Esempio n. 1
    echo $this->getIcon('ktopicsticky', JText::_('MOD_KUNENALATEST_STICKY_TOPIC'));
if ($this->params->get('sh_locked') && $this->topic->locked) {
    echo $this->getIcon('ktopiclocked', JText::_('COM_KUNENA_GEN_LOCKED_TOPIC'));
if ($this->params->get('sh_favorite') && $this->topic->getUserTopic()->favorite) {
    echo $this->getIcon('kfavoritestar', JText::_('COM_KUNENA_FAVORITE'));

if ($this->params->get('sh_firstcontentcharacter')) {
			<li class="klatest-preview-content"><?php 
    echo KunenaHtmlParser::stripBBCode($this->topic->last_post_message, $this->params->get('lengthcontentcharacters'));

if ($this->params->get('sh_category')) {
			<li class="klatest-cat"><?php 
    echo JText::_('MOD_KUNENALATEST_IN_CATEGORY') . ' ' . $this->categoryLink;
Esempio n. 2
 protected function _prepareDocument($type)
     if ($type == 'default') {
         $this->headerText = JText::_('COM_KUNENA_MENU_LATEST_DESC');
         $this->title = JText::_('COM_KUNENA_ALL_DISCUSSIONS');
         $page = intval($this->state->get('list.start') / $this->state->get('list.limit')) + 1;
         $pages = intval(($this->total - 1) / $this->state->get('list.limit')) + 1;
         $title = JText::sprintf($this->topic->subject) . " ({$page}/{$pages})";
         // TODO: use real keywords, too
         $keywords = $this->escape("{$this->topic->subject}, {$this->category->name}, {$this->category->getParent()->name}, {$this->config->board_title}");
         // Create Meta Description form the content of the first message
         // better for search results display but NOT for search ranking!
         $description = KunenaHtmlParser::stripBBCode($this->topic->first_post_message, 182);
         $description = preg_replace('/\\s+/', ' ', $description);
         // remove newlines
         $description = trim($description);
         // Remove trailing spaces and beginning
         if ($page) {
             $description .= " ({$page}/{$pages})";
             //avoid the "duplicate meta description" error in google webmaster tools
     } elseif ($type == 'create') {
         $this->title = JText::_('COM_KUNENA_POST_NEW_TOPIC');
         // TODO: set keywords and description
     } elseif ($type == 'reply') {
         $this->title = JText::_('COM_KUNENA_POST_REPLY_TOPIC') . ' ' . $this->topic->subject;
         // TODO: set keywords and description
     } elseif ($type == 'edit') {
         $this->title = JText::_('COM_KUNENA_POST_EDIT') . ' ' . $this->topic->subject;
         // TODO: set keywords and description
Esempio n. 3
 protected function createIndexerResult($message)
     // Convert the item to a result object.
     $item = new FinderIndexerResult();
     $item->id = $message->id;
     $item->catid = $message->catid;
     // Set title context.
     $item->title = $message->subject;
     // Build the necessary url, route, path and alias information.
     $item->url = $this->getUrl($message->id, $this->extension, $this->layout);
     $item->route = $item->url . '&Itemid=' . KunenaRoute::getItemId($item->url);
     $item->path = FinderIndexerHelper::getContentPath($item->url);
     $item->alias = KunenaRoute::stringURLSafe($message->subject);
     // Set body context.
     $item->body = KunenaHtmlParser::stripBBCode($message->message);
     $item->summary = $item->body;
     // Set other information.
     $item->published = intval($message->hold == 0);
     // TODO: add topic state
     //$item->state = intval($message->getCategory()->published == 1);
     $item->state = $item->published;
     $item->language = '*';
     // TODO: add access control
     $item->access = $this->getAccessLevel($item);
     // Set the item type.
     $item->type_id = $this->type_id;
     // Set the mime type.
     $item->mime = $this->mime;
     // Set the item layout.
     $item->layout = $this->layout;
     return $item;
Esempio n. 4
  * @param JMail $mail
  * @param int $subscription
  * @param string $subject
  * @param string $url
  * @param bool $once
  * @return string
 protected function attachEmailBody(JMail $mail, $subscription, $subject, $url, $once)
     $layout = KunenaLayout::factory('Email/Subscription')->debug(false)->set('mail', $mail)->set('message', $this)->set('messageUrl', $url)->set('once', $once);
     try {
         $msg = trim($layout->render($subscription ? 'default' : 'moderator'));
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         // TODO: Deprecated in K4.0, remove in K5.0
         // Clean up the message for review.
         $message = KunenaHtmlParser::stripBBCode($this->message, 0, false);
         $config = KunenaFactory::getConfig();
         if ($subscription) {
             $msg1 = $this->get('parent') ? JText::_('COM_KUNENA_POST_EMAIL_NOTIFICATION1') : JText::_('COM_KUNENA_POST_EMAIL_NOTIFICATION1_CAT');
             $msg2 = $this->get('parent') ? JText::_('COM_KUNENA_POST_EMAIL_NOTIFICATION2') : JText::_('COM_KUNENA_POST_EMAIL_NOTIFICATION2_CAT');
         } else {
             $msg1 = JText::_('COM_KUNENA_POST_EMAIL_MOD1');
             $msg2 = JText::_('COM_KUNENA_POST_EMAIL_MOD2');
         $msg = $msg1 . " " . $config->board_title . "\n\n";
         // DO NOT REMOVE EXTRA SPACE, JMailHelper::cleanBody() removes "Subject:" from the message body
         $msg .= JText::_('COM_KUNENA_MESSAGE_SUBJECT') . " : " . $subject . "\n";
         $msg .= JText::_('COM_KUNENA_CATEGORY') . " : " . $this->getCategory()->name . "\n";
         $msg .= JText::_('COM_KUNENA_VIEW_POSTED') . " : " . $this->getAuthor()->getName('???', false) . "\n\n";
         $msg .= "URL : {$url}\n\n";
         if ($config->mailfull == 1) {
             $msg .= JText::_('COM_KUNENA_MESSAGE') . " :\n-----\n";
             $msg .= $message;
             $msg .= "\n-----\n\n";
         $msg .= $msg2 . "\n";
         if ($subscription && $once) {
             if ($this->parent) {
                 $msg .= JText::_('COM_KUNENA_POST_EMAIL_NOTIFICATION_MORE_READ') . "\n";
             } else {
                 $msg .= JText::_('COM_KUNENA_POST_EMAIL_NOTIFICATION_MORE_SUBSCRIBE') . "\n";
         $msg .= "\n";
         $msg .= JText::_('COM_KUNENA_POST_EMAIL_NOTIFICATION3') . "\n";
Esempio n. 5
						<ul class="kposthead">
							<li class="kposthead-replytitle"><h3><?php echo !isset($this->mesid) ? $this->escape($this->message->subject) : $this->escape($this->topic->subject)  ?></h3></li>

