Esempio n. 1
  * Executes PHP code
 public function php()
     $this->CI = get_instance();
     // Prep our content
     $content = '<?php' . $this->tag_content . '?>';
     // Run our content through the parser
     $parser = new Lex_Parser();
     $content = $parser->parse($content, $this->CI->vars, array($this->CI->parse, 'callback'), true);
     return $content;
  * Return a parsed embedded template
 public function embed()
     $CI = get_instance();
     if (!$this->get_param('file')) {
         return NULL;
     // Load the file. Always an .html
     $embed_content = read_file(FCPATH . $CI->vars['assets_folder'] . '/embeds/' . $this->get_param('file') . '.html');
     if (!$embed_content) {
         return NULL;
     // We don't want our file variable
     // being parsed with the rest.
     $vars = array_merge($this->attributes, $CI->vars);
     $parser = new Lex_Parser();
     return $parser->parse($embed_content, $CI->vars, array($CI->parse, 'callback'));
Esempio n. 3
  * Markdown the content
 public function format()
     $this->CI = get_instance();
     $method = $this->get_param('method', 'markdown');
     // Prep our content
     $content = trim($this->tag_content);
     // Run our content through the parser
     $parser = new Lex_Parser();
     $content = $parser->parse($content, $this->CI->vars, array($this->CI->parse, 'callback'));
     switch ($method) {
         // Textile
         case 'textile':
             require_once 'textile.php';
             return TextileThis($content);
             // Default is markdown
         // Default is markdown
             require_once 'markdown.php';
             return Markdown($content);
Esempio n. 4
  * The main Lex parser method.  Essentially acts as dispatcher to
  * all of the helper parser methods.
  * @param  string       $text     Text to parse
  * @param  array|object $data     Array or object to use
  * @param  mixed        $callback Callback to use for Callback Tags
  * @return string
 public function parse($text, $data = array(), $callback = false, $allowPhp = false)
     $this->allowPhp = $allowPhp;
     // Is this the first time parse() is called?
     if (self::$data === null) {
         // Let's store the local data array for later use.
         self::$data = $data;
     } else {
         // Let's merge the current data array with the local scope variables
         // So you can call local variables from within blocks.
         $data = array_merge(self::$data, $data);
         // Since this is not the first time parse() is called, it's most definately a callback,
         // let's store the current callback data with the the local data
         // so we can use it straight after a callback is called.
         self::$callbackData = $data;
     // The parseConditionals method executes any PHP in the text, so clean it up.
     if (!$allowPhp) {
         $text = str_replace(array('<?', '?>'), array('&lt;?', '?&gt;'), $text);
     $text = $this->parseComments($text);
     $text = $this->extractNoparse($text);
     $text = $this->extractLoopedTags($text, $data, $callback);
     // Order is important here.  We parse conditionals first as to avoid
     // unnecessary code from being parsed and executed.
     $text = $this->parseConditionals($text, $data, $callback);
     $text = $this->injectExtractions($text, 'looped_tags');
     $text = $this->parseVariables($text, $data, $callback);
     // CMS Canvas parse variables again so we can support variables inside of variables ex: {{ {{ lang }}_title }}
     $text = $this->parseVariables($text, $data, $callback);
     $text = $this->injectExtractions($text, 'callback_blocks');
     // CMS Canvas fix to extract no parse from $data
     $text = $this->extractNoparse($text);
     if ($callback) {
         $text = $this->parseCallbackTags($text, $data, $callback);
     // To ensure that {{ noparse }} is never parsed even during consecutive parse calls
     // set $cumulativeNoparse to true and use self::injectNoparse($text); immediately
     // before the final output is sent to the browser
     if (!$this->cumulativeNoparse) {
         $text = $this->injectExtractions($text);
     return $text;
  * Streams content parse
  * Special content parser for streams. This accomplishes the following
  * important functions:
  * a. Takes care of legacy multiple relationship parsing
  * b. Finds and formats special plugin fields
  * @access	public
  * @param	string - the tag content
  * @param	array - the return data
  * @param	string - stream slug
  * @param 	string - stream namespace
  * @param 	[bool - whether or not to loop through the results or not]
  * @param 	[mixed - null or obj - stream fields. If they are availble, it will
  * 				save a mysql query.]
