public static function run($pluginsInitCode, Kwf_SourceMaps_SourceMap $sourcemap)
     $js = "\n            require('es6-promise').polyfill(); //required for older nodejs\n            var postcss = require('postcss');\n            var plugins = [];\n            " . $pluginsInitCode . "\n            var instance = postcss( plugins );\n            var css = '';\n            process.stdin.setEncoding('utf-8')\n            process.stdin.on('data', function(buf) { css += buf.toString(); });\n            process.stdin.on('end', function() {\n                instance.process(css).then(function (result) {\n                    process.stdout.write(result.css);\n                }).catch(function(e) {\n                    console.log(e);\n                    process.exit(1);\n                });\n            });\n            process.stdin.resume();\n        ";
     $runfile = tempnam("temp/", 'postcss');
     file_put_contents($runfile, $js);
     putenv("NODE_PATH=" . getcwd() . "/node_modules" . PATH_SEPARATOR . getcwd() . "/" . KWF_PATH . PATH_SEPARATOR . getcwd() . "/");
     $cmd = getcwd() . "/" . VENDOR_PATH . "/bin/node " . $runfile;
     $cmd .= " 2>&1";
     $process = new Symfony\Component\Process\Process($cmd);
     $mapData = $sourcemap->getMapContentsData(false);
     $hasSourcemap = !!$mapData->mappings;
     if ($hasSourcemap) {
     } else {
     if ($process->run() !== 0) {
         throw new Kwf_Exception("Process '{$cmd}' failed with " . $process->getExitCode() . "\n" . $process->getOutput());
     $out = $process->getOutput();
     if (Kwf_SourceMaps_SourceMap::hasInline($out)) {
         $ret = Kwf_SourceMaps_SourceMap::createFromInline($out);
     } else {
         $ret = Kwf_SourceMaps_SourceMap::createEmptyMap($out);
     return $ret;
Esempio n. 2
 public function testAdd()
     $map = new Kwf_SourceMaps_SourceMap(Kwf_SourceMaps_TestData::$testMap, Kwf_SourceMaps_TestData::$testGeneratedCode);
     $mappings = $map->getMappings();
     $sources = $map->getSources();
     $this->assertEquals(array('one.js', 'two.js', 'three.js'), $sources);
     $c = $map->getFileContentsInlineMap(false);
     $map = Kwf_SourceMaps_SourceMap::createFromInline($c);
     $this->assertEquals(array('one.js', 'two.js', 'three.js'), $sources);
     $map->addMapping(1, 1, 1, 1, 'one.js');
     $c = $map->getFileContentsInlineMap(false);
     $this->assertEquals(array('one.js', 'two.js', 'three.js'), $sources);
 public function build()
     $babel = getcwd() . "/" . VENDOR_PATH . "/bin/node " . getcwd() . '/node_modules/babel-cli/bin/babel.js';
     $cmd = "{$babel} ";
     $arguments = implode(' ', array_values($this->_getArguments()));
     $cmd .= "{$arguments} ";
     $cmd .= escapeshellarg($this->_sourceFile);
     $cmd .= " 2>&1";
     $out = array();
     $nodePath = implode(PATH_SEPARATOR, $this->_getNodePath());
     exec($cmd, $out, $retVal);
     if ($retVal) {
         throw new Kwf_Exception("babel failed: " . implode("\n", $out));
     $contents = implode("\n", $out);
     return Kwf_SourceMaps_SourceMap::createFromInline($contents);
 public function filter(Kwf_SourceMaps_SourceMap $sourcemap)
     putenv("NODE_PATH=" . getcwd() . "/node_modules");
     $cmd = getcwd() . "/" . VENDOR_PATH . "/bin/node " . __DIR__ . "/CssChunks.js";
     $cmd .= " 2>&1";
     $process = new Symfony\Component\Process\Process($cmd);
     $out = $process->getOutput();
     $out = explode("\n/* ***** NEXT CHUNK ***** */\n", $out);
     $ret = array();
     foreach ($out as $chunk) {
         if (Kwf_SourceMaps_SourceMap::hasInline($chunk)) {
             $mapChunk = Kwf_SourceMaps_SourceMap::createFromInline($chunk);
         } else {