						<div class="kmod-container">
						<?php if (isset($this->message)) : ?>
							<p><?php echo JText::_('COM_KUNENA_MODERATION_TITLE_SELECTED') ?>:</p>
							<div class="kmoderate-message">
								<h4><?php echo $this->message->subject ?></h4>
								<div class="kmessage-timeby">
									<span class="kmessage-time" title="<?php echo KunenaDate::getInstance($this->message->time)->toKunena('config_post_dateformat_hover'); ?>">
										<?php echo JText::_('COM_KUNENA_POSTED_AT')?> <?php echo KunenaDate::getInstance($this->message->time)->toKunena('config_post_dateformat'); ?>
								<span class="kmessage-by"><?php echo JText::_('COM_KUNENA_BY')?> <?php echo CKunenaLink::GetProfileLink($this->message->userid, $this->message->name) ?></span></div>
								<div class="kmessage-avatar"><?php echo KunenaFactory::getAvatarIntegration()->getLink(KunenaFactory::getUser($this->message->userid)); ?></div>
								<div class="kmessage-msgtext"><?php echo KunenaHtmlParser::stripBBCode ($this->message->message, 300) ?></div>
								<div class="clr"></div>

							<?php echo JText::_('COM_KUNENA_MODERATE_THIS_USER') ?>:
								<strong><?php echo CKunenaLink::GetProfileLink($this->message->userid, $this->escape($this->message->name).' ('.$this->message->userid.')') ?></strong>

