Esempio n. 1
 protected function createIndexerResult($message)
     // Convert the item to a result object.
     $item = new FinderIndexerResult();
     $item->id = $message->id;
     $item->catid = $message->catid;
     // Set title context.
     $item->title = $message->subject;
     // Build the necessary url, route, path and alias information.
     $item->url = $this->getUrl($message->id, $this->extension, $this->layout);
     $item->route = $item->url . '&Itemid=' . KunenaRoute::getItemId($item->url);
     $item->path = FinderIndexerHelper::getContentPath($item->url);
     $item->alias = KunenaRoute::stringURLSafe($message->subject);
     // Set body context.
     $item->body = KunenaHtmlParser::stripBBCode($message->message);
     $item->summary = $item->body;
     // Set other information.
     $item->published = intval($message->hold == 0);
     // TODO: add topic state
     //$item->state = intval($message->getCategory()->published == 1);
     $item->state = $item->published;
     $item->language = '*';
     // TODO: add access control
     $item->access = $this->getAccessLevel($item);
     // Set the item type.
     $item->type_id = $this->type_id;
     // Set the mime type.
     $item->mime = $this->mime;
     // Set the item layout.
     $item->layout = $this->layout;
     return $item;