function smarty_block_mtifauthornotlikethiscomment($args, $content, &$ctx, &$repeat) { $comment = $ctx->stash('comment'); if (!$comment) { return $ctx->_hdlr_if($args, $content, $ctx, $repeat, FALSE); } $comment_id = $comment->id; $app = $ctx->stash('bootstrapper'); $author = $app->user(); if (!$author) { return $ctx->_hdlr_if($args, $content, $ctx, $repeat, FALSE); } $author_id = $author->id; $like = $ctx->stash('likeauthorcomment:' . $comment_id . ':' . $author_id); if ($like) { if ($like->not_like) { return $ctx->_hdlr_if($args, $content, $ctx, $repeat, TRUE); } else { return $ctx->_hdlr_if($args, $content, $ctx, $repeat, FALSE); } } require_once 'class.mt_likecomment.php'; $_like = new LikeComment(); $where = "likecomment_comment_id={$comment_id} AND likecomment_author_id={$author_id}"; $like = $_like->Find($where, FALSE, FALSE, array('limit' => 1)); if (is_array($like)) { $like = $like[0]; $ctx->stash('likeauthorcomment:' . $comment_id . ':' . $author_id, $like); } if ($like->not_like) { return $ctx->_hdlr_if($args, $content, $ctx, $repeat, TRUE); } return $ctx->_hdlr_if($args, $content, $ctx, $repeat, FALSE); }
function smarty_function_mtcommentnotlikecount($args, &$ctx) { $comment = $ctx->stash('comment'); if (!$comment) { return 0; //or return $ctx->error(); } $comment_id = $comment->id; $likes = $ctx->stash('likecomment:' . $comment_id); if ($likes) { return $likes['not_like']; } require_once 'class.mt_likecomment.php'; $_like = new LikeComment(); $where = "likecomment_comment_id={$comment_id} AND likecomment_like=1"; $like = $_like->Find($where, FALSE, FALSE, array()); $where = "likecomment_comment_id={$comment_id} AND likecomment_not_like=1"; $not_like = $_like->Find($where, FALSE, FALSE, array()); $total = count($like) + count($not_like); $likes = array('like' => count($like), 'not_like' => count($not_like), 'total' => $total); $ctx->stash('likecomment:' . $comment_id, $likes); return $likes['not_like']; }