								<li><label for="kmoderate-mode-selected" class="hasTip" title="<?php echo JText::_('COM_KUNENA_MODERATION_MOVE_SELECTED') ?> :: "><input type="radio" value="0" checked="checked" name="mode" id="kmoderate-mode-selected"><?php echo JText::_('COM_KUNENA_MODERATION_MOVE_SELECTED') ?></label></li>
								<li><label for="kmoderate-mode-newer" class="hasTip" title="<?php echo JText::sprintf ( 'COM_KUNENA_MODERATION_MOVE_NEWER', $this->escape($this->replies) ) ?> :: "><input type="radio" value="2" name="mode" id="kmoderate-mode-newer"><?php echo JText::sprintf ( 'COM_KUNENA_MODERATION_MOVE_NEWER', $this->escape($this->replies) ) ?></label></li>
							<?php else: ?>
							 <label><?php echo JText::_('COM_KUNENA_MODERATION_DEST') ?>:</label>
Esempio n. 6
 function report()
     if (!JRequest::checkToken()) {
         $this->app->enqueueMessage(JText::_('COM_KUNENA_ERROR_TOKEN'), 'error');
     if (!$this->me->exists() || $this->config->reportmsg == 0) {
         // Deny access if report feature has been disabled or user is guest
         $this->app->enqueueMessage(JText::_('COM_KUNENA_NO_ACCESS'), 'notice');
     if (!$this->config->get('send_emails')) {
         // Emails have been disabled
         $this->app->enqueueMessage(JText::_('COM_KUNENA_EMAIL_DISABLED'), 'notice');
     if (!$this->config->getEmail() || !JMailHelper::isEmailAddress($this->config->getEmail())) {
         // Error: email address is invalid
         $this->app->enqueueMessage(JText::_('COM_KUNENA_EMAIL_INVALID'), 'error');
     // Get target object for the report
     if ($this->mesid) {
         $message = $target = KunenaForumMessageHelper::get($this->mesid);
         $topic = $target->getTopic();
     } else {
         $topic = $target = KunenaForumTopicHelper::get($this->id);
         $message = KunenaForumMessageHelper::get($topic->first_post_id);
     $messagetext = $message->message;
     $baduser = KunenaFactory::getUser($message->userid);
     if (!$target->authorise('read')) {
         // Deny access if user cannot read target
         $this->app->enqueueMessage($target->getError(), 'notice');
     $category = $topic->getCategory();
     $reason = JRequest::getString('reason');
     $text = JRequest::getString('text');
     if (empty($reason) && empty($text)) {
         // Do nothing: empty subject or reason is empty
     } else {
         $acl = KunenaAccess::getInstance();
         $emailToList = $acl->getSubscribers($topic->category_id, $topic->id, false, true, false, $this->me->userid);
         if (!empty($emailToList)) {
             $mailsender = JMailHelper::cleanAddress($this->config->board_title . ' ' . JText::_('COM_KUNENA_FORUM') . ': ' . $this->me->getName());
             $mailsubject = "[" . $this->config->board_title . " " . JText::_('COM_KUNENA_FORUM') . "] " . JText::_('COM_KUNENA_REPORT_MSG') . ": ";
             if ($reason) {
                 $mailsubject .= $reason;
             } else {
                 $mailsubject .= $topic->subject;
             $uri = JURI::getInstance(JURI::base());
             $msglink = $uri->toString(array('scheme', 'host', 'port')) . $target->getPermaUrl(null, false);
             $mailmessage = "" . JText::_('COM_KUNENA_REPORT_RSENDER') . " {$this->me->username} ({$this->me->name})";
             $mailmessage .= "\n";
             $mailmessage .= "" . JText::_('COM_KUNENA_REPORT_RREASON') . " " . $reason;
             $mailmessage .= "\n";
             $mailmessage .= "" . JText::_('COM_KUNENA_REPORT_RMESSAGE') . " " . $text;
             $mailmessage .= "\n\n";
             $mailmessage .= "" . JText::_('COM_KUNENA_REPORT_POST_POSTER') . " {$baduser->username} ({$baduser->name})";
             $mailmessage .= "\n";
             $mailmessage .= "" . JText::_('COM_KUNENA_REPORT_POST_SUBJECT') . ": " . $topic->subject;
             $mailmessage .= "\n";
             $mailmessage .= "" . JText::_('COM_KUNENA_REPORT_POST_MESSAGE') . "\n-----\n" . KunenaHtmlParser::stripBBCode($messagetext, 0, false);
             $mailmessage .= "\n-----\n\n";
             $mailmessage .= "" . JText::_('COM_KUNENA_REPORT_POST_LINK') . " " . $msglink;
             $mailmessage = JMailHelper::cleanBody(strtr($mailmessage, array('&#32;' => '')));
             foreach ($emailToList as $emailTo) {
                 if (!$emailTo->email || !JMailHelper::isEmailAddress($emailTo->email)) {
                 JUtility::sendMail($this->config->getEmail(), $mailsender, $emailTo->email, $mailsubject, $mailmessage);
         } else {
     $this->app->redirect($target->getUrl($this->return, false));
Esempio n. 7
  * @param KunenaViewTopics $view
  * @param string $message
  * @return string
 public static function setSubjectTitle($view, $message)
     $title = '';
     if ($view->params->get('subjecttitle') == 'subject_only') {
         $title = $view->escape($view->topic->subject);
     } elseif ($view->params->get('subjecttitle') == 'body') {
         $title = KunenaHtmlParser::stripBBCode($message, $view->params->get('titlelength'));
     return $title;
Esempio n. 8
    echo empty($this->topicActions) ? 5 : 6;
<tr >
	<td class="kcol-mid kcol-ktopicicon hidden-phone span1"> <?php 
echo $this->getTopicLink($this->topic, 'unread', $this->topic->getIcon());
	<td class="kcol-mid kcol-ktopictitle span6">
		<div class="hasTooltip"><span class="Title">
echo $this->getTopicLink($this->topic, null, null, KunenaHtmlParser::stripBBCode($this->topic->first_post_message, 500), 'hasTooltip');
if ($this->topic->getUserTopic()->favorite) {
				<i class="icon-star hasTooltip"><?php 
if ($this->me->exists() && $this->topic->getUserTopic()->posts) {
 <i class="icon-flag hasTooltip" ><?php 
Esempio n. 9
 function report()
     if (!JSession::checkToken('post')) {
         $this->app->enqueueMessage(JText::_('COM_KUNENA_ERROR_TOKEN'), 'error');
     if (!$this->me->exists() || $this->config->reportmsg == 0) {
         // Deny access if report feature has been disabled or user is guest
         $this->app->enqueueMessage(JText::_('COM_KUNENA_NO_ACCESS'), 'notice');
     if (!$this->config->get('send_emails')) {
         // Emails have been disabled
         $this->app->enqueueMessage(JText::_('COM_KUNENA_EMAIL_DISABLED'), 'notice');
