Esempio n. 1
 public function testNull()
     $oDB = new \LibPostgres\LibPostgresDriver(array('host' => getenv('TEST_HOST') ?: 'localhost', 'port' => getenv('TEST_PORT') ?: 5432, 'user_name' => getenv('TEST_USER_NAME'), 'user_password' => getenv('TEST_PASSWORD'), 'db_name' => getenv('TEST_DB_NAME')));
     // ?d
     $iFirst = 1;
     $iSecond = 2;
     $aResult = $oDB->selectRecord("\n            SELECT  (?d IS NULL)::integer AS is_null,\n                    (?d IS NOT NULL)::integer AS is_not_null,\n                    (SELECT sum(COALESCE(x, 0)) FROM unnest(array[?d]::integer[]) AS x) AS sum_coalesce\n        ", null, $iFirst, array($iFirst, null, $iSecond));
     $this->assertEquals(1, $aResult['is_null']);
     $this->assertEquals(1, $aResult['is_not_null']);
     $this->assertEquals($iFirst + $iSecond, $aResult['sum_coalesce']);
     // ?f
     $fFirst = 1.1;
     $fSecond = 2.2;
     $aResult = $oDB->selectRecord("\n            SELECT  (?f IS NULL)::integer AS is_null,\n                    (?f IS NOT NULL)::integer AS is_not_null,\n                    (SELECT sum(COALESCE(x, 0)) FROM unnest(array[?f]::numeric[]) AS x) AS sum_coalesce\n        ", null, $fFirst, array($fFirst, null, $fSecond));
     $this->assertEquals(1, $aResult['is_null']);
     $this->assertEquals(1, $aResult['is_not_null']);
     $this->assertTrue(bccomp($fFirst + $fSecond, $aResult['sum_coalesce'], 2) === 0);
     // ?j / ?jb / ?h
     $aResult = $oDB->selectRecord("\n            SELECT  (?j IS NULL)::integer AS is_j_null,\n                    (?jb IS NULL)::integer AS is_jb_null,\n                    (?h IS NULL)::integer AS is_h_null,\n                    ((?h->'i_am_null') IS NULL)::integer AS is_null_inside_hstore,\n                    ((?h->'i_am_not_null') IS NOT NULL)::integer AS is_not_null_inside_hstore\n        ", null, null, null, array('i_am_null' => null, 'i_am_not_null' => 1), array('i_am_null' => null, 'i_am_not_null' => 1));
     $this->assertEquals(1, $aResult['is_j_null']);
     $this->assertEquals(1, $aResult['is_jb_null']);
     $this->assertEquals(1, $aResult['is_jb_null']);
     $this->assertEquals(1, $aResult['is_null_inside_hstore']);
     $this->assertEquals(1, $aResult['is_not_null_inside_hstore']);
     // ?w
     $sString1 = null;
     $sString2 = "2'2\r";
     $sStringDefault = "3'3\n";
     $aResult = $oDB->selectRecord("\n            SELECT  (?w IS NULL)::integer AS is_null,\n                    (?w IS NOT NULL)::integer AS is_not_null,\n                    COALESCE(?w, ?w) || ?w AS concat,\n                    (SELECT string_agg(COALESCE(s, ?w), '') FROM unnest(array[?w]::varchar[]) AS s) AS concat_coalesce\n\n        ", $sString1, $sString2, $sString1, $sStringDefault, $sString2, $sStringDefault, array($sString1, $sString2, $sString1));
     $this->assertEquals(1, $aResult['is_null']);
     $this->assertEquals(1, $aResult['is_not_null']);
     $this->assertEquals($sStringDefault . $sString2, $aResult['concat']);
     $this->assertEquals($sStringDefault . $sString2 . $sStringDefault, $aResult['concat_coalesce']);
 public function testPgPconnectGeneral()
     // pg_pconnect
     $oDB1 = new \LibPostgres\LibPostgresDriver(array('host' => getenv('TEST_HOST') ?: 'localhost', 'port' => getenv('TEST_PORT') ?: 5432, 'user_name' => getenv('TEST_USER_NAME'), 'user_password' => getenv('TEST_PASSWORD'), 'db_name' => getenv('TEST_DB_NAME'), 'persistance' => 1));
     $iMin = 105;
     $iMax = 201;
     $iResult = $oDB1->selectField("\n            SELECT sum(t)\n                FROM generate_series(?d, ?d) AS t;\n        ", $iMin, $iMax);
     $this->assertEquals($iResult, ($iMax + $iMin) * (($iMax - $iMin + 1) / 2));
     // pg_pconnect(..., PGSQL_CONNECT_FORCE_NEW)
     $oDB2 = new \LibPostgres\LibPostgresDriver(array('host' => getenv('TEST_HOST') ?: 'localhost', 'port' => getenv('TEST_PORT') ?: 5432, 'user_name' => getenv('TEST_USER_NAME'), 'user_password' => getenv('TEST_PASSWORD'), 'db_name' => getenv('TEST_DB_NAME'), 'persistance' => PGSQL_CONNECT_FORCE_NEW));
     $iMin = 405;
     $iMax = 1201;
     $iResult = $oDB2->selectField("\n            SELECT sum(t)\n                FROM generate_series(?d, ?d) AS t;\n        ", $iMin, $iMax);
     $this->assertEquals($iResult, ($iMax + $iMin) * (($iMax - $iMin + 1) / 2));
Esempio n. 3
 public function testSelectGeneral()
     $oDB = new \LibPostgres\LibPostgresDriver(array('host' => getenv('TEST_HOST') ?: 'localhost', 'port' => getenv('TEST_PORT') ?: 5432, 'user_name' => getenv('TEST_USER_NAME'), 'user_password' => getenv('TEST_PASSWORD'), 'db_name' => getenv('TEST_DB_NAME')));
     // selectField and ?d
     $iMin = 100;
     $iMax = 200;
     $iResult = $oDB->selectField("\n            SELECT max(t)\n                FROM generate_series(?d, ?d) AS t;\n        ", $iMin, $iMax);
     $this->assertEquals($iResult, $iMax);
     // selectRecord and ?w
     $aResult = $oDB->selectRecord("\n            SELECT ?w || t::varchar AS field, md5(?w || t::varchar) AS md5\n                FROM generate_series(1, 10) AS t\n                ORDER BY t DESC\n                LIMIT 1\n        ", "STR'ING", "STR'ING");
     $this->assertEquals($aResult['field'], "STR'ING10");
     $this->assertEquals($aResult['md5'], md5("STR'ING10"));
     // selectColumn and ?h
     $aColumn = $oDB->selectColumn("\n            WITH hs AS (\n                SELECT ?h || ('count => ' || t)::hstore AS h\n                    FROM generate_series(0, 10) AS t\n            )\n            SELECT (h->'field')::varchar || (h->'\"foo\"')::varchar || (h->'baz')::varchar || (h->'count')::varchar\n                FROM hs\n                ORDER BY (h->'count')::integer;\n        ", array('field' => '"FIELD"', '"foo"' => '\\"bar\\"', 'baz' => "\n\t", 'normal' => str_repeat('1', 100)));
     $this->assertEquals($aColumn[3], '"FIELD"\\"bar\\"' . "\n\t" . '3');
     // selectField and ?j / ?jb
     $sString1 = "é";
     $sString2 = "bla'bla\"? абв";
     $sResult = $oDB->selectField("\n            SELECT (?jb->>'first') || (?j->>'second')\n        ", array('first' => $sString1), array('second' => $sString2));
     $this->assertEquals($sResult, $sString1 . $sString2);