Esempio n. 1
| regardless of it's differences.                            				|
|																			|
include 'SimpleGet.php';
# Get the row table columns
$columns = Schema::getColumnListing($table);
# Add su_hidden to hidden if the row is su
if (Schema::hasColumn($table, 'su') and $row->su) {
    # Add the su_hidden fields to the hiden variable
    foreach ($su_hidden as $su_hid) {
        array_push($hidden, $su_hid);
# Gets the fields available to edit / update
$final_columns = [];
foreach ($columns as $column) {
    $add = true;
    foreach ($hidden as $hide) {
        if ($column == $hide) {
            $add = false;
    if ($column == Laralum::allowEditingField() and !Laralum::loggedInUser()->su) {
        $add = false;
    if ($add) {
        array_push($final_columns, $column);
$fields = $final_columns;