     if (!$this->config->getEmail() || !JMailHelper::isEmailAddress($this->config->getEmail())) {
         // Error: email address is invalid
         $this->app->enqueueMessage(JText::_('COM_KUNENA_EMAIL_INVALID'), 'error');
     // Get target object for the report
     if ($this->mesid) {
         $message = $target = KunenaForumMessageHelper::get($this->mesid);
         $topic = $target->getTopic();
     } else {
         $topic = $target = KunenaForumTopicHelper::get($this->id);
         $message = KunenaForumMessageHelper::get($topic->first_post_id);
     $messagetext = $message->message;
     $baduser = KunenaFactory::getUser($message->userid);
     if (!$target->authorise('read')) {
         // Deny access if user cannot read target
         $this->app->enqueueMessage($target->getError(), 'notice');
     $reason = JRequest::getString('reason');
     $text = JRequest::getString('text');
     $template = KunenaTemplate::getInstance();
     if (method_exists($template, 'reportMessage')) {
         $template->reportMessage($message, $reason, $text);
     // Load language file from the template.
     if (empty($reason) && empty($text)) {
         // Do nothing: empty subject or reason is empty
     } else {
         $acl = KunenaAccess::getInstance();
         $emailToList = $acl->getSubscribers($topic->category_id, $topic->id, false, true, false);
         if (!empty($emailToList)) {
             $mailsender = JMailHelper::cleanAddress($this->config->board_title . ' ' . JText::_('COM_KUNENA_FORUM') . ': ' . $this->me->getName());
             $mailsubject = "[" . $this->config->board_title . " " . JText::_('COM_KUNENA_FORUM') . "] " . JText::_('COM_KUNENA_REPORT_MSG') . ": ";
             if ($reason) {
                 $mailsubject .= $reason;
             } else {
                 $mailsubject .= $topic->subject;
             $msglink = JUri::getInstance()->toString(array('scheme', 'host', 'port')) . $target->getPermaUrl(null, false);
             $mail = JFactory::getMailer();
             $mail->setSender(array($this->me->username, $this->me->email));
             // Render the email.
             $layout = KunenaLayout::factory('Email/Report')->debug(false)->set('mail', $mail)->set('message', $message)->set('me', $this->me)->set('title', $reason)->set('content', $text)->set('messageLink', $msglink);
             try {
                 $body = trim($layout->render());
             } catch (Exception $e) {
                 // TODO: Deprecated in K4.0, remove in K5.0
                 $mailmessage = "" . JText::_('COM_KUNENA_REPORT_RSENDER') . " {$this->me->username} ({$this->me->name})";
                 $mailmessage .= "\n";
                 $mailmessage .= "" . JText::_('COM_KUNENA_REPORT_RREASON') . " " . $reason;
                 $mailmessage .= "\n";
                 $mailmessage .= "" . JText::_('COM_KUNENA_REPORT_RMESSAGE') . " " . $text;
                 $mailmessage .= "\n\n";
                 $mailmessage .= "" . JText::_('COM_KUNENA_REPORT_POST_POSTER') . " {$baduser->username} ({$baduser->name})";
                 $mailmessage .= "\n";
                 $mailmessage .= "" . JText::_('COM_KUNENA_REPORT_POST_SUBJECT') . ": " . $topic->subject;
                 $mailmessage .= "\n";
                 $mailmessage .= "" . JText::_('COM_KUNENA_REPORT_POST_MESSAGE') . "\n-----\n" . KunenaHtmlParser::stripBBCode($messagetext, 0, false);
                 $mailmessage .= "\n-----\n\n";
                 $mailmessage .= "" . JText::_('COM_KUNENA_REPORT_POST_LINK') . " " . $msglink;
                 $mailmessage = JMailHelper::cleanBody(strtr($mailmessage, array('&#32;' => '')));
             $receivers = array();
             foreach ($emailToList as $emailTo) {
                 if (!$emailTo->email || !JMailHelper::isEmailAddress($emailTo->email)) {
                 $receivers[] = $emailTo->email;
             KunenaEmail::send($mail, $receivers);
         } else {
     $this->setRedirect($target->getUrl($this->return, false));
Esempio n. 10
if ($this->params->get('sh_sticky') && $this->topic->ordering) {
    echo $this->getIcon('ktopicsticky', JText::_('MOD_KUNENALATEST_STICKY_TOPIC'));
if ($this->params->get('sh_locked') && $this->topic->locked) {
    echo $this->getIcon('ktopiclocked', JText::_('COM_KUNENA_GEN_LOCKED_TOPIC'));
if ($this->params->get('sh_favorite') && $this->topic->getUserTopic()->favorite) {
    echo $this->getIcon('kfavoritestar', JText::_('COM_KUNENA_FAVORITE'));
if ($this->params->get('sh_firstcontentcharacter')) {
<li class="klatest-preview-content"><?php 
    echo KunenaHtmlParser::stripBBCode($this->message->message, $this->params->get('lengthcontentcharacters'));
if ($this->params->get('sh_category')) {
<li class="klatest-cat"><?php 
    echo JText::_('MOD_KUNENALATEST_IN_CATEGORY') . ' ' . $this->categoryLink;
if ($this->params->get('sh_author')) {
<li class="klatest-author"><?php 
Esempio n. 11
	function displayDefault($tpl = null) {
		$this->me = KunenaUserHelper::getMyself();
		$this->layout = $this->state->get('layout');
		if ($this->layout == 'flat') $this->layout = 'default';
		$this->assignRef ( 'category', $this->get ( 'Category' ) );
		$this->assignRef ( 'topic', $this->get ( 'Topic' ) );
		$channels = $this->category->getChannels();
		if ($this->category->id && ! $this->category->authorise('read')) {
			// User is not allowed to see the category
		} elseif (! $this->topic) {
			// Moved topic loop detected (1 -> 2 -> 3 -> 2)
		} elseif (! $this->topic->authorise('read')) {
			// User is not allowed to see the topic
		} elseif ($this->state->get('') != $this->topic->id || ($this->category->id != $this->topic->category_id && !isset($channels[$this->topic->category_id])) || ($this->state->get('layout') != 'threaded' && $this->state->get('item.mesid'))) {
			// Topic has been moved or it doesn't belong to the current category
			$db = JFactory::getDBO();
			$mesid = $this->state->get('item.mesid');
			if (!$mesid) {
				$mesid = $this->topic->first_post_id;
			$message = KunenaForumMessageHelper::get($mesid);
			if ($message->exists()) JFactory::getApplication()->redirect($message->getUrl(null, false));