  * @param 	string [$id_name] The name of the id we want to pass via 'row_id'. This is almost alway 'id'
  * @return 	string - the parsed data
 public function parse_tag_content($content, $data, $stream_slug, $stream_namespace, $loop = false, $fields = null, $id_name = 'id')
     // -------------------------------------
     // Legacy multiple relationship provision
     // -------------------------------------
     // We should respect our elders. This makes
     // sure older instances of multiple
     // relationships won't break. We can probably
     // remove this after PyroCMS 2.2
     // -------------------------------------
     $rep = array('{{ streams_core:related', '{{streams_core:related');
     $content = str_replace($rep, '{{ streams:related stream="' . $stream_slug . '" base_namespace="' . $stream_namespace . '" entry=id ', $content);
     $rep = array('{{ streams_core:multiple', '{{streams_core:multiple');
     $content = str_replace($rep, '{{ streams_core:multiple stream="' . $stream_slug . '" base_namespace="' . $stream_namespace . '" entry=id ', $content);
     // -------------------------------------
     // Make sure we have our stream fields
     // -------------------------------------
     if (is_null($fields)) {
         $stream = $this->stream_obj($stream_slug, $stream_namespace);
         $fields = $this->CI->streams_m->get_stream_fields($stream->id);
     // -------------------------------------
     // Custom Call Provision
     // -------------------------------------
     // Go through the fields for this stream, and
     // see if any of them have the magic 'plugin_override'
     // function. This will allow us to call functions
     // from within the field type itself.
     // -------------------------------------
     if ($fields) {
         foreach ($fields as $field) {
             if (method_exists($this->CI->type->types->{$field->field_type}, 'plugin_override')) {
                 $content = preg_replace('/\\{\\{\\s?' . $field->field_slug . '\\s?/', '{{ streams_core:field row_id="{{ ' . $id_name . ' }}" stream_slug="' . $stream_slug . '" field_slug="' . $field->field_slug . '" namespace="' . $stream_namespace . '" field_type="' . $field->field_type . '" ', $content);
                 $content = preg_replace('/\\{\\{\\s?\\/' . $field->field_slug . '\\s?\\}\\}/', '{{ /streams_core:field }}', $content);
     // -------------------------------------
     // Parse
     // -------------------------------------
     $parser = new Lex_Parser();
     if (!$loop) {
         return $parser->parse($content, $data, array($this->CI->parser, 'parser_callback'));
     $out = '';
     foreach ($data as $item) {
         $out .= $parser->parse($content, $item, array($this->CI->parser, 'parser_callback'));
     return $out;
Esempio n. 6
  * Build the entire HTML output combining partials, layouts and views.
  * @access	public
  * @param	string	$view
  * @param	array	$data
  * @param	bool	$return
  * @param	bool	$IE_cache
  * @return	string
 public function build($view, $data = array(), $return = FALSE, $IE_cache = TRUE)
     // Set whatever values are given. These will be available to all view files
     is_array($data) or $data = (array) $data;
     // Merge in what we already have with the specific data
     $this->_data = array_merge($this->_data, $data);
     // We don't need you any more buddy
     if (empty($this->_title)) {
         $this->_title = $this->_guess_title();
     // Output template variables to the template
     $template['title'] = $this->_title;
     $template['breadcrumbs'] = $this->_breadcrumbs;
     $template['metadata'] = $this->get_metadata();
     $template['partials'] = array();
     // Assign by reference, as all loaded views will need access to partials
     $this->_data['template'] =& $template;
     foreach ($this->_partials as $name => $partial) {
         // We can only work with data arrays
         is_array($partial['data']) or $partial['data'] = (array) $partial['data'];
         // If it uses a view, load it
         if (isset($partial['view'])) {
             $template['partials'][$name] = $this->_find_view($partial['view'], $partial['data']);
         } else {
             if ($this->_parser_enabled === TRUE) {
                 $partial['string'] = $this->_ci->parser->parse_string($partial['string'], $this->_data + $partial['data'], TRUE, TRUE);
             $template['partials'][$name] = $partial['string'];
     // Disable sodding IE7's constant cacheing!!
