protected function generateTitle() { array_unshift($this->title, $this->name); if ($this->category) { array_unshift($this->title, Lang::event('category')[$this->category[0]]); } }
protected function generateContent() { $_level = $this->subject->getField('level'); $_minLevel = $this->subject->getField('minLevel'); $_flags = $this->subject->getField('flags'); $_specialFlags = $this->subject->getField('specialFlags'); $_side = Util::sideByRaceMask($this->subject->getField('reqRaceMask')); /***********/ /* Infobox */ /***********/ $infobox = Lang::getInfoBoxForFlags($this->subject->getField('cuFlags')); // event (todo: assign eventData) if ($_ = $this->subject->getField('eventId')) { $this->extendGlobalIds(TYPE_WORLDEVENT, $_); $infobox[] = Lang::game('eventShort') . Lang::main('colon') . '[event=' . $_ . ']'; } // level if ($_level > 0) { $infobox[] = Lang::game('level') . Lang::main('colon') . $_level; } // reqlevel if ($_minLevel) { $lvl = $_minLevel; if ($_ = $this->subject->getField('maxLevel')) { $lvl .= ' - ' . $_; } $infobox[] = sprintf(Lang::game('reqLevel'), $lvl); } // loremaster (i dearly hope those flags cover every case...) if ($this->subject->getField('zoneOrSortBak') > 0 && !$this->subject->isRepeatable()) { $conditions = array(['ac.type', ACHIEVEMENT_CRITERIA_TYPE_COMPLETE_QUESTS_IN_ZONE], ['ac.value1', $this->subject->getField('zoneOrSortBak')], ['a.faction', $_side, '&']); $loremaster = new AchievementList($conditions); $this->extendGlobalData($loremaster->getJSGlobals(GLOBALINFO_SELF)); switch ($loremaster->getMatches()) { case 0: break; case 1: $infobox[] = Lang::quest('loremaster') . Lang::main('colon') . '[achievement=' . $loremaster->id . ']'; break; default: $lm = Lang::quest('loremaster') . Lang::main('colon') . '[ul]'; foreach ($loremaster->iterate() as $id => $__) { $lm .= '[li][achievement=' . $id . '][/li]'; } $infobox[] = $lm . '[/ul]'; break; } } // type (maybe expand uppon?) $_ = []; if ($_flags & QUEST_FLAG_DAILY) { $_[] = Lang::quest('daily'); } else { if ($_flags & QUEST_FLAG_WEEKLY) { $_[] = Lang::quest('weekly'); } else { if ($_specialFlags & QUEST_FLAG_SPECIAL_MONTHLY) { $_[] = Lang::quest('monthly'); } } } if ($t = $this->subject->getField('type')) { $_[] = Lang::quest('questInfo', $t); } if ($_) { $infobox[] = Lang::game('type') . Lang::main('colon') . implode(' ', $_); } // side $_ = Lang::main('side') . Lang::main('colon'); switch ($_side) { case 3: $infobox[] = $_ . Lang::game('si', 3); break; case 2: $infobox[] = $_ . '[span class=icon-horde]' . Lang::game('si', 2) . '[/span]'; break; case 1: $infobox[] = $_ . '[span class=icon-alliance]' . Lang::game('si', 1) . '[/span]'; break; } // races if ($_ = Lang::getRaceString($this->subject->getField('reqRaceMask'), $__, $jsg, $n, false)) { $this->extendGlobalIds(TYPE_RACE, $jsg); $t = $n == 1 ? Lang::game('race') : Lang::game('races'); $infobox[] = Util::ucFirst($t) . Lang::main('colon') . $_; } // classes if ($_ = Lang::getClassString($this->subject->getField('reqClassMask'), $jsg, $n, false)) { $this->extendGlobalIds(TYPE_CLASS, $jsg); $t = $n == 1 ? Lang::game('class') : Lang::game('classes'); $infobox[] = Util::ucFirst($t) . Lang::main('colon') . $_; } // profession / skill if ($_ = $this->subject->getField('reqSkillId')) { $this->extendGlobalIds(TYPE_SKILL, $_); $sk = '[skill=' . $_ . ']'; if ($_ = $this->subject->getField('reqSkillPoints')) { $sk .