public static function ManageUrlSys()
     $payment = new Kwixo();
     if (!$payment->isInstalled('kwixo')) {
         KwixoLogger::insertLogKwixo(__METHOD__ . ' : ' . __LINE__, 'Module Kwixo non installé, retour UrlSys échoué');
         return false;
     $transactionID = Tools::getValue('TransactionID');
     $refID = Tools::getValue('RefID');
     $tag = Tools::getValue('Tag');
     $id_cart = Tools::getValue('custom', false);
     $amount = Tools::getValue('amount', false);
     $cart = new Cart((int) $id_cart);
     if (_PS_VERSION_ < '1.5') {
         $kwixo = new KwixoPayment();
     } else {
         $kwixo = new KwixoPayment($cart->id_shop);
     if ($kwixo->getAuthKey() == '') {
         KwixoLogger::insertLogKwixo(__METHOD__ . ' : ' . __LINE__, 'Clé privée Kwixo vide, retour UrlSys échoué');
         return false;
     $md5 = new KwixoMD5();
     $waitedhash = $md5->hash($kwixo->getAuthKey() . $refID . $transactionID);
     $receivedhash = Tools::getValue('HashControl', '0');
     //Hash control
     if ($waitedhash != $receivedhash) {
         KwixoLogger::insertLogKwixo(__METHOD__ . ' : ' . __LINE__, 'URLSys erreur : HashControl invalide (valeur attendue = "' . $waitedhash . '", valeur reçue = "' . $receivedhash . '"). IP expediteur : ' . Tools::getRemoteAddr());
     } else {
         //if cart if empty : error and exit
         if (!$cart->id) {
             KwixoLogger::insertLogKwixo(__METHOD__ . ' : ' . __LINE__, "Le panier pour la commande {$refid}/{$transactionid} n'existe pas.");
         global $cookie;
         //Give order_id
         $id_order = Order::getOrderByCartId($cart->id);
         if ($id_order !== false) {
             $order = new Order((int) $id_order);
             KwixoLogger::insertLogKwixo(__METHOD__ . ' : ' . __LINE__, 'URLSys : id_cart = ' . $id_cart . (!Order::getOrderByCartId($id_cart) ? '' : ' | id_order = ' . Order::getOrderByCartId($id_cart)) . ' | tag = ' . $tag);
         } else {
             KwixoLogger::insertLogKwixo(__METHOD__ . ' : ' . __LINE__, 'URLSys : order false');
         switch ($tag) {
             //Give up payment, tag sent after 1 hour
             case 0:
                 KwixoLogger::insertLogKwixo(__METHOD__ . ' : ' . __LINE__, 'URLSys abandon après 1h : id_cart = ' . $id_cart . (!Order::getOrderByCartId($id_cart) ? '' : ' | id_order = ' . Order::getOrderByCartId($id_cart)) . ' | tag = ' . $tag);
                 //Accepted payment
             //Accepted payment
             case 1:
             case 13:
             case 14:
             case 10:
                 //Retrieve score if present
                 $score = Tools::getValue('Score', false);
                 //if order current state in cancelled or waiting or under control or credit status, status updated
                 if ($id_order === false || in_array($order->getCurrentState(), array((int) _PS_OS_CANCELED_, (int) Configuration::get('KW_OS_WAITING'), (int) Configuration::get('KW_OS_CREDIT'), (int) Configuration::get('KW_OS_CONTROL')))) {
                     if ($score == 'positif') {
                         $psosstatus = (int) Configuration::get('KW_OS_PAYMENT_GREEN');
                     } elseif ($score == 'negatif') {
                         $psosstatus = (int) Configuration::get('KW_OS_PAYMENT_RED');
                     } else {
                         $psosstatus = (int) _PS_OS_PAYMENT_;
                 //Payment refused
             //Payment refused
             case 2:
                 if (!in_array($order->getCurrentState(), array((int) Configuration::get('KW_OS_PAYMENT_GREEN'), (int) Configuration::get('KW_OS_PAYMENT_RED'), (int) Configuration::get('KW_OS_CONTROL'), (int) Configuration::get('KW_OS_CREDIT')))) {
                     $psosstatus = (int) _PS_OS_CANCELED_;
                 //order under control
             //order under control
             case 3:
                 //if order current state in cancelled or waiting or credit status, status updated
                 if ($id_order === false || in_array($order->getCurrentState(), array((int) _PS_OS_CANCELED_, (int) Configuration::get('KW_OS_WAITING'), (int) Configuration::get('KW_OS_CREDIT')))) {
                     $psosstatus = (int) Configuration::get('KW_OS_CONTROL');
                 //order on waiting status
             //order on waiting status
             case 4:
                 if ($id_order === false) {