		$errors = $this->getErrors();
		if ($errors) {
			return $this->displayNoAccess($errors);

		$this->assignRef ( 'messages', $this->get ( 'Messages' ) );
		$this->assignRef ( 'total', $this->get ( 'Total' ) );

		// If page does not exist, redirect to the last page
		if ($this->total <= $this->state->get('list.start')) {
			JFactory::getApplication()->redirect($this->topic->getUrl(null, false, (int)($this->total / $this->state->get('list.limit'))));

		$this->assignRef ( 'moderators', $this->get ( 'Moderators' ) );
		$this->assignRef ( 'usertopic',$this->topic->getUserTopic());
		$this->headerText =  JText::_('COM_KUNENA_MENU_LATEST_DESC');
		$this->title = JText::_('COM_KUNENA_ALL_DISCUSSIONS');
		$this->pagination = $this->getPagination ( 5 );
		$this->me = KunenaUserHelper::getMyself();
		$this->config = KunenaFactory::getConfig();

		// Mark topic read
		$this->topic->markRead ();

		// Check is subscriptions were sent and reset the value
		if ($this->topic->authorise('subscribe')) {
			$usertopic = $this->topic->getUserTopic();
			if ($usertopic->subscribed == 2) {
				$usertopic->subscribed = 1;

		$this->keywords = $this->topic->getKeywords(false, ', ');


		// Get captcha & quick reply
		$this->captcha = KunenaSpamRecaptcha::getInstance();
		$this->quickreply = ($this->topic->authorise('reply',null, false) && $this->me->exists() && !$this->captcha->enabled());

		//meta description and keywords
		// TODO: use real keywords, too
		$metaKeys = $this->escape ( "{$this->topic->subject}, {$this->category->getParent()->name}, {$this->config->board_title}, " . JText::_('COM_KUNENA_GEN_FORUM') . ', ' . JFactory::getapplication()->getCfg ( 'sitename' ) );

		// Create Meta Description form the content of the first message
		// better for search results display but NOT for search ranking!
		$metaDesc = KunenaHtmlParser::stripBBCode($this->topic->first_post_message);
		$metaDesc = preg_replace('/\s+/', ' ', $metaDesc); // remove newlines
		$metaDesc = preg_replace('/^[^\w0-9]+/', '', $metaDesc); // remove characters at the beginning that are not letters or numbers
		$metaDesc = trim($metaDesc); // Remove trailing spaces and beginning

		// remove multiple spaces
		while (strpos($metaDesc, '  ') !== false){
			$metaDesc = str_replace('  ', ' ', $metaDesc);

		// limit to 185 characters - google will cut off at ~150
		if (strlen($metaDesc) > 185){
			$metaDesc = rtrim(JString::substr($metaDesc, 0, 182)).'...';

		$this->document->setMetadata ( 'keywords', $metaKeys );
		$this->document->setDescription ( $this->escape($metaDesc) );

		$this->setTitle(JText::sprintf('COM_KUNENA_VIEW_TOPICS_DEFAULT', $this->topic->subject));