= ' (' . $_ . ')'; } $infobox[] = Lang::quest('profession') . Lang::main('colon') . $sk; } // timer if ($_ = $this->subject->getField('timeLimit')) { $infobox[] = Lang::quest('timer') . Lang::main('colon') . Util::formatTime($_ * 1000); } $startEnd = DB::Aowow()->select('SELECT * FROM ?_quests_startend WHERE questId = ?d', $this->typeId); // start $start = '[icon name=quest_start' . ($this->subject->isDaily() ? '_daily' : '') . ']' . Lang::event('start') . Lang::main('colon') . '[/icon]'; $s = []; foreach ($startEnd as $se) { if ($se['method'] & 0x1) { $this->extendGlobalIds($se['type'], $se['typeId']); $s[] = ($s ? '[span=invisible]' . $start . '[/span] ' : $start . ' ') . '[' . Util::$typeStrings[$se['type']] . '=' . $se['typeId'] . ']'; } } if ($s) { $infobox[] = implode('[br]', $s); } // end $end = '[icon name=quest_end' . ($this->subject->isDaily() ? '_daily' : '') . ']' . Lang::event('end') . Lang::main('colon') . '[/icon]'; $e = []; foreach ($startEnd as $se) { if ($se['method'] & 0x2) { $this->extendGlobalIds($se['type'], $se['typeId']); $e[] = ($e ? '[span=invisible]' . $end . '[/span] ' : $end . ' ') . '[' . Util::$typeStrings[$se['type']] . '=' . $se['typeId'] . ']'; } } if ($e) { $infobox[] = implode('[br]', $e); } // Repeatable if ($_flags & QUEST_FLAG_REPEATABLE || $_specialFlags & QUEST_FLAG_SPECIAL_REPEATABLE) { $infobox[] = Lang::quest('repeatable'); } // sharable | not sharable $infobox[] = $_flags & QUEST_FLAG_SHARABLE ? Lang::quest('sharable') : Lang::quest('notSharable'); // Keeps you PvP flagged if ($this->subject->isPvPEnabled()) { $infobox[] = Lang::quest('keepsPvpFlag'); } // difficulty (todo (low): formula unclear. seems to be [minLevel,] -4, -2, (level), +3, +(9 to 15)) if ($_level > 0) { $_ = []; // red if ($_minLevel && $_minLevel < $_level - 4) { $_[] = '[color=q10]' . $_minLevel . '[/color]'; } // orange if (!$_minLevel || $_minLevel < $_level - 2) { $_[] = '[color=r1]' . (!$_ && $_minLevel > $_level - 4 ? $_minLevel : $_level - 4) . '[/color]'; } // yellow $_[] = '[color=r2]' . (!$_ && $_minLevel > $_level - 2 ? $_minLevel : $_level - 2) . '[/color]'; // green $_[] = '[color=r3]' . ($_level + 3) . '[/color]'; // grey (is about +/-1 level off) $_[] = '[color=r4]' . ($_level + 3 + ceil(12 * $_level / MAX_LEVEL)) . '[/color]'; if ($_) { $infobox[] = Lang::game('difficulty') . Lang::main('colon') . implode('[small] [/small]', $_); } } $this->infobox = '[ul][li]' . implode('[/li][li]', $infobox) . '[/li][/ul]'; /**********/ /* Series */ /**********/ // Quest Chain (are there cases where quests go in parallel?) $chain = array(array(array('side' => $_side, 'typeStr' => Util::$typeStrings[TYPE_QUEST], 'typeId' => $this->typeId, 'name' => $this->name, '_next' => $this->subject->getField('nextQuestIdChain')))); $_ = $chain[0][0]; while ($_) { if ($_ = DB::Aowow()->selectRow('SELECT id AS typeId, name_loc0, name_loc2, name_loc3, name_loc6, name_loc8, reqRaceMask FROM ?_quests WHERE nextQuestIdChain = ?d', $_['typeId'])) { $n = Util::localizedString($_, 'name'); array_unshift($chain, array(array('side' => Util::sideByRaceMask($_['reqRaceMask']), 'typeStr' => Util::$typeStrings[TYPE_QUEST], 'typeId' => $_['typeId'], 'name' => strlen($n) > 40 ? substr($n, 0, 40) . '…' : $n))); } } $_ = end($chain)[0]; while ($_) { if ($_ = DB::Aowow()->selectRow('SELECT id AS typeId, name_loc0, name_loc2, name_loc3, name_loc6, name_loc8, reqRaceMask, nextQuestIdChain AS _next FROM ?