                     $psosstatus = (int) Configuration::get('KW_OS_WAITING');
                 //order under credit status
             //order under credit status
             case 6:
                 //if order current state in cancelled or waiting, status updated
                 if ($id_order === false || in_array($order->getCurrentState(), array((int) _PS_OS_CANCELED_, (int) Configuration::get('KW_OS_WAITING')))) {
                     $psosstatus = (int) Configuration::get('KW_OS_CREDIT');
                 //payment refused
             //payment refused
             case 11:
             case 12:
                 //if order current state in cancelled or waiting, status updated
                 if ($id_order === false || in_array($order->getCurrentState(), array((int) _PS_OS_CANCELED_, (int) Configuration::get('KW_OS_WAITING'), (int) Configuration::get('KW_OS_CREDIT'), (int) Configuration::get('KW_OS_CONTROL')))) {
                     $psosstatus = (int) _PS_OS_CANCELED_;
                 //payment cancelled
             //payment cancelled
             case 101:
                 $psosstatus = (int) _PS_OS_CANCELED_;
                 //delivery done
             //delivery done
             case 100:
                 if ($id_order === false || !in_array($order->getCurrentState(), array((int) _PS_OS_DELIVERED_, (int) _PS_OS_PREPARATION_, (int) _PS_OS_SHIPPING_, (int) _PS_OS_PAYMENT_))) {
                     $psosstatus = (int) _PS_OS_PAYMENT_;
                 KwixoLogger::insertLogKwixo(__METHOD__ . ' : ' . __LINE__, 'Appel URLSys : id_cart = ' . $id_cart . (!Order::getOrderByCartId($id_cart) ? '' : ' | id_order = ' . Order::getOrderByCartId($id_cart)) . ' | tag = ' . $tag);
     //Validate order and update status
     if (isset($psosstatus)) {
         if ($id_order === false) {
             $feedback = 'Order Create';
             $payment->validateOrder((int) $cart->id, $psosstatus, $amount, $payment->displayName, $feedback, NULL, $cart->id_currency);
             $id_order = Order::getOrderByCartId($cart->id);
             $payment->manageKwixoOrder($id_order, $tag, $transactionID, $id_cart, 'urlsys');
             if ($cookie->id_cart == (int) $cookie->last_id_cart) {
         } else {
             //update order history
Esempio n. 2
  * Check if xml parameters given on payment validation are right
  * @return xml_params given on payment validation
 public function checkUrlCallXMLParams()
     $errors = array();
     $xml_params = array();
     if (!Tools::getValue('custom')) {
         $errors[] = $payment->displayName . ' ' . $payment->l('key "custom" not specified, cannot rely to cart') . "\n";
         KwixoLogger::insertLogKwixo(__METHOD__ . " : " . __LINE__, 'clé custom non spécifiée dans xmlparams');
         return false;
     } else {
         $xml_params['id_cart'] = (int) Tools::getValue('custom');
     if (!Tools::getValue('id_module')) {
         $errors[] = $payment->displayName . ' ' . $payment->l('key "module" not specified, cannot rely to payment module') . "\n";
         KwixoLogger::insertLogKwixo(__METHOD__ . " : " . __LINE__, 'clé module non spécifiée dans xmlparams');
         return false;
     } else {
         $xml_params['id_module'] = (int) Tools::getValue('id_module');
     if (!isset($_POST['amount'])) {
         $errors[] = $payment->displayName . ' ' . $payment->l('"amount" not specified, cannot control the amount paid') . "\n";
         KwixoLogger::insertLogKwixo(__METHOD__ . " : " . __LINE__, 'clé montant non spécifiée dans xmlparams');
         return false;
     } else {
         $xml_params['amount'] = (double) Tools::getValue('amount');
     //payed cart instanciation
     $cart = new Cart((int) $xml_params['id_cart']);
     $order_created = Order::getOrderByCartId($xml_params['id_cart']);
     //if not founded cart
     if (!$cart->id) {
         $errors[] = $payment->l('cart not found') . "\n";
         KwixoLogger::insertLogKwixo(__METHOD__ . " : " . __LINE__, 'Panier non trouvé');
         return false;
     if (empty($errors)) {
         $xml_params['errors'] = 0;
         $xml_params['order_created'] = $order_created;
         KwixoLogger::insertLogKwixo(__METHOD__ . " : " . __LINE__, 'Récupération xml_params réussie');
         return $xml_params;
     } else {
         $xml_params['errors'] = count($errors);
         return $xml_params;
