/** * Builds Ad group and its contents. * * @param array $data Initial data */ public function buildVehiclesAdGroup($data = array()) { $this->m_aItemData['l_geo_city'] = "в " . rus_city_pad($data['l_geo_city']); $this->gag_l_id = $data['l_id']; $this->gag_name = date("Y-m-d") . " " . $data['l_make'] . ' ' . $data['l_model'] . " в " . rus_city_pad($data['l_geo_city']); $this->save(); $this->gag_name .= " " . $this->gag_id . ":" . $this->gag_l_id; require_once '../classes/KeywordForger.php'; include '../config/keyword_forger.php'; require_once '../classes/Keyword.php'; $kw = array(); foreach ($ad_group_by_item['vehicles'] as $key => $val) { $kw[] = $data[$key]; } $result = $this->save(); $keywords = KeywordForger::forgeKeywords($kw); $kw = new Keyword($this->db); foreach ($keywords as $val) { $kw->keyword = $val; $kw->save(); $this->db->executeNoresSQL("INSERT IGNORE INTO m2m_keywords_to_google_ad_groups (gag_id, keyword_id) VALUES ({$this->gag_id}, {$kw->keyword_id})", $rowsAffected); $kw->reset(); } return $result; }
/** * @param string $mode * * @return string */ public function showLinkToSelf($mode = '') { $url = '?p=keyword&id='; $mode_url = '&m=' . $mode; if (empty($mode)) { return $this->html($url . $this->keyword->getId()); } else { return $this->html($url . $this->keyword->getId() . $mode_url); } }
public function kw() { $keyword_rank = new Keyword_rank(); $keyword_rank_ids = $keyword_rank->where('date', date('Y-m-d'))->get()->all_to_single_array('keyword_id'); if (empty($keyword_rank_ids)) { $keyword_rank_ids = array(0); } $keywords = new Keyword(); $keywords->where('is_deleted', 0)->where_not_in('id', $keyword_rank_ids)->get(); foreach ($keywords as $keyword) { var_dump($keyword->id); } }
public function executeAddKeyword() { $val = $this->getRequestParameter('keyword'); $c = new Criteria(); $c->add(KeywordPeer::LABEL, $val . "%", Criteria::LIKE); $keyword = KeywordPeer::doSelectOne($c); if (!$keyword) { $keyword = new Keyword(); $keyword->setLabel($val); $keyword->save(); exit($keyword->getId() . "," . $keyword->getLabel()); } exit; }
public function findOrCreateOne($keyword_value) { # Attempt to find keyword $keyword = KeywordQuery::create()->filterByValue($keyword_value)->findOne(); # Handle keyword if (!$keyword) { # Create keyword $keyword = new Keyword(); $keyword->setValue($keyword_value); # Create keyword synonym $keyword_synonym = new KeywordSynonym(); $keyword_synonym->setKeyword($keyword)->setValue($keyword_value)->save(); } # Return keyword return $keyword; }
/** * called by an ajax form * input is $_POST['id'] */ public function actionAjaxDelete() { if (isset($_POST['id']) && isset($_POST['passcode']) && $_POST['passcode'] == 'u98u8acja8scja89sjcjGBHJ') { Keyword::model()->deleteByPk($_POST['id']); } Yii::app()->end(); }
public function run() { DB::table('keywords')->delete(); Keyword::create(array('adGroup' => 'Online Dish', 'Keyword' => 'dish tv online', 'currency' => 'INR', 'avMonthlySearches' => 10, 'competition' => 0.89, 'suggestedBid' => 12.86, 'impressionShare' => 0.0, 'inAccount' => 'N', 'inPlan' => 'N', 'extractedFrom' => '')); Keyword::create(array('adGroup' => 'Online Dish', 'keyword' => 'dish tv online recharge', 'currency' => 'INR', 'avMonthlySearches' => 320, 'competition' => 0.23, 'suggestedBid' => 6.8, 'impressionShare' => 0.0, 'inAccount' => 'N', 'inPlan' => 'N', 'extractedFrom' => '')); Keyword::create(array('adGroup' => 'Online Dish', 'Keyword' => 'dish tv recharge online', 'currency' => 'INR', 'avMonthlySearches' => 70, 'competition' => 0.51, 'SuggestedBid' => 10.23, 'impressionShare' => 0.0, 'inAccount' => 'N', 'inPlan' => 'N', 'extractedFrom' => '')); }
public function get_keywords($id_in_module) { $keywords = array(); $result = $this->db_querier->select('SELECT relation.id_in_module, relation.id_keyword, keyword.* FROM ' . DB_TABLE_KEYWORDS_RELATIONS . ' relation LEFT JOIN ' . DB_TABLE_KEYWORDS . ' keyword ON keyword.id = relation.id_keyword WHERE relation.module_id = :module_id AND relation.id_in_module = :id_in_module ORDER BY relation.id_keyword', array('module_id' => $this->module_id, 'id_in_module' => $id_in_module)); while ($row = $result->fetch()) { $keyword = new Keyword(); $keyword->set_properties($row); $keywords[$row['name']] = $keyword; } $result->dispose(); return $keywords; }