Esempio n. 12
 * @param        $text
 * @param string $phrase
 * @param string $ordering
 * @param null   $areas
 * @return array
function plgSearchKunena($text, $phrase = '', $ordering = '', $areas = null)
    //If the array is not correct, return it:
    if (is_array($areas) && !array_intersect($areas, array_keys(plgSearchKunenaAreas()))) {
        return array();
    $plugin = JPluginHelper::getPlugin('search', 'kunena');
    $pluginParams = new JRegistry();
    //And define the parameters. For example like this..
    $limit = $pluginParams->get('search_limit', 50);
    $contentLimit = $pluginParams->get('content_limit', 40);
    $bbcode = $pluginParams->get('show_bbcode', 1);
    $openInNewPage = $pluginParams->get('open_new_page', 1);
    //Use the function trim to delete spaces in front of or at the back of the searching terms
    $text = trim($text);
    //Return Array when nothing was filled in
    if ($text == '') {
        return array();
    $db = JFactory::getDbo();
    //After this, you have to add the database part. This will be the most difficult part, because this changes per situation.
    //In the coding examples later on you will find some of the examples used by Joomla! 1.5 core Search Plugins.
    //It will look something like this.
    switch ($phrase) {
        //search exact
        case 'exact':
            $text = $db->quote('%' . $db->escape($text) . '%', false);
            $where = "(m.subject LIKE {$text} OR t.message LIKE {$text})";
            //search all or any
        //search all or any
        case 'all':
        case 'any':
            $where = array();
            $words = explode(' ', $text);
            foreach ($words as $word) {
                $word = $db->quote('%' . $db->escape(trim($word)) . '%', false);
                $where[] = "m.subject LIKE {$word} OR t.message LIKE {$word}";
            $where = '(' . implode($phrase == 'all' ? ') AND (' : ') OR (', $where) . ')';
    //ordering of the results
    switch ($ordering) {
        //oldest first
        case 'oldest':
            $orderby = 'm.time ASC';
            //popular first
        //popular first
        case 'popular':
            // FIXME: should be topic hits
            $orderby = 'm.hits DESC, m.time DESC';
            //newest first
        //newest first
        case 'newest':
            $orderby = 'm.time DESC';
            //alphabetic, ascending
        //alphabetic, ascending
        case 'alpha':
            //default setting: alphabetic, ascending
        //default setting: alphabetic, ascending
            $orderby = 'm.subject ASC, m.time DESC';
    $params = array('orderby' => $orderby, 'where' => $where, 'starttime' => -1);
    list($total, $messages) = KunenaForumMessageHelper::getLatestMessages(false, 0, $limit, $params);
    $rows = array();
    foreach ($messages as $message) {
        /** @var KunenaForumMessage $message */
        // Function must return: href, title, section, created, text, browsernav
        $row = new StdClass();
        $row->id = $message->id;
        $row->href = $message->getUrl();
        $row->title = JString::substr($message->subject, '0', $contentLimit);
        $row->section = $message->getCategory()->name;
        $row->created = $message->time;
        if ($bbcode) {
            $row->text = KunenaHtmlParser::parseBBCode($message->message, $contentLimit);
        } else {
            $row->text = KunenaHtmlParser::stripBBCode($message->message, $contentLimit);
        $row->browsernav = $openInNewPage ? 1 : 0;
        $rows[] = $row;
    //Return the search results in an array
    return $rows;
Esempio n. 13
	function displayDefault($tpl = null) {
		$this->me = KunenaFactory::getUser();
		$this->layout = $this->state->get('layout');
		if ($this->layout == 'flat') $this->layout = 'default';
		$this->assignRef ( 'category', $this->get ( 'Category' ) );
		$this->assignRef ( 'topic', $this->get ( 'Topic' ) );
		$channels = $this->category->getChannels();
		if ($this->category->id && ! $this->category->authorise('read')) {
			// User is not allowed to see the category
		} elseif (! $this->topic) {
			// Moved topic loop detected (1 -> 2 -> 3 -> 2)
		} elseif (! $this->topic->authorise('read')) {
			// User is not allowed to see the topic
		} elseif ($this->state->get('') != $this->topic->id || ($this->category->id != $this->topic->category_id && !isset($channels[$this->topic->category_id]))) {
			// Topic has been moved or it doesn't belong to the current category
			$db = JFactory::getDBO();
			$query = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM #__kunena_messages WHERE thread={$db->Quote($this->topic->id)} AND hold IN ({$this->state->get('hold')}) AND id<={$db->Quote($this->state->get(''))}";
			$db->setQuery ( $query );
			$replyCount = $db->loadResult ();
			if (KunenaError::checkDatabaseError()) return;
			$app = JFactory::getApplication();
			$app->redirect(CKunenaLink::GetThreadPageURL ( 'view', $this->topic->category_id, $this->topic->id, $replyCount, $this->state->get('list.limit'), $this->state->get(''), false ));

		$errors = $this->getErrors();
		if ($errors) {
			return $this->displayNoAccess($errors);