Esempio n. 3
    return isTypeKwixo('KwixoFormField', $input);
 * retour vrai si l'objet en paramètre est un objet Form, faux sinon
Esempio n. 4
  * return Kwixo delivery by product_category, carrier id and defaut delivery
  * @param array $products_deliveries, int $carrier_id
  * @return int 
 public function getKwixoDelivery($products_deliveries, $carrier_id)
     $max_product_delivery = max($products_deliveries);
     if ($max_product_delivery != '') {
         KwixoLogger::insertLogKwixo(__METHOD__ . " : " . __LINE__, 'Délai de livraison par catégorie : ' . $max_product_delivery);
         return $max_product_delivery;
     } elseif (Configuration::get('KWIXO_CARRIER_DELIVERY_' . $carrier_id) != '') {
         KwixoLogger::insertLogKwixo(__METHOD__ . " : " . __LINE__, 'Délai de livraison par transporteur : ' . Configuration::get('KWIXO_CARRIER_DELIVERY_' . $carrier_id));
         return Configuration::get('KWIXO_CARRIER_DELIVERY_' . $carrier_id);
     } else {
         KwixoLogger::insertLogKwixo(__METHOD__ . " : " . __LINE__, 'Délai de livraison par défaut : ' . Configuration::get('KWIXO_DELIVERY'));
         return Configuration::get('KWIXO_DELIVERY');
 public static function ManageUrlCall()
     $payment = new Kwixo();
     if (!$payment->isInstalled('kwixo')) {
         KwixoLogger::insertLogKwixo(__METHOD__ . ' : ' . __LINE__, 'Module Kwixo non installé, retour UrlCall échoué');
         return false;
     global $cart, $cookie;
     $errors = array();
     $payment_ok = false;
     $params = array();
     $TransactionID = Tools::getValue('TransactionID');
     $RefID = Tools::getValue('RefID');
     if (_PS_VERSION_ < '1.5') {
         $kwixo = new KwixoPayment();
     } else {
         $kwixo = new KwixoPayment($cart->id_shop);
     if ($kwixo->getAuthKey() == '') {
         KwixoLogger::insertLogKwixo(__METHOD__ . ' : ' . __LINE__, 'Clé privée Kwixo vide, retour UrlCall échoué');
         return false;
     $md5 = new KwixoMD5();
     $waitedhash = $md5->hash($kwixo->getAuthKey() . $RefID . $TransactionID);
     $receivedhash = Tools::getValue('HashControl', '0');
     $id_order = false;
     //Hash control
     if ($waitedhash != $receivedhash) {
         KwixoLogger::insertLogKwixo(__METHOD__ . " : " . __LINE__, "Hash control invalide (les données ne proviennent pas de Kwixo)");
     } else {
         //check xml_params for urlcall payment
         $xml_params = $payment->checkUrlCallXMLParams();
         if ($xml_params['errors'] == 0) {
             $tag = Tools::getValue('Tag', false);
             $id_cart = $xml_params['id_cart'];
             $amount = $xml_params['amount'];
             $id_module = $xml_params['id_module'];
             $order_created = $xml_params['order_created'];
             switch ($tag) {
                 //Give up payment or payment refused by bank -> back to cart without order creation
                 case '0':
                     KwixoLogger::insertLogKwixo(__METHOD__ . ' : ' . __LINE__, 'URLCall abandon paiement : id_cart = ' . $id_cart . (!$order_created ? '' : ' / id_order = ' . Order::getOrderByCartId($id_cart)) . ' / tag = ' . $tag);
                     $payment_ok = false;
                 case '2':
                     $errors[] = $payment->l('Your payment has been refused.');
                     KwixoLogger::insertLogKwixo(__METHOD__ . ' : ' . __LINE__, 'URLCall : id_cart = ' . $id_cart . (!$order_created ? '' : ' / id_order = ' . Order::getOrderByCartId($id_cart)) . ' / tag = ' . $tag);
                     $payment_ok = false;
                     //Payment accepted -> order creation with waiting payment status and back to confirmation page
                 //Payment accepted -> order creation with waiting payment status and back to confirmation page
                 case '1':
                     $feedback = $payment->l('Transaction OK:') . ' RefID=' . $RefID . ' & TransactionID=' . $TransactionID;
                     //order validation
                     if ($order_created == false) {
                         $payment->validateOrder((int) $cart->id, (int) Configuration::get('KW_OS_WAITING'), $amount, $payment->displayName, $feedback, '', $cart->id_currency, false, $cart->secure_key);
                     $payment_ok = true;
                     //get id_order to update database
                     $id_order = Order::getOrderByCartId($id_cart);