     // This is in a conditional because otherwise it errors when output is returned instead of output to browser.
     if ($IE_cache) {
         $this->_ci->output->set_header('Expires: Sat, 01 Jan 2000 00:00:01 GMT');
         $this->_ci->output->set_header('Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate');
         $this->_ci->output->set_header('Cache-Control: post-check=0, pre-check=0, max-age=0');
         $this->_ci->output->set_header('Last-Modified: ' . gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s') . ' GMT');
         $this->_ci->output->set_header('Pragma: no-cache');
     // Let CI do the caching instead of the browser
     $this->cache_lifetime > 0 && $this->_ci->output->cache($this->cache_lifetime);
     // Test to see if this file
     $this->_body = $this->_find_view($view, array(), $this->_parser_body_enabled);
     // Want this file wrapped with a layout file?
     if ($this->_layout) {
         // Added to $this->_data['template'] by refference
         $template['body'] = $this->_body;
         if ($this->_parser_enabled) {
             // Persistent tags is an experiment to parse some tags after
             // parsing of all other tags, so the tag persistent should be:
             // a) Defined only if depends of others tags
             // b) Plugin that is a callback, so could retrieve runtime data.
             // c) Returned with a content parsed
             $this->_data['_tags']['persistent_tags'][] = 'template:metadata';
         // Find the main body and 3rd param means parse if its a theme view (only if parser is enabled)
         $this->_body = self::_load_view('layouts/' . $this->_layout, $this->_data, TRUE, self::_find_view_folder());
     if ($this->_minify_enabled && function_exists('process_data_jmr1')) {
         $this->_body = process_data_jmr1($this->_body);
     // Now that *all* parsing is sure to be done we inject the {{ noparse }} contents back into the output
     if (class_exists('Lex_Parser')) {
         $this->_body = Lex_Parser::inject_noparse($this->_body);
     // Want it returned or output to browser?
     if (!$return) {
     return $this->_body;
Esempio n. 7
  * Callback from template parser
  * @param	array
  * @return	 mixed
 public function parser_callback($plugin, $attributes, $content)
     $return_data = $this->_ci->plugins->locate($plugin, $attributes, $content);
     if (is_array($return_data) && $return_data) {
         if (!$this->_is_multi($return_data)) {
             $return_data = $this->_make_multi($return_data);
         // $content = $data['content']; # TODO What was this doing other than throw warnings in 2.0?
         $parsed_return = '';
         $parser = new Lex_Parser();
         foreach ($return_data as $result) {
             // if ($data['skip_content'])
             // {
             // 	$simpletags->set_skip_content($data['skip_content']);
             // }
             $parsed_return .= $parser->parse($content, $result, array($this, 'parser_callback'));
         $return_data = $parsed_return;
     return $return_data ? $return_data : null;
Esempio n. 8
  * Parser Callback
  * @param  string $module
  * @param  string $attribute
  * @param  string $content
  * @return mixed
 public function parser_callback($module, $attribute, $content)
     $return_view = NULL;
     $parsed_return = '';
     $output = self::get_view($module, $attribute);
     $return_view = $output;
     //loop it up, if its array no use in the template, gotta work it here.
     if (is_array($output)) {
         // Need to make sure we have a array and no objects inside the array too.