/** * Remove single keyword with all collected rank * * @param $keyword_array (array) - keyword model arrayed * @throws Exception */ public function remove_deleted($keyword_array) { try { $keyword_id = isset($keyword_array['id']) ? $keyword_array['id'] : NULL; $keyword = new Keyword($keyword_id); if (!$keyword->exists()) { throw new Exception('kwid: ' . $keyword_id . ' doesn\'t exist.'); } $keyword_rank = Keyword_rank::inst()->get_by_keyword_id($keyword_id); $keyword_rank->delete_all(); $keyword->delete(); log_message('TASK_SUCCESS', __FUNCTION__ . ' > ' . 'Keyword and keyword rank for kwid: ' . $keyword_id . ' deleted'); } catch (Exception $e) { log_message('TASK_ERROR', __FUNCTION__ . ' > ' . $e->getMessage()); throw $e; } }
protected function AddkeywordAction() { $xpl = explode(',', $this->post_data['keyword']); foreach ($xpl as $keyword) { Keyword::addKeyword($this->user->user['id'], trim($keyword)); } header('Location:/'); exit; }
public function add_keywords($keywords) { if (!is_array($keywords)) { $keywords = array($keywords); } foreach ($keywords as $keyword) { if ($keyword == "") { return false; } $exists = Keywords::get_by_text($keyword); if ($exists) { $exists->add_to_track($this); } else { $object = new Keyword(); $object->set_text($keyword); $object->add_to_track($this); } } }
function find_keyword($keyword_name) { # Attempt to find keyword $keyword = KeywordQuery::create()->useKeywordSynonymQuery()->filterByValue($keyword_name)->endUse()->findOne(); # Handle keyword if ($keyword) { # Return keyword return $keyword; } else { # Create keyword $keyword = new Keyword(); $keyword->setValue($keyword_name)->save(); # Create synonym $synonym = new Synonym(); $synonym->setKeyword($keyword)->setValue($keyword_name)->save(); # Return keyword return $keyword; } }
public function post($resourceVals, $data, $userId) { global $logger, $warnings_payload; $projectId = $resourceVals['project-keywords']; if (isset($projectId)) { $warnings_payload[] = 'POST call to /project-keywords must not have ' . '/projectID appended i.e. POST /project-keywords'; throw new UnsupportedResourceMethodException(); } $nowFormat = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $projectKeywordsObj = new Keyword($data['u_p_c_id'], $data['type'], $data['words'], $data['relevence'], $nowFormat); $logger->debug("POSTed project keywords Detail: " . $projectKeywordsObj->toString()); $this->collapDAO->insert($projectKeywordsObj); $projectKeywordsDetail = $projectKeywordsObj->toArray(); if (!isset($projectKeywordsDetail['id'])) { return array('code' => '2011'); } $this->keywordsDetail[] = $projectKeywordsDetail; return array('code' => '2001', 'data' => array('keywordsDetail' => $this->keywordsDetail)); }
public function index() { if ($this->c_user->isTrialPlanEnds()) { $this->addFlash(lang('subscription_ends_error', [site_url('subscript/plans')]), 'error'); } // UNCOMMENT TO USE // get average google rank for all keywords for chart in range $keyword_rank = Keyword::average_for_range($this->c_user->id, '-30 days', 'today'); // average result for all the range $keywords_trending = Keyword::average_for_range($this->c_user->id, '-30 days', 'today', FALSE); // average for each day in range // analytics data $google_access_token = Access_token::getByTypeAndUserId('googlea', $this->c_user->id); list($ga_visits_chart, $ga_visits_count) = $google_access_token->google_analytics_dashboard_visits(); $review = new Review(); $last_reviews_count = $review->last_period_count($this->c_user->id, $this->profile->id); $review->clear(); $social_values = Social_value::inst(); $social_values->set_values($this->c_user->id, $this->profile->id, array('from' => date('Y-m-d', strtotime('-30 