/** * Authenticate user * * @access private * @param string HTTP Authentication type (Basic, Digest, ...) * @param string Username * @param string Password * @return bool true on successful authentication */ function checkAuth($sType, $sUser, $sPass) { $this->ktwebdavLog('Entering checkAuth params are: ', 'info', true); $this->ktwebdavLog('sType: ' . $sType, 'info', true); $this->ktwebdavLog('sUser: '******'info', true); $this->ktwebdavLog('sPass: '******'info', true); // Authenticate user require_once KT_LIB_DIR . '/authentication/authenticationutil.inc.php'; if (empty($sUser)) { $this->ktwebdavLog('sUser is empty, returning false.', 'info', true); return false; } if (empty($sPass)) { $this->ktwebdavLog('sPass is empty, returning false.', 'info', true); return false; } $sUser = iconv('ISO-8859-1', 'UTF-8', $sUser); $sPass = iconv('ISO-8859-1', 'UTF-8', $sPass); $oUser =& User::getByUsername($sUser); if (PEAR::isError($oUser) || $oUser === false) { $this->ktwebdavLog('User not found: ' . $sUser . '.', 'error'); $this->lastMsg = 'User not found: ' . $sUser . '.'; return false; } $authenticated = KTAuthenticationUtil::checkPassword($oUser, $sPass); if ($authenticated === false) { $this->ktwebdavLog('Password incorrect for ' . $sUser . '.', 'error'); $this->lastMsg = 'Password incorrect for ' . $sUser . '.'; return false; } if (PEAR::isError($authenticated)) { $this->ktwebdavLog('Password incorrect for ' . $sUser . '.', 'error'); $this->lastMsg = 'Password incorrect for ' . $sUser . '.'; return false; } $oUser->setLastLogin(date('Y-m-d H:i:s')); $oUser->update(); $this->ktwebdavLog('Session ID is: ' . $sessionID, 'info', true); $this->ktwebdavLog('UserID is: ' . $oUser->getId(), 'info', true); $this->_setUserID($oUser->getId()); $_SESSION['userID'] = $this->_getUserID(); $this->ktwebdavLog('SESSION UserID is: ' . $_SESSION['userID'], 'info', true); $this->ktwebdavLog("Authentication Success.", 'info', true); return true; }
function do_synchroniseGroup() { $old_search = KTUtil::arrayGet($_REQUEST, 'old_search'); require_once KT_LIB_DIR . '/authentication/authenticationutil.inc.php'; $oGroup =& $this->oValidator->validateGroup($_REQUEST['group_id']); $res = KTAuthenticationUtil::synchroniseGroupToSource($oGroup); $this->successRedirectTo('manageusers', 'Group synchronised', sprintf('group_id=%d', $oGroup->getId()), sprintf("old_search=%s&do_search=1", $old_search)); exit(0); }
function do_autoSignup() { $oSource =& $this->oValidator->validateAuthenticationSource($_REQUEST['source_id']); $oProvider =& KTAuthenticationUtil::getAuthenticationProviderForSource($oSource); $oDispatcher = $oProvider->getSignupDispatcher($oSource); $oDispatcher->subDispatch($this); exit(0); }
function validateUser($username, $password) { //return DBAuthenticator::checkPassword($username, $password); $oUser =& User::getByUsername($username); if (PEAR::isError($oUser) || is_a($oUser, 'KTEntityNoObjects')) { return false; } return KTAuthenticationUtil::checkPassword($oUser, $password); }
} } if (empty($oSource)) { printf("No authentication source named %s found\n", $sSourceName); exit(1); } $oFieldset =& KTFieldset::getByNamespace($sFieldsetNamespace); if (PEAR::isError($oFieldset)) { printf("No fieldset named %s found\n", $sFieldsetNamespace); exit(1); } $oField = DocumentField::getByFieldsetAndName($oFieldset, $sFieldName); if (PEAR::isError($oField)) { printf("No field named %s found in fieldset %s\n", $sFieldName, $sFieldsetNamespace); exit(1); } $oAuthenticator =& KTAuthenticationUtil::getAuthenticatorForSource($oSource); $oLdap =& $oAuthenticator->oLdap; $aParams = array('scope' => 'sub', 'attributes' => array($sAttribute)); $aResults = $oLdap->search($sRootDn, $sSearch, $aParams); $aValues = array(); foreach ($aResults->entries() as $oEntry) { // print $oEntry->dn() . "\n"; $sValue = $oEntry->get_value($sAttribute, 'single'); // print $sValue . "\n"; if (!empty($sValue)) { $aValues[] = $sValue; } } $aValues = array_unique($aValues); KTMetadataUtil::synchroniseMetadata($oField, $aValues);
function dispatch() { if (empty($this->session)) { $this->session = new Session(); $this->sessionStatus = $this->session->verify(); if ($this->sessionStatus !== true) { $this->loginRequired(); } //var_dump($this->sessionStatus); $this->oUser =& User::get($_SESSION['userID']); $oProvider =& KTAuthenticationUtil::getAuthenticationProviderForUser($this->oUser); $oProvider->verify($this->oUser); } if ($this->bAdminRequired !== false) { if (!Permission::userIsSystemAdministrator($_SESSION['userID'])) { $this->permissionDenied(); exit(0); } } if ($this->check() !== true) { $this->permissionDenied(); exit(0); } return parent::dispatch(); }