         $parser = new Lex_Parser();
         foreach ($output as $result) {
             $parsed_return .= $parser->parse($content, $result, array($this, 'parser_callback'));
         $return_view = $parsed_return;
     return $return_view;
Esempio n. 9
  * Streams content parse
  * Special content parser for PyroStreams plugin
  * @access	private
  * @param	string - the tag content
  * @param	array - the return data
  * @param	string - stream slug
  * @param 	[bool - whether or not to loop through the results or not]
  * @return 	string - the parsed data
 private function streams_content_parse($content, $data, $stream_slug, $loop = false)
     // -------------------------------------
     // Multiple Provision
     // -------------------------------------
     // Automatically add in multiple streams data.
     // This makes it easier to call the multiple function
     // from within the streams tags
     // -------------------------------------
     $rep = array('{{ streams:related', '{{streams:related');
     $content = str_replace($rep, '{{ streams:related stream="' . $stream_slug . '" entry=id ', $content);
     $rep = array('{{ streams:multiple', '{{streams:multiple');
     $content = str_replace($rep, '{{ streams:multiple stream="' . $stream_slug . '" entry=id ', $content);
     // -------------------------------------
     // Parse
     // -------------------------------------
     $parser = new Lex_Parser();
     if (!$loop) {
         return $parser->parse($content, $data, array($this->parser, 'parser_callback'));
     $out = '';
     foreach ($data as $item) {
         $out .= $parser->parse($content, $item, array($this->parser, 'parser_callback'));
     return $out;
Esempio n. 10
  * Build the entire HTML output combining partials, layouts and views.
  * @param	string	$view
  * @param	array	$data
  * @param	bool	$return
  * @param	bool	$IE_cache
  * @param 	bool 	$pre_parsed_view	Did we already parse our view?
  * @return	string
 public function build($view, $data = array(), $return = false, $IE_cache = true, $pre_parsed_view = false, $template = array())
     // Set whatever values are given. These will be available to all view files
     is_array($data) or $data = (array) $data;
     // Merge in what we already have set
     $this->_data = array_merge($this->_data, $data);
     // We don't need you any more buddy
     // If you want, you can use the build_template_data()
     // to pre-build this template data. This is an edge case so you'll
     // probably always just leave it to array(), but it's here if
     // you need it.
     if (!$template) {
         $template = $this->build_template_data();
     $this->_data['template'] =& $template;
     // Process partials.
     foreach ($this->_partials as $name => $partial) {
         // We can only work with data arrays
         is_array($partial['data']) or $partial['data'] = (array) $partial['data'];
         // If it uses a view, load it
         if (isset($partial['view'])) {
             $template['partials'][$name] = $this->_find_view($partial['view'], $partial['data']);
         } else {
             if ($this->_parser_enabled === true) {
                 $partial['string'] = $this->_ci->parser->parse_string($partial['string'], $this->_data + $partial['data'], true, true);
             $template['partials'][$name] = $partial['string'];
     // Disable sodding IE7's constant cacheing!!
     // This is in a conditional because otherwise it errors when output is returned instead of output to browser.
     if ($IE_cache) {
         $this->_ci->output->set_header('Expires: Sat, 01 Jan 2000 00:00:01 GMT');
         $this->_ci->output->set_header('Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate');
         $this->_ci->output->set_header('Cache-Control: post-check=0, pre-check=0, max-age=0');
         $this->_ci->output->set_header('Last-Modified: ' . gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s') . ' GMT');
         $this->_ci->output->set_header('Pragma: no-cache');
     // Let CI do the caching instead of the browser
     $this->cache_lifetime > 0 && $this->_ci->output->cache($this->cache_lifetime);
     // Set the _body var. If we have pre-parsed our
     // view, then our work is done. Otherwise, we will
     // find the view and parse it.
     if ($pre_parsed_view) {
         $this->_body = $view;
     } else {
         $this->_body = $this->_find_view($view, array(), $this->_parser_body_enabled);
     // Want this file wrapped with a layout file?
     if ($this->_layout) {
         // Added to $this->_data['template'] by refference
         $template['body'] = $this->_body;
         if ($this->_parser_enabled) {
             // Persistent tags is an experiment to parse some tags after
             // parsing of all other tags, so the tag persistent should be:
             // a) Defined only if depends of others tags
             // b) Plugin that is a callback, so could retrieve runtime data.