		$this->assignRef ( 'messages', $this->get ( 'Messages' ) );
		$this->assignRef ( 'total', $this->get ( 'Total' ) );

		// If page does not exist, redirect to the last page
/*		if ($this->total <= $this->state->get('list.start')) {
			$app = JFactory::getApplication();
			$app->redirect(CKunenaLink::GetThreadPageURL('view', $this->topic->category_id, $this->topic->id, $this->total, $this->state->get('list.start'), '', false));
		$this->assignRef ( 'moderators', $this->get ( 'Moderators' ) );
		$this->assignRef ( 'usertopic',$this->topic->getUserTopic());
		$this->headerText =  JText::_('COM_KUNENA_MENU_LATEST_DESC');
		$this->title = JText::_('COM_KUNENA_ALL_DISCUSSIONS');
		$this->pagination = $this->getPagination ( 5 );
		$this->me = KunenaFactory::getUser();
		$this->config = KunenaFactory::getConfig();

		// Mark topic read
		$this->topic->markRead ();

		// Check is subscriptions were sent and reset the value
		if ($this->topic->authorise('subscribe')) {
			$usertopic = $this->topic->getUserTopic();
			if ($usertopic->subscribed == 2) {
				$usertopic->subscribed = 1;

		$this->keywords = $this->topic->getKeywords(false, ', ');


		//meta description and keywords
		// TODO: use real keywords, too
		$metaKeys = $this->escape ( "{$this->topic->subject}, {$this->category->getParent()->name}, {$this->config->board_title}, " . JText::_('COM_KUNENA_GEN_FORUM') . ', ' . JFactory::getapplication()->getCfg ( 'sitename' ) );

		// Create Meta Description form the content of the first message
		// better for search results display but NOT for search ranking!
		$metaDesc = KunenaHtmlParser::stripBBCode($this->topic->first_post_message);
		$metaDesc = preg_replace('/\s+/', ' ', $metaDesc); // remove newlines
		$metaDesc = preg_replace('/^[^\w0-9]+/', '', $metaDesc); // remove characters at the beginning that are not letters or numbers
		$metaDesc = trim($metaDesc); // Remove trailing spaces and beginning

		// remove multiple spaces
		while (strpos($metaDesc, '  ') !== false){
			$metaDesc = str_replace('  ', ' ', $metaDesc);

		// limit to 185 characters - google will cut off at ~150
		if (strlen($metaDesc) > 185){
			$metaDesc = rtrim(JString::substr($metaDesc, 0, 182)).'...';

		$this->document->setMetadata ( 'keywords', $metaKeys );
		$this->document->setDescription ( $this->escape($metaDesc) );

		$this->setTitle(JText::sprintf('COM_KUNENA_VIEW_TOPICS_DEFAULT', $this->topic->subject));

Esempio n. 14
    echo JText::_('COM_KUNENA_BY') . ' ' . $this->message->getAuthor()->getLink();



					<div class="kmessage-avatar"><?php 
    echo $this->user->getAvatarImage('', 'list');

					<div class="kmessage-msgtext"><?php 
    echo KunenaHtmlParser::stripBBCode($this->message->message, 300);



    if ($this->userLink) {
        echo JText::_('COM_KUNENA_MODERATE_THIS_USER');

Esempio n. 15
	 * Send email notifications from the message.
	 * @param null|string $url
	 * @return bool|null
	public function sendNotification($url=null) {
		$config = KunenaFactory::getConfig();
		if (!$config->get('send_emails')) {
			return null;

		if ($this->hold > 1) {
			return null;
		} elseif ($this->hold == 1) {
			$mailsubs = 0;
			$mailmods = $config->mailmod >= 0;
			$mailadmins = $config->mailadmin >= 0;
		} else {
			$mailsubs = (bool) $config->allowsubscriptions;
			$mailmods = $config->mailmod >= 1;
			$mailadmins = $config->mailadmin >= 1;

		$once = false;
		if ($mailsubs) {
			if (!$this->parent) {
				// New topic: Send email only to category subscribers
				$mailsubs = $config->category_subscriptions != 'disabled' ? KunenaAccess::CATEGORY_SUBSCRIPTION : 0;
				$once = $config->category_subscriptions == 'topic';
			} elseif ($config->category_subscriptions != 'post') {
				// Existing topic: Send email only to topic subscribers
				$mailsubs = $config->topic_subscriptions != 'disabled' ? KunenaAccess::TOPIC_SUBSCRIPTION : 0;
				$once = $config->topic_subscriptions == 'first';
			} else {
				// Existing topic: Send email to both category and topic subscribers
				$mailsubs = $config->topic_subscriptions == 'disabled' ? KunenaAccess::CATEGORY_SUBSCRIPTION : KunenaAccess::CATEGORY_SUBSCRIPTION | KunenaAccess::TOPIC_SUBSCRIPTION;
				// FIXME: category subcription can override topic
				$once = $config->topic_subscriptions == 'first';

		if (!$url) {
			$url = JUri::getInstance()->toString(array('scheme', 'host', 'port')) . $this->getPermaUrl(null);
		//get all subscribers, moderators and admins who will get the email
		$me = KunenaUserHelper::get();
		$acl = KunenaAccess::getInstance();
		$emailToList = $acl->getSubscribers($this->catid, $this->thread, $mailsubs, $mailmods, $mailadmins, $me->userid);