                     KwixoLogger::insertLogKwixo(__METHOD__ . ' : ' . __LINE__, 'Paiement accepté : $order->id = ' . $id_order);
                     //Insert in kwixo order with urlcall method
                     $payment->manageKwixoOrder($id_order, '', $TransactionID, $id_cart, 'urlcall');
                     //cart clean
                     if ($cookie->id_cart == (int) $cookie->last_id_cart) {
                     $customer = new Customer((int) $cart->id_customer);
                     //for unknowned tag
                 //for unknowned tag
                     //error saved
                     $errors[] = $payment->l('One or more error occured during the validation') . "\n";
                     KwixoLogger::insertLogKwixo(__METHOD__ . ' : ' . __LINE__, 'Tag inconnu "' . $tag . '" recu.');
                     //cart clean
                     if ($cookie->id_cart == (int) $cookie->last_id_cart) {
                     $payment_ok = false;
         } else {
             //error saved
             $errors[] = $payment->l('One or more error occured during the validation') . "\n";
             if ($cookie->id_cart == (int) $cookie->last_id_cart) {
         $params['payment_status'] = $payment_ok;
         $params['errors'] = $errors;
         $params['id_order'] = $id_order;
         return $params;
 public static function generateForm()
     global $cart, $cookie;
     $customer = new Customer((int) $cart->id_customer);
     $module = new Kwixo();
     //For multishop
     if (_PS_VERSION_ < '1.5') {
         $kwixo = new KwixoPayment();
         $customer_gender = $customer->id_gender;
         $male_gender = 1;
         $carrier_id = $cart->id_carrier;
     } else {
         $kwixo = new KwixoPayment($cart->id_shop);
         $gender = new Gender($customer->id_gender);
         $customer_gender = $gender->type;
         $male_gender = 0;
         //retrieve carrier_id in delivery string option, fix for PS 1.5 with onepagecheckout
         foreach ($cart->getDeliveryOption() as $delivery_string) {
             $carrier_id = substr($delivery_string, 0, -1);
     $mobile_detect = new MobileDetect();
     $mobile = $mobile_detect->isMobile();
     $control = new FianetKwixoControl();
     $products = $cart->getProducts();
     $invoice_address = new Address((int) $cart->id_address_invoice);
     $delivery_address = new Address((int) $cart->id_address_delivery);
     $carrier = new Carrier((int) $carrier_id);
     $currency = new Currency((int) $cart->id_currency);
     $invoice_country = new Country((int) $invoice_address->id_country);
     $delivery_country = new Country((int) $delivery_address->id_country);
     $invoice_company = $invoice_address->company == '' ? null : $invoice_address->company;
     $delivery_company = $delivery_address->company == '' ? null : $delivery_address->company;
     //Address and customer invoice
     $control->createInvoiceCustomer($customer_gender == $male_gender ? 'Monsieur' : 'Madame', $invoice_address->lastname, $invoice_address->firstname, $customer->email, $invoice_company, $invoice_address->phone_mobile, $invoice_address->phone);
     $control->createInvoiceAddress($invoice_address->address1, $invoice_address->postcode, $invoice_address->city, $invoice_country->iso_code, $invoice_address->address2);
     //gets the carrier kwixo type
     if (_PS_VERSION_ >= '1.5' && Shop::isFeatureActive()) {
         $carrier_type = Configuration::get('KWIXO_CARRIER_TYPE_' . (string) $carrier->id, null, null, $cart->id_shop);
         $carrier_speed = Configuration::get('KWIXO_CARRIER_SPEED_' . (string) $carrier->id, null, null, $cart->id_shop);
     } else {
         $carrier_type = Configuration::get('KWIXO_CARRIER_TYPE_' . (string) $carrier->id);
         $carrier_speed = Configuration::get('KWIXO_CARRIER_SPEED_' . (string) $carrier->id);
     //if carrier type is empty, we take defaut carrier type
     if ($carrier_type == '0' || $carrier_type == '' || $carrier_type == false) {
         $carrier_type = Configuration::get('KWIXO_DEFAULT_CARRIER_TYPE');
         $carrier_speed = Configuration::get('KWIXO_DEFAULT_CARRIER_SPEED');
         $carrier_name = 'Transporteur';
     } else {
         $carrier_name = $carrier->name;
     switch ($carrier_type) {
         //if the order is to be delivered at home: element <utilisateur type="livraison"...> has to be added
         case '4':