             // c) Returned with a content parsed
             $this->_data['_tags']['persistent_tags'][] = 'template:metadata';
         // Find the main body and 3rd param means parse if its a theme view (only if parser is enabled)
         $this->_body = self::_load_view('layouts/' . $this->_layout, $this->_data, true, self::_find_view_folder());
     if ($this->_minify_enabled && function_exists('process_data_jmr1')) {
         $this->_body = process_data_jmr1($this->_body);
     // Now that *all* parsing is sure to be done we inject the {{ noparse }} contents back into the output
     if (class_exists('Lex_Parser')) {
         $this->_body = Lex_Parser::inject_noparse($this->_body);
     // Want it returned or output to browser?
     if (!$return) {
     $this->_stream = array();
     return $this->_body;
Esempio n. 11
  * Parse chunk content
  * @access 	private
  * @param 	string - the chunk content
  * @param 	string - parse Lex tags? - yes/no
  * @return 	string
 private function parse_chunk($content, $parse_tags)
     // Lex tags are parsed by default. If you want to
     // turn off parsing Lex tags, just set parse_tags to 'no'
     if ($parse_tags == 'yes') {
         $parser = new Lex_Parser();
         return $parser->parse($content, array(), array($this->parser, 'parser_callback'));
     } else {
         return $content;
Esempio n. 12
  * Main Fizl Function
  * Routes and processes all page requests
  * @access	public
  * @return	void
 public function _remap()
     include APPPATH . 'libraries/Lex/Autoloader.php';
     $this->load->helper(array('file', 'url'));
     // -------------------------------------
     // Site config load
     // -------------------------------------
     $raw_configs = (require_once FCPATH . 'config.php');
     foreach ($config as $key => $var) {
         $this->config->set_item($key, $var);
     // -------------------------------------
     // Configs
     // -------------------------------------
     // We do this first since we need this
     // data
     // -------------------------------------
     $this->vars = array('segment_1' => $this->uri->segment(1), 'segment_2' => $this->uri->segment(2), 'segment_3' => $this->uri->segment(3), 'segment_4' => $this->uri->segment(4), 'segment_5' => $this->uri->segment(5), 'segment_6' => $this->uri->segment(6), 'segment_7' => $this->uri->segment(7), 'current_year' => date('Y'), 'current_url' => current_url(), 'site_url' => site_url(), 'base_url' => $this->config->item('base_url'));
     // Set the site folder as a constant
     define('SITE_FOLDER', $this->config->item('site_folder'));
     // -------------------------------------
     // Look for page
     // -------------------------------------
     // So... does this file exist?
     $segments = $this->uri->segment_array();
     $is_home = FALSE;
     // Blank mean it's the home page, ya hurd?
     if (empty($segments)) {
         $is_home = TRUE;
         $segments = array('index');
     // -------------------------------------
     // Find filename
     // -------------------------------------
     // Is this a folder? If so we are looking for the index
     // file in the folder.
     if (is_dir(SITE_FOLDER . '/' . implode('/', $segments))) {
         $file = 'index';
     } else {
         // Okay let's take a look at the last element
         $file = array_pop($segments);
     // Turn the URL into a file path
     $file_path = SITE_FOLDER;
     if ($segments) {
         $file_path .= '/' . implode('/', $segments);
     // -------------------------------------
     // Find file
     // -------------------------------------
     // We just want two things
     $file_elems = array_slice(explode('.', $file), 0, 2);
     $supported_files = array('html', 'md', 'textile');
     $file_ext = NULL;
     // If there is a file extenison,
     // we just add it here.