/** * This returns a session object based on authentication credentials. * * @author KnowledgeTree Team * @access public * @static * @param KTAPI $ktapi Instance of the KTAPI object * @param string $username The users username * @param string $password The users password * @param string $ip Optional. The users IP address - if null, the method will attempt to resolve it * @param string $app Optional. The originating application type - Default is ws => webservices | webapp => The web application * @return KTAPI_Session|PEAR_Error Returns the KATPI_UserSession | a PEAR_Error on failure */ function &start_session(&$ktapi, $username, $password, $ip = null, $app = 'ws') { $this->active = false; if (empty($username)) { return new PEAR_Error(_kt('The username is empty.')); } $user =& User::getByUsername($username); if (PEAR::isError($user) || $user === false) { return new KTAPI_Error(_kt("The user '{$username}' cound not be found."), $user); } if (empty($password)) { return new PEAR_Error(_kt('The password is empty.')); } $authenticated = KTAuthenticationUtil::checkPassword($user, $password); if (PEAR::isError($authenticated) || $authenticated === false) { return new KTAPI_Error(_kt("The password is invalid."), $authenticated); } if (is_null($ip)) { //$ip = ''; $ip = KTAPI_UserSession::resolveIP(); } $result = KTAPI_UserSession::_check_session($user, $ip, $app); if (PEAR::isError($result)) { return $result; } list($session, $sessionid) = $result; $session =& new KTAPI_UserSession($ktapi, $user, $session, $sessionid, $ip); return $session; }
<?php require_once '../../../../config/dmsDefaults.php'; require_once KT_LIB_DIR . '/authentication/authenticationutil.inc.php'; require_once KT_LIB_DIR . '/authentication/authenticationsource.inc.php'; require_once 'Net/LDAP.php'; $oKTConfig =& KTConfig::getSingleton(); $oAuthenticator = KTAuthenticationUtil::getAuthenticatorForSource(2); $config = array('dn' => $oAuthenticator->sSearchUser, 'password' => $oAuthenticator->sSearchPassword, 'host' => $oAuthenticator->sLdapServer, 'base' => $oAuthenticator->sBaseDN); $oLdap =& Net_LDAP::connect($config); if (PEAR::isError($oLdap)) { var_dump($oLdap); exit(0); } $aParams = array('scope' => 'sub', 'attributes' => array('cn', 'dn', 'displayClass')); $rootDn = $oAuthenticator->sBaseDN; if (is_array($rootDn)) { $rootDn = join(",", $rootDn); } $oResults = $oLdap->search($rootDn, '(objectClass=group)', $aParams); foreach ($oResults->entries() as $oEntry) { var_dump($oEntry->dn()); }
function autoSignup($sUsername, $sPassword, $aExtra) { $aSources = KTAuthenticationSource::getSources(); foreach ($aSources as $oSource) { $oProvider = KTAuthenticationUtil::getAuthenticationProviderForSource($oSource); $res = $oProvider->autoSignup($sUsername, $sPassword, $aExtra, $oSource); if ($res) { return $res; } } return false; }
<?php require_once "../../config/dmsDefaults.php"; require_once KT_LIB_DIR . '/groups/Group.inc'; require_once KT_LIB_DIR . '/authentication/authenticationutil.inc.php'; $oGroup = Group::get(5); $foo = KTAuthenticationUtil::synchroniseGroupToSource($oGroup); var_dump($foo);
function handleUserDoesNotExist($username, $password, $aExtra = null) { if (empty($aExtra)) { $aExtra = array(); } // Check if the user has been deleted before allowing auto-signup $delUser = User::checkDeletedUser($username); if ($delUser) { return; } $oKTConfig = KTConfig::getSingleton(); $allow = $oKTConfig->get('session/allowAutoSignup', true); if ($allow) { $res = KTAuthenticationUtil::autoSignup($username, $password, $aExtra); if (empty($res)) { return $res; } if (is_a($res, 'User')) { $this->performLogin($res); } if (is_a($res, 'KTAuthenticationSource')) { $_SESSION['autosignup'] = $aExtra; $this->redirectTo('autoSignup', array('source_id' => $res->getId(), 'username' => $username)); exit(0); } } }
<?php require_once "../../config/dmsDefaults.php"; require_once KT_LIB_DIR . '/authentication/authenticationutil.inc.php'; $oUser =& User::getByUserName('nbm2'); if (0) { $foo = KTAuthenticationUtil::checkPassword($oUser, 'asdf'); var_dump($foo); } else { $foo = KTAuthenticationUtil::checkPassword($oUser, 'asdjasdjk'); var_dump($foo); }