             $mapChunk = Kwf_SourceMaps_SourceMap::createEmptyMap($chunk);
         $ret[] = $mapChunk;
     return $ret;
 private function _buildPackageContents($mimeType)
     foreach ($this->_providerList->getProviders() as $provider) {
     $packageMap = Kwf_SourceMaps_SourceMap::createEmptyMap('');
     if ($mimeType == 'text/css' || $mimeType == 'text/css; ie8') {
     } else {
     $trlData = array();
     // ***** commonjs
     $commonJsData = $this->_getCommonJsData($mimeType);
     if ($commonJsData) {
         foreach ($commonJsData as &$i) {
             $data = $i['source']->getMapContentsData(false);
             if (isset($data->{'_x_org_koala-framework_trlData'})) {
                 $trlData = array_merge($trlData, $data->{'_x_org_koala-framework_trlData'});
             $data->sourcesContent = $data->sources;
             //browser-pack needs sourcesContent, else it would ignore input source map. This is fake obviously and we'll drop it anyway after browser-pack finished
             if (isset($i['source']->getMapContentsData(false)->sources[0])) {
                 $i['sourceFile'] = $i['source']->getMapContentsData(false)->sources[0];
             $i['source'] = $i['source']->getFileContentsInlineMap(false);
         $contents = 'window.require = ' . Kwf_Assets_CommonJs_BrowserPack::pack(array_values($commonJsData));
         $map = Kwf_SourceMaps_SourceMap::createFromInline($contents);
         $fileContents = $map->getFileContents();
         $fileContents .= ";\n";
         $data = $map->getMapContentsData(false);
         //drop fake sourcesContent (see comment above)
         if ($data->sources[0] == 'node_modules/browser-pack/_prelude.js') {
             $data->sources[0] = '/assets/web/node_modules/browser-pack/_prelude.js';
     // ***** non-commonjs, css
     $filterMimeType = $mimeType;
     if ($filterMimeType == 'text/css; ie8') {
         $filterMimeType = 'text/css';
     foreach ($this->_getFilteredUniqueDependencies($filterMimeType) as $dep) {
         if ($dep->getIncludeInPackage()) {
             if (!(($mimeType == 'text/javascript' || $mimeType == 'text/javascript; defer') && $dep->isCommonJsEntry())) {
                 $map = $this->_getFilteredDependencyContents($dep, $mimeType);
                 $data = $map->getMapContentsData(false);
                 if (isset($data->{'_x_org_koala-framework_trlData'})) {
                     $trlData = array_merge($trlData, $data->{'_x_org_koala-framework_trlData'});
                 if (strpos($map->getFileContents(), "//@ sourceMappingURL=") !== false && strpos($map->getFileContents(), "//# sourceMappingURL=") !== false) {
                     throw new Kwf_Exception("contents must not contain sourceMappingURL");
                 $sourcesCount = 0;
                 $packageData = $packageMap->getMapContentsData(false);
                 if (isset($packageData->sources)) {
                     $sourcesCount = count($packageData->sources);
                 // $ret .= "/* *** $dep */\n"; // attention: commenting this in breaks source maps
                 if (isset($data->{'_x_org_koala-framework_sourcesContent'})) {
                     $packageMapData = $packageMap->getMapContentsData(false);
                     if (!isset($packageMapData->{'_x_org_koala-framework_sourcesContent'})) {
                         $packageMapData->{'_x_org_koala-framework_sourcesContent'} = array();
                     //copy sourcesContent to packageMap with $sourcesCount offset
                     foreach ($data->{'_x_org_koala-framework_sourcesContent'} as $k => $i) {
                         $packageMapData->{'_x_org_koala-framework_sourcesContent'}[$k + $sourcesCount] = $i;