     if (count($file_elems) == 2) {
         $file_ext = $file_elems[1];
         $file_path .= '/' . $file;
     } else {
         // Try and find a file to match
         // our URL
         foreach ($supported_files as $ext) {
             if (file_exists($file_path . '/' . $file . '.' . $ext)) {
                 $file_ext = $ext;
                 $file_path .= '/' . $file . '.' . $ext;
     // -------------------------------------
     // Set headers
     // -------------------------------------
     if (!$file_ext) {
         // No file for this? Set us a 404
         header('HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found');
         $is_404 = true;
     } else {
         $is_404 = false;
     // -------------------------------------
     // Set Template
     // -------------------------------------
     $template = FALSE;
     $template_path = FCPATH . $this->config->item('assets_folder') . '/templates/';
     if ($is_home and is_file($template_path . 'home.html')) {
         $template = read_file($template_path . 'home.html');
     } elseif ($is_404) {
         $template = read_file($template_path . '404.html');
         // Do we have a template for this folder?
     } elseif (is_file($template_path . implode('_', $segments) . '.html')) {
         $template = read_file($template_path . implode('_', $segments) . '.html');
     } elseif (is_file($template_path . 'sub.html')) {
         $template = read_file($template_path . 'sub.html');
     } elseif (is_file($template_path . 'default.html')) {
         $template = read_file($template_path . 'default.html');
     // -------------------------------------
     // Get Content
     // -------------------------------------
     if (!$is_404) {
         $content = read_file($file_path);
         // -------------------------------------
         // Prep content by filetype
         // -------------------------------------
         // .md and .textile get formatted
         // automatically.
         // -------------------------------------
         if ($file_ext == 'md') {
             $content = '{{ format }}' . $content . '{{ /format }}';
         } elseif ($file_ext == 'textile') {
             $content = '{{ format method="textile" }}' . $content . '{{ /format }}';
         // -------------------------------------
         // If we have no template, then
         // we just use the content.
         if (!$template) {
             $template = $content;
         } else {
             // If we have a template, let's be
             // sneakty and add in the content
             // variable manually.
             $template = str_replace(array('{{ content }}', '{{content}}'), $content, $template);
         // Our content is avialble
         $this->vars['content'] = $content;
     // -------------------------------------
     // Prep and Output Content
     // -------------------------------------
     $parser = new Lex_Parser();
     echo $parser->parse($template, $this->vars, array($this->parse, 'callback'), true);
Esempio n. 13
  * Streams content parse
  * Special content parser for PyroStreams plugin
  * @access	private
  * @param	string - the tag content
  * @param	array - the return data
  * @param	string - stream slug
  * @return 	string - the parsed data
 private function streams_content_parse($content, $data, $stream_slug)
     // -------------------------------------
     // Multiple Provision
     // -------------------------------------
     // Automatically add in multiple streams data.