             $control->createDeliveryCustomer($customer_gender == $male_gender ? 'Monsieur' : 'Madame', $delivery_address->lastname, $delivery_address->firstname, $customer->email, $delivery_company, $delivery_address->phone_mobile, $delivery_address->phone);
             $control->createDeliveryAddress($delivery_address->address1, $delivery_address->postcode, $delivery_address->city, $delivery_country->iso_code, $delivery_address->address2);
             //xml <infocommande>
             $order_details = $control->createOrderDetails($cart->id, $kwixo->getSiteid(), (string) $cart->getOrderTotal(true), $currency->iso_code, $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], date('Y-m-d H:i:s'));
             $kwixo_carrier = $order_details->createCarrier($carrier_name, $carrier_type, $carrier_speed);
         case '5':
             $order_details = $control->createOrderDetails($cart->id, $kwixo->getSiteid(), (string) $cart->getOrderTotal(true), $currency->iso_code, $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], date('Y-m-d H:i:s'));
             $kwixo_carrier = $order_details->createCarrier($carrier_name, $carrier_type, $carrier_speed);
         case '6':
             $order_details = $control->createOrderDetails($cart->id, $kwixo->getSiteid(), (string) $cart->getOrderTotal(true), $currency->iso_code, $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], date('Y-m-d H:i:s'));
             $socolissimoinfo = $module->getSoColissimoInfo($cart->id);
             $socolissimo_installed_module = Module::getInstanceByName('socolissimo');
             if ($socolissimoinfo != false) {
                 foreach ($socolissimoinfo as $info) {
                     //get socolissimo informations
                     $delivery_mode = $info['delivery_mode'];
                     $firstname = $info['prfirstname'];
                     $name = $info['prname'];
                     $mobile_phone = $info['cephonenumber'];
                     $company_name = $info['cecompanyname'];
                     $email = $info['ceemail'];
                     $address1 = $info['pradress1'];
                     $address2 = $info['pradress2'];
                     $address3 = $info['pradress3'];
                     $address4 = $info['pradress4'];
                     $zipcode = $info['przipcode'];
                     $city = $info['prtown'];
                     //data is retrieved differently and depending on the version of the module
                     if ($socolissimo_installed_module->version < '2.8') {
                         $address2 = $address1;
                         $address1 = $name;
                         $country = 'FR';
                         KwixoLogger::insertLogKwixo(__METHOD__ . " : " . __LINE__, "Module So Colissimo " . $socolissimo_installed_module->version . " détecté");
                     } else {
                         $country = $info['cecountry'];
                 //if delivery mode is DOM or RDV, <adresse type="livraison" ...> and <utilisateur type="livraison" ...> added
                 if ($delivery_mode == 'DOM' || $delivery_mode == 'RDV') {
                     $control->createDeliveryCustomer($customer_gender == $male_gender ? 'Monsieur' : 'Madame', $name, $firstname, $email, $company_name, $mobile_phone, null);
                     $control->createDeliveryAddress($address3, $zipcode, $city, $country, $address4);
                     $kwixo_carrier = $order_details->createCarrier($carrier_name, '4', $carrier_speed);
                 } else {
                     //<pointrelais> added if delivery mode is not BPR, A2P or CIT
                     $kwixo_carrier = $order_details->createCarrier($carrier_name, '2', $carrier_speed);
                     $drop_off_point = $kwixo_carrier->createDropOffPoint($address1, null);
                     $drop_off_point->createAddress($address2, $zipcode, $city, $country, null);
             } else {
                 KwixoLogger::insertLogKwixo(__METHOD__ . " : " . __LINE__, "Flux incorrect : Module SoColissimo non installé ou non activé");
             $order_details = $control->createOrderDetails($cart->id, $kwixo->getSiteid(), (string) $cart->getOrderTotal(true), $currency->iso_code, $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], date('Y-m-d H:i:s'));
             $kwixo_carrier = $order_details->createCarrier($carrier_name, $carrier_type, $carrier_speed);