days')), 'to' => date('Y-m-d', time()))); $all_socials_data = $social_values->get_data(); $monthly_trending = array('reviews' => $review->last_month_trending($this->c_user->id, $this->profile->id), 'traffic' => $ga_visits_chart, 'keywords' => $keywords_trending, 'twitter_followers' => $all_socials_data['twitter'], 'facebook_likes' => $all_socials_data['facebook']); $keywordsForHighlight = Mention_keyword::inst()->get_for_highlight($this->c_user->id, 0); CssJs::getInst()->add_js('www.google.com/jsapi', 'external', 'footer'); CssJs::getInst()->add_js(array('libs/lodash.compat.js', 'libs/highcharts/highcharts.js'))->c_js(); $opportunities = $this->getOpportunities(); if (!empty($opportunities['web_radar'])) { CssJs::getInst()->add_js('controller/webradar/index.js'); } JsSettings::instance()->add(array('monthly_trending' => $monthly_trending, 'dashboard' => true, 'keywords' => $keywordsForHighlight, 'opportunities' => $opportunities)); $summary = array('reviews' => (int) $last_reviews_count, 'fb_likes' => (int) $all_socials_data['likes_count'], 'twiter_followers' => (int) $all_socials_data['followers_count'], 'web_traffic' => (int) $ga_visits_count, 'google_rank' => (int) round($keyword_rank, 3)); $this->isSupportScheduledPosts = $this->getAAC()->isGrantedPlan('scheduled_posts'); $this->load->helper('my_url_helper'); $this->template->set('isSupportScheduledPosts', $this->isSupportScheduledPosts); $this->template->set('socials', Social_post::getActiveSocials($this->profile->id)); $this->is_user_set_timezone = User_timezone::is_user_set_timezone($this->c_user->id); JsSettings::instance()->add(array('twitterLimits' => array('maxLength' => 140, 'midLength' => 117, 'lowLength' => 94), 'twitterLimitsText' => lang('twitter_error'), 'linkedinLimits' => array('maxLength' => 400), 'linkedinLimitsText' => lang('linkedin_error'))); CssJs::getInst()->add_css(array('custom/pick-a-color-1.css')); CssJs::getInst()->add_js(array('libs/jq.file-uploader/jquery.iframe-transport.js', 'libs/jq.file-uploader/jquery.fileupload.js', 'libs/fabric/fabric.min.js', 'libs/fabric/StackBlur.js', 'libs/color/tinycolor-0.9.15.min.js', 'libs/color/pick-a-color-1.2.3.min.js')); CssJs::getInst()->c_js('social/create', 'post_update'); CssJs::getInst()->c_js('social/create', 'post_cron'); CssJs::getInst()->c_js('social/create', 'post_attachment'); CssJs::getInst()->c_js('social/create', 'social_limiter'); CssJs::getInst()->c_js('social/create', 'schedule_block'); CssJs::getInst()->c_js('social/create', 'bulk_upload'); $this->template->set('is_user_set_timezone', User_timezone::is_user_set_timezone($this->c_user->id)); $user_posts = Social_post::inst()->get_user_scheduled_posts($this->c_user->id, $this->profile->id, 1, 3, 'all'); $this->template->set('posts', $user_posts); $this->load->helper('Image_designer_helper'); $this->template->set('imageDesignerImages', Image_designer::getImages()); $this->template->set('summary', $summary); $this->template->set('opportunities', $opportunities); $this->template->set('need_welcome_notification', User_notification::needShowNotification($this->c_user->id, User_notification::WELCOME)); $this->template->render(); }
protected function ShowAction($id_keyword) { $keyword = Keyword::getKeyword($id_keyword, $this->user->user['id']); if (isset($keyword['keyword'])) { $this->data->url = $this->user->user['url']; $this->data->keyword = $keyword; $this->data->indice = Keyword::getIndice($keyword); $this->data->positions = Keyword::getPosition($keyword, $this->user->user['id'], $this->user->user['url']); $this->data->concurrents = Keyword::getConcurrents($keyword); } else { header('Location:/'); } }