     if ($mimeType == 'text/javascript' || $mimeType == 'text/javascript; defer') {
         if ($uniquePrefix = Kwf_Config::getValue('application.uniquePrefix')) {
             $packageMap = Kwf_Assets_Package_Filter_UniquePrefix::filter($packageMap, $uniquePrefix);
     foreach ($this->getProviderList()->getFilters() as $filter) {
         if ($filter->getExecuteFor() == Kwf_Assets_Filter_Abstract::EXECUTE_FOR_PACKAGE && $filter->getMimeType() == $mimeType) {
             $packageMap = $filter->filter($packageMap);
     $data = $packageMap->getMapContentsData(false);
     $data->sourcesContent = array();
     foreach ($data->sources as $k => $i) {
         if (substr($i, 0, 8) != '/assets/') {
             throw new Kwf_Exception("Source path doesn't start with /assets/: {$i}");
         $i = substr($i, 8);
         if (isset($data->{'_x_org_koala-framework_sourcesContent'}[$k])) {
             $data->sourcesContent[$k] = $data->{'_x_org_koala-framework_sourcesContent'}[$k];
         } else {
             $i = new Kwf_Assets_Dependency_File($this->_providerList, $i);
             $data->sourcesContent[$k] = $i->getContentsSourceString();
     return array('contents' => $packageMap, 'trlData' => $trlData);
Esempio n. 6
 public function getContentsPacked($language)
     $hash = '';
     foreach ($this->_componentDependencies as $dep) {
         $src = $dep->getContentsSource();
         if ($src['type'] == 'file') {
             $hash .= md5_file($src['file']);
         } else {
             if ($src['type'] == 'contents') {
                 $hash .= md5($src['contents']);
             } else {
                 throw new Kwf_Exception_NotYetImplemented();
     $hash = md5($hash);
     $cacheFile = "cache/componentassets/{$this->_componentClass}" . ($this->usesLanguage() ? "-{$language}" : '') . "-" . Kwf_Config::getValue('application.uniquePrefix') . "-{$hash}";
     if (file_exists($cacheFile)) {
         $ret = Kwf_SourceMaps_SourceMap::createFromInline(file_get_contents($cacheFile));
     } else {
         $ret = Kwf_SourceMaps_SourceMap::createEmptyMap('');
         foreach ($this->_componentDependencies as $dep) {
             $c = $dep->getContentsPacked($language);
             if (Kwf_Config::getValue('application.uniquePrefix')) {
                 $c->stringReplace('kwcBem--', $this->_getKwcClass() . '--');
                 $c->stringReplace('kwcBem__', $this->_getKwcClass() . '__');
             } else {
                 $c->stringReplace('kwcBem--', '');
                 $c->stringReplace('kwcBem__', '');
             $c->stringReplace('.kwcClass', '.' . $this->_getKwcClass());
         file_put_contents($cacheFile, $ret->getFileContentsInlineMap());
     return $ret;
Esempio n. 7
 public function getPackageContents($mimeType, $language, $includeSourceMapComment = true)
     if (!Kwf_Assets_BuildCache::getInstance()->building && !Kwf_Config::getValue('assets.lazyBuild')) {
         if (Kwf_Exception_Abstract::isDebug()) {
             //proper error message on development server
             throw new Kwf_Exception("Building assets is disabled (assets.lazyBuild). Please upload build contents.");
         } else {
             throw new Kwf_Exception_NotFound();
     $packageMap = Kwf_SourceMaps_SourceMap::createEmptyMap('');
     if ($mimeType == 'text/javascript') {
         $ext = 'js';
     } else {
         if ($mimeType == 'text/javascript; defer') {
             $ext = 'defer.js';
         } else {
             if ($mimeType == 'text/css') {
                 $ext = 'css';
             } else {
                 if ($mimeType == 'text/css; media=print') {
                     $ext = 'printcss';