_quests WHERE id = ?d', $_['_next'])) { $n = Util::localizedString($_, 'name'); array_push($chain, array(array('side' => Util::sideByRaceMask($_['reqRaceMask']), 'typeStr' => Util::$typeStrings[TYPE_QUEST], 'typeId' => $_['typeId'], 'name' => strlen($n) > 40 ? substr($n, 0, 40) . '…' : $n, '_next' => $_['_next']))); } } if (count($chain) > 1) { $this->series[] = [$chain, null]; } // todo (low): sensibly merge the following lists into 'series' $listGen = function ($cnd) { $chain = []; $list = new QuestList($cnd); if ($list->error) { return null; } foreach ($list->iterate() as $id => $__) { $n = $list->getField('name', true); $chain[] = array(array('side' => Util::sideByRaceMask($list->getField('reqRaceMask')), 'typeStr' => Util::$typeStrings[TYPE_QUEST], 'typeId' => $id, 'name' => strlen($n) > 40 ? substr($n, 0, 40) . '…' : $n)); } return $chain; }; $extraLists = array(['reqQ', array('OR', ['AND', ['nextQuestId', $this->typeId], ['exclusiveGroup', 0, '<']], ['AND', ['id', $this->subject->getField('prevQuestId')], ['nextQuestIdChain', $this->typeId, '!']])], ['reqOneQ', array(['exclusiveGroup', 0, '>'], ['nextQuestId', $this->typeId])], ['opensQ', array('OR', ['AND', ['prevQuestId', $this->typeId], ['id', $this->subject->getField('nextQuestIdChain'), '!']], ['id', $this->subject->getField('nextQuestId')])], ['closesQ', array(['exclusiveGroup', 0, '!'], ['exclusiveGroup', $this->subject->getField('exclusiveGroup')], ['id', $this->typeId, '!'])], ['enablesQ', array(['prevQuestId', -$this->typeId])], ['enabledByQ', array(['id', -$this->subject->getField('prevQuestId')])]); foreach ($extraLists as $el) { if ($_ = $listGen($el[1])) { $this->series[] = [$_, sprintf(Util::$dfnString, Lang::quest($el[0] . 'Desc'), Lang::quest($el[0]))]; } } /*******************/ /* Objectives List */ /*******************/ $this->objectiveList = []; $this->providedItem = []; // gather ids for lookup $olItems = $olNPCs = $olGOs = $olFactions = []; // items $olItems[0] = array($this->subject->getField('sourceItemId'), $this->subject->getField('sourceItemCount'), false); for ($i = 1; $i < 7; $i++) { $id = $this->subject->getField('reqItemId' . $i); $qty = $this->subject->getField('reqItemCount' . $i); if (!$id || !$qty) { continue; } $olItems[$i] = [$id, $qty, $id == $olItems[0][0]]; } if ($ids = array_column($olItems, 0)) { $olItemData = new ItemList(array(['id', $ids])); $this->extendGlobalData($olItemData->getJSGlobals(GLOBALINFO_SELF)); $providedRequired = false; foreach ($olItems as $i => list($itemId, $qty, $provided)) { if (!$i || !$itemId || !in_array($itemId, $olItemData->getFoundIDs())) { continue; } if ($provided) { $providedRequired = true; } $this->objectiveList[] = array('typeStr' => Util::$typeStrings[TYPE_ITEM], 'id' => $itemId, 'name' => $olItemData->json[$itemId]['name'], 'qty' => $qty > 1 ? $qty : 0, 'quality' => 7 - $olItemData->json[$itemId]['quality'], 'extraText' => $provided ? ' (' . Lang::quest('provided') . ')' : ''); } // if providd item is not required by quest, list it below other requirements if (!