public function saveSegmentMap($dataaccount) { /* $deleteIds = Word::where('dataaccount', $dataaccount)->get( array('id') ); $notDeleteIds = []; $tmp = []; */ //return Response::json( count(Input::get('idsToBeDeleted')) ); if (count(Input::get('idsToBeDeleted')) > 0) { Keyword::destroy(Input::get('idsToBeDeleted')); // refresh wordcloud only if some keyword is deleted Word::where('dataaccount', $dataaccount)->delete(); Word::createWordCloud($dataaccount); } foreach (Input::get('segmentMap') as $k => $word) { Word::where('dataaccount', $dataaccount)->where('word', $word['word'])->update(array('segment' => $word['segment'], 'brand' => $word['brand'], 'compete' => $word['compete'], 'negativeword' => $word['negativeword'], 'stopword' => $word['stopword'])); // 'numword'=>$word['numword'], // 'dataaccount'=>$word['dataaccount']) ); //$notDeleteIds[] = $word['id']; //Word::find( $word['id'] )->update($word); } /* foreach($deleteIds as $k=>$v) { if(in_array($v['id'], $notDeleteIds)) $tmp[] = $v['id']; } return $tmp; */ return Response::json(array('success' => true)); /* //return Response::json( count(Input::get('toBeDeleted')) ); if( count(Input::get('toBeDeleted')) > 0 ) Keyword::destroy(Input::get('toBeDeleted')); $tempId = []; $tempSeg = []; //return Response::json( count(Input::get('segmentMap')) ); if( count(Input::has('segmentMap')) > 0) { foreach(Input::get('segmentMap') as $key => $val) { $tempId[] = $val['id']; $tempSeg[] = $val['segment']; Keyword::find($val['id'])->update( array('usersegment' => $val['segment']) ); } } //Keyword::find($tempId)->update( array('usersegment' => $tempSeg) )->save(); return Response::json( Keyword::find($tempId) ); //return Response::json( array('success' => true) ); //return Response::json( Input::get('segmentMap') ); */ }
/** * Check keywords set for deletion * And move them to queue * * minutely ? */ public function queue_deleted_keywords() { $keywords = Keyword::inst()->get_by_is_deleted(1); if (!$keywords->exists()) { log_message('CRON_ERROR', __FUNCTION__ . ' > ' . 'No keywords for removal'); return; } foreach ($keywords as $keyword) { $args = $keyword->to_array(); $this->jobQueue->addJob('tasks/google_rank_task/remove_deleted', $args, array('thread' => self::GOOGLE_RANK_THREAD)); } $ids_str = implode(', ', array_values($keywords->all_to_single_array('id'))); log_message('CRON_SUCCESS', __FUNCTION__ . ' > ' . 'Keywords for removal ids: ' . $ids_str); return; }
public function actionIndex($isForced = false, $isDebug = false) { $console = Console::getInstance($isForced, $isDebug); $console->writeLine('Initializing'); $criteria = new CDbCriteria(); $criteria->alias = 'keyword'; $criteria->addCondition('keyword.period > 0'); $criteria->addNotInCondition('keyword.status', array(Keyword::STATUS_PENDING, Keyword::STATUS_TAKEN, Keyword::STATUS_IN_PROGRESS)); $keyword = Keyword::model()->findAll($criteria); $console->progressStart('Updating keywords', count($keyword)); foreach ($keyword as $k) { $console->progressStep(); if (time() > strtotime($k->checked_at) + $k->period) { $k->setStatus(Keyword::STATUS_PENDING); } } $console->progressEnd(); }
/** * Form with keywords list */ public function index() { $this->load->config('site_config', TRUE); $keywords_config = $this->config->item('keywords', 'site_config'); $keywords_count = isset($keywords_config['count']) && $keywords_config['count'] ? $keywords_config['count'] : 10; // get user additional info (address) $user_additional = User_additional::inst()->get_by_user_and_profile($this->c_user->id, $this->profile->id); // get available keywords $keywords = Keyword::inst()->get_user_keywords($this->c_user->id, $this->profile->id); if ($this->input->post()) { // validate posted address name $new_address_name = $this->input->post('address'); $adress_error_string = User_additional::validate_address($this->input->post()); // validate posted keywords $new_keywords_names = array_slice($this->input->post('keywords'), 0, $keywords_count); $keywords_errors = Keyword::validate_keywords($new_keywords_names); // chek for errors if (empty($adress_error_string) && empty($keywords_errors)) { $user_additional = $user_additional->update_address($this->input->post(), $this->c_user->id, $this->profile->id); $keywords = $keywords->update_keywords($new_keywords_names, $this->c_user->id, $this->profile->id); $this->addFlash(lang('keywords_saved_success'), 