             if ($carrier_type == 1) {
                 if ($module->checkShopAddress() == true) {
                     //xml <pointrelais>
                     $drop_off_point = $kwixo_carrier->createDropOffPoint(Configuration::get('PS_SHOP_NAME'), Configuration::get('PS_SHOP_NAME'));
                     $drop_off_point->createAddress(Configuration::get('PS_SHOP_ADDR1'), Configuration::get('PS_SHOP_CODE'), Configuration::get('PS_SHOP_CITY'), Configuration::get('PS_SHOP_COUNTRY'), Configuration::get('PS_SHOP_ADDR2'));
                 } else {
                     //xml <pointrelais>
                     $drop_off_point = $kwixo_carrier->createDropOffPoint($carrier_name, $carrier_name);
                     $drop_off_point->createAddress($delivery_address->address1, $delivery_address->postcode, $delivery_address->city, $invoice_country->iso_code, $delivery_address->address2);
             } else {
                 //xml <pointrelais>
                 $drop_off_point = $kwixo_carrier->createDropOffPoint($carrier_name, $carrier_name);
                 $drop_off_point->createAddress($delivery_address->address1, $delivery_address->postcode, $delivery_address->city, $invoice_country->iso_code, $delivery_address->address2);
     //xml <list>
     $product_list = $order_details->createProductList();
     $product_deliveries = array();
     foreach ($products as $product) {
         $kwixo_categorie_id = Configuration::get('KWIXO_PRODUCT_TYPE_' . (int) $product['id_category_default']) == 0 ? Configuration::get('KWIXO_DEFAULT_PRODUCT_TYPE') : Configuration::get('KWIXO_PRODUCT_TYPE_' . (int) $product['id_category_default']);
         $product_reference = (isset($product['reference']) and !empty($product['reference'])) ? $product['reference'] : ((isset($product['ean13']) and !empty($product['ean13'])) ? $product['ean13'] : $product['name']);
         $product_list->createProduct($product['name'], str_replace("'", "", $product_reference), $kwixo_categorie_id, $product['price'], $product['cart_quantity']);
         $product_deliveries[] = Configuration::get('KWIXO_PRODUCT_TYPE_DELIVERY_' . (int) $product['id_category_default']);
     $kwixo_delivery = $module->getKwixoDelivery($product_deliveries, $carrier->id);
     //xml <wallet>
     $date_order = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
     $wallet = $control->createWallet($date_order, $kwixo->generateDatelivr($date_order, $kwixo_delivery));
     $wallet->addCrypt($kwixo->generateCrypt($control), '2.0');
     //kwixo payment options
     //standard kwixo
     if (Tools::getValue('payment') == '1') {
         $control->createPaymentOptions('comptant', 0);
     //comptant kwixo
     if (Tools::getValue('payment') == '2') {
         $control->createPaymentOptions('comptant', 1);
     //credit kwixo
     if (Tools::getValue('payment') == '3') {
     //facturable kwixo
     if (Tools::getValue('payment') == '4') {
         $control->createPaymentOptions('comptant', 1, 0);
     $xml_params = new KwixoXMLParams();
     $xml_params->addParam('custom', $cart->id);
     $xml_params->addParam('amount', $cart->getOrderTotal(true));
     $xml_params->addParam('secure_key', $customer->secure_key);
     $xml_params->addParam('id_module', $module->name);
     //urlcall and urlsys link on PS 1.4 and PS 1.5
     if (_PS_VERSION_ < '1.5') {
         $token = Tools::getAdminToken($kwixo->getSiteid() . $kwixo->getAuthkey());
         $link_urlcall = 'http://' . htmlspecialchars($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8') . __PS_BASE_URI__ . 'modules/kwixo/payment_return.php?token=' . $token;
         $link_urlsys = 'http://' . htmlspecialchars($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8') . __PS_BASE_URI__ . 'modules/kwixo/push.php?token=' . $token;
         //returns kwixo form with auto submit
         return $kwixo->getTransactionForm($control, $xml_params, $link_urlsys, $link_urlcall, $mobile, KwixoForm::SUBMIT_AUTO, null);
     } else {
         $link_urlcall = Context::getContext()->link->getModuleLink('kwixo', 'urlcall');
         $link_urlsys = Context::getContext()->link->getModuleLink('kwixo', 'urlsys');
         //returns kwixo form with standard submit
         return $kwixo->getTransactionForm($control, $xml_params, $link_urlsys, $link_urlcall, $mobile, KwixoForm::SUBMIT_IMAGE, __PS_BASE_URI__ . 'modules/kwixo/img/logo_kwixo.png');