Esempio n. 1
  * Table to string renderer
  * @param array $body
  * @param array $headers_line
  * @param array $headers_column
  * @param string $title
  * @return string
 public static function tableToString(array $body, array $headers_line = array(), array $headers_column = array(), $title = '')
     $table = new \Library\Tool\Table($body, $headers_line);
     if (!empty($headers_column)) {
         $table->addHeaderColumn($headers_column, 1);
     $table::$default_foot_mask = !empty($title) ? $title : 'Encryption Table';
     return $table->__toString();
Esempio n. 2
    echo "i={$i} : " . Library\Helper\Number::getFibonacciItem($i) . "\n";

<h3 id="tools">Library\Tool</h3>

    <p>The <var>Tools</var> of the package works around a specific type of data ; they are considered as <var>Helpers</var> but their methods are not static and they works just as a standalone simple class.</p>

<h4 id="tabletool">Library\Tool\Table</h4>

    <pre class="code" data-language="php">
$table_contents = array(0 => array('first item', 'second item', 'third item'), 1 => array('first item of second line', 'second item of second line', 'third item of second line'));
$table_headers = array('first table header', 'second header', 'header');
$table = new Library\Tool\Table($table_contents, $table_headers, array(), null, Library\Tool\Table::PAD_BY_SPAN);
$table->setTitle('My table title');
$table->addLine(array('a new line with', 'only two entries'));
$table->addLine('a new line with only one entry');
$table->addLine(array('a new line with', 'more entries', 'than before', 'to test repadding'));
echo '$table_contents = array(' . "\n" . "\t" . '0=>array("first item', 'second item", "third item"),' . "\n" . "\t" . '1=>array("first item of second line", "second item of second line", "third item of second line")' . "\n" . ');' . "\n";
echo '$table_headers = array(' . "\n" . "\t" . '"first table header", "second header", "header"' . "\n" . ');' . "\n";
echo '$table = new Library\\Tool\\Table($table_contents, $table_headers, array(), null, Library\\Tool\\Table::PAD_BY_SPAN);' . "\n";
echo '$table->setTitle("My table title");' . "\n";
echo '$table->addLine(array("a new line with", "only two entries"));' . "\n";
echo '$table->addLine("a new line with only one entry");' . "\n";
echo '$table->addLine(array("a new line with", "more entries", "than before", "to test repadding"));' . "\n";
echo "\n";
echo 'echo $table->getTable()' . "\n";