protected function _getMasterClass($component) { $masterClass = Kwc_Admin::getComponentFile($component->componentClass, 'PdfMaster', 'php', true); if (!$masterClass) { $masterClass = 'Kwf_Pdf_TcPdf'; } return $masterClass; }
public function replaceOutput($renderer) { if ($this->isLoggedIn()) { return false; } $template = Kwc_Admin::getComponentFile($this, 'Component', 'tpl'); $renderer = new Kwf_Component_Renderer(); $view = new Kwf_Component_View($renderer); $view->assign($this->getTemplateVars()); return $renderer->render($view->render($template)); }
protected function _getEmptyImageData() { $emptyImage = $this->_getSetting('emptyImage'); if (!$emptyImage) { return null; } $ext = substr($emptyImage, strrpos($emptyImage, '.') + 1); $filename = substr($emptyImage, 0, strrpos($emptyImage, '.')); $file = Kwc_Admin::getComponentFile($this, $filename, $ext); $s = getimagesize($file); return array('filename' => $emptyImage, 'file' => $file, 'mimeType' => $s['mime'], 'dimensions' => array('width' => $s[0], 'height' => $s[1], 'rotation' => 0)); }
public function replaceOutput($renderer) { if ($this->isLoggedIn()) { return false; } $form = Kwf_Component_Data_Root::getInstance()->getComponentById($this->_componentId, array('ignoreVisible' => true))->getChildComponent('-form'); $templateVars = array(); $templateVars['form'] = $form; $template = Kwc_Admin::getComponentFile($this, 'Component', 'tpl'); $view = new Kwf_Component_View(); $view->assign($templateVars); return $view->render($template); }
public function processOutput($output, $renderer) { // Da das Plugin nach dem Rendern ausgeführt wird, muss schon der // fertige Content hier reinkommen if ($output != 'root plugin(plugin(c1_child c1_childchild))') { return 'not ok from plugin. output was: ' . $output; } else { $template = Kwc_Admin::getComponentFile($this, 'Component', 'tpl'); $renderer = new Kwf_Component_Renderer(); $view = new Kwf_Component_View($renderer); $view->child = Kwf_Component_Data_Root::getInstance()->getComponentById($this->_componentId)->getChildComponent('-pluginChild'); return $renderer->render($view->render($template)); } }
/** * Create a .txt.tpl or .html.tpl file and set $template to the path. * @param string|Kwc_Abstract|Kwf_Component_Data $template: If it's a * string it should point to the template in /views/mails. It's * also possible to use a 'Kwc_Abstract' or 'Kwf_Component_Data' * (This is used when the template destination is in this component-folder). * There are no absolute paths allowed. * @param string $masterTemplate */ public function __construct($template, $masterTemplate = 'Master') { parent::__construct(); if (is_object($template) || in_array($template, Kwc_Abstract::getComponentClasses())) { if (is_object($template)) { if ($template instanceof Kwc_Abstract) { $template = $template->getData(); } if (!$template instanceof Kwf_Component_Data) { throw new Kwf_Exception("template must be instance of 'Kwc_Abstract' or 'Kwf_Component_Data'"); } $template = $template->componentClass; } $this->_txtTemplate = Kwc_Admin::getComponentFile($template, 'Component', 'txt.tpl'); if (!$this->_txtTemplate) { throw new Kwf_Exception("Component class '{$template}' needs at least a .txt.tpl mail template."); } $this->_htmlTemplate = Kwc_Admin::getComponentFile($template, 'Component', 'html.tpl'); } else { if (substr($template, 0, 1) == '/') { throw new Kwf_Exception("Absolute mail template paths are not allowed. You called '{$template}'."); } if (false === $this->getScriptPath("{$template}.txt.tpl")) { $template = "mails/{$template}"; if (false === $this->getScriptPath("{$template}.txt.tpl")) { throw new Kwf_Exception("There has to exist at least a .txt.tpl mail template for '{$template}'."); } } $this->_txtTemplate = "{$template}.txt.tpl"; if (false !== $this->getScriptPath("{$template}.html.tpl")) { $this->_htmlTemplate = "{$template}.html.tpl"; } } $this->_mailTplViewMasterTemplate = $masterTemplate; if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'])) { $host = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']; } else { $host = Kwf_Registry::get('config')->server->domain; } $this->webUrl = (Kwf_Util_Https::supportsHttps() ? 'https' : 'http') . '://' . $host; $this->host = $host; $this->applicationName = Kwf_Registry::get('config')->application->name; }
public function jsonCreateAction() { $class = $this->_getParam('class'); $type = $this->_getParam('type'); if (!in_array($type, array('tpl', 'css'))) { throw new Kwf_Exception("Invalid type"); } $path = str_replace('_', '/', $class); $path = str_replace('.', '', $path); //security if (file_exists($path . '.' . $type)) { throw new Kwf_ClientException("File does already exist."); } $srcFile = Kwc_Admin::getComponentFile($class, $type); if (!$srcFile) { throw new Kwf_ClientException("No file exists that could be copied."); } if (!copy($srcFile, $path . '.' . $type)) { throw new Kwf_Exception("Can't copy '{$srcFile}' to '{$path}.{$type}'"); } $this->view->path = $path . '.' . $type; }
/** * Returns path of a template file for a given component * * @param string componentClass * @param string template filename without extension * @return string */ public static function getTemplateFile($componentClass, $filename = 'Component') { return Kwc_Admin::getComponentFile($componentClass, $filename, array('tpl', 'twig')); }
public function componentFile(Kwf_Component_Data $data, $filename) { $ext = substr($filename, strrpos($filename, '.') + 1); $filename = substr($filename, 0, strrpos($filename, '.')); return Kwc_Admin::getComponentFile($data->componentClass, $filename, $ext); }
public function getPdfWriter($pdf) { if (!isset($this->_pdfWriter)) { $class = Kwc_Admin::getComponentFile($this->getData()->chained->componentClass, 'Pdf', 'php', true); $this->_pdfWriter = new $class($this, $pdf); } return $this->_pdfWriter; }