$providedRequired && $olItems[0][0] && in_array($olItems[0][0], $olItemData->getFoundIDs())) { $this->providedItem = array('id' => $olItems[0][0], 'name' => $olItemData->json[$olItems[0][0]]['name'], 'qty' => $olItems[0][1] > 1 ? $olItems[0][1] : 0, 'quality' => 7 - $olItemData->json[$olItems[0][0]]['quality']); } } // creature or GO... for ($i = 1; $i < 5; $i++) { $id = $this->subject->getField('reqNpcOrGo' . $i); $qty = $this->subject->getField('reqNpcOrGoCount' . $i); $altTxt = $this->subject->getField('objectiveText' . $i, true); if ($id > 0 && $qty) { $olNPCs[$id] = [$qty, $altTxt, []]; } else { if ($id < 0 && $qty) { $olGOs[-$id] = [$qty, $altTxt]; } } } // .. creature kills if ($ids = array_keys($olNPCs)) { $olNPCData = new CreatureList(array('OR', ['id', $ids], ['killCredit1', $ids], ['killCredit2', $ids])); $this->extendGlobalData($olNPCData->getJSGlobals(GLOBALINFO_SELF)); // create proxy-references foreach ($olNPCData->iterate() as $id => $__) { if ($p = $olNPCData->getField('KillCredit1')) { if (isset($olNPCs[$p])) { $olNPCs[$p][2][$id] = $olNPCData->getField('name', true); } } if ($p = $olNPCData->getField('KillCredit2')) { if (isset($olNPCs[$p])) { $olNPCs[$p][2][$id] = $olNPCData->getField('name', true); } } } foreach ($olNPCs as $i => $pair) { if (!$i || !in_array($i, $olNPCData->getFoundIDs())) { continue; } $ol = array('typeStr' => Util::$typeStrings[TYPE_NPC], 'id' => $i, 'name' => $pair[1] ?: Util::localizedString($olNPCData->getEntry($i), 'name'), 'qty' => $pair[0] > 1 ? $pair[0] : 0, 'extraText' => $_specialFlags & QUEST_FLAG_SPECIAL_SPELLCAST || $pair[1] ? '' : ' ' . Lang::achievement('slain'), 'proxy' => $pair[2]); if ($pair[2]) { // has proxies assigned, add yourself as another proxy $ol['proxy'][$i] = Util::localizedString($olNPCData->getEntry($i), 'name'); } $this->objectiveList[] = $ol; } } // .. GO interactions if ($ids = array_keys($olGOs)) { $olGOData = new GameObjectList(array(['id', $ids])); $this->extendGlobalData($olGOData->getJSGlobals(GLOBALINFO_SELF)); foreach ($olNPCs as $i => $pair) { if (!$i || !in_array($i, $olGOData->getFoundIDs())) { continue; } $this->objectiveList[] = array('typeStr' => Util::$typeStrings[TYPE_OBJECT], 'id' => $i, 'name' => $pair[1] ?: Util::localizedString($olGOData->getEntry($i), 'name'), 'qty' => $pair[0] > 1 ? $pair[0] : 0); } } // reputation required for ($i = 1; $i < 3; $i++) { $id = $this->subject->getField('reqFactionId' . $i); $val = $this->subject->getField('reqFactionValue' . $i); if (!$id) { continue; } $olFactions[$id] = $val; } if ($ids = array_keys($olFactions)) { $olFactionsData = new FactionList(array(['id', $ids])); $this->extendGlobalData($olFactionsData->getJSGlobals(GLOBALINFO_SELF)); foreach ($olFactions as $i => $val) { if (!$i || !in_array($i, $olFactionsData->getFoundIDs())) { continue; } $this->objectiveList[] = array('typeStr' => Util::$typeStrings[TYPE_FACTION], 'id' => $i, 'name' => Util::localizedString($olFactionsData->getEntry($i), 'name'), 'qty' => sprintf(Util::$dfnString, $val . ' ' . Lang::achievement('points'), Lang::getReputationLevelForPoints($val)), 'extraText' => ''); } } // granted spell if ($_ = $this->subject->getField('sourceSpellId')) { $this->extendGlobalIds(TYPE_SPELL, $_); $this->objectiveList[] = array('typeStr' => Util::$typeStrings[TYPE_SPELL], 'id' => $_, 'name' => SpellList::getName($_), 'qty' => 0, 'extraText' => ' (' . Lang::quest('provided') . ')'); } // required money if ($this->subject->getField('rewardOrReqMoney') < 0) { $this->objectiveList[] = ['text' => Lang::quest('reqMoney') . Lang::main('colon') . Util::formatMoney(abs($this->subject->getField('rewardOrReqMoney')))]; } // required pvp kills