'success'); } else { $address_name = $new_address_name; $keywords_names = array_slice(array_values($this->input->post('keywords')), 0, $keywords_count); $errors = array('keywords' => $keywords_errors, 'address' => $adress_error_string); $this->addFlash($errors); } redirect('settings/keywords'); } // escape keywords names and website name $address_name = isset($address_name) ? HTML::chars($address_name) : HTML::chars($user_additional->address); $keywords_names = isset($keywords_names) ? HTML::chars_arr($keywords_names) : HTML::chars_arr(array_values($keywords->all_to_single_array('keyword'))); JsSettings::instance()->add(array('autocomplete_url' => site_url('settings/keywords/google_autocomplete'))); CssJs::getInst()->c_js(); $this->template->set('address_id', $user_additional->address_id); $this->template->set('address_name', $address_name); $this->template->set('keywords_names', $keywords_names); $this->template->set('keywords_count', $keywords_count); $this->template->render(); }
public static function createWordCloud2($dataaccountid) { $tagArray = []; $temp = []; $temp = Keyword::where('dataAccount', $dataaccountid)->get(array('keyword')); foreach ($temp as $key => $keywrd) { $temp = explode(" ", $keywrd->keyword); if (sizeof($temp) > 1) { if (isset($tagArray[$temp[0] . " " . $temp[1]])) { $tagArray[$temp[0] . " " . $temp[1]]++; } else { $tagArray[$temp[0] . " " . $temp[1]] = 1; } } } arsort($tagArray, SORT_NUMERIC); //Sort alphabetically $insertData = []; foreach ($tagArray as $word => $count) { $insertData[] = array('word' => $word, 'freq' => $count, 'numword' => 2, 'dataaccount' => $dataaccountid); } DB::table('wordcloud')->insert($insertData); return Response::json($tagArray); }
/** * @return string|array Array on DB validation errors, else string messages */ private function _saveSerp($keyword, $link) { $keyword = RequestMethods::post("keyword"); $link = RequestMethods::post("link"); $regex = Shared\Markup::websiteRegex(); if (!preg_match("/^{$regex}\$/", $link)) { return "Invalid URL"; } $serp = Keyword::first(array("link = ?" => $link, "user_id = ?" => $this->user->id, "keyword = ?" => $keyword, "serp = ?" => true)); if ($serp) { return "SERP Already Registered"; } $serp = new Keyword(array("link" => $link, "user_id" => $this->user->id, "keyword" => $keyword, "serp" => true)); if ($serp->validate()) { $serp->save(); return "Serp Action saved succesfully!!"; } else { $errors = $keyword->errors; return $errors; } }
public function destroy() { // poista kommentit Comment::delete_all_from_recipe($this->id); //poista ainesosat Ingredient::delete_from_recipe($this->id); Ingredient::delete_unused(); //poista avainsanat Keyword::delete_junctions($this->id); Keyword::delete_unused(); $query = DB::connection()->prepare("DELETE FROM Recipe WHERE id = :id"); $query->execute(array('id' => $this->id)); }
foreach ($ad_types as $class) { require_once '../classes/' . $class . '.php'; } require_once '../classes/GoogleCampaign.php'; require_once '../classes/Keyword.php'; $db = new DBAdapter2(array('host' => KWDB_HOST, 'username' => KWDB_USERNAME, 'password' => KWDB_PASSWORD, 'schema' => KWDB_SCHEMA)); $campaign = new GoogleCampaign($db); $campaign->ga_campaign_name = CAMPAIGN_NAME_BASE . " " . date("Y-m-d H i"); $campaign->save(); $db->executeSQL("SELECT keyword_id, keyword, occurs, word_count, source_keyword_id , c.l_image, c.l_make, c.l_color, c.l_model\n\t\t\t\t\tFROM m2m_keywords_to_niches a \n\t\t\t\t\tleft join keywords b using(keyword_id)\n\t\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN {$table} c USING(keyword_id)\nWHERE c.l_image!