		$topic = $this->getTopic();
		if (count ( $emailToList )) {
			if (! $config->getEmail() ) {
				KunenaError::warning ( JText::_ ( 'COM_KUNENA_EMAIL_DISABLED' ) );
				return false;
			} elseif ( ! JMailHelper::isEmailAddress ( $config->getEmail() ) ) {
				KunenaError::warning ( JText::_ ( 'COM_KUNENA_EMAIL_INVALID' ) );
				return false;
			// clean up the message for review
			$message = KunenaHtmlParser::stripBBCode ( $this->message, 0, false );

			$mailsender = JMailHelper::cleanAddress ( $config->board_title );
			$mailsubject = JMailHelper::cleanSubject ( "[" . $config->board_title . "] " . $topic->subject . " (" . $this->getCategory()->name . ")" );
			$subject = $this->subject ? $this->subject : $topic->subject;

			// Make a list from all receivers
			$sentusers = array();
			$receivers = array(0=>array(), 1=>array());
			foreach ( $emailToList as $emailTo ) {
				if (! $emailTo->email || ! JMailHelper::isEmailAddress ( $emailTo->email )) {
				$receivers[$emailTo->subscription][] = $emailTo->email;
				$sentusers[] = $emailTo->id;

			// Create email
			$mail = JFactory::getMailer();
			$mail->setSender(array($config->getEmail(), $mailsender));

			// Send email to all subscribers
			if (!empty($receivers[1])) {
				$mail->setBody($this->createEmailBody(1, $subject, $url, $message, $once));
				$this->sendEmail($mail, $receivers[1]);

			// Send email to all moderators
			if (!empty($receivers[0])) {
				$mail->setBody($this->createEmailBody(0, $subject, $url, $message, $once));
				$this->sendEmail($mail, $receivers[0]);

			// Update subscriptions
			if ($once && $sentusers) {
				$sentusers = implode (',', $sentusers);
				$db = JFactory::getDBO();
				$query = "UPDATE #__kunena_user_topics SET subscribed=2 WHERE topic_id={$this->thread} AND user_id IN ({$sentusers}) AND subscribed=1";
				$db->setQuery ($query);
				$db->query ();
		return true;
Esempio n. 16
	<td class="kcol-mid kcol-ktopictitle">
    <div class="ktopic-details">
if ($this->topic->attachments) {
    echo $this->getIcon('ktopicattach', JText::_('COM_KUNENA_ATTACH'));
if ($this->topic->poll_id) {
    echo $this->getIcon('ktopicpoll', JText::_('COM_KUNENA_ADMIN_POLLS'));

		<div class="ktopic-title-cover">
echo $this->getTopicLink($this->topic, null, null, KunenaHtmlParser::stripBBCode($this->topic->first_post_message, 500), 'ktopic-title km');
if ($this->topic->getUserTopic()->favorite) {
    echo $this->getIcon('kfavoritestar', JText::_('COM_KUNENA_FAVORITE'));
if ($this->me->exists() && $this->topic->getUserTopic()->posts) {
    echo $this->getIcon('ktopicmy', JText::_('COM_KUNENA_MYPOSTS'));
if ($this->topic->unread) {
    echo $this->getTopicLink($this->topic, 'unread', '<sup dir="ltr" class="knewchar">(' . $this->topic->unread . ' ' . JText::_('COM_KUNENA_A_GEN_NEWCHAR') . ')</sup>');
        <div class="ktopic-details-kcategory">
if (!isset($this->category) || $this->category->id != $this->topic->getCategory()->id) {
Esempio n. 17
      <div id="one">
        <div id="tow">
          <div class="well">
            <div class="avatar"> <?php 
echo $this->topic->getLastPostAuthor()->getLink($this->topic->avatar);
echo $this->topic->getLastPostAuthor()->getLink();
              <div class="info_title pull-right"> <?php 
echo KunenaDate::getInstance($this->topic->last_post_time)->toKunena('config_post_dateformat_hover');
              <div class="post_msg"> <?php 
echo KunenaHtmlParser::stripBBCode($this->topic->first_post_message, 100);
              <div class="clear"></div>
          <div class="jfku_useractions"> <a href="" rel="nofollow" title="View Topic 'Test'"><span class="gototopic" >
            <button class="btn btn-small">Go To Topic</button>
            </span></a> <span class="jf_ku_preview_close"><a class="btn btn-micro" id="test2" href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="javascript:hideMessage();" title="Hide Message"><i class="icon-uparrow"></i></a></span> </div>
          <div class="clear"></div>
  <td class="hidden-phone" width="2%">
    <div class="kfrontend" id="test2"> <a class="btn icon-eye" id="test1"  href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="javascript:showMessage();" title="Show Message"></a> </div>