accounts," . "twitter-accounts," . "date-of-birth," . "main-address," . "member-url-resources," . "picture-url," . "site-standard-profile-request," . "api-public-profile-request," . "site-public-profile-request," . "api-standard-profile-request," . "public-profile-url";
                         $info = $OBJ_linkedin->profile('~:(' . $fields . ')');
                         if ($info['success'] === TRUE) {
                             // store user's data in database
                             $info['linkedin'] = new SimpleXMLElement($info['linkedin']);
                             $linkedin_data = $info['linkedin']->asXML();
                             if ($this->linkedin_model->insertLinkedInDataForCurrentUser($linkedin_data)) {
                                 //echo 'Your profile has been synchronized with Linkedin! Redirecting...';
                                 redirect('user/profile', 'refresh');
                             } else {
                                 echo 'Error occurred! Please try again later.';
                         } else {
                             // profile retrieval failed
                             echo "Error retrieving profile information:<br /><br />RESPONSE:<br /><br /><pre>" . print_r($info) . "</pre>";
                     } else {
                         // bad token access
                         echo "Access token retrieval failed:<br /><br />RESPONSE:<br /><br /><pre>" . print_r($response, TRUE) . "</pre><br /><br />LINKEDIN OBJ:<br /><br /><pre>" . print_r($OBJ_linkedin, TRUE) . "</pre>";
                 // [BH] BAD CODING!
                 //echo 'Error: No page found!';
     } catch (LinkedInException $e) {
         // exception raised by library call
         echo $e->getMessage();
Esempio n. 16
 //tjek den korrekte HTTP-protokol(dvs. at dette script bliver serveret via http eller https)
 if ($_SERVER['HTTPS'] == 'on') {
     $protocol = 'https';
 } else {
     $protocol = 'http';
 // Indstille tilbagekalds url (adresse)
 $API_CONFIG['callbackUrl'] = $protocol . '://' . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . ($_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] != PORT_HTTP || $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] != PORT_HTTP_SSL ? ':' . $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] : '') . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?' . LINKEDIN::_GET_TYPE . '=initiate&' . LINKEDIN::_GET_RESPONSE . '=1';
 $SimpleLI = new LinkedIn($API_CONFIG);
 // Tjek svar fra LinkedIn
     // LinkedIn har ikke sendt et svar, brugeren indleder forbindelsen
     // Send en anmodning om en LinkedIn adgangs token
     $response = $SimpleLI->retrieveTokenRequest();
     if ($response['success'] === TRUE) {
         // Opbevar anmodningen token
         $_SESSION['oauth']['linkedin']['request'] = $response['linkedin'];
         // Omdirigere brugeren til LinkedIn-godkendelse / autorisation side at iværksætte validering.
         header('Location: ' . LINKEDIN::_URL_AUTH . $response['linkedin']['oauth_token']);
     } else {
         // Dårlig token anmodning (afvist)
         echo "Request token retrieval failed:<br /><br />RESPONSE:<br /><br /><pre>" . print_r($response, TRUE) . "</pre><br /><br />LINKEDIN OBJ:<br /><br /><pre>" . print_r($SimpleLI, TRUE) . "</pre>";
 } else {
     // LinkedIn har sendt et svar, brugeren har givet tilladelse, tage midlertidig adgang til token, brugerens hemmelige og valideret at anmode brugerens reelle hemmelige nøgle
     $response = $SimpleLI->retrieveTokenAccess($_SESSION['oauth']['linkedin']['request']['oauth_token'], $_SESSION['oauth']['linkedin']['request']['oauth_token_secret'], $_GET['oauth_verifier']);
     if ($response['success'] === TRUE) {
         // Anmodningen gik igennem uden fejl, indsamler brugers adgang 'tokens
         $_SESSION['oauth']['linkedin']['access'] = $response['linkedin'];