     $packageMap->setFile($this->getPackageUrl($ext, $language));
     $maxMTime = 0;
     $commonJsData = array();
     $commonJsDeps = array();
     foreach ($this->_getFilteredUniqueDependencies($mimeType) as $i) {
         if ($i->getIncludeInPackage()) {
             if (($mimeType == 'text/javascript' || $mimeType == 'text/javascript') && $i->isCommonJsEntry()) {
                 $c = $i->getContentsPacked($language)->getFileContentsInlineMap(false);
                 $commonJsDeps = $this->_getCommonJsDeps($i, $language);
                 $commonJsData[$i->__toString()] = array('id' => $i->__toString(), 'source' => $c, 'sourceFile' => $i->__toString(), 'deps' => $commonJsDeps['deps'], 'entry' => true);
                 foreach ($commonJsDeps['data'] as $k => $j) {
                     if (!isset($commonJsData[$k])) {
                         $commonJsData[$k] = $j;
             } else {
                 $map = $i->getContentsPacked($language);
                 if (strpos($map->getFileContents(), "//@ sourceMappingURL=") !== false && strpos($map->getFileContents(), "//# sourceMappingURL=") !== false) {
                     throw new Kwf_Exception("contents must not contain sourceMappingURL");
                 foreach ($map->getMapContentsData(false)->sources as &$s) {
                     $s = '/assets/' . $s;
                 // $ret .= "/* *** $i */\n"; // attention: commenting this in breaks source maps
         $mTime = $i->getMTime();
         if ($mTime) {
             $maxMTime = max($maxMTime, $mTime);
     if ($commonJsData) {
         if ($mimeType == 'text/javascript; defer') {
             //in defer.js don't include deps that are already loaded in non-defer
             foreach ($this->_getFilteredUniqueDependencies('text/javascript') as $i) {
                 $commonJsDeps = $this->_getCommonJsDeps($i, $language);
                 foreach (array_keys($commonJsDeps['data']) as $key) {
                     if (isset($commonJsData[$key])) {
                 $c = $i->getContentsPacked($language)->getFileContentsInlineMap(false);
                 $commonJsData[$i->__toString()] = array('id' => $i->__toString(), 'source' => $c, 'sourceFile' => $i->__toString(), 'deps' => $commonJsDeps['deps'], 'entry' => true);
         $contents = 'window.require = ' . Kwf_Assets_CommonJs_BrowserPack::pack(array_values($commonJsData));
         $map = Kwf_SourceMaps_SourceMap::createFromInline($contents);
     if ($mimeType == 'text/javascript' || $mimeType == 'text/javascript; defer') {
         if ($uniquePrefix = Kwf_Config::getValue('application.uniquePrefix')) {
             $packageMap = Kwf_Assets_Package_Filter_UniquePrefix::filter($packageMap, $uniquePrefix);
     if ($includeSourceMapComment) {
         $contents = $packageMap->getFileContents();
         if ($mimeType == 'text/javascript') {
             $ext = 'js';
         } else {
             if ($mimeType == 'text/javascript; defer') {
                 $ext = 'defer.js';
             } else {
                 if ($mimeType == 'text/css') {
                     $ext = 'css';
                 } else {
                     if ($mimeType == 'text/css; media=print') {
                         $ext = 'printcss';
                     } else {
                         throw new Kwf_Exception_NotYetImplemented();
         if ($ext == 'js' || $ext == 'defer.js') {
             $contents .= "\n//# sourceMappingURL=" . $this->getPackageUrl($ext . '.map', $language) . "\n";
         } else {
             if ($ext == 'css' || $ext == 'printcss') {
                 $contents .= "\n/*# sourceMappingURL=" . $this->getPackageUrl($ext . '.map', $language) . " */\n";
     return $packageMap;