/** * Populates the object using an array. * * This is particularly useful when populating an object from one of the * request arrays (e.g. $_POST). This method goes through the column * names, checking to see whether a matching key exists in populated * array. If so the setByName() method is called for that column. * * You can specify the key type of the array by additionally passing one * of the class type constants BasePeer::TYPE_PHPNAME, BasePeer::TYPE_STUDLYPHPNAME, * BasePeer::TYPE_COLNAME, BasePeer::TYPE_FIELDNAME, BasePeer::TYPE_NUM. * The default key type is the column's phpname (e.g. 'AuthorId') * * @param array $arr An array to populate the object from. * @param string $keyType The type of keys the array uses. * @return void */ public function fromArray($arr, $keyType = BasePeer::TYPE_PHPNAME) { $keys = KshowKuserPeer::getFieldNames($keyType); if (array_key_exists($keys[0], $arr)) { $this->setKshowId($arr[$keys[0]]); } if (array_key_exists($keys[1], $arr)) { $this->setKuserId($arr[$keys[1]]); } if (array_key_exists($keys[2], $arr)) { $this->setSubscriptionType($arr[$keys[2]]); } if (array_key_exists($keys[3], $arr)) { $this->setAlertType($arr[$keys[3]]); } if (array_key_exists($keys[4], $arr)) { $this->setId($arr[$keys[4]]); } }
/** * If this collection has already been initialized with * an identical criteria, it returns the collection. * Otherwise if this kshow is new, it will return * an empty collection; or if this kshow has previously * been saved, it will retrieve related KshowKusers from storage. * * This method is protected by default in order to keep the public * api reasonable. You can provide public methods for those you * actually need in kshow. */ public function getKshowKusersJoinkuser($criteria = null, $con = null, $join_behavior = Criteria::LEFT_JOIN) { if ($criteria === null) { $criteria = new Criteria(kshowPeer::DATABASE_NAME); } elseif ($criteria instanceof Criteria) { $criteria = clone $criteria; } if ($this->collKshowKusers === null) { if ($this->isNew()) { $this->collKshowKusers = array(); } else { $criteria->add(KshowKuserPeer::KSHOW_ID, $this->id); $this->collKshowKusers = KshowKuserPeer::doSelectJoinkuser($criteria, $con, $join_behavior); } } else { // the following code is to determine if a new query is // called for. If the criteria is the same as the last // one, just return the collection. $criteria->add(KshowKuserPeer::KSHOW_ID, $this->id); if (!isset($this->lastKshowKuserCriteria) || !$this->lastKshowKuserCriteria->equals($criteria)) { $this->collKshowKusers = KshowKuserPeer::doSelectJoinkuser($criteria, $con, $join_behavior); } } $this->lastKshowKuserCriteria = $criteria; return $this->collKshowKusers; }
public static function sendAlertsForNewRoughcut($kshow, $likuser_id, $user_screenname) { $kshow_id = $kshow->getId(); // Send an email alert to producer if ($kshow->getProducerId() != $likuser_id) { // don't send producer alerts when the producer is the editor alertPeer::sendEmailIfNeeded($kshow->getProducerId(), alert::KALTURAS_PRODUCED_ALERT_TYPE_ROUGHCUT_CREATED, array('screenname' => $user_screenname, 'kshow_name' => $kshow->getName(), 'kshow_id' => $kshow->getId())); } // TODO: efficiency: see if there is a wa to search for contributors based on some other method than full entry table scan // Send email alerts to contributors $c = new Criteria(); $c->add(entryPeer::KSHOW_ID, $kshow_id); $c->add(entryPeer::KUSER_ID, $likuser_id, Criteria::NOT_EQUAL); // the current user knows they just edited $c->addAnd(entryPeer::KUSER_ID, $kshow->getProducerId(), Criteria::NOT_EQUAL); // the producer knows they just edited $c->add(entryPeer::TYPE, entryType::MEDIA_CLIP); $c->addGroupByColumn(entryPeer::KUSER_ID); $entries = entryPeer::doSelect($c); $already_received_alert_array = array(); foreach ($entries as $entry) { alertPeer::sendEmailIfNeeded($entry->getKuserId(), alert::KALTURAS_PARTOF_ALERT_TYPE_ROUGHCUT_CREATED, array('screenname' => $user_screenname, 'kshow_name' => $kshow->getName(), 'kshow_id' => $kshow->getId())); $already_received_alert_array[$entry->getKuserId()] = true; } // send email alert to subscribers $c = new Criteria(); $c->add(KshowKuserPeer::KSHOW_ID, $kshow_id); //only subsribers of this show $c->add(KshowKuserPeer::KUSER_ID, $likuser_id, Criteria::NOT_EQUAL); // the current user knows they just edited $c->add(KshowKuserPeer::SUBSCRIPTION_TYPE, KshowKuser::KSHOW_SUBSCRIPTION_NORMAL); // this table stores other relations too $subscriptions = KshowKuserPeer::doSelect($c); foreach ($subscriptions as $subscription) { if (!isset($already_received_alert_array[$subscription->getKuserId()])) { // don't send emails to subscribed users who are also contributors alertPeer::sendEmailIfNeeded($subscription->getKuserId(), alert::KALTURAS_SUBSCRIBEDTO_ALERT_TYPE_ROUGHCUT_CREATED, array('screenname' => $user_screenname, 'kshow_name' => $kshow->getName(), 'kshow_id' => $kshow->getId())); } } }
public static function deleteKShow($kshow_id, $kuser_id) { $kshow = self::retrieveByPK($kshow_id); if ($kshow == null) { return false; } if ($kshow->getProducerId() != $kuser_id) { return false; } else { $kshow->delete(); // now delete the subscriptions $c = new Criteria(); $c->add(KshowKuserPeer::KSHOW_ID, $kshow_id); // the current user knows they just favorited $c->add(KshowKuserPeer::SUBSCRIPTION_TYPE, KshowKuser::KSHOW_SUBSCRIPTION_NORMAL); // this table stores other relations too $subscriptions = KshowKuserPeer::doSelect($c); foreach ($subscriptions as $subscription) { $subscription->delete(); } return true; } }
/** * Executes addComment action, which returns a form enabling the insertion of a comment * The request may include 1 fields: entry id. */ protected function executeImpl(kshow $kshow, entry &$entry) { $kshow_id = $kshow->getId(); if ($this->partner_id != null) { // this part overhere should be in a more generic place - part of the services $multiple_roghcuts = Partner::allowMultipleRoughcuts($this->partner_id); $likuser_id = $this->getLoggedInUserId(); } else { // is the logged-in-user is not an admin or the producer - check if show can be published $likuser_id = $this->getLoggedInUserId(); $multiple_roghcuts = true; } if (!$likuser_id) { return $this->securityViolation($kshow->getId()); } $isIntro = $kshow->getIntroId() == $entry->getId(); if ($multiple_roghcuts) { // create a new entry in two cases: // 1. the user saving the roughcut isnt the owner of the entry // 2. the entry is an intro and the current entry is not show (probably an image or video) if ($entry->getKuserId() != $likuser_id || $isIntro && $entry->getMediaType() != entry::ENTRY_MEDIA_TYPE_SHOW) { // TODO: add security check to whether multiple roughcuts are allowed // create a new roughcut entry by cloning the original entry $entry = myEntryUtils::deepClone($entry, $kshow_id, false); $entry->setKuserId($likuser_id); $entry->setCreatorKuserId($likuser_id); $entry->setCreatedAt(time()); $entry->setMediaType(entry::ENTRY_MEDIA_TYPE_SHOW); $entry->save(); } } /* $viewer_type = myKshowUtils::getViewerType($kshow, $likuser_id); if ( $viewer_type != KshowKuser::KSHOWKUSER_VIEWER_PRODUCER && ( ! $kshow->getCanPublish() ) ) { // ERROR - attempting to publish a non-publishable show return $this->securityViolation( $kshow->getId() ); } */ $this->xml_content = "<xml><EntryID>" . $entry->getId() . "</EntryID></xml>"; if ($isIntro) { $kshow->setIntroId($entry->getId()); } else { $kshow->setShowEntryId($entry->getId()); $has_roughcut = @$_REQUEST["HasRoughCut"]; if ($has_roughcut === "0") { $kshow->setHasRoughcut(false); $kshow->save(); return; } } $content = @$_REQUEST["xml"]; $update_kshow = false; if ($content != NULL) { list($xml_content, $this->comments, $update_kshow) = myMetadataUtils::setMetadata($content, $kshow, $entry); // Send an email alert to producer if ($kshow->getProducerId() != $likuser_id) { // don't send producer alerts when the producer is the editor alertPeer::sendEmailIfNeeded($kshow->getProducerId(), alert::KALTURAS_PRODUCED_ALERT_TYPE_ROUGHCUT_CREATED, array('screenname' => $this->getUser()->getAttribute('screenname'), 'kshow_name' => $kshow->getName(), 'kshow_id' => $kshow->getId())); } // TODO: efficiency: see if there is a wa to search for contributors based on some other method than full entry table scan // Send email alerts to contributors $c = new Criteria(); $c->add(entryPeer::KSHOW_ID, $kshow_id); $c->add(entryPeer::KUSER_ID, $likuser_id, Criteria::NOT_EQUAL); // the current user knows they just edited $c->addAnd(entryPeer::KUSER_ID, $kshow->getProducerId(), Criteria::NOT_EQUAL); // the producer knows they just edited $c->add(entryPeer::TYPE, entryType::MEDIA_CLIP); $c->addGroupByColumn(entryPeer::KUSER_ID); $entries = entryPeer::doSelect($c); $already_received_alert_array = array(); foreach ($entries as $entry) { alertPeer::sendEmailIfNeeded($entry->getKuserId(), alert::KALTURAS_PARTOF_ALERT_TYPE_ROUGHCUT_CREATED, array('screenname' => $this->getUser()->getAttribute('screenname'), 'kshow_name' => $kshow->getName(), 'kshow_id' => $kshow->getId())); $already_received_alert_array[$entry->getKuserId()] = true; } // send email alert to subscribers $c = new Criteria(); $c->add(KshowKuserPeer::KSHOW_ID, $kshow_id); //only subsribers of this show $c->add(KshowKuserPeer::KUSER_ID, $likuser_id, Criteria::NOT_EQUAL); // the current user knows they just edited $c->add(KshowKuserPeer::SUBSCRIPTION_TYPE, KshowKuser::KSHOW_SUBSCRIPTION_NORMAL); // this table stores other relations too $subscriptions = KshowKuserPeer::doSelect($c); foreach ($subscriptions as $subscription) { if (!isset($already_received_alert_array[$subscription->getKuserId()])) { // don't send emails to subscribed users who are also contributors alertPeer::sendEmailIfNeeded($subscription->getKuserId(), alert::KALTURAS_SUBSCRIBEDTO_ALERT_TYPE_ROUGHCUT_CREATED, array('screenname' => $this->getUser()->getAttribute('screenname'), 'kshow_name' => $kshow->getName(), 'kshow_id' => $kshow->getId())); } } if ($this->debug) { return "text/html; charset=utf-8"; } } else { $this->comments = ""; // if there is no xml - receive it from the user $this->debug = true; $file_name = myContentStorage::getFSContentRootPath() . "/" . $entry->getDataPath(); //$this->xml_content = kFile::getFileContent( $file_name ); return "text/html; charset=utf-8"; } }
/** * Retrieve multiple objects by pkey. * * @param array $pks List of primary keys * @param PropelPDO $con the connection to use * @throws PropelException Any exceptions caught during processing will be * rethrown wrapped into a PropelException. */ public static function retrieveByPKs($pks, PropelPDO $con = null) { $objs = null; if (empty($pks)) { $objs = array(); } else { $criteria = new Criteria(KshowKuserPeer::DATABASE_NAME); $criteria->add(KshowKuserPeer::ID, $pks, Criteria::IN); $objs = KshowKuserPeer::doSelect($criteria, $con); } return $objs; }
public static function isSubscribed($kshow_id, $kuser_id, $subscription_type = null) { $c = new Criteria(); $c->add(KshowKuserPeer::KSHOW_ID, $kshow_id); $c->add(KshowKuserPeer::KUSER_ID, $kuser_id); if ($subscription_type !== null) { $c->add(KshowKuserPeer::SUBSCRIPTION_TYPE, $subscription_type); } return KshowKuserPeer::doSelectOne($c); }