= '' and niche_id = " . NICHE . " and occurs > " . GROUP_SIZE . " and word_count > 2 order by word_count desc, occurs desc", $resultArry, $rowsAffected); $total = $rowsAffected; $left = $total; echo $total . " keywords\r\n"; $start_time = date('U'); $kws = array(); $keyword = new Keyword($db); $fp = fopen("../output/" . str_replace(" ", "_", $campaign->ga_campaign_name) . ".csv", "w+"); fputs($fp, "Campaign,Daily Budget,Language,Location,Proximity Targets,Ad Schedule,Ad Group,Max CPC,Keyword Type,Keyword,Image,Ad Name,Image Size,Display URL,Destination URL\r\n"); foreach ($resultArry as $val) { $adgroup = new GoogleImageAdGroup($db); $adgroup->giag_campaign_id = $campaign->ga_campaign_id; $adgroup->giag_display_url = DISPLAY_URL; $adgroup->buildDestinationUrl($val); $adgroup->save(); $adgroup->giag_name = "Ad " . $adgroup->giag_id . " " . $val['keyword']; $adgroup->save(); $ad = $adgroup->buildAds("http://images.kabel.co.il/photo/?url=" . $val['l_image'] . "§ion=realestate"); fputs($fp, "{$campaign->ga_campaign_name},20,iw,IL,,,{$adgroup}," . MAX_CPC . "\r\n"); foreach ($adgroup->ads as $add) { fputs($fp, "{$campaign->ga_campaign_name},,,,,,{$adgroup},,,," . $add->gia_image . "," . $add->gia_name . "," . $add->gia_size . "," . $adgroup->giag_display_url . ",\"" . $adgroup->giag_destination_url . "\"\r\n"); }
Keyword::add($sessionId); header('location:keywords.php?update=true'); } else { if (getAction() == "remove") { Keyword::remove($sessionId); header('location:keywords.php'); } else { if (getAction() == "enlist") { $keywords = Keyword::getKeywords($sessionId); foreach ($keywords as $keyword) { //print "<tr><td>".$keyword["str"]."<td width='80px'><form method='post' action='keywords.php?action=remove' ><input type='hidden' name='_id' value='".$keyword["_id"]."'><button>Remove</button></form>"; print $keyword["str"] . "\n"; } exit; } else { $keywords = Keyword::getKeywords($sessionId); } } } require_once "header.php"; ?> <style> #tableDiv{text-align:center;width:100%;margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;} #tableDiv table{text-align:center;width:100%;} #keyword{width:100%;text-align:center;} </style> <script>
public function buildLeads() { $leads = array(); $keywords = Keyword::model()->findAll('deleted_at IS NULL AND status = \'' . Keyword::STATUS_CHECKED . '\''); foreach ($keywords as $k) { $domain = ''; $executorCriteria = new CDbCriteria(); $executorCriteria->addCondition('keyword_id = :keyword_id'); $executorCriteria->addCondition('status = :status'); $executorCriteria->params = array(':keyword_id' => $k->id, ':status' => Executor::STATUS_DONE); $executorCriteria->order = 'id DESC'; $executor = Executor::model()->find($executorCriteria); if ($executor) { $site = Site::model()->findAll('executor_id = :executor_id', array(':executor_id' => $executor->id)); $domain .= $site[0]->domain; } else { $domain = 'This task has never been checked'; } array_push($leads, array('id' => $k->id, 'keyword' => $k->name, 'domain' => strlen($domain) > 0 ? $domain : 'No results ' . $executor->id, 'search_engine' => $k->search_engine, 'updated' => $executor->deleted_at)); } return new CArrayDataProvider($leads, array('sort' => array('attributes' => array('*')), 'pagination' => array('pageSize' => 50))); }
<?php include '../classes/keyword.php'; $error = Keyword::add_keyword($_POST['Keyword'], $_POST['Element_Type'], $_POST['Element_ID']); //if error (return nothing) if ($error != '1') { exit; } include '../include/element_keywords.php';
public function __construct($text = null, $matchType = null) { parent::__construct(); $this->text = $text; $this->matchType = $matchType; }
/** * Remove the specified resource from storage. * * @param int $id * @return Response */ public function destroy($id) { Keyword::destroy($id); return Response::json(array('success' => true)); }
function testCreate() { $this->item->keyword = "test kw " . date("U"); $this->assertTrue($this->item->save()); }
<?php /** * update_crontab.php * * 予約情報をcrontabにおとす * * simpleReservationが実行された時だけ実行すればよさそうに見えるが、 * crontabをapacheから書き換える事はできないので、cronから書き換える必要がある */ mb_language("ja"); require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/config.php'; // keywordから予約対象を調べて予約する Keyword::reserveAll(); // 一旦TMPに出す。 file_put_contents('/tmp/crontab.txt', RecorderService::generateCrontab()); exec('crontab /tmp/crontab.txt');