if ($_ = $this->subject->getField('reqPlayerKills')) { $this->objectiveList[] = ['text' => Lang::quest('playerSlain') . ' (' . $_ . ')']; } /**********/ /* Mapper */ /**********/ $this->addJS('?data=zones&locale=' . User::$localeId . '&t=' . $_SESSION['dataKey']); /* TODO (GODDAMNIT): jeez.. */ // $startend + reqNpcOrGo[1-4] $this->map = null; // array( // 'data' => ['zone' => $this->typeId], // 'som' => Util::toJSON($som) // ); /****************/ /* Main Content */ /****************/ $this->gains = $this->createGains(); $this->mail = $this->createMail($maTab, $startEnd); $this->rewards = $this->createRewards(); $this->objectives = $this->subject->parseText('objectives', false); $this->details = $this->subject->parseText('details', false); $this->offerReward = $this->subject->parseText('offerReward', false); $this->requestItems = $this->subject->parseText('requestItems', false); $this->completed = $this->subject->parseText('completed', false); $this->end = $this->subject->parseText('end', false); $this->suggestedPl = $this->subject->getField('suggestedPlayers'); $this->unavailable = $_flags & QUEST_FLAG_UNAVAILABLE || $this->subject->getField('cuFlags') & CUSTOM_EXCLUDE_FOR_LISTVIEW; $this->redButtons = array(BUTTON_LINKS => ['color' => 'ffffff00', 'linkId' => 'quest:' . $this->typeId . ':' . $_level . ''], BUTTON_WOWHEAD => true); if ($maTab) { $this->lvTabs[] = $maTab; } // factionchange-equivalent if ($pendant = DB::World()->selectCell('SELECT IF(horde_id = ?d, alliance_id, -horde_id) FROM player_factionchange_quests WHERE alliance_id = ?d OR horde_id = ?d', $this->typeId, $this->typeId, $this->typeId)) { $altQuest = new QuestList(array(['id', abs($pendant)])); if (!$altQuest->error) { $this->transfer = sprintf(Lang::quest('_transfer'), $altQuest->id, $altQuest->getField('name', true), $pendant > 0 ? 'alliance' : 'horde', $pendant > 0 ? Lang::game('si', 1) : Lang::game('si', 2)); } } /**************/ /* Extra Tabs */ /**************/ // tab: see also $seeAlso = new QuestList(array(['name_loc' . User::$localeId, '%' . $this->name . '%'], ['id', $this->typeId, '!'])); if (!$seeAlso->error) { $this->extendGlobalData($seeAlso->getJSGlobals()); $this->lvTabs[] = array('file' => 'quest', 'data' => $seeAlso->getListviewData(), 'params' => array('name' => '$LANG.tab_seealso', 'id' => 'see-also')); } // tab: criteria of $criteriaOf = new AchievementList(array(['ac.type', ACHIEVEMENT_CRITERIA_TYPE_COMPLETE_QUEST], ['ac.value1', $this->typeId])); if (!$criteriaOf->error) { $this->extendGlobalData($criteriaOf->getJSGlobals()); $this->lvTabs[] = array('file' => 'achievement', 'data' => $criteriaOf->getListviewData(), 'params' => array('name' => '$LANG.tab_criteriaof', 'id' => 'criteria-of')); } // tab: conditions $cnd = []; if ($_ = $this->subject->getField('reqMinRepFaction')) { $cnd[CND_SRC_QUEST_ACCEPT][$this->typeId][0][] = [CND_REPUTATION_RANK, $_, 1 << Util::getReputationLevelForPoints($this->subject->getField('reqMinRepValue'))]; $this->extendGlobalIds(TYPE_FACTION, $_); } if ($_ = $this->subject->getField('reqMaxRepFaction')) { $cnd[CND_SRC_QUEST_ACCEPT][$this->typeId][0][] = [-CND_REPUTATION_RANK, $_, 1 << Util::getReputationLevelForPoints($this->subject->getField('reqMaxRepValue'))]; $this->extendGlobalIds(TYPE_FACTION, $_); } $_ = Util::getServerConditions([CND_SRC_QUEST_ACCEPT, CND_SRC_QUEST_SHOW_MARK], null, $this->typeId); if (!empty($_[0])) { // awkward merger if (isset($_[0][CND_SRC_QUEST_ACCEPT][$this->typeId][0])) { if (isset($cnd[CND_SRC_QUEST_ACCEPT][$this->typeId][0])) { $cnd[CND_SRC_QUEST_ACCEPT][$this->typeId][0] = array_merge($cnd[CND_SRC_QUEST_ACCEPT][$this->typeId][0], $_[0][CND_SRC_QUEST_ACCEPT][$this->typeId][0]); } else { $cnd[CND_SRC_QUEST_ACCEPT] = $_[0][CND_SRC_QUEST_ACCEPT]; } } if (isset($_[0][CND_SRC_QUEST_SHOW_MARK])) { $cnd[CND_SRC_QUEST_SHOW_MARK] = $_[0][CND_SRC_QUEST_SHOW_MARK]; } $this->extendGlobalData($_[1]); } if ($cnd) { $tab = "<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n" . "var markup = ConditionList.createTab(" . Util::toJSON($cnd) . ");\n" . "Markup.printHtml(markup, 'tab-conditions', { allow: Markup.CLASS_STAFF })" . "</script>"; $this->lvTabs[] = array('file' => null, 'data' => $tab, 'params' => array('id' => 'conditions', 'name' => '$LANG.requires')); } }
public function notFound($title = '', $msg = '') { if ($this->mode != CACHE_TYPE_TOOLTIP) { return parent::notFound($title ?: Lang::game('event'), $msg ?: Lang::event('notFound')); } header('Content-type: application/x-javascript; charset=utf-8'); echo $this->generateTooltip(true); exit; }
protected function postCache() { /********************/ /* finalize infobox */ /********************/ // update dates to now() $updated = WorldEventList::updateDates($this->dates); // start if ($updated['start']) { array_push($this->infobox, Lang::event('start') . Lang::main('colon') . date(Lang::main('dateFmtLong'), $updated['start'])); } // end if ($updated['end']) { array_push($this->infobox, Lang::event('end') . Lang::main('colon') . date(Lang::main('dateFmtLong'), $updated['end'])); } // occurence if ($updated['rec'] > 0) { array_push($this->infobox, Lang::event('interval') . Lang::main('colon') . Util::formatTime($updated['rec'] * 1000)); } // in progress if ($updated['start'] < time() && $updated['end'] > time()) { array_push($this->infobox, '[span class=q2]' . Lang::event('inProgress') . '[/span]'); } $this->infobox = '[ul][li]' . implode('[/li][li]', $this->infobox) . '[/li][/ul]'; /***************************/ /* finalize related events */ /***************************/ foreach ($this->lvTabs as &$view) { if ($view['file'] != WorldEventList::$brickFile) { continue; } foreach ($view['data'] as &$data) { $updated = WorldEventList::updateDates($data['_date']); unset($data['_date']); $data['startDate'] = $updated['start'] ? date(Util::$dateFormatInternal, $updated['start']) : false; $data['endDate'] = $updated['end'] ? date(Util::$dateFormatInternal, $updated['end']) : false; $data['rec'] = $updated['rec']; } } }
public function renderTooltip() { if (!$this->curTpl) { return null; } $x = '<table><tr><td>'; // head v that extra % is nesecary because we are using sprintf later on $x .= '<table width="100%%"><tr><td><b>' . Util::jsEscape($this->getField('name', true)) . '</b></td><th><b class="q0">' . Lang::event('category', $this->getField('category')) . '</b></th></tr></table>'; // use string-placeholder for dates // start $x .= Lang::event('start') . Lang::main('colon') . '%s<br>'; // end $x .= Lang::event('end') . Lang::main('colon') . '%s'; $x .= '</td></tr></table>'; // desc if ($this->getField('holidayId')) { if ($_ = $this->getField('description', true)) { $x .= '<table><tr><td><span class="q">' . Util::jsEscape($_) . '</span></td></tr></table>'; } } return $x; }