     // This makes it easier to call the multiple function
     // from within the streams tags
     // -------------------------------------
     $rep = array('{{ streams:related', '{{streams:related');
     $content = str_replace($rep, '{{ streams:related stream="' . $stream_slug . '" entry="{{ id }}" ', $content);
     $rep = array('{{ streams:multiple', '{{streams:multiple');
     $content = str_replace($rep, '{{ streams:multiple stream="' . $stream_slug . '" entry="{{ id }}" ', $content);
     // -------------------------------------
     // Parse Rows
     // -------------------------------------
     $parser = new Lex_Parser();
     return $parser->parse($content, $data, array($this->parser, 'parser_callback'));
Esempio n. 14
  * Callback from template parser
  * @param array
  * @return mixed
 public function parser_callback($plugin, $attributes, $content, $data)
     $return_data = '';
     // Check if there were local data callbacks defined
     if (isset($data['_callbacks'][$plugin])) {
         $callback = $data['_callbacks'][$plugin];
         if (is_callable($callback)) {
             $return_data = call_user_func_array($callback, array($plugin, $attributes, $content, $data));
     } else {
         if (isset($this->callbacks[$plugin])) {
             $callback = $this->callbacks[$plugin];
             if (is_callable($callback)) {
                 $return_data = call_user_func_array($callback, array($plugin, $attributes, $content, $data));
         } else {
             // Locate and process plugin
             $return_data = $this->_ci->plugins->locate($plugin, $attributes, $content, $data);
     if (is_array($return_data)) {
         if (!$this->_is_multi($return_data)) {
             $return_data = $this->_make_multi($return_data);
         // Check if plugin has made any changes to the default content
         if (isset($return_data['_content'])) {
             $content = $return_data['_content'];
         $parsed_return = '';
         $parser = new Lex_Parser();
         foreach ($return_data as $result) {
             // Check if there was content declared for the result
             // If no _content declared in result array use default content
             if (isset($result['_content'])) {
                 $rendered_content = $result['_content'];
             } else {
                 $rendered_content = $content;
             $parsed_return .= $parser->parse($rendered_content, $result, array($this, 'parser_callback'));
         $return_data = $parsed_return;
     return $return_data ? $return_data : NULL;
Esempio n. 15
  * Parse Template Embeds
  * @access	public
  * @param	string - file to embed
  * @param	array - new vars
  * @return 	string
 private function embed($file, $attributes)
     // Load the file. Always an .html
     $embed_content = read_file(FCPATH . $this->vars['assets_folder'] . '/embeds/' . $file . '.html');
     if (!$embed_content) {
         return NULL;
     if (!empty($attributes)) {
         return $embed_content;
     $parser = new Lex_Parser();
     $parser->parse_variables($embed_content, $attributes);
Esempio n. 16
  * Parse Content
  * @access	public
  * @param	array
  * @return 	string
 public function callback($name, $attributes, $content)
     $this->CI = get_instance();
     // ----------------------------
     // Determine Call
     // ----------------------------
     // Do we have a : in the name? If so, we need
     // to separate this into the plugin/call
     if (strpos($name, ':') === FALSE) {
         // If we do not have a call
         // specified, we can use a function
         // with the same name as the plugin.
         $plugin = $name;
         $call = $name;
     } else {
         $pieces = explode(':', $name, 2);
         if (count($pieces) != 2) {
             return NULL;
         $plugin = $pieces[0];
         $call = $pieces[1];
     // Easy out for configs.
     // We have a special place in our heart for config:config_item.
     if ($plugin == 'config') {
         return $this->CI->config->item($call);
     // ----------------------------
     // Find & Load Plugin Class
     // ----------------------------
     $plugin_dirs = array(APPPATH . 'plugins/', FCPATH . 'addons/plugins/');
     // We can either have plugin folders or plugin files.
     foreach ($plugin_dirs as $dir) {
         if (is_dir($dir . $plugin) and is_file($dir . $plugin . '/' . $plugin . '.php')) {
             $file = $dir . $plugin . '/' . $plugin . '.php';
         } elseif (is_file($dir . $plugin . '.php')) {
             $file = $dir . $plugin . '.php';
     if (!isset($file)) {
         return NULL;
     require_once $file;
     $class = 'Plugin_' . $plugin;
     if (class_exists($class)) {
         $plug = new $class();
     // ----------------------------
     // Attributes
     // ----------------------------
     // Add our params to the library
     // as class variables
     // ----------------------------
     foreach ($attributes as $key => $val) {
         $plug->attributes[$key] = $val;
     // Add content to the library
     $plug->tag_content = $content;
     if (!method_exists($plug, $call)) {
         return NULL;
     // ----------------------------
     // Make Plugin Call
     // ----------------------------
     $return = $plug->{$call}();
     // ----------------------------
     // Return data based on type
     // ----------------------------
     if (is_array($return)) {
         $parser = new Lex_Parser();
         return $parser->parse($content, $return, array($this->CI->parse, 'callback'));
     } elseif (is_string($return)) {
         return $return;
     } else {
         return NULL;