Esempio n. 1
  * Destroy current session
 public static function delCurrent()
     // Delete the global object
     if ($session = LigminchaGlobalSession::getCurrent()) {
         lgDebug('Session destroyed', $session);
         LigminchaGlobalDistributed::del(array('id' => $session->id));
     // Delete the SSO cookie
Esempio n. 2
File: sso.php Progetto: uinerd/Code
  * Make a current session and current user from an SSO session ID cookie (called when running on a master standalone site)
 public static function makeSessionFromCookie()
     if (array_key_exists(self::$cookie, $_COOKIE)) {
         if ($session = LigminchaGlobalSession::selectOne(array('id' => $_COOKIE[self::$cookie]))) {
             if ($user = LigminchaGlobalUser::newFromId($session->owner)) {
                 lgDebug('Session established from existing SSO cookie', $session);
             } else {
                 lgDebug('SSO session cookie found, but user is no longer logged in (' . substr($_COOKIE[self::$cookie], 0, 5) . ')');
         } else {
             lgDebug('SSO session cookie found, but not in database (' . substr($_COOKIE[self::$cookie], 0, 5) . ')');
         if (!$session || !$user) {
             if ($session) {
                 LigminchaGlobalDistributed::del(array('id' => $session->id));
     } else {
         lgDebug('No SSO session cookie found ' . var_export($_COOKIE, true));
Esempio n. 3
  * Send all queued sync-objects
 public static function sendQueue()
     // Get all LG_SYNC items, bail if none
     if (!($queue = LigminchaGlobalSync::select())) {
         return false;
     // Make data streams for each target from the sync objects
     $streams = array();
     $server = LigminchaGlobalServer::getCurrent()->id;
     $session = LigminchaGlobalSession::getCurrent() ? LigminchaGlobalSession::getCurrent()->id : 0;
     foreach ($queue as $sync) {
         $target = LigminchaGlobalServer::newFromId($sync->ref1)->id;
         if (array_key_exists($target, $streams)) {
             $streams[$target][] = $sync;
         } else {
             $streams[$target] = array(0, $server, $session, $sync);
     //print '<pre>'; print_r($streams); print '</pre>';
     // Encode and send each stream
     foreach ($streams as $target => $stream) {
         // Get the target domain from it's tag
         $url = LigminchaGlobalServer::newFromId($target)->tag;
         // Zip up the data in JSON format
         // TODO: encrypt using shared secret or public key
         $data = self::encodeData($stream);
         // If we're standalone or the master, ensure no data is routed to the master, mark it as successful so the sync objects are cleared
         if (LigminchaGlobalServer::getCurrent()->isMaster && $url == LigminchaGlobalServer::masterDomain()) {
             $result = LG_SUCCESS;
         } else {
             $result = self::post($url, array(self::$cmd => $data));
         // If result is success, remove all sync objects destined for this target server
         if ($result == LG_SUCCESS) {
             LigminchaGlobalDistributed::del(array('type' => LG_SYNC, 'ref1' => $target), false, true);
         } else {
             die(lgDebug("Failed to post outgoing sync data to {$url